The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 271 Teleport Formation

Chapter 271 Teleport Formation

The next day,

Inside one of the hospitals in Slila City, the mayor looks at the surviving Awakened from the fight against the red raven with a frown.

The survivors have their skins turn black, and thick yellow pus sipped through their skin.

Based on the observable condition of the survivors, it's safe to say that they will probably need a couple of months to recover from these injuries.

It's a gruesome injury, and the mayor didn't expect it to go so bad.

"They said that the raven is the sixth rank, possibly in the mid realm", Max said from the side.

The problem comes from Max that reported that his Armadillos are attacked by the raven, and it's also his responsibility to assess and check the injured Awakened.

Aside from that, he also felt guilty upon finding that ten Awakened died from the fight.

Hearing this, the mayor tap Max's shoulder before he replied, "It's not your fault, Awakened die every day and by killing that raven they have also done a great deed for the city"

"They didn't die because of you, and they also didn't die a meaningless death", he added.

After calming down the guilty Max, the mayor left the room with wide strides.

He felt hurt after knowing that ten Awakened die from the fight against the raven, this scene dwindle the Awakenedpower in the city by a chunk.

With a sigh, the mayor wanted to leave but saw Rex and the others waiting in the hall.

The mayor approached them before looking at them weirdly, there is almost no observable injury on Rex and the others.

"Are you guys going to go straight to Wedron City?", the mayor asked.

Rex steps forward, he glances at Kyran and Adhara before he turns back and replied, "Yep, we have our priorities and we can't stay here for long"

"How did you guys have little to no injuries? While ten of my men got killed", the mayor said.

Hearing this, Rex pause for a moment before he replied, "I'm sorry about the fallen Awakenened, but the raven is almost as strong as a mid-sixth rank. As for us not getting injured, we did"

"But it already healed, we have a few elixirs from the university", Rex lied with a straight face.

The mayor glance at Kyran and Adhara before he sighs, "You can go straight to the formation, I already told them to teleport you to Wedron City"

After hearing what the mayor said, Rex nodded his head before he and the others left.

"He's the rising star, after all, it's obvious that the university put heavy attention to him. The university probably gave them a sixth rank elixirs or even stronger", the mayor mumbles.josei

Leaving the hospital, Rex and the others went straight to the formation place.

The guards let them inside upon meeting them, and they even guide Rex and the others inside to be teleported to Wedron City.

Inside the formation place, there's not much that catches Rex's eyes.

The place is very spacious that is at least the size of two soccer fields, the place is mainly made of grey stones that the system identifies as Hectile Stones.

In the center of the place, Rex saw a weird rock that is the size of him.

Four Awakened guards inside the formation place, the four of them have a spear in their hand that Rex thought as a fifth rank weapon, and the four of them stand still unmoving on the corners of the place.

But Rex can feel their eyes follow his movement, hawking him from the corner.

Rex is not sure that the four of them are all the Awakened guarding this place because there's a stair leading upstairs in front of them that looked like it will lead into another room.

After looking around briefly, the guards told them to stand by the weird rock in the center.

"Have you seen anything like this?", Rex whispers while looking around at the weird rock.

Adhara shakes her head as she looks around curiously, "No, Where is the formation anyway? All I see is an empty room made of stone", she replied in confusion.

While they are walking to the center, no sound can be heard in the room aside from their steps.

It didn't take long before they arrives beside the weird rock.

Delta who is walking beside them got attracted by the weird rock in the center.

Looking at this, Rex started to get curious about the rock. He touched the rock and scans it using the system before the description of the rock appear.

<Anchor of Four Element>

This rock is a product of heavily condensed elemental stones of the four elements which are wind, fire, earth, and water combined into one. Under the enormous amount of these four elemental stones, the different properties of the elements are forced to merge and create this rock known as the Anchor of Four Element. A piece of this rock contains tens of thousands more times mana than a high-grade elemental stone, and this rock is usually used as a core of formation to channel and contain the formation that uses the four elements.

Reading this description, Rex was really intrigued by how they managed to create this.

With the different properties of each basic element, it should create an explosion instead of this rock so it's quite bizarre how this rock is created.

But when Rex is thinking, the rock in front of him suddenly glows.


The rune carved on the Anchor of Four Elements glows with a teal color that brings a magical feeling, it lit up the dim place subtly like fireflies in the night.

Rex and the others stepped back as they saw the teal light spread to the ground.

Turns out the ground they are standing on is the formation but it's not activated before, but under the Anchor of Four Elements light, the formation on the ground lit up with the same color.

It spreads to the entire place leaving just a couple of meters for the guards to stand.

After the formation is activated by the Anchor of Four Elements, the four surrounding guards take a bag from their side before they approach the edge of the formation.

The guards then pour the content of the bag they are holding,

Cling! Cling!

Elemental stones of different kinds fall out from the bags making a clinging sound as they bump into each other, it fueled the formation with energy.

"This is beautiful!", Adhara said in awe as she glance at her surrounding.

All of the elemental stones that the guards put inside the formation glow with each of their own mana, and it didn't take long for their different colors to turn into the teal color of the formation.

Its variety of mana turns into one single energy as the formation absorbed them.

The formation engulfs the energy from the elemental stones before a transparent teal barrier shot up to the ceiling caging Rex and the others in a square-shaped magical barrier.

"What's happening?", Kyran asks as he feels his body gets engulfed by the energy.

Hearing this, Rex looks at his hand and finds that his hand slowly turned transparent as he too turns into the teal energy of the formation.

<The user is invaded by foreign energy!>


<The energy is requesting to transport the user, Do the user want to allow it?>

'Yes', Rex replied calmly.

As soon as he answered the system, his entire body and also Adhara and Kyran's body turns into teal energy before they vanished from their spot.


The place rumbles for a moment before a teal light shot up to the sky.

Everyone in Slila City saw this teal light shooting up to the sky,

The mayor of the city saw this teal light from inside his office while sipping his coffee, "Teleportation... With this, I doubt the Supernatural find it easy to attack us", he mumbles.


In a different city a huge distance away from Slila City.

A teal bright light arrives on the sky above the city as the citizen looks up in confusion, the teal light creates a cracking sound before they shot inside the city.

There is a small stone near the city hall, it's glowing in response to the teal light.

But when the teal light was about to land on the small stone, the teal light split into four lights as they got scattered around the place.

One teal light landed on the small stone, two streaks of teal light landed randomly inside the city, and the last one landed outside of the city.

"Ughh!", Rex groan as he felt his stomach grumbling

This is the first time he teleports using a formation,

One of the experiences Rex felt near teleportation is entering the Cluster Domain, and entering the Cluster Domain is way more comfortable than this.

Rex landed near the small stone, his inside wanted to come out but Rex held it in.

The people of the city are already gathered around him, and vomiting in front of them will just embarrass him and ruin his reputation.

After controlling the erupting inside, Rex glance around.

From the look of the city, Rex can confirm that he's really in Wedron City.

Even some of the people started to mumble his name, they still remember the person who saved the city from the siege of the Orcs.

Rex glance at the small glowing rock beside him with a frown.

He then touched the small rock before the system gave him another description.

<Marginal Anchor of Earth Element>

This rock is created by condensing a great number of earth stones, the product of this condensation birth this Anchor of Earth Element. A piece of this rock contains a quite deal of Earth Mana that is 100 times more abundant than a high-grade earth stone. This rock can only be used as a transmit for a teleport formation.

Rex was quite intrigued by the description of this small rock.

The Anchor of Four elements that Slila City used must be a higher version of this small rock in front of him, that rock created by condensing four elements and can be used as a core for a formation.

While this one is only made using Earth Stones, and it can only catch earth mana.

But then, Rex realized that the others are transported elsewhere.

The teleport formation didn't land them in the same place, it scattered to the surrounding which is very inconvenient.

'Why are the others didn't land at the same place as me?', Rex asks the system.

<Marginal Anchor of Earth Element can only grasp earth mana that is transmitted from the formation since there are four elements transmitted from the teleport formation of Slila City, this small rock can only catch anyone that is a part of the earth mana>

Hearing this, Rex started to grasp how the teleport formation works.

Basically, the main formation will transport the people inside of it, and these people that got transported will be randomly represented by one of the four elements.

Since Rex got represented by the Earth Mana, the small stones can only catch him.

Adhara, Kyran, and Delta who don't get represented by Earth Mana can't be grasped by this small stone which only interacts with Earth Mana.

'Then what will happen if the fuel for the main formation only consists of Earth Stones?", Rex asks.

<By fueling the teleport formation using only Earth Stones, all of the people inside of the formation will only be represented by Earth Mana. All of the people inside the formation will land on the same spot as the user then>

Rex nodded his head because that's what he expected.

After comprehending the theory behind the teleport formation, Rex looks at the surrounding before he saw Kyran and Adhara approaching him.

They are also crowded with citizens who recognized them, they are heroes in this city.

"Why do I feel like throwing up?", Adhara pouted.

Hearing this, Rex chuckles before he said, "We're not used to it, that's natural"

"Where's Delta?", Kyran asks as he didn't see Delta anywhere.

But then suddenly,


Delta jumped to the city wall barricade startling the city guards, they sounded the bell in fear seeing a mutated beast jump to their walls easily.

This makes the citizens panic but Adhara then shouted, "It's okay! She's with us!"

After shouting that, Delta saw them from the distance before she leaped and run towards them making the citizen make away in fear.

But when Delta arrived and got petted by Rex, the citizen becomes calm again.

While Rex is patting Delta fondly, a man wearing a priest uniform approaches them before he opens his arms in a welcoming manner and said, "Orc Slayers, Welcome to Wedron City!"

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