The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 243 Vampire Kingdom Turmoil

Chapter 243 Vampire Kingdom Turmoil

The Vampire Kingdom was in turmoil as Solomon pass a King's Decree to every Vampire in his kingdom about the Prince of Werewolf.

Because of the urgency of Rex's emergence, Solomon puts a bounty on Rex's head.

The King's Decree is a direct one, and every Vampire understands it.

It stated that the Werewolf in the Humans Territory is a threat for Supernatural because he's working with the humans, and thus Solomon hereby decree that anyone who manages to bring his head will be rewarded with bountiful rewards and even Marquess or Marchioness nobility.

But if anyone manages to capture him alive, they will not just get the rewards but also an instant promotion to Duke or Duchess that has the same authority as the King and Queen.

This of course made the Noble Families or even regular families went crazy.

Out of all of the Noble Families, only the Demelza Family got the rank of a Duchess which trumps over the other noble family because of the Spell Research.

They don't have equal authority as the King and Queen, they're lower by far.

But now, King Solomon doesn't just reward the Vampire who manages to finish this decree with Duke Rank Nobility but also authority equal to the King and Queen.

This alone will tempt Demelza Family let alone other families.

Demelza Family,

"Queen Demelza, there's a King's Decree that you must know about", a humble servant of the Demelza family said kneeling on the ground while giving Demelza a Royal Scroll.

Hearing this, Demelza glance at the servant lazily before she takes the scroll and reads it.

But then,


The fancy glass that she's holding fall to the ground before shattering to pieces, her eyes widened while reading the scroll as her pinkish aura blasted out of her body.

"JULIA!!", Demelza called loudly.

Right after her shout, a female Vampire appear in the shadow of the throne room, "You called me, My Queen"

"Which noble family guards the stronghold?", She asks sharply.

Hearing this, Julia bowed her head deeper before she replied politely, "Blaque, Thorn, and Santiago Family are the ones guarding the stronghold"

Demelza's expression turns evil when she hears the first family.

"Order the withdrawal of the Blaque Family, we will be the one guarding the stronghold and tell my cousins to lead two groups to find that wretched Werewolf", She instructed as her eyes glow purplish.

She then added, "Make sure to find that Werewolf before the others, that is an order!"

Julia bowed her head before she left the throne room like a shadow.

Vampire Stronghold,

Inside a huge tent that is lit with candles, there is a Vampire sitting in a high seat while lazily leans his head on his hand.

The inside of the tent has nothing much except for furniture, and a couple of captured humans.

Sob Sob...

The captured humans sobbed lightly as they steal glances at the Vampire.

Because of the Vampire's presence, they didn't dare to be noisy as they hold in their cries, only a low sob can be heard from them.

There is a bite mark on their necks, and it's definitely the Vampire's doing.

Not long after, another Vampire went inside the tent as he glance at the captured humans while his eyes glow red making the captured humans close in together in fright.

Seeing this, the Vampire chuckles before he approaches the Vampire sitting in the high seat.

"Samuel, I just got news about the King's Decree from one of my men in the Kingdom. It's said that there's a hunt for a Werewolf in the Humans Territory, the one that manages to capture it will be promoted to Duke Rank and has the authority equal to the King and Queen", The Vampire wearing a high-collar black jacket said to Samuel, the Vampire that is sitting on the high seat.

Hearing this, Samuel's lazy eyes widen slightly.

His long brown hair that covered his face got swayed to the side exposing his face, there's a straight line scar on his face crossing his right eye.

A necklace decorates his neck with a black pendant on it that emits mysterious energy.

"Equal to the King's Authority? Interesting...", Samuel said while rubbing his chin, he's thinking for a moment as to the sudden King's Decree.

The Vampire in front of him then said, "It's a thousand years opportunity, that bitch Demelza will probably issue our withdrawal with the authority she has so we need to make plan fast"

Hearing this, Samuel stands up from his seat and approaches the captured humans.

Looking at the approaching Samuel, the captured human force their shackled body back feeling the intense threatening gaze from Samuel.

But amongst the captured humans, a woman keeps her eye contact with Samuel.

A smile crept on Samuel's face as he stopped in front of the woman, he then squat down to meet the woman's eyes level.

"What's your name?", Samuel asks lightly.

The woman kept gazing at Samuel and she seems to bore hatred to Samuel.

Aside from the Vampire being a Supernatural that mercilessly kills humans, their traits are very similar to humans and Samuel's appearance is by no means far different from humans.josei

Samuel has a devilishly handsome face that can sway any woman,

His slight smile enchantingly exposes the two fangs in his mouth, his upright and muscular body enhances his physical attraction and also his red eyes that glow teasingly in front of the woman.

But the woman in front of him is glaring at him, she didn't get swayed one bit.

The woman then replied, "Katrina", she said sharply.

Seeing this, Samuel smiles before he asks again, "Well Katrina, Have you ever heard about a weird human that has Werewolf-like behavior?"

Upon getting questioned by Samuel, Katrina looked at the other captured humans.

But when she turned her head to the right, Samuel hold her chin lightly and points her eyes back at him, "Are you afraid of me? Katrina?"

"I never fear the Supernatural, you should fear us instead", she said mockingly.

This makes Samuel chuckle as he puts the tip of his claw below Katrina's throat, he then drags his claw down scratching Katrina's skin lightly.

He kept going down ripping Katrina's shirt before stopping right in the middle of her chest.

Katrina held her breath subconsciously feeling the slight prickle on her skin, blood leaked on a straight line following Samuel's claw.

Samuel stopped his claw right in front of her heart, "Such a Fearless woman", he mutters.

"But you can't lie to me, I can sense your fast-beating heart", he said with a smirk, "The blood rushing through your veins", before he finally added lightly making all of the captured human's feel a chill on their backs, "and Your Fear..."

As if a death god approaching them, and whispers lightly on their ears.

Samuel's words bring imminent fear to the captured humans.

Katrina gulps harshly as her heart beat faster in fright,

Samuel then glance at the others before he said, "Do any of you know such a thing? I'll reward you handsomely if you tell me something about it"

"I know something", Katrina suddenly said.

Hearing this, a smile appears on Samuel's face, "Hoo... Then tell me, I'm a man of my words"

After a slight hesitation, Katrina finally said with a sigh, "There's an accident during the full-moon, the people of Rine City suffer a massacre during the full-moon and the UWO suspected that they're the work of a stray Werewolf"

Samuel and the Vampire listen to her attentively, they both gaze at Katrina sharply.

Under such a fierce gaze from the two Vampires, Katrina averted her gaze feeling the pressure they emitted is suffocating.

But then suddenly, both Samuel and the Vampire smirk.


In a blink of an eye, Samuel pierced his claws straight into Katrina's chest as his claws burst through from her back.



The captured humans shouted in shock from the sudden event.

They saw how Katrina got stabbed by Samuel's claws brutally, she spat a mouthful of blood before realizing that her chest has a gaping hole on it.

She burst another mouthful of blood before she fall to the ground with a thud.


Samuel who just killed Katrina is savoring Katrina's blood on his hand, he licked it savagely with an evil smirk on his face.

"I forgot to tell you, I can also sense your lie...", he said mockingly.

After killing Katrina, Samuel then turns his body towards the other Vampire and said, "You lead a group to try to investigate this Werewolf, I'm putting my trust in you, Felix"

Hearing this, Felix nodded his head slightly.

"What about Demelza? She will definitely withdraw our position for her family", Felix asked with a frown on his face.

The corner of Samuel's mouth quirk up slightly, "She may be a Duchess, but she can't withdraw a group of Vampire that is not on the stronghold"



The man who brings a big turmoil on the Vampire Kingdom is washing his face in the bathroom, he doesn't know that he has just become a target for the Vampire.

Trouble is coming towards him from all directions, but Rex is oblivious to all of it.

Rex is still washing his face after giving the truth to Kyran.

From how Kyran answered his question, Rex know that Kyran is still him for the first time that he discovered that he's alive but turns into a Werewolf.

The thought of ending his life crosses his mind many times at that time.

Because of that, Rex doesn't want Kyran to feel the same knowing that he might commit suicide just like he thought of doing before.

Thankfully or not thankfully, Rex manage to move on for a bit from his negative thoughts.

Adhara and Kyran are forcing him to reveal the truth,

They both push Rex to the corner telling him as if he didn't trust Kyran, but the reason why he didn't tell Kyran is not that he didn't trust him.

But on the contrary, he knows exactly how Kyran would feel.

Although he already decided to tell Kyran that he's a Werewolf, aside from knowing how it feels, truthfully, he doesn't know how Kyran will react to the revelation.

People are different from each other Rex knows that, but that may not indicate in a good way.

If Kyran has a weaker will than him then committing suicide is possible, and Rex will need to keep an eye on him these days.

But all he can hope is for Kyran to accept it better than him.

The story between Rex and Kyran is almost the same, they both watch their families die in front of them at the hands of the Supernatural with nothing that they can do to save them.

Because of that, Rex knows exactly how Kyran would feel.

That is why he asked those questions to Kyran to make him realize, the truth is not always pretty and he must live with it.

Just like Rex who lives off the fact that he became a Supernatural unwantedly.

But now that Rex thinks about it, the question he asks for Kyran is not to make him realize that the truth is not always pretty but rather to ask himself.

What would he do if the current him go back in time to that night?

Will he be able to save his parents from that monster? The Werewolf that makes his entire being tremble in fright, Is the current him able to stand in front of that Werewolf?

What will his parents think of him turning into a Supernatural?

Will he kill himself?

​ These questions are questions that haunt Rex in his daily life or even his dream, he never talks about it because he doesn't want to think about it.

But deep down he knows that he needs to have an answer to these questions.


Water splashes Rex's face again as he was drowned in his thoughts, Nobody knows about his real parents except for Edward and Laura.

Even Adhara and Rosie only know his parents are Mrs. Greene and Robert, they didn't know his real parents.

Looking back at his reflection, Rex inhales deeply.

All of the pent-up emotion in his head is pushed by Rex inside a box, the box that he's trying to lock inside his head but lately has been leaking.

With a deep exhale, Rex's expression turns stoic again before he left the bathroom.

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