The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 273 Blood Moon Box

Chapter 273 Blood Moon Box


In the middle of the night, Rex and Adhara are currently meditating under the moonlight at the top of a tall building.

The top of the building exposes them fully to the moonlight.

Their bodies glow with steamy moonlight energy as their body felt rejuvenated, it makes them relaxed and calm as their skin bathes under the moonlight.

While bathing under the moonlight, Rex and Adhara also meditate together.

Because of their mastery over their breathing technique, they can meditate easily as breathing. There's no need to split their focus to using their breathing technique.

Rex glance to his side finding that Adhara is hard to not get looked at.

Adhara's breathing is steady as she regulates the moonlight that enters her body using her breathing technique, her eyes are closed and the steamy moonlight energy added a sparkling decoration to her beautiful figure.

She's currently wearing a dress with an open back, this attracts Rex's attention fully.

'I never really think about our relationship, but I can't deny that I have feelings for her', Rex thought while gazing at Adhara.

It struck his mind that if he wanted to, Adhara probably won't deny him.

Especially since she becomes the female Alpha, the system basically announces that Adhara is his woman of the pack.

Rex then remembers the time he had with Adhara after meeting the Atkins.

They share a pretty intense making-out session with each other, and the more Rex thinks about it, the more he becomes annoyed by the intrusion of Edward.

While he's thinking about this, Rex's eyes landed on Adhara's lips.

'Should I just tell her how I feel?', Rex thought with slight hesitation.

Unknown to him, Adhara's face started to blush, feeling the intense stare she got that started to disturb her meditation.

But then, Rex suddenly remembered the time he had with Rosie.

Although Rex will not make her one of his pack, because of her action, Rex slightly hates Rosie because of using him during the Violet Moon.

It filled his heart with guilt, but what's done is done.

He also can't blame the deed to Rosie solely, because he did enjoy it.

'I'm pretty sure she likes me, but what she chooses to do is wrong. Not that I completely blame her though, what I said to her probably makes her desperate', Rex thought.

Even though Rosie's action is very wrong, Rex knows where that desperation comes from.

All she wanted is to become one of his pack members, her talent is not very good considering she's still a peak third rank Awakened.

If Rex is in her shoes, he will probably cling onto himself too.

After seeing Adhara become as strong as she is now, Rosie has more reason to pursue to become Rex's pack member aside from her feelings for Rex.

'Maybe I should give her a chance? Besides she's quite persistent', Rex thought.

While he's thinking about that, a voice suddenly disturbs him, "Are you going to look at me all night or what?"

Rex snapped out of his thoughts and found Adhara looking at him.

"Aren't you the one wanting me to look at you? Why did you wear a revealing dress like that?", Rex asks while he skims down his fingers lightly touching Adhara's exposed back.

His gentle touch makes Adhara's body warmer as she blushes like a tomato.

Adhara then replied, "I don't bring that many clothes, so I'm forced to wear this"

Hearing this, Rex chuckles knowing that Adhara is clearly lying. There's no way she forgot to bring casual comfy clothes for a time like this.

While Rex's fingers skim down Adhara's back, his fingers stop at Adhara's butterfly tattoo.

"You know, this tattoo is the very first thing that attracts my attention to you", Rex said while marveling at the butterfly tattoo.

Adhara was skeptical about this, "When did you first see my butterfly tattoo?"

Upon realizing what he said, Rex clears his throat slightly after remembering that he daydream about being with Adhara while he was jogging.

[What a virgin], Devo suddenly said.

Hearing this, Rex widened his eyes in shock, 'How did you talk through the suppression?!'

[Even if I'm suppressed I can still see and hear your thoughts, it just takes a chunk of my spirit energy to bypass the suppression and talk], Devo replied with a slight mocking laugh.

'Mocking me is a reason enough to use your spirit energy? Is that it?', Rex asks feeling annoyed.

But this makes Devo's laughs reverberate in his mind, [Of course, what you showed me earlier screams a virgin to me]

Rex was clearly embarrassed, 'Shut up! There's a reason people have their own thoughts!'

"Rex?", Adhara called out seeing Rex dazed again.

Rex shakes his head before he replied, "Forget what I said, let's just resume our meditation"

After looking suspiciously at Rex, Adhara finally went back to her meditation.

Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours followed by the changes of the shade from the moonlight because of the disturbing clouds.

While the moon was covered by the clouds, Rex stopped meditating.

'Let's check the items I got from the system', Rex thought before he takes out the Moon Box from the inventory and inspects it.

Upon summoning the moon box, abox appeared in his hand.

The Moon Box is about the size of Rex's hand with steel on its edges, there is identical ancient writing on the four sides of the box while the top of the box has a full moon mark on it.

Rex inspects the Moon Box and finds nothing special about it.

Even upon closer inspection, the Moon Box doesn't emit any aura or some sort making the box look as ordinary as ever.

After looking at the Moon Box, Rex looks at its description.

<Moon Box>

The box that will grant anyone that opens it the power of the moon, it's the ultimate blessing of any Werewolves or beings that can harness moon power. The Moon Box will show the true nature of the being that opens it, and make way for the being that opens it to reach that nature.

'As always, the system likes to give riddles', Rex thought with a frown.

Without deliberating any longer, Rex intend to open the Moon Box before suddenly the system gave him notifications.

<Opening the Moon Box!>

<The Moon Box is scanning the user's nature...>

<Associating with the compatible moon...>


<Blood Moon has been selected!>

Right after the last notification, Rex widened his eyes when he saw the Moon Box in his hand slowly emitting energy before the moon mark above it turns red in color.

It surprised Rex because he's not expecting this.

This happened right in front of Rex's eyes, and his body feel the energy coming from the Moon Box becomes even more familiar to the day he first turn into a Werewolf.

During the time under the Blood Moon.

<Opening the Blood Moon Box!>


The Blood Moon Box in Rex's hand suddenly jolted open as Blood Moon energy spilled out of the box and invades Rex's body.

Rex can't do anything except for accepting the Blood Moon energy.

With the Blood Moon energy slowly seeping into Rex's body, he closes his eyes trying to feel the purpose of the Blood Moon energy.

The Blood Moon energy appears in a fraction of a second.

Even Adhara who is meditating beside him can only feel slightly weird energy before it disappears, the Blood Moon energy got sucked into Rex's body instantly.

But then suddenly, Rex felt the wind around him change.

Upon opening his eyes, Rex was taken aback when he saw his surroundings turn reddish in color.

Rex finds himself in an unknown place that he has never seen before, there is nothing around him as if he just got transported into a dead plain.

He then looks around and doesn't find Adhara beside him anywhere.

'This looks similar to the Yule Moon's vision', Rex thought as he looks around cautiously.

During the Yule Moon's vision, the system told Rex that the Yule Moon was just warning him upon its power to disintegrate any Werewolf that got exposed to it.

It shows by turning Rex's body into ash inside the vision.

So based on that, Rex was quite intrigued by what this Blood Moon trying to say.

While waiting for something to happen, Rex's vision suddenly blurred again before he got transported again based on the changes happening in the surrounding.

Rex then inspect the surrounding before his eyes widened as he remember this place.

The place that he won't forget even if he died a thousand deaths, nothing can make him forget about the place where his real parents got killed in front of him.

After realizing where he is, Rex looks to his hand and finds that he's not a kid anymore.

With trembling steps, Rex walks up the stairs knowing what he will see. The same scene that haunts him in his sleep for years.



Rex arrives in front of the same door that is still etched on his mind until now.

Upon peeking inside the door, Rex saw the same scene where his mother and father struggle to live in front of the ink-black Werewolf with a T-shaped red rune on its shoulder.

But different from his memories, Rex barged inside the room.

"MOM! DAD!", Rex shouted angrily as his muscle contracted.

This sudden entrance makes the ink-black Werewolf glance back with its bloodthirsty eyes, it saw Rex wanting to punch him from the back.


Instead of sending the Werewolf crashing away, the punch stopped after colliding with the Werewolf's back.

The loud crashing sound and shockwaves that Rex expected never came.


A whisper seeped into Rex's ears,

Rex look at his fist once more and saw that he's turned into a kid again, his muscular arms turn into a weak and frail arm that doesn't threaten the Werewolf at all.

"W-What...", Rex mumbles in confusion.

Without even minding Rex, the ink-black Werewolf started to do what it did in Rex's memories.

The Werewolf raise its black steel claws intending to slash Rex's mother's head cleanly, but Rex jumped with his little body and hold onto the Werewolf's left hind leg trying to stop him.

But it didn't work as the same scream can be heard,



Rex's father rushes to Rex's mother's severed head before hugging it tightly.


Another whisper seeped through Rex's ears, stating what Rex already understand fully.

With a loud shout of anger, Rex's father swung the metal bat he grabbed towards the Werewolf's head but it did nothing just like Rex remembered.

It all happened again in front of Rex, the Werewolf grabs his father's neck easily.


All Rex did to try to stop the Werewolf did nothing, the Werewolf ignored him as the Werewolf bites Rex's father's head before munching on it.


His father's blood flooded Rex's body in red as he saw his father killed again.

Rex falls to his knees as he touches the blood that splattered onto him with a blank expression, his expression slowly changed into anger as he saw his father's blood again.

"RAAARRRGHHH!!!!", he shouted on top of his lungs with veins bulging on his neck.

The shout contains mixed emotions that Rex feels in the current moment as he slammed his head on the ground in hopelessness.

Shock, Sadness, Hopelessness, Sorrow, Desperation, and Anger.

All of these emotions can be heard clearly in Rex's shout of pain, the pain of seeing this scene surfaced again from the deepest part in his heart.

While he's shouting in agony, the evil laughter of the Werewolf rang in his ear.

Until suddenly, the blood, the laughter, and the corpses of his parents vanished as Rex lift his body and look at the glowing Blood Moon in the sky.

'Power...', the Blood Moon whispers to Rex again.

Rex's eyes turn bloodthirsty as he gazes on the Blood Moon, he's head is filled with the desire to avenge his parents' death to that evil Werewolf.

The same evil Werewolf then appeared in front of him with a mocking look.

But when Rex was about to attack the Werewolf in anger, his body stopped abruptly.

He then look at the Blood Moon with determination before he shouted, "GIVE ME POWER!"

Right after he shouted that a red light beam shot from the Blood Moon.

Rex embraces the red light beam with open arms as Blood Moon Energy filled his body, the feeling of immense power seeped through his body making Rex smile.

But then suddenly, Rex snapped out of the vision with heavy breaths.

"What's wrong Rex?", Adhara hold Rex's shoulder from the side in worry looking at Rex's body filled with sweat and his gasping breaths.

Rex grips Adhara's hand back gently while trying to steady his breathing.

This makes Adhara even more worried before Rex replied, "It's nothing"

Hearing this, Adhara is not that dense to believe his lies as Rex gets up, "I'm going to sleep first, goodnight", he said before jumping down the building.

Looking at this, Adhara frowns, "What's wrong with him?', she mumbles.

Unknown to Adhara, Rex's eyes flash with red light as a notification from the system can be seen in front of Rex.

<Blood Moon Quest Activated!>

<Finish the Blood Moon Quest to acquire King Mark of the Blood Moon!>

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