The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 230 My Gift For You

Chapter 230 My Gift For You

"Explain", King Lax'rad said after he sat down.

The representatives of the legions are already sitting in a room inside the Vampire's castle.

Chandelier made of black diamonds decorate the ceiling, long tables covered with a beautiful scarlet tablecloth, and all kinds of meats are present on the table.

It looks like a dining room of the Vampires,

With the number of dishes on the table, added with the red liquid on each of their glasses should indicate somekind of celebration.

But the atmosphere inside the room is not relaxed at all, in fact, it is choking tense.

King Saruth leans his head on his hand playfully before he said, "The host should explain right, why are you all looking at me"

"But I don't mind you looking at me though, Qinvia", he added while looking at the succubus.

Hearing this, the woman that Saruth called Qinvia scoffed.

She raises her black steel claws that emits a horrifying aura before she said, "I'll gauge out your eyes Saruth, I'm here as the queen's representatives so don't think that I won't dare"

King Saruth chuckles lightly, he seems didn't mind getting threatened by Qinvia.

Hearing their quarrel, Queen Nezera coughs to get their attention.

It took about five seconds for the others to avert their glare from Saruth, and when Nezera got their attention she then explained, "As you all know, we manage to breach the Great Barricade and invade humans' territory"

"But the plan we did is a risky one, so King Saruth here asks the Vampires if we're willing to take the risk together with him so that's why you might see King Saruth and King Solomon meet a couple of times"

Lax'rad is tapping the tables with his boney hands impatiently, "I want to know how did you, Saruth, manage to awaken the blue demons"

"It's all thanks to Solomon if I may say", Saruth intervenes.

He then stares at Lax'rad before he takes out a piece of ashy stone that is glowing with intense demonic energy.

Looking at the stone, "Abaddon Stone, How did you get this?", the succubus asks.

"We got it from a ruin in our territory, it's not too long ago since we found it which means the world chooses the demon not us", Nezera replied calmly.

Hearing this, Lax'rad covers his skeleton head in thought.

What Nezera said makes his anger unjust,

For Supernaturals, there are certain items that will help them in achieving a breakthrough or even awakening other Supernatural, but they can't find any of those items until now.

The Abaddon Stone is an essential stone for the demons, and Nezera said that it's found.

This can only mean what she said from the start is true, the world is awakening and they choose demons instead of other Supernatural by birthing the Abaddon Stone first.

While Nezera, Saruth, and Lax'rad are quarreling.

Bertolf and Oddity stay silent from the side, sometimes they glance at each other briefly but none of the others saw it.

Even during Nezera's explanation, both of them don't seem to listen to it.

Lax'rad then finally said, "Alright I'll believe you for now, so what's the plan for the Strongholds?"

"Before we continue, are any of you have objections to what we did?", Nezera asks while making eye contact with each of the ones present.

After waiting for a few seconds, Nezera nodded her head after the others didn't object.

She then said, "Then, here's our plan"

Two hours passed as the meeting ended, and the door to the dining room opened as Lax'rad, and Qinvia left the room and went to their armies.

Saruth also got out right after them,

When Nezera wanted to go out, she suddenly got pulled to the side by King Oddity and Bertolf who stayed back intentionally.

"Is there a problem gentlemen?", Nezera asks with a frown.

She saw that both Oddity and Bertolf are gazing at her intently, and she instantly knows that they have something to discuss with her.

King Oddity waves his hand as a barrier blocking the entrance to the dining room.

"I got a question to ask you Nezera", Bertolf said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nezera looks at him in confusion, "Then why don't you ask me before? We can discuss your concern during the meeting"

Bertolf smiles exposing his sharp teeth as an answer.

"You don't want the others to know", Nezera added after realizing their intent.

After Nezera was on the same page as them, King Oddity then asks, "We know that you tasked the Delarosa family in kidnapping a huge amount of humans, and I want to know where they're kept"

"King Baralt wanted a souvenir, so can I look around the stock too?", Bertolf added with a smirk.

Nezera was pushed to the corner, she was trying to read the two.

She stammers under the two attention as Bertolf said, "You can't because I can't smell them which means they're not here, Why are you taking them if not for food stock"

"What are you using them for Nezera? or Should we tell the others about this?", King Oddity added sharply.

Getting pushed to the corner, Nezera finally sighs, "They're not for food stock..."


"Here we are, the best and biggest training ground in the whole Ratmawati City", Edward said after coming out of the car.

Rex and Kyran came out of the car two, and they saw the place in front of them.

There are two buildings in front of them, one is bigger than the other and just from the looks of them, it is clear that both buildings are designed for different people.

Between both buildings lies a floating blue crystal that emits an immense amount of energy.

There's an inverted pyramid-shaped rock on top of the crystal that is also floating, blue sparks of energy spark a couple of times around the crystal making Rex's body rejuvenated, and chains also hover around the blue crystal holding it in place.

It is a magical place, and this is the first time Rex saw this kind of place.

After dropping Adhara in the UWO headquarters, they decided to go here because this is a famous place in sector 2A.

Adhara will be convincing Vargas, and Rex knows it will take time.

That is why they decided to go here,

An Elite training ground for Awakened that is also popular in other sectors and all of the descendants of the 25 Golden Crests spend most of their time here.

Rex looks at the entrance in front of him in awe,

There's a sign on top of the entrance, and it's carved with mana and is filled with energy.

'Crystalline of Mana', that is what the sign said.

"Let's go, we'll see what the hype is about", Edward said leading Rex and Kyran.

There is only one road from the entrance leading to the blue floating crystal, and Rex can see many people around him but it's not as crowded as he thought it will be.

In fact, there are only about 20ish people in front of him, which is minuscule for this place.

After following the road path, they arrive under the blue floating crystal with many receptionists on a floating desk made of rock tasked to tend to the Awakened.

About five desks can be seen in front of Rex, and it didn't take long for it to be Rex's turn.

Rex walks in front followed by Edward and Kyran,

In front of them are two receptionists, and they're looking at them with a smile.

There's a blue formation underneath their desk, which Rex thought is the formation to make them float like this.

"Welcome to Crystalline of Mana, Please stand on the side so we can assess your power", one of the receptionists said politely.

Hearing this, Rex and the others take turns to stand on the side.

They stand on a blue formation,

The formation then duplicate into two as it scans their body, and after the glowing formation dimmed the receptionist said.

"Early Fifth Rank, Black Lightning Elementalist"

"Peak Fourth Rank, Hellfire Elementalist"


The receptionist said after looking at their result,

Rex was surprised by the formation, it can also identify their elements rather than only identifying their power.

But then, the receptionist said, "I'm sorry, non-Awakened is not allowed here"

"He's here to accompany me, Can you let him pass this one time?", Rex asks, he doesn't want to let Kyran wait for them in the car.

Hearing this, the receptionist smiled apologetically, "Sorry sir, I can't do that"

Rex smack his lips in displeasure, although he wanted to try to train here he doesn't want to leave Kyran alone so he decided to leave.

Edward also sighs as he takes Kyran back, but then suddenly,

"Wait!!", a voice called out to them

Rex and the others stopped upon hearing the voice, they turns to look at their back and find a man running towards them from the side.

Looking at this, the receptionists widen their eyes, "Sir Manager?!"

The man that is called the manager glare at the receptionists making them both swallow harshly, he then turns his head towards Rex before he walks towards Rex.

"Rex Silverstar, It's a pleasure to meet you", the man stretched out his hand with a smile, he even bowed his body a little while doing this.

Rex shakes the man's hand in confusion, "Yes? Nice meeting you but I have to leave"

Hearing this, the manager stopped Rex on his track and said politely, "What seems to be the problem here, Aren't you going to train here?"

"I was, but the receptionists said I can't bring a non-Awakened here", Rex replied.

The manager sent another glare to the receptionists again before he said, "Who said there's such a rule? You can bring a non-Awakened. Please come with me"

Edward and Rex look at each other in confusion, but then they finally decide to follow the man.

The manager lead them to the left building,

Rex scans the surrounding Awakened and finds that none of them has sixth rank power, 'So this place is for 1st-5th rank Awakened, while the other is for higher rank Awakened', Rex thought.

Green lushes of grass decorate the ground and different kinds of trees also filled the surroundings making the view look amazing.

Kyran widen his eyes when he saw faint blue balls of energy coming out of the grass.

He's not the only one who notices that, even Rex and Edward notice it and they both are also surprised by this scenery.

"We call them the Mana Sphere, it amplifies the mana potency around here by a couple of times making this place the perfect place for training", the man explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head because he too feel the abundance of mana.

They went inside the building and is greeted by four halls that lead to different places, the white marble floor is cold, and the sound of people training can be heard.

After entering, the man explained, "This place accommodates any training for new Awakened to fifth rank Awakened, feel free to walk around or even ask me about the place"

Rex looks around the place in amazement, 'If I use Mana Charm Elixir, this place will match training using high-grade elemental stone or perhaps even faster!'

This place is shocking from the entrance all the way to the facilities and buildings.

"The Crystalline of Mana works in an achievement-based manner, with your achievement you earn the right to use this place any time you want", the man added.

Hearing this, Rex then asks, "It applies to my friend too right?"

The man smiles wryly, but under Rex's gaze he finally said, "Of course, your friend is also an asset to humanity"

After talking for a bit, the man left them alone.

Rex and the others try to figure out the place by searching available facilities in a hologram pad, and Rex finds that he's qualified to use the VIP room.

They then booked a VIP room before they got guided by the staff there.

Arriving at the room, Rex is greeted by a huge space a room that has different kinds of things that Rex has never seen before.

The mana here is even richer than at the training ground at Faraday University.

Rex can feel the floor is not an actual floor because this one is soft,

"Alright, we'll be training here until Adhara came back from the UWO headquarters", Rex said with a hint of excitement.

Edward is also pumped with the thing he saw inside, but Kyran is not as excited.

Who would blame him, this facility is made for an Awakened but he's not an Awakened he just got power from Rex.

Rex notices Kyran's blank expression but he got something to cheer him up.

"Before we start training, I got something for the both of you", Rex said with a mysterious smile.

Hearing this, Edward and Kyran look at him in confusion.josei

But then suddenly,


Two basketball size orbs suddenly appeared on Rex's hand,

One orb emits powerful dark energy that engulfed his left hand completely, while the other orb emits scorching hot energy that burns Rex's right hand.

Looking at this, Edward and Kyran widened their eyes in surprise.

"What the heck is that?!!", Edward shouted in shock.

Kyran on the other hand has fixed his gaze on the dark orb, his eyes can't let go of the terrifying dark orb as if it's talking to him.

Rex's smiles grow wider, "My gift for both of you"

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