The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 253 Vashag The Mist Demon

Chapter 253 Vashag The Mist Demon

"Did we kill it?", Rex mumbles lightly.

Without a doubt, that spell that he conjures added with Adhara's new great spell is the most destructive spell that both of them ever did.

Both of their energy clashed against each other and exploded pushing them away.

If any normal sixth rank mutated animals, Supernatural, or even Awakened got hit by that, Rex is confident that they won't stand back up.

His hopeful thinking vanished after waiting for a couple of moments.

'The quest has not finished yet', Rex thought with a frown.

Although the system told Rex to survive against Vashag's attack, killing it should also finish the quest because he and Adhara survived.

But there is no notification that Rex hoped to pop in front of him.

"Adhara!", Rex shouted.

Vashag is clearly not dead yet, Rex didn't even know if that attack hurt it at all.

Hearing Rex called out to her, Adhara then shouted back, "I'm here!!"

After hearing Adhara's voice, Rex dashes towards her voice direction with full caution.

The mist and the rain are still making his vision blurry and his senses dull, he walks blindly inside the mist with Adhara's voice as his guide.

"Keep shouting!", Rex called out because he still can't find Adhara.

Right after he shouted that Adhara's voice can be heard again, "I'm here!"

But upon hearing her voice, Rex frowns as he looks at his back with a frown, "Didn't her voice come from this way?", Rex mumbles in confusion.

Adhara should be right around in front of him,

Rex feels that he's already close with Adhara's first voice direction, but then her second shout suddenly came from his back.

'Did this mist confuses my sense of direction too?', Rex thought warily.

This mist is Vashag's main advantage as it seems to live in this place, so Rex is currently at a huge disadvantage as he can't seem to find a way to get out of here.

It's like fighting a shark in the sea,

Rex's movement is restricted, he can't see beyond the deep-sea darkness while the shark on the other hand can see and feel his every movement.

After stopping for a moment, Rex ran to the other side.

"I'm here!", Adhara's voice can be heard again, and it is very close.

But then, another voice interrupted Rex, "Rex! I'm here!!"

Another voice can be heard from the opposite direction Rex is going to, and the voice should be Adhara and this makes Rex frown in confusion.

It's like something is playing with him, and he can't tell which one is real.

At the end of Rex's vision, he saw a silhouette not far from him, "Adhara!", Rex shouted.

But upon getting closer to the silhouette, the silhouette turns out to be very tall and it's clear that the silhouette is Vashag as its red eyes glare at Rex.

"I'm here...", Vashag suddenly said making Rex widen his eyes in horror.

The voice that came out of Vashag's mouth is identical to Adhara, 'He can mimic Adhara's sound?!', Rex thought in surprise.

In a flash, Vashag suddenly appears behind Rex.

Rex's body wanted to react after sensing Vashag is on his back but it's too late.


"HUAKH!!", Rex spat a mouthful of blood as he got hit right on his stomach.

His force barrier can't withstand one attack from Vashag as it shatters into a million pieces.

But the attack didn't stop,

Vashag turns into a mist, appears behind him before attacking him again.

Its movement is fast and every time Rex wanted to block its attack, Vashag's limbs turn into mist before it attacks with its other limbs.



Rex got pushed by Vashag's attack as he creates two lines on the ground trying to stop the momentum from pushing him further.

Blood leaked out of his mouth because of Vashag's heavy attack.

"Rex! Where are you?!", Adhara shouted from Rex's back.

Hearing this, Rex gritted his teeth as he shouted, "Just try to get out of this place! I will be fleeing right after you"

After shouting that, Rex then look to his front and saw Vashag staring at him.

Its red glowing eyes fixated on him before suddenly, its entire being turned into the mist but there's a slight smirk that can be seen on its face before vanishing.

Looking at this, Rex frown for a moment before suddenly.


"Adhara?!", Rex shouted after hearing a crashing sound from his back.

While gritting his teeth, Rex dashes towards the sound direction as his body started making cracking sounds.

<Werewolf Form!>

<All of the user's stats have been increased by 100%!>

Having no time to waste, Rex was forced to turn into his Werewolf form.

Rex's muscles become even stronger and bigger, his body gains a few inches in height as two horns curving back and down grow on his head.

His aura instantly changed as it grows even violent.


The ground cracked every time Rex dashes towards the sound direction, his speed now is two times faster than before.

Now that he turn into his Werewolf Form,

Rex can sense Adhara's whereabouts because of their invisible link to each other, but aside from that, his senses are still dull just like during his human form.


After reaching where Adhara should be, Rex saw Vashag slamming Adhara to the ground.


Fresh blood burst from Adhara's mouth as she got slammed to the ground, even the ground creates a web-like crack because of the impact.

Seeing this, Rex's eyes becomes violent,


His body turns into a streak of lightning, and in a flash, he appeared beside Vashag.

Vashag can be seen surprised for a moment seeing Rex suddenly appear beside it, but right when Rex was about to punch Vashag with Force Beam.

Its body turns into mist again and materializes on Rex's back.

But this time, Rex is already prepared for it, "Flash!"


Rex activates a spell as his body blurred and reappeared on Vashag's back, it happened in the blink of a second catching Vashag off guard.

"Force Beam!!"


His fist connects sending Vashag crashing away,

Because of the mist environment, Vashag is almost untouchable because of its ability to turn into mist whenever Rex's attack was about to land on it.

But by analyzing its movement, and the way its stats look.

Rex found that there is a loophole to beat Vashag,

Its agility is relatively low compared to the other stats, this means Rex needs to be faster than Vashag whenever it attacked.

This proved to be effective,


Rex landed another punch as he flashes step Vashag's claw swipe.

With one slash from its claw, Rex's tough skin is slashed open which shows just how sharp Vashag's claw really is.


Another Force Beam connects at Vashag's stomach as it growls in pain.

Before Vashag can recover, Rex's fist already glows with a yellow hue and also black lightning as he punches Vashag right on its face.



A cracking sound can be heard right after Rex punched Vashag's face.

'I think I broke something', Rex thought with a smile.

While this is all happening, Adhara is trying to stand up with difficulty because she just got bodied by Vashag.

The power gap is too wide between them, and she might die if Rex hadn't come in clutch.

"Are you okay?", Rex asks after blasting Vashag away.

Looking at Rex's form, Adhara got surprised for a moment before she sigh.

Adhara then fall to her knees weakly, she feel her back with her hand before she said with a painful look, "I think my ribs broke"

Hearing this, Rex sigh, "Let's get out of here"

Although Adhara is also a Werewolf, she's nothing but a regular Werewolf.

Both Adhara and Kyran haven't reached high Werewolf yet, and their healing ability is above average than Awakened at best.

But right after he said that,


A deafening roar penetrated their eardrums, Rex and Adhara covered their ears with their hands.

Because of that roar, both Adhara and Rex feel dizzy for some reason.

<The user's stats has been decreased by 20%>

The system's notification follows after the loud roar, and Rex glance at the roar direction with a slight worry because of it.

"We need to run", Rex said before carrying Adhara in a princess style.

Rex then started to run in a random direction trying to flee from Vashag, but Rex can still sense Vashag's eyes fixated on them.

But Rex didn't look back and kept running with all his might.


His body is enveloped with Black Lightning as he dashes away desperately.

But then suddenly,


A swirling sound can be heard from Rex's back, and when he glance at his back, Rex widened his eyes in horror.

There is a swirling mist headed towards them fast!

Without a doubt, the swirling mist must be Vashag that uses one of its skills.

Rex tries to outrun it like a madman but finds that it is futile, the swirling mist behind him kept getting closer and closer.

It's like a mist vortex and it's heading towards Rex.

While Rex is trying to outrun it, Rex can feel his body getting pulled to the mist vortex.

Knowing that he can't run from it anymore, Rex's arms muscle bulged as he throw Adhara to the side far enough from the mist vortex.

After doing that, Rex turns to his back and readies himself.

The moonlight sparks his body with moonlight energy, yellow heat hue enveloped Rex's body enhancing his physical power further, black lightning enhances his power further as a crescent moon symbol appeared on Rex's forehead.

Seeing the mist vortex already arrived in front of him, Rex swings his fist with all his might.

"Force Beam!"


His fist that is filled with everything Rex got clashes with the mist vortex,

Right after his fist collided with the mist vortex, Rex can feel the mist vortex is trying to drill inside his fist making him grit his teeth in pain.

The clash between both energies creates an endless spark of white and yellow.

'I can win this!', Rex thought as he drill his fist further.

His Werewolf From added with many enhancements that he used should raise his strength to an unbelievable level way above Vashag, so this clash should be won by him.

Even with the debuff from the roar before, his strength should be higher than Vashag.

But then suddenly, Rex widen his eyes as his fist got pushed back instead.

Weird energy gathers on the tip of the mist vortex making it stronger, and this pushed Rex back from the collision that he was supposed to win.


The spark of energy exploded sending both of them away,

A powerful shockwave was created from their collision as the ground got grated from its crust, and debris fly to the surroundings like bullets.

Adhara rolled a couple of times because of the powerful shockwave.

While Rex on the other hand that is near the shockwave got blasted away, he rolled on the ground powerfully before crashing to a huge rock.

"Damn!", Rex grunted feeling pain all over his body.

He looks to his right hand and finds it injured beyond comprehension.

A big slice of meat got chunked from his right arm, slashes filled his entire arm until his shoulder, and his right arm is also tilting to the side which means his bone also broke.

But all of that started to heal gradually as Rex stands up with difficulty.

Rex looks around him warily,

He can feel Adhara's presence on his left and it seems that she's okay, but when he looks to his front Rex saw a pair of eyes looking at him from beyond the mist.

Vashag walks out of the mist slowly, and its arms are also in the same state as Rex.josei

But Rex is worst because Vashag's arms are only filled with a slight injury, but its claws are missing a few from the collision before.

Aside from that, Vashag is still in fighting mode.

While Rex is already exhausted, he can't keep fighting like this where he's at a disadvantage.

But then suddenly, he remembered something.

Rex let Devo go from his suppression before he shouted inside his head, 'Devo! Can you hear me?'

Devo didn't answer making Rex desperate.

'Can you do something about the mist? I wanted to flee', Rex asks again.

Hearing no answer from Devo, Rex gritted his teeth because he know Devo is angry at him, 'Please! I need your help', Rex thought.

Vashag started to walk towards Rex slowly with its bloodthirsty eyes.

This makes Rex even more desperate, [You dare ask me for a favor after doing that to me?!]

After hearing Devo finally answer, a slight hope appeared in Rex's expression as he replied, 'Just help me this once, and I won't do that again'

[As if I would believe that! I already lived long enough to know that is a lie]

But in front of the approaching Vashag, Rex then said, 'It's true! I swear I won't do it again'

Devo didn't answer making Rex nervous,

Vashag's claw started to glow with faint energy as it tilts its head to the side a little, then suddenly, it disappeared and appear right in front of Rex.

Seeing this, 'DEVO!!', Rex screamed in his head when suddenly,


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