The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 279 What The Hell Is Happening

Chapter 279 What The Hell Is Happening

"Just don't do that again", Rex said with Kyran lying in front of him.

Somehow Kyran manage to help them beat the Sand Elemental by spotting its core, then he got stuck inside the Sand Elemental almost got ripped to shreds by the condensed light.

What Kyran did was a mad move,

If Rex was not there in the nick of time, he will die alongside the Sand Elemental.

But aside from his reckless behavior, Rex can't deny that Kyran's sense is very useful in such a situation, and without it, the fight will get longer.

They might even lose if the only thing that can kill the Sand Elemental is by destroying its core.

Kyran smiles widely upon seeing Rex's mouth quirked up, the blood that is oozing out of his body should kill any Awakened but he's not just a human.

After saving Kyran, Rex's body turns normal as he looks at the destroyed surrounding.

He's trying to find Adhara and Delta that should also be pushed back by the shockwave, Adhara is further away from the explosion but Delta is very close since she's the one that brought Kyran closer to the Sand Elemental.

On his right, Rex saw Adhara coughing as the sand got inside her mouth.

From the looks of it, she's probably fine because as soon as she saw Rex she gets up and runs towards him.

"Rex! Kyran!", Adhara shouted while running towards them.

Although she's further away from the explosion, her left arm is tilted in the wrong direction that making Rex frown in concern.

He then asks, "What happened?"josei

Hearing what Rex said, Adhara looks at her left arm before she smiles wryly, "My left arm hit the tree behind me pretty hard, I think it's broken", she said after feeling that her left arm is numb.

Rex sigh before he looks around in worry, "Where's Delta?"

Their surroundings are filled with sand, trees, and mutated animals.

But now, many of the trees got flattened by the explosion while the sand around them becomes more abundant for some reason.

'It's probably because of the Sand Elemental', Rex thought.

After that, Rex and Adhara helped Kyran lean on a tilted tree before they started to look around.

Because of the air consisting of a little bit of sand, Rex and Adhara's smelling sense is not quite as good as the usual place as they struggle to search for Delta.

They went left and right around the sandy place with no sign of Delta.

But Rex notice something weird from the surrounding too, 'Where did the mutated animals go? Some should survive the explosion', Rex thought with a frown.

The mutated animals are many here, it's weird to see this place very empty of life.

Rex then glance at the temple's entrance and saw a glimpse of a mutated camel going inside, it seems all of the mutated animals runs inside of the temple.

"REX! I FOUND DELTA!", Adhara suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, Rex immediately went in Adhara's direction.

Arriving beside her, Rex looks down and saw the third quarter of Delta's body is covered by sand creating a mound, only her tails can be seen from this view.

Without waiting any longer, Rex and Adhara dig the sand in worry.

The sand is not quite deep and when they manage to dig Delta out, they sucked in a cold breath as they both stepped back in disbelief.

In front of them, Delta lies weakly with an human-sized tree fragment stabbing her belly.

The tree fragment penetrate her belly cleanly until it burst out from her back.

Looking at this, Adhara's body froze not knowing what to do but then Rex then notice a slight movement on Delta's body, "She's breathing!", he shouted in joy.

For a second there, Rex thought that Delta is dead.

But thankfully, she's still alive and if treated she will recover since her body is way stronger.

Rex falls to his knee before he caressed Delta's head,

Feeling the gentle touch on her head, Delta's eyes opened slightly but weakly and saw Rex looking at her in worry.

A small whimper came out of Delta's mouth as if she's saying that she's fine.

"Let's bring her to the city first, we will get back here later", Rex said before he glance at the temple in front of him with slight hesitation.

The first guardian they met is this strong, and the others should be as strong as this one.

Rex dare not to think like this but there's a chance that the other guardians might be stronger than the Sand Elemental, it's hard to say by looking at the temple's entrance that gives off a mysterious aura.

After looking at the temple's entrance for a moment, Rex signals the other to leave.

The climb up is harder than climbing down,

Because of carrying Delta's body, it's simply not possible for Rex to carry such a huge beast while climbing the cliff wall with his human body.

So he needs to turn into his Werewolf form so he can move freely.

Adhara is tasked to carry Kyran while Rex is carrying Delta, they're still haven't started their climb yet since the wood fragment is still there and Adhara's left arm is broken.

Delta will bleed out if the wood fragment is pulled, and she will die then.

Rex was wrecking his brain to climb the cliff, he can't find an alternative since he's the only one that can still move freely.

Almost all of his injuries are minor and not threatening, and it's healing too.

The problem that Rex just realized is that Adhara's hand is broken, and now he's thinking twice to let Adhara carry Kyran up with her condition.

He thought of leaving Adhara down here while he brings the two up.

But he can't really do that since Kyran is still weak, and he can't possibly hold onto Delta's body that will also apply more pressure to Delta's wound.

Adhara will also not be safe here, it's too risky.

Looking at Rex who is in a dilemma, Adhara then said, "Just bring Delta back first"

"I can't do that, What happened if something happened while I was gone here?", Rex replied with a frown, the temple is mysterious and there's no guarantee that Kyran and Adhara will be safe here.

Before he becomes conflicted, Rex immediately asks the system.

At first, Rex thought that he can just transport back to Wedron City with the others.

Turns out, all transportation items cannot be used here because of some sort of energy that blocked any transportation.

It surprised Rex and now the situation becomes problematic.

Although he can just buy healing elixirs from the shop, he's not that rich anymore.

Spending gold needlessly if they're not urgent will just pummel his gold down, and he still needs many things that he needed to save the gold for.

Reaching the sixth rank is the max for his current element, he needs to evolve the black lightning.

With Delta's immense life force, she shouldn't die because of her injury.

,m He's only shocked before and realized that it's Delta, she got healing abilities like Kyran and Adhara as well that Rex just knows after the fight with the raven.

But in this situation he needs to be decisive, Rex then finally said, "I'm going to go on first with Delta, I'll come back for the both of you later"

"Just make sure to stay on this spot, don't wander around", Rex added.

"Okay", Adhara replied as she nodded her head.

After deciding to just leave them both here and get back as soon as possible, Rex looks around to make sure one last time before he finally turns into his Werewolf Form again and leaped up while carrying Delta.

Both Adhara and Kyran saw as Rex stabbed his claws and make his way up the cliff.

His movement is very agile and fast that it didn't take long for him to disappear in the dark clouds, all of this happened in just a few seconds.

Adhara sits down while leaning on the cliff wall with Kyran beside her.

The fight that they just had is the hardest fight for them, even now they still can't believe they manage to defeat such a monster.

"You're really bold back there", Adhara said lightly.

Hearing this, Kyran glance at Adhara weakly with wounds covering his body and replied, "I figured that creature can't be killed that easily, and then I spot that orb"

Adhara smiles lightly as they both rested.

The rough subtle wind that has some sand on it brushes their body.

After the fight with the Sand Elemental, there are no sounds that can be heard from the mutated animals except for the sound of the wind.

While Adhara is resting, her eyes then suddenly get attracted to something.

Since the explosion from the Sand Elemntal's death flattened the surrounding place except for the temple that is covered with an invisible barrier.

In front of her, Adhara saw three similar small pyramids as before.

She saw the small pyramid that they got in before, the small pyramid that Rex found glowing, and another small pyramid on her right that looks identical to each other.

The small pyramid that Rex said to be glowing is now emitting a sandy aura.

Adhara saw that the brown aura hovers in the air before it got attracted to something, that something is located right where the Sand Elemental just died.

Looking at this, Adhara then stands up with a bit of struggle and approaches the brown energy.

Kyran who is closing his eyes on the side felt Adhara gets up as he opened his eyes slightly, "Where are you going?", he asks weakly.

Hearing this, Adhara waves her hand and replied, "Just wait there"

Adhara approaches the place where the Sand Elemental died which seems to attract the brown energy, she gets closer to it before she saw the brown energy hovering above a spot of sand.

Upon noticing this weird occurrence, Adhara then went on her knees and dig that spot.

It didn't take long before she saw a glowing orb buried inside the sand, and the brown energy becomes excited as it caress the glowing orb.

She then takes the orb with a slight hesitation before she inspects it.

Based on the appearance of the light brown glowing orb, it's similar to the core Kyran just tossed.

In fact, it's completely the same as the core Kyran just tossed, but Adhara remembers that the core got destroyed into a million pieces.

"Is this a fragment of the core? Or even an essence of the core?", she mumbles lightly.

After inspecting the golf-sized orb, Adhara then looks at the glowing small pyramid in front of her and the orb in her hand with a frown.

The small pyramid is like pulling the orb towards it whilst in Adhara's hand.

She then went towards the small pyramid with the glowing orb in her hand,

"Rex told us to stay put!", Kyran shouted from the back after seeing Adhara go closer to the small pyramid with the glowing brown orb.

Hearing this, Adhara then shouted back, "I'm just going to check it out!"

Arriving at the small pyramid, Adhara went inside as the brown energy guides her inside.

Inside the small pyramid, there's also a square-surfaced rock that has the same black small pyramid in the middle of its surface.

Adhara went inside the place and saw that the brown energy is signaling for her to put the brown orb on top of the black pyramid.

With a slight hesitation, she wanted to place the brown orb on top of the black pyramid.

But just as her hand almost arrives on top of the black pyramid, her hand stopped as she remembered that Rex told her not to do anything.

After shaking her head, Adhara wanted to leave when suddenly,


Adhara widened her eyes when suddenly the brown orb shot towards the black pyramid before it stopped right on top of it.

This caught her off guard since she didn't know something like this might happen.

Illumination brown light blinded Adhara's vision as the brown orb rotates above the black pyramid, and when the light resided,


The ground shakes making Adhara stumble in her place, she instantly runs outside in worry.

When she got outside, she saw the brown orb appear on top of the small pyramid with a wind symbol on the entrance before it shot a brown light towards the temple's entrance.

Kyran also saw this happening as the brown light shot at the temple's entrance.

Adhara was petrified since she doesn't know what is happening, she then look at the entrance before her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the right statue beside the entrance suddenly tilts its cat head towards her direction.

Before she can comprehend what she's seeing,

One of the Khopesh swords that the statue held suddenly flew towards Adhara making her flinch, it travels lightning fast before stabbing the ground in front of her.


The Khopesh sword stabs the ground in front of Adhara as it emits a brown hue, and by the energy, it emitted Adhara knows that it's a powerful sword.

Right after the Khopesh sword landed, the small pyramid on Adhara's left burst with energy.


The small pyramid that looks normal before suddenly glows with a red light just like the small pyramid with the wind symbol before, and this startled Adhara and Kyran as the booming sound came out of nowhere.

"What the hell is happening!", Adhara said in shock.

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