The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 275 Going Down The Cliff

Chapter 275 Going Down The Cliff


Small pebbles fall down into the dark clouds as Rex and the others follow the tight fringes, only the tip of their toes can step on the fringes because of how narrow it is.

They need to use their full focus to just follow the narrow fringes.

But the occasional rumbling sound that the dark clouds make distracts Adhara and Kyran greatly, it startled them every time it sounds.

Kyran and Adhara looks down with trembling legs,

The depth of the cliff is very deep, even third rank Awakened might just die instantly if they fall from the top to the bottom.

Added with the dark clouds that cover the bottom, it makes both of them suck in a cold breath.

While they're all following the fringes, the sky suddenly rumbles.

"The timing cannot be any worse", Adhara said as the sky started to rain, it was clear just about five minutes ago and then suddenly it started raining.

Rex looks up to the sky before he mumbles, "It's raining again just like last time"

Because of this, Adhara had to stop as she can't travel the fringes anymore.

The rain started to make the fringes wet and slippery, she almost tripped down because of the wet fringes and decided to just stay on her spot and stick to the cliff wall like a lizard.

Rex who is already further down than them looks up and saw Adhara stopping.

"What's wrong Adhara?", Rex asks with a slightly higher voice than normal, his voice got muffled by the rain sound.

Hearing this, Adhara then answered without looking at Rex, "I don't think I'm good with heights"

"Don't think and just follow the fringes, we're almost there", Rex said trying to convince Adhara to keep going down.

But Adhara then shouted back, "Says someone who has claws!"

While Adhara and Kyran struggle to go down, Rex and Delta are going down easily by using their claws that they stabbed into the cliff walls.

Rex can only smile wryly while the four of them inch down the cliff slowly.

After a slight hesitation, Adhara also started to follow the fringes again but slower.

It takes them longer to reach above the dark clouds than it should be, the rain makes their movements slower.

Rex and the others stopped above the dark clouds as Rex stopped just above it.

If Rex stretches his hand down then he can touch the dark clouds with his hand, that's how close they're right now with the dark clouds.

"What's next?", Adhara asks from the side.

But then, Kyran suddenly said with a frown, "I can feel something moving in the dark clouds, I think there are mutated animals in there"

"There are mutated bugs in that clouds but it's weak, Kyran! Go on Delta's back!", Rex instructed.

After Kyran jumped to Delta's back and holds onto Delta's back, Rex also grabs Adhara's waist while preparing himself to jump down.

Looking at this, Adhara looks at Rex in horror.

"What are you doing?", Adhara asks with a pale expression.

Rex glance at the scared Adhara briefly before he replied, "Don't worry, we just need to jump through these dark clouds"

"Are you crazy! You didn't even know what's down there!", Adhara rebutted in horror.

But Rex ignored her before he glance at Delta, "Delta, activate your white force as to not let the bugs prickle your skin"

While saying that, Rex also summons the yellow barrier.

The yellow barrier came out of Rex's body like a steaming gas, and the yellow barrier also enveloped Adhara who is pulled close to Rex's body.

"Okay let's jump in 3", Rex signals.


Hearing this, Adhara takes a deep breath to prepare herself as she hugs Rex tightly,

But just after Rex said, "Two!"

Rex jumped down first followed by Delta and Kyran as Adhara screamed in horror, the four of them then disappear inside the dark clouds.

Upon entering the dark clouds, the same cold feeling can be felt.

The mutated bugs instantly went to them trying to bite Rex and the others but got stopped by their force barrier, the prickling feeling didn't happen because of this.

After falling down for quite a bit with Adhara's scream as their background sound.

Rex and the others went through the dark clouds before the scenery that Rex last saw appeared once again, it's still the same as the last time Rex is here.


With a grip from Rex's hand, Rex stopped their falling momentum.

Delta also follows Rex as she grabs the cliff wall with her claws stopping her and Kyran from falling further.

"What is this place...", Kyran asks as he looks down in surprise.

Adhara also opens her eyes slowly after noticing that they're not falling again, her throat feels sore because of how loud she scream before.

But before she can complain, she suddenly saw the scenery below them.

She turns her head left and right to look at the place she arrived in,

The scene in front of her and the others is Carabidis Temple which is a dark dim lighted dessert with a square-shaped Egyptian temple in the middle of the place.

Light came only from torches that are put around the temple, and the small statues around it.

Aside from the mesmerizing view of the Carabidis Temple, Kyran and Adhara can also see a bunch of mutated animals roaming around.

They're walking around aimlessly,

Some of them are mutated insects, while some are mutated animals.

Out of all of the mutated animals down here, the most eye-catching one is the big cat that has its front legs abnormally bigger than the other two back legs.

There are three of them, and the three of them are lying in front of the temple's entrance.

'They're guarding the temple entrance? The last time I'm here the one that guards the entrance is a mutated fifth rank snake', Rex thought with a frown.

It seems like not all of the things here are the same as he remembered.

Adhara looks at the huge temple in awe while she's still being carried by Rex, "How did you find this place? Are you a lunatic?", she asks nonchalantly.

"What do you mean a lunatic?", Rex replied slightly annoyed.

Hearing this, Adhara looks at Rex before she said, "To find this place means you must've jumped into the dark clouds out of curiosity, what does that make you if not a lunatic?"

Rex was at a loss for words,

Now that he thinks about it, if the system didn't tell him about this place then he won't find it.

Only a lunatic will jump into a deep cliff with the bottom of it covered with dark clouds, it's simply unlikely for anyone to find this place.

"Shut up", Rex replied before letting go of her.


Adhara falls to the sand below them face first, she stands up in anger but got her mouth closed by Rex's hand before she can complain.

"Ssstt!", Rex tries to make Adhara calm down before he points to the left with his eyes.

After pushing Rex's hand away from her mouth, Adhara looks back and saw a mutated wolf walking towards them while sniffing the air.

Delta and Kyran also landed beside them and ducked low to avoid any attention.

But even with them trying to suppress their aura, the mutated wolf seems to pick up their scent as the mutated wolf makes way to them.

"What should we do? That wolf is heading towards us!", Adhara whispers.

Rex glance at the mutated wolf before a smile appeared on his face,

Not long after that, the mutated wolf arrived in front of them as the mutated wolf raises its gaze before its eyes landed on Rex.

Looking at the mutated wolf, Rex kneels down on the ground.

The mutated wolf then strides lightly towards Rex before he started rubbing the mutated wolf's neck as the mutated wolf whimpers.

"You know this mutated wolf?", Adhara asks in confusion.

What happened in front of them happened randomly,

The mutated wolf walks over to them as if it knows they arrive, and then suddenly Rex started to rub the mutated wolf's muzzle as if they did this before.

Rex then replied while playing with the mutated wolf, "I've scouted this place before"

"Back when I first scouted this place, there is a disturbance on the entrance of the temple and I decided to find a safer route inside the temple. And during that search, I met with this mutated wolf who show me the way inside", he explained.

Hearing this, Adhara and Kyran nodded their heads.

While Rex is playing with the mutated wolf, the mutated wolf's eyes landed on Delta who is looking at it full of hostility.

But then, the end of the mutated wolf's mouth quirk up to a smirk.

This makes Delta becomes even angry in jealousy but Rex didn't see this, only Kyran and Adhara who stand behind Rex saw this exchange happening with a wry smile.

"Kyran, go scout the surrounding", Rex suddenly said.

He then continues, "Check what is the entrance condition and if there's still a crack on the left side of the temple, with the dark surrounding you can stealth through the mutated animals here easily"

After saying that, Rex glance at the mutated wolf again before he said, "Guide him"

The mutated wolf nodded his head as if he understand Rex, it then glances at Kyran before it turns to its back and started running away.

Seeing this, Kyran's body glows with the dark element as he started to blend with the darkness.

Rex stands back up before he looks back and finds Delta is averting her gaze, he then looks at Adhara in confusion before Adhara reply with a wry smile.

"Let's find a place to hide while waiting for them", Rex said finally said.


Edward and Ari are currently in a car heading towards Faraday University.

They already arrived at Ratmawati City, and now they only need to go back to Faraday University with the items that they will give to Evelyn Luc.

While on the ride, both of them didn't talk at all.josei

Ari who is sitting on the back glance at Edward and find that his face is pale, it seems that Edward is holding something back.

Just when they're about to reach Faraday University.

Edward suddenly told the driver to stop when he saw a gas station, the driver then went into the gas station before he parked there.

"I'll be back", Edward said before he gets out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Edward went straight to the bathroom.

He quickly get into one of the bathroom booths that is empty before he kneels in front of the toilet seat before he started to vomit.

The fluids that came out of Edward's mouth has a hint of blood in them.

Edward vomits for a couple of minutes before he feels better, he then sits on the ground lightly with heavy breaths.

"I overdid it", Edward mumbles as he looks at the black fire that sprouted on his hand.

Based on what it looks like, it seems Edward is still not adept at using his new technique and the fight he had a couple of days ago takes a toll on his body.

After resting for a couple of minutes, Edward takes out the pouch from his pocket.

The pouch contains the Ambrosia Cloud and the Grisly Mist Bear Heart that he will deliver to Evelyn Luc, he looks at it before he pulls himself together and stands up.

While Edward is in the bathroom, Ari's phone rang as he answered it.

"Sir?", Ari greeted.

After that, the person on the other side said something as Ari replied, "It's not only Kyran but Edward also have the same changes"

Ari then glance in the bathroom direction before he added, "I think it happened fairly recently. Although we don't have enough evidence, what Wesley said might be worth considering since the probability of it's true is there"

"Yes, Sir", Ari replied before he hung up on the phone.

Not long after that, Edward can be seen coming out of the bathroom as Ari looks at him attentively with a mysterious look.

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