The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 282 Respect For The Inventor

Chapter 282 Respect For The Inventor

The night is filled with the sound of insects bugging, it filled the night with a natural feeling that should make anyone comfortable enough to sleep.

But Rex didn't sleep, it's hard for him to sleep since opening the Moon Box.

Nightmares of the night his parents got killed kept haunting him because of the vision, and it disturb Rex's sleep harshly not intending him to close his eyes for more than ten minutes.

And now, the Green Messenger is waiting for him.

The Green Messenger is leaning on the big tree beside the city hall with his all-black clothes, it's quite a weird sight since it's rare for him to go to Rex personally.

Usually, he will only send a crow with a message from him.

After realizing that the Green Messenger is waiting for him, Rex immediately jumped out from the window to greet him.

The Green Messenger didn't look at Rex as he played with something on his hand.

Rex stopped a couple of meters in front of the Green Messenger before he said, "Is that a new trick? I have never seen that before"

Hearing this, the crow mask tilted towards Rex lightly.

Now that he got closer to the Green Messenger, Rex saw a couple of black crows on the tree and one of them is sitting on the Green Messenger's shoulder.

"You look down today, Is the woman not good?", the Green Messenger suddenly said.

Rex was caught off guard as he looks back at Adhara who is still sleeping, he then faces the Green Messenger again and shakes his head, "It's not that"

Without continuing the light topic, Rex then cut to the chase, "Why are you here?"

"Did you manage to convince the UWO?", the Green Messenger asks back.

Hearing this, Rex's expression didn't change as he replied confidently, "It's still in process, but I will get it done"

"Hurry it up, we don't have time. I already helped you by blocking numerous reinforcement to Eqosa City, you should use that to convince them", the Green Messenger said making Rex frown upon hearing this.

Rex process what the Green Messenger said before he frowns, "Why did you do that? Eqosa City needs those reinforcement to stay alive"

"You could've just left this to me, I'll convince them my way", Rex added.

But upon hearing this, the Green Messenger didn't reply for a moment before he said, "You ask me to let you convince the UWO to band with us since it will affect the organization, the King ordered me to help you. It's not only your mission but also mine"

"In order to convince the UWO you can't use regular means, we have to force them to accept"

Hearing this, Rex gritted his teeth.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, what the Green Messenger said is true.

The Green Messenger told the King about Rex's plan, so it makes sense for the King to put the burden on the Green Messenger too.

By blocking the reinforcement to Eqosa City that needs to pass a city that is under the influence of the SCO, this creates a predicament for the UWO since if they fail then their reputation will dwindle even more.

Sacrificing Eqosa City in order to force the UWO.

But something doesn't sit right for Rex,

"But the SCO and the UWO are not the only ones playing this game, the Supernatural is also there that can use this opportunity to murder us all! Did you not think of that?", Rex said calmly, but there's a hint of anger in his tone.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger scoffed, "Of course, I know that"

"And although humans have conflicts with each other, the Supernatural definitely also have conflicts with each other since they're different races banding into one. That is why I'm here", he added.

Rex frown in confusion, he looks at the Green Messenger questioningly before the Green Messenger continues, "I talked to the King, and he agrees to give me an army of Black Hand to disrupt the peace in Supernatural territory"

"How will you do that?", Rex asks in confusion.

In order to disrupt the peace then they need something big, not only attacking a city of Supernatural but attacking the Supernatural Kingdom.

If they manage to do that, then it will hinder the Supernatural's movement.

But then, the Green Messenger suddenly approaches Rex with light steps.

Rex steps back cautiously as the Green Messengers stretches his hand forward.

He opened the thing that he's playing with all this time, he put some of its content on his hand that looks like sparkling dust before he waves it at Rex's ear.


The sparkling dust hovers on Rex's ear before suddenly Rex can feel a slight change.

Rex touches his ear before he looks at the Green Messenger with wide eyes, his ears just turn pointy after getting dusted by the sparkling dust.

Seeing Rex's surprised expression, the Green Messenger close the vial and step back.

"I have developed this thing by dissecting and studying a powerful Dark Shapeshifter that wonders in human territory, this is a vial that can change someone's appearance that lasted for a couple of hours at best", the Green Messenger explains.

But upon hearing this, Rex was quite surprised, 'Shapeshifter? Is it the one that came to me?'

Rex remembered the day in Faraday University where he got ambushed by a Shapeshifter, and he's forced to use the Invincible Item from the berserk quest.

'They manage to capture that Shapeshifter? It's pretty powerful', Rex thought.

The Green Messenger then added, "If the wearer is dead before the effect wears off, they will not change back into their original appearance so it won't blow our cover. Combined with another item that I developed, we can disguise ourselves as Supernatural to create havoc. We will be disguising them as Elves or Vampires since they have similar traits as us"

Hearing this, Rex was in disbelief as he look at Green Messenger in horror.

The thing that he invented surprises Rex to his core, something like this can change the tide of the war easily since trickery is not prohibited in a war of survival.

If Rex manages to band the UWO and the SCO together, then humans will be unstoppable.

Because of this, Rex found newfound respect towards the Green Messenger that can be considered as an important inventor for humanity.

"Since I'm the leader of this assault, I came here to notify you about this and ask you personally to pressure the UWO while I and the others will create a distraction. I have the same vision as you, and this is the last chance to unite the UWO and SCO", the Green Messenger finally said.

Rex nodded his head in acknowledgment, he also notice the hidden meaning of what the Green Messenger meant by the last chance.

If what he interprets is correct,

What the Green Messenger means is that this is the last time the King makes amends with the UWO, and if this fails there will be no alliances ever.

After telling Rex that, the Green Messenger was about to leave but got stopped by Rex.

"Do you know which Supernatural that is very hard to be affected by Mental Spell?", Rex asks, he wanted to know about this and the Green Messenger probably knows.josei

The Green Messenger then replied, "High-rank Supernatural falls to that category"

"Is there any Supernatural that falls into that category but has about the fifth rank or below power?", Rex added more specifically.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger thought for a moment.

Then he then suddenly replied, "Lesser Dark Elves, they're pretty weak since only those who have been chosen by Evil Nature can progress further. But just like Elves, they're adept in magic and most of them have a very strong mind"

Rex was ecstatic upon hearing this, this is what he's been looking for.

In order for the Wiro Necklace of Fear to be activated, he needs to kill other beings that have higher mental stats than him.

These Dark Elves will be his next target.

After saying that, the Green Messenger then toss a small box, "Here, It's a modified bullet for the gun I gave before"

"It has a stronger penetration and even has hallucination effect, use it wisely if you encounter a strong Supernatural. I'm going now, your woman has eavesdropped on us long enough", he added as his body slowly turns into green gas.

Then before he disappears, "If you want to contact me, just say my name in front of this crow"

Right after he said that the crow that is sitting on the tree branch flaps its wings down before it lands on Rex's shoulder.

The Green Messenger then left after giving the crow.

Rex looks at the box in his hand and when he opened it he saw three bullets in the box.

The bullets are bigger than average and the substance in them is more than the regular, it's clear that this bullet is way stronger than the regular.

He then looks at the crow before looking back at Adhara who is pretending to sleep.

'So he really can find out that I told the others about being a member of the SCO, I thought I'll get into trouble', Rex thought with a wry smile.

With the Secret Promise and Swear of Loyalty, Rex thought that he will get into trouble.

But turns out the Green Messenger didn't say anything about him telling the others, so he's at least relieved about that.

'Considering the black hands, maybe they don't want to be a secret organization anymore', Rex thought as he look in the direction where the Green Messenger left to.

He then went back inside his room where Adhara is still pretending to be asleep.

Looking at this, Rex has an amused smile on his face as he puts his face closer to Adhara's ear before he whispers, "How long are you going to pretend to be asleep"

Adhara's body jolted upon hearing this as her eyes open abruptly.

"Since when did you realize?", Adhara wakes up from the bed and puts some distance between her and Rex in fright.

It seems she's on guard because of the appearance of the Green Messenger.

Rex chuckles before he points at the window, "I didn't, the masked guy earlier did"

But upon hearing this, Adhara's expression crumbles even further as Rex's words make her skin crawl in fright.

She notices that Rex is not on the bed a bit before.

When she opened her eyes, Adhara saw Rex is talking with a mysterious person that wears all black clothes and a scary crow mask that covers the person's face.

The Green Messenger looks mysterious and no doubt strong.

Although the Green Messenger doesn't emit any kind of aura just like a normal person, Adhara can feel her senses are telling her that the Green Messenger is powerful.

Her senses are definitely right, the Green Messenger is quite powerful.

Especially since he can take on the Cursed Serpent and saved Rex before, it shows just how strong he is with that only feat.

Aside from that, she also remembers seeing the Green Messenger.

The night when Rex got recruited, the Green Messenger also recruit Adhara but Rex decided to not bring Adhara into an organization that hates Awakened.

So she should recognize the Green Messenger, he didn't change after all.

Adhara then asks, "Isn't that the guy from last time? I remember him"

"That is the Green Messenger, you've seen a bit of his skill. So he's not just an ordinary man, he's the leader of my team in the SCO", Rex explains while lying on the bed comfortably.

The crow flaps its wings and landed on a lamp table beside the bed.

After hearing this, Adhara steps to the window and closes it.

"What are you doing?", Rex asks while gluing his eyes on his phone.

He's currently searching for the Dark Elves information on the UWO website, Rex didn't intend to go to sleep anymore.

Adhara jump on the bed before she replied, "He might peep on us, What else would he give you this mysterious and suspicious crow for aside from that"

"It's a way to contact him. If he wanted to peep, then we can't do anything about it", Rex replied with a laugh before Adhara takes the blanket and hides under it.

The next day,

Rex and the others are having their breakfast that is prepared by the priest.

But then, Rex's phone rang as a name appeared on the screen.

Upon looking at the name, Rex immediately answers the phone since it's rare to see this person calling him, "Hello?"

"Rex! Are you still in contact with the SCO member that you told me about? We have a problem"

Hearing what the person on the other, Rex sighs because he knows where this conversation heading before he finally replied, "I'm still in contact, What seems to be the problem?"

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