The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 264 The Witch's Demand

Chapter 264 The Witch's Demand



King Baralt throws Hallac's body crashing to the wall in anger, the blue energy that is coming out of his body started to make the air vibrates as he glares at Hallac furiously.

"It's not possible!", King Baralt growl as he strides heavily toward the coughing Hallac.

Seeing that the King is angry, Ruston steps back with a darkened face as King Baralt stopped in front of Hallac and grabs him by the throat once more.

King Baralt lifts Hallac off of the ground as he glares angrily at Hallac ready with his claws.

Hallac struggles to breathe as his throat got choked by King Baralt.

His old frail body doesn't look strong anymore, it's a miracle he can take on such beatings.

"I am the only Werewolf that is accepted by one of the full moons! I am blessed by the Origin, and you're telling me that I'm not the strongest?!", King Baralt growls as the blue moon energy choked Hallac.

With a huge struggle, Hallac replied chokingly, "I- I also didn't think this was possible"

Hearing this, King Baralt slammed Hallac to the ground roughly.


The ground cracked under King Baralt's might, but when King Baralt wanted to step on Hallac ruthlessly a moonlight barrier appeared and block his stomp.

Looking at this, King Baralt becomes even angrier.

By clenching his fingers together, King Baralt stabs the moonlight barrier with his claws and instantly shatters it into a million pieces.

After breaking the moonlight barrier, King Baralt then stomps Hallac's chest.



"Rrghh!", Hallac grunted lightly in pain.

The ground beneath Hallac cracked as King Baralt steps on him condescendingly.

But even with the pain in his chest, Hallac stares blankly at the necklace in King Baralt's hand without any obvious expression.

"LOOK AT ME!!", King Baralt roared heavily.

While feeling his chest pressured to the ground heavily, Hallac raises his gaze to King Baralt's face before King Baralt continues, "This is the Mark of Kings!", King Baralt points at the blue mark on his forehead.

"This means I AM THE STRONGEST!! I am the King, and I am the strongest!", King Baralt roared again while putting more power into his stomp.

With a slight scoff, King Baralt then said, "This must be a trick! What magic do you use?!"

But before King Baralt can get any further,

"My King... You have to calm down", Ruston suddenly called from the back.

Hearing this, King Baralt glances at Ruston fiercely making Ruston lower his gaze before King Baralt scoffs, "No Werewolves is stronger than me"

"Bring Hallac to the torture chamber", King Baralt ordered ruthlessly.

Ruston widened his eyes in shock upon hearing this, the other Werewolf guards stridden forward before taking Hallac who is hurt by what King Baralt did.

He then said hurriedly, "My King, Hallac is one of the few Enchanter left"

"It will be bad if you tortured or even manage to cripple him, his power is needed in the war", Ruston added trying to convince King Baralt to not torture Hallac.

But King Baralt is already engulfed with anger, "I don't care", he said coldly.

Right before Hallac got brought out of the room, He glance at King Baralt before he said, "The Origin never lies..."

Hearing this, King Baralt waves his hand angrily.

The Werewolves' guards take Hallac away to the torture chamber under Ruston's gaze.

After Hallac has been taken away, Ruston glance back at King Baralt who is looking at the necklace in his hand with clear anger.

"Bring me the other Enchanter to the throne room right now!", King Baralt commanded.

He then clenched the necklace in his hand before walking past Ruston,

Ruston kneels on the ground as King Baralt left with still the clear anger in his expression, "I will immediately call the other Enchanter my King", Ruston said politely.

After King Baralt's footsteps went further away, Ruston stands up.

He glances at the broken black pot remembering the powerful dark figure that appeared, and deep down he believes that the Origin was present here in this room.

It was such a miraculous event, and he is blessed to be present in front of the Origin.

The door room is opened wide as Ruston stands inside the room in awe,

A moment passed, and Ruston suddenly glance at the door with a darkened look before he mumbles, "This is ridiculous, the King is weak"


Meanwhile in Lountain City,

'Around 2,000 Mid-Grade Lightning Stones, and 600ish High-Grade Lightning Stones', Rex thought after he counted the content of the three huge wagons.

After checking the content, Rex then falls into thoughts on how he will bring this all with him.

But then, "Just use your item already", Adhara suddenly said.

Hearing this, Rex frowns as he glances at Adhara in confusion, "What do you mean my items? I don't get it"

"You expect me to not notice?", Adhara replied with a chuckle.

She then continues, "I know that you have an item to somehow transport or even store other items. After being with you for so long, I just can't help to notice it"

Rex was quite surprised upon hearing this, 'Is the system's inventory too obvious?'

With a slight smile, Rex touched the three huge wagons one at a time before the three of them vanished from thin air and got put into Rex's inventory.

After doing that, Kyran and Adhara look at him.

"So? Where are we going to now?", Adhara asks as she pats Delta's head.

Before answering Adhara's question, Rex glanced at Kyran before he remembered something, "Is the maid still inside your room?", Rex asks.

"No, she slipped past and killed herself", Kyran replied with a sigh.

Hearing this, Rex frowns before he asks again, "Did you manage to extract information from her?"

Upon hearing what Rex asks, Kyran's expression changes.

His eyes then briefly glance at Adhara signaling to Rex something.

Rex frowns before he understands what Kyran is trying to signal to him, "Adhara, Can you ask the mayor if she knew about a way to Wedron City"

"It's our destination and it's quite far if we only rely on Delta", Rex added.

Adhara nodded her head, "Okay, Wait for a moment", she replied before leaving Rex and Kyran alone oblivious to Kyran's signal.

After Adhara left, Rex glanced at Kyran with a questioning look.

"What did you find? Why can't Adhara hear this too?", Rex asks, no matter how serious the matter is, he just can't get why Adhara can't hear what Kyran was about to say.

Kyran glanced at where Adhara left before he sigh.

He then said, "I found out that the maid is from the Atkins Family"

Hearing this, Rex frowns, "So my gut is right, the situation hasn't calmed down yet and the Atkins is still trying to probe me"

"That's not the point", Kyran intervenes.

Rex looks at Kyran in confusion before Kyran explains, "While I was torturing her, I asks her what is her purpose in infiltrating your room. Her answer is why Adhara can't hear this"

After a brief silence as Rex listen to Kyran's explanation.

"The maid wanted to tell Adhara that you and Rosie had sex in the train, and the reason Rosie manage to get into Faraday University is that you feel some type of way for her", Kyran added making Rex's eyes widen the further Kyran explained.

This caught Rex off guard because he didn't expect them to know, 'I didn't have sex though'

He looked at Kyran in shock trying to see if Kyran is lying through his expression.

But Kyran nodded his head confirming that he was not lying, the maid really told him about that and this also shocked Kyran at first.

'So that's why she's trying to get inside my room', Rex thought in realization.

The first time that he met with the maid was when he got back to his room in the middle of the night, and there he caught the maid trying to get inside his room where Adhara is in.

With Clarice there, she manages to escape Rex's interrogation.

'If I hadn't come at that exact time, then Adhara would know about my mistake', Rex thought.

Now that he thinks about it calmly trying to not panic, Kyran wouldn't be lying because how would he know if he's not even on the train with him.

'There are many people on that train, they must've known it from them. Damn Violet Moon!', Rex cursed inside his head regretting what he did that night.

But even if he can turn back time, he didn't know if he can reject Rosie.

The effect of the Violet Moon is too strong for him to handle, especially since he never had any sexual relationship with anyone except for a couple of kisses with Adhara.

"Don't tell Adhara about this yet", Rex said to Kyran.

Kyran nodded his head in understanding,

Although Rex and Adhara's relationship is vague as they hardly talk about it.

Sleeping in the same bed together and Adhara's behavior towards Rex shows that they both have something going on between them, and Kyran knows it.

But then suddenly, "Don't tell me what?", a voice suddenly creeps from their backs.

Kyran's body jolted as he look at Adhara who appeared behind them, their minds are in another place and they were caught off guard by her appearance.

While Rex on the other hand tries to act normal,

He didn't get surprised by Adhara even though he is surprised deep down as he turns his body slowly towards her.

"Nothing", Kyran replied hurriedly.

Adhara looks at him suspiciously before Rex brainstorms for an excuse.

He then added with a smile, "Kyran here just thought that your fight before is amazing, and he got some insight from your fight but he is shy to tell you about it"

Hearing this, Adhara smiles before she pinched Kyran's cheek.

"Really? You don't need to be shy about it", Adhara said while chuckling lightly.

While Adhara is teasing Kyran for a brief moment, Rex looks at Adhara with a slight hint of guilt, 'Should I just get rid of Rosie?', Rex thought before he shakes his head.

Rex shrugged his thoughts off before he said, "So? What did the mayor say?"

"She said that we can go in this direction until we arrived at Slila City, a second-level city that has a transport train that can take us to Wedron City", Adhara explains as she points at a map.

Rex looks at the map before he nods his head, "Okay, then let's get going"

The three of them jumped on Delta's back as Delta stretches her limbs,

After Rex pat Delta's back a couple of times, Delta howls loudly attracting Lountain City's citizens' attention before she gallops away leaving the city.

The citizens wave goodbye as Rex and the others also waves their hands.


Somewhere outside of Ratmawati City,

There is a city bustling with people wearing fancy clothes, not one of them wears ordinary clothes making the place look golden and fancy.

Many buildings around this city are connected to each other,

People from all walks of life, young to old walks around the city happily as the city offers many entertainments from shopping malls, arcades, to cinema.

It's a typical metropolitan city, and by the looks of it, the city is probably a level two city.

There is a bus train that can take them to all corners of the city.

Orange street lamps light the city bright, the street is full of vehicles, and even if it's already night the city is still bustling with people.

Around the left-most corner of the city, there is a UWO branch office.

Because the UWO is an international scale organization that spans throughout the Elpida Alliance, all of the city's existence that is acknowledged by the UWO has a branch office.

This city has one branch office which means this city is acknowledged and developed.

The UWO branch office in this city spans 10 acres on the left-most corner of the city, it's so big and heavily guarded by FAA officers.

All of them are Awakened, and this should not be the case for the city's caliber.

Usually, groups of Awakened guard a UWO branch office in a level two city like this, and it will increase the more developed the city.

But this city should only have a group of Awakened.

Countless FAA officers guard the outside and the inside of the UWO branch office.

Hard steeled fences surround the entire land of the UWO branch office, and the fences are imbued with runes to enhance them even more.

It's basically a fortress at this point, not the usual UWO branch office.

Because of the isolated place,

People of the city rarely walk in front of this UWO branch office making the entrance of the branch office isolated.

There is a rectangle-shaped huge building beside the UWO branch office.

The FAA officers are guarding this building too, and eight of them who are guarding the entrance went alert when they suddenly saw a figure on the end of the vision standing outside the fences.

It came out of nowhere, and the darkness help the figure shroud its body.

"What is that?", one of the FAA officers asked.

The figure is like a shadow covered by the darkness of the night, the FAA officers can't see the figure clearly.

One of them walks closer to the figure and was shocked upon seeing the figure closer.

The figure is a hooded skulled creature that emits a bad omen that makes the FAA officers feel uneasy, it's like the embodiment of an evil being standing inf front of them.

All of them ready their element as one FAA officer rings the alarm.

The alarm sounded heavily as many FAA officers outside surrounded the creature.

Even with the alarm sounding and the countless FAA officers surrounding the hooded figure, the figure didn't move from its spot.

The figure glance at the rectangle-shaped building as the building emits faint demonic energy.


A couple of military vehicles parked ready with their newest weapons are aimed at the hooded figure, but the figure's hollow eyes stare straight at the rectangle-shaped building.

Not long after the FAA officers surrounded the figure,


A man landed near the figure that has red lightning hovering around his body.

The man is Sebrof who sensed some weird energy near the branch office, and he instantly went outside to check it out.

Looking at the skulled figure, Sebrof frowns.

"That creature's aura is not that of a Supernatural", Sebrof mumbles.

The hooded figure then slowly points at the square-shaped building before one of the FAA officers shouted instantly, "FIRE!!"josei



Hundreds of rounds of bullets shot toward the hooded figure.

But each of the bullets that hit the hooded figure got engulfed by a weird aura, none of the bullets manage to hit the hooded figure.

"Stop!", Sebrof shouted halting the rounds of bullets.

After Sebrof stopped the FAA officers from wasting more bullets, the figure stares at Sebrof.

The hooded figure points at the square-shaped building as its hollow eyes fixated on Sebrof, with a slight crackling sound the hooded figure then said, "The Witch asks for Frokoa"

"Fulfill the Witch's demand, innocent one", the hooded figure added with its astral voice.

Hearing this, Sebrof frowns, "Frokoa? What do you mean by that?", he asks back in confusion.

The bad omen coming out of the hooded figure makes Sebrof cautious, it's clear that whatever this thing is, it's not from humanity's or Supernatural's side.

Without answering Sebrof's question, the hooded figure slowly turns into black smoke.

It came and go like a ghost, it dissipated under Sebrof's gaze.

"What the heck is that thing", Sebrof mumbles after the hooded figure disappears.

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