The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 261 The Turtle And A Fraud

Chapter 261 The Turtle And A Fraud

Hey Hey Hey!

Author here,

As you all probably know, I'm still a new author so all I want is feedback.

And for today, I want to hear your thoughts about the fight scene in these chapters. You can give positive and negative feedback, just go write it in the comments!

I also have some thoughts about a mass release.

If you guys are excited about it, then I'll make it happen :)

Happy reading, Alpha author signing out!


"What?!", Adhara shouted in shock.

She doubted Edward just a moment ago, but right in front of her eyes, Edward blocked a direct attack from Fergus which she can't manage to do before.

It's simply an eye-opener as Edward stands fiercely under the cracking lightning.

Other slaves that are now already running to the corner away from the fight were also shocked, in their eyes, Edward who is a normal person surprisingly managed to block Fergus's attack.

Fergus looks down and saw Edward's same slight smile, "I-Impossible!"

Instead of clashing with Fergus' long sword or even dodging, Edward runs closer instead and blocked Fergus' arms which minimizes the impact he received.

Edward blocks Fergus' swinging arm with both hands,

Although it's a technique that minimizes the amount of force received, it's still powerful.

Without wasting a second, Fergus jumped back to create distance as his emotions are still being shaken by what he just saw.

"Fergus? Are you playing around?", Dito asked from the side.

He approached Fergus and pull his shoulder but soon stopped when he saw Fergus' expression, there are no trace of joking around in his face.

Just pure shock as he too can't believe what just happened.

After blocking Fergus' attack, Edward straightens his spine while flicking his hand.

"That really hurt, you're a quite strong big guy!", Edward said nonchalantly, and this makes Fergus and Dito cautious even further.

Fergus holds the hilt of his longsword with both hands as his expression turns serious.

Although he's not an Awakened from Ratmawati City, he lives his life fighting mutated animals and even fighting rogue Awakened.

Based on his experience, he can tell that Edward is radiating a terrifying combat ability.


Edward takes off the ring on his fingers before his body started emitting black fire.

The fire is heatless and seems hollow from a glance, but Fergus didn't underestimate the fire as he also readies himself with a lightning aura.

Dito on the side saw this before he frowns in concern, "So they're using items to hide their aura"

"If that's the case, then doesn't that mean that guy is an Awakened too?", Dito mumbles in concern while looking at Rex who is sanding beside Adhara idly.

No aura can be felt from Rex, but somehow Dito's senses are telling otherwise.

It's like there's something about Rex that screamed danger, and his gut is telling him to run right now before it's too late.

"Let's go!"


Edward dashes towards Fergus as his body is enveloped with black fire.

Days after his element changes, Edward focuses on taming this new element of his and he somehow manages to do it.

It's not perfect control but it's enough,

While readying himself for Edward's attack, Fergus' eyes landed on Rex who is looking from the side before Rex's eyes suddenly flashes.

"What the...", Fergus mumbles as his long sword becomes heavier.


Getting distracted by Rex, Edward manages to land a fiery roundhouse kick right on Fergus's chin making his brain trembles.

"Raarggh!!", Fergus shouted as he slashed his long sword downwards.


The ground cracked as powerful lightning shockwaves splashed to the surrounding, but Adhara blocks most of it from harming the slaves who are on her back.

Edward manages to dodge the attack but Fergus is not finished.

"Lightning Boost!"


Snake-like lightning exploded from Fergus' body as his physical prowess increased,

After getting his power boosted by the spell he just used, Fergus smiles maniacally as he slashes horizontally but manages to be evaded by Edward.

But when Edward thought that it's his turn, Fergus kept spinning with his long sword.

"Lightning Bladestorm!"


Fergus kept spinning until he turned into a bladestorm that sucked the surrounding, and the lightning also splashes to the surrounding chaotically trying to zap Edward.

"Oh no, Edward will get sucked into it!", Adhara shouted in concern.

The lightning bladestorm creates a pulling force that pulls Edward towards it, and it can be clearly seen that Edward started to get pulled to it slowly.

Looking at this, Dito smiles, "He can't dodge this one now"

But instead of trying to not get sucked, Edward readies himself instead to prepare for the clash.

His body started emitting an even more powerful black fire, the veins under his skin started to turn black because of the black fire as he chanted,

"Fire Titan Art, Unbreakable Body!"


Edward enters the lightning bladestorm, but Fergus's spinning momentum suddenly got stopped on its track.

"W-What?!", Fergus widened his eyes in shock.

In all of his years of being an Awakened, not once that someone in his realm manages to stop his lightning Bladestorm, not even close.

To think that someone below his realm manage to stop it just completely blew his mind.

Edward stopped Fergus's momentum by blocking Fergus's arms and stepping on his knee, this creates a powerful shockwave but Edward manages to stop him.

With a slight smirk on his face, Edward retracts his fist back.

Black Fire started to swirl around his fist as Edward retracts his fist back, and after black fire blaze on his hand powerfully, "Colossal Punch"


The fist landed right on Fergus' chin again making his vision blurry as he stumbles around.

Edward's attack looks very effective as Fergus started to feel dizzy,

Adhara is watching this with eyes wide open, she still can't believe that Edward manage to fight a peak fifth rank Awakened and manage to come out on top.

His close combat ability is horrifyingly powerful,

"He's known for his defense for a reason, even I find it difficult to fight him if he decided to turtle against me", Rex said with a slight smile.

Adhara's mouth was opened creating an O shape as she still trying to grasp the situation.

While Rex is one of the strongest offensive close combat fighters, Edward is known as the best defensive fighter that gives him the nickname Turtle.

It's not easy for them to penetrate Edward's defense, much less an unknown Awakened.


Edward punched Fergus's chin again making his body rock left and right, his eyes are already weak and his legs were about to give up as he will not stand for much longer.

Seeing this, Edward smiles brutally, "Let's end this"

He takes out his daggers as he gets into his battle stance, and with a glister of his eyes, "Fire Titan Art! Colossal Tear!!"


Edward dashes in front with his daggers in front of him turning into a black fire arrow,

A black fiery titan figure materializes as he chanted the spell, and like butter, the daggers pierced Fergus' chest cleanly creating a gaping hole on his chest.

"Uhaakgk!!", Fergus spat a mouthful of blood as his eyes turns lifeless.

Edward pulls his daggers from Fergus's chest before Fergus fall to the ground engulfed in black fire, his body slowly turns into black ash as the fire eats his corpse.

Silence covered the surroundings as Edward sheathed his daggers back.

Many still find it unbelievable that Edward manage to pull through as the victor, especially Adhara who thought that this is impossible.

After killing Fergus, Edward walks back to the others.

"See? Aim for their vital part, the chin works fine to stage a finishing blow", Edward said.

Adhara is still in a daze as she saw Edward walking back unharmed, only a few cuts around his body can be seen from that impossible fight.

Hearing this, Rex chuckles, "You haven't turned rusty because of getting sick, I'm surprised"

"What are you talking about, instincts can't turn rusty even if I'm in bed for years", Edward replied pridefully before he raise up his hand.

Rex frowns upon seeing this,

But this makes Edward's smile grow wider, "Come on, I deserve it"

"Huh, Fine", Rex replied before he too raised his hand up and give Edward a high five.


After giving Edward his well deserved high five, He then said, "It's your turn now, don't worry if your fight won't be as spectacular as me"

"I don't think there will be another fight", Rex said while looking at Dito.

Dito is now trembling in fear as he saw his comrade fall once more, he didn't have the time to help Fergus because he's too shocked.

There should be no Awakened that can skip realms like Edward,

Even when he's still in Ratmawati City, his top ranker can only fight a small gap between them but Edward fight an opponent that is a realm more powerful.

"You! Buy me some time to escape!", Dito commanded while pointing at Yosef.

Hearing this, Yosef stumbles back in fright, "But Dito, they're too strong and that man that is walking over here hasn't shown his skill yet"

"I DON'T CARE!", Dito shouted as he grab Yosef before tossing him towards Rex.

While walking slowly towards them, Rex saw how Dito tossed Yosef as a shield before his body blitzed with lightning wanting to escape.

This scene portrait how Dito's personality really is, and it's disgusting.

After tossing Yosef towards Rex, Dito faced Kyran on his side before saying, "Sir, you must be strong too so can you help me beat them?"

"I will share 50% of the stones that I got to you as a reward", he added.

Hearing this, Kyran smirk mockingly, "But I'm not a lightning Elementalist, why would I want Lightning Stone?"

"You can sell it, I assure you that you will be rich", Dito proposed with a trembling smile.

But instead of thinking about the offer, Kyran's smirk turns devious.

Seeing this, Dito's anger swells from within as his face turns red in anger, "I accept you as our guest!! We honor you as a Dark Elementalist so WHY?!"

Lightning started to crack powerfully around Dito's body as he clenched his fist.

The rune that spread from his arms to his chest glows with lightning mana as he was about to burst in anger, but Ari stepped forward and gives him a glance that startled Dito greatly.

"I hope you don't try anything stupid", Ari said coldly.

Seeing this, Dito retracts back his aura as he realized that Ari is a sixth rank Awakened who he can't beat even if there are five more of him.

Kyran then said, "You don't understand, the lightning stones there are not yours anymore"

Dito frowns as he glances back to see Rex is looking at him coldly while walking slowly, it brought a chill to his body knowing that Rex is dangerous.

"And that man over there, you can say he's my leader. My Alpha", Kyran said with a smirk.

Hearing this, the soul on Dito's body shivers in fright.

Knowing that Rex is the leader of these Awakened here makes his heart jump, and seeing Ari's strength means that Rex can easily kill him.



Dito leaped away trying to flee from the scene,

But before he can get far, Rex suddenly appears beside him mid-air before he smacks him down.


Dito got slammed to the ground with a flick of Rex's hand, his internal organs shook as his body got smashed to the ground.

With quite a struggle, Dito stands up slowly.

He gritted his teeth before seeing Rex land right in front of him,

"Which university did you come from?", Rex asked coldly without a hint of expression on his face.

Dito looks around trying to find a way to escape to no avail, he's surrounded by Rex and the others like a sheep amidst a pack of wolves.

He then shouted, "Why do you care?!"

Rex looks at him coldly without minding Dito's answer, and his cold look is very piercing.

Under Rex's look, Dito's mouth trembles as he struggles to answer.

Looking at this, Rex frown as his expression darkened, "You... You're not from Ratmawati City, are you?", Rex asks slowly.

After getting caught lying, Dito gritted his teeth in anger.



Lightning mana exploded from Dito's body as a white steaming hue surrounded his body, it's the same as the white hue on Delta.

"RAARGHH!!", Dito roared as he dashed towards Rex.

All of his energy concentrated on his fist, his muscles contracted alongside his veins before he punched Rex with all his might.


A powerful lightning shockwave exploded from their collision as the wind push everyone on the surrounding back, from what it seems, Dito is certainly stronger than Fergus.

But it's too bad that he meets Rex,

Rex stands straight like an arrow as he catches the fist with his hand.josei

He caught Dito's punch without even struggling as if he's catching a baby's punch, there is a yellow steaming hue coming out of Rex's hand that suppressed Dito's white hue.

Upon seeing this, Dito's face drains from all colors, "Y-Yellow Force..."

"Comprehending white force shows your dedication, you might even be praised if you manage to get into Ratmawati City", Rex praised.


Rex's body suddenly burst with black lightning that suppressed Dito's element heavily.

"G-Great Element too?!", Dito mumbles as he saw the black lightning easily fend off the attack of his lightning and even dissipate his lightning entirely.

But then, Rex's expression turns savage, "But too bad aside from your physical strength, your Awakened power comes from stomping on civilians, and disgracing Ratmawati City's name. Your punishment will be death!"

Hearing this, Dito's body weakened as Rex's eyes flashes red.

Rex's bearing becomes as big as a huge monster draining him from his powers.

"I-I'm S-Sor-", Dito tries to plead.

But Rex didn't have the courtesy to let him beg for mercy, his fist glowed with a steaming yellow hue as he punched Dito's face.


The punch destroyed Dito's head like a watermelon as a notification appeared,

<Killed Lountain City Awakened 2/3>

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