The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 286 Ancient Spirit

Chapter 286 Ancient Spirit


The last entrance opened slowly making Rex and the others become alert, their eyes are fixated on the last entrance waiting for the last Elemental to come out.

When the entrance opened halfway, Rex and the others can't see anything except for darkness.

Rocks fall around the last entrance and even the speed of the entrance opening is way too long compared to the others, it's like this entrance hasn't been opened longer than the others.

After the last entrance opened fully, Rex frowns as he gazes up to find nothing.

The big and glowing Light Elemental that he thought will be the last one didn't appear, even Kyran can't feel any presence from inside this one.

"Where is it?", Kyran asks in confusion.

Rex gazes at the darkness before he glances at Adhara, "Light that place up, I want to know if it's deep like the Sand Elemental one", he instructed with a frown.

Even with their night vision ability, the pathway is completely abyss dark.

They can't see through the impending darkness that swallows the inside of the entrance, and this brings nothing but concern for Rex and the others.

Hearing this, Adhara makes a small fireball on her palm.

The fireball then went inside the entrance slowly lighting everything on its path.

Silence covered the whole place aside from the occasional sounds of rocks falling, the fireball went inside the entrance and it went deeper and there are completely nothing there.

Not long, the fireball hit the end of the path.

The path only went as deep as 50 foot that is way shallow than what Rex expected.

But then, Rex's eyes caught something at the end of the path where two opened chains lie. It seems there is something here but that thing is already escaped.

Rex then walks slowly towards the entrance,

"Be careful", Adhara said from the back lightly.

With light steps, Rex stepped inside the last entrance with Adhara's purple fireball lighting his ways inside of it.

It doesn't take long for Rex to reach the end of the path,

Rex then went down on his knee and inspect the chains that lies in front of him.

The chains are not just regular chains, it has multiple small stones around them that the system explain to be Cyanrl stone. A stone that is used to trap a spirit or any other astral creature that can't be touched physically.

'Wouldn't this mean there was a Light Elemental here?', Rex thought with a frown.

Based on the symbol above the pond, Rex is sure that there is a Light Elemental. The last guardian of the temple, even the system said that there are three guardians.

[I can feel the light elemental presence here strongly, but I think it already died]

Hearing Devo suddenly intervenes in his thoughts, Rex's frown even harder, 'Is there someone earlier than me? But the UWO officials didn't even manage to get inside the temple'

But Rex shakes his head, 'That shouldn't be possible, the Sand Elemental is the first guardian. It guards the outside and if the Sand Elemental didn't die then how did they even manage to get inside the temple'

Rex stands back up while looking around the place with a sigh.

"Did you find anything?", Adhara shouted from outside, she's looking at Rex who can hardly be seen because of the darkness inside the last entrance.

Rex turns back while shaking his head, "No! There's nothing here!"

He then walks back towards Adhara and Kyran with a sigh, he needs to get the last core that he would use to open the Exchequer that Rex thought contains treasures.

'So where do I find the cores now since the last guardian is dead', Rex thought.

They're in a dead-end if somehow they can't get the last core that the system said to be the key to open the passageway to the Carabidis Exchequer.

Rex looks up towards Adhara and Kyran as he nears them before his eyes widen.

"KYRAN! ADHARA!", Rex shouted while pointing at their back, he immediately runs towards the both of them hurriedly as he saw something on their backs.

Hearing this, Kyran then pushes Adhara in front as he realizes that something is behind them.

Rex arrived beside the both of them as they all look at the creature in front of them, it came out of nowhere and it shocks Rex.

Even Kyran didn't sense anything even though the creature is right behind him.

The three of them stand in front of a white spirit that is floating in front of them, it has no aura whatsoever which means this creature is not the Light Elemental.

"Did you not feel it?", Rex asks whisperingly.

Kyran then answered while he gazes at the spirit in front of him, "I didn't sense anything, no aura or anything it's like whatever this thing, it doesn't exist"

What Kyran said made Adhara feel uncomfortable in front of this spirit.

Its eyes are identical to that of a human but it is shiny golden in color, the spirit wears an ancient armor with a robe cloaking its whole body only exposing the chest and legs area that is covered in armor. There are fiery ornaments on its back. Another set of golden eyes are also can be seen on the chest area of the armor, and they're also looking at Rex and the others intently.

Looking at this, Rex wanted to scan with the system but then,


His head suddenly started hurting as he can't see the spirit's stats, something prevent him from doing so and this surprised Rex greatly since this never happened.

Usually, whenever he met a powerful opponent, their stats will be represented with a question mark that shows Rex that he's not strong enough to see their actual stats but now this spirit even manages to prevent him from seeing its stats entirely.

It was really shocking for Rex, this makes his legs go weak.


"Rex!", Adhara shouted as she saw Rex fall on the ground holding his head.

She checks on Rex in concern as Rex felt the ringing sound inside his head doesn't stop, the sound kept wailing strongly inside his head that made his head hurt.

The spirit glance at Rex curiously with its golden eyes,

But while this is all happening, Kyran stands still while glaring at the spirit.

The veins around his neck bulge as his eyes go bloodthirsty, dark elements envelopes his body before he leaped towards the spirit intending to hit it.


He swung his fist with all he had but his fist just went through the spirit's body.


Kyran falls to the ground heavily as his swinging momentum can't be stopped, and when he looks back at the spirit, the spirit turns out is also looking at him intently.

Rex then stands back up slowly as he felt the ringing pain decided,

After he stands back up slowly, Rex saw the spirit wave its hand as the Black Dandelions on the surroundings trembles uncontrollably.

This makes the others worry before suddenly,


The seed of the Black Dandelion got blasted as it float around the place, all of them slowly went towards Rex and the others.

Seeing this, Rex and the others try to attack the Black Dandelion seed,

'System? Use the transferral crystal to get us out of here!', Rex screamed inside his head.



Rex swung the Nechtu sword that is sparking with black lightning, Adhara blazes the surrounding with purple fire while Kyran tries to dodge the Black Dandelion seed.

But all of them fail to even destroy one of the Black Dandelion seeds.

Any of their attacks didn't seem to connect with the Black Dandelion seed, they only obstruct the Black Dandelion seed's path for a moment before they resume their original path.

The system also didn't answer which makes Rex helpless.

Black seed from the Black Dandelion already surrounded them, there is no way to escape.

It didn't take long before the Black Dandelion seeds fall onto their body.

Rex and the others helplessly try to get rid of them but it just can't, and when the Black Dandelion seed fall to their body they are already ready themselves to expect to be hurt.

But even after the Black Dandelion seed fall to the ground, nothing happened to them.

Seeing that the Black Dandelion seed has no effect on them, the spirit frowns in confusion as he didn't expect this to happen.josei

"What are you?", an astral and authoritative voice suddenly asks them.

Hearing this, Rex glance at the spirit and was surprised that the spirit is the one that just asks them the question.

Rex glance at the Black Dandelion seeds on the ground in thought, 'The spirit thought that we're human, but we're not'

"It thought that we're humans", Adhara added that.

Rex nodded his head as that is what he's thinking, he then looks at the spirit and asks back, "What are you?"

The spirit gazes at Rex intently with its golden eyes as it floats above the pond, its arms are crossed in front of him showing its prideful bearing that seems to look down on Rex and the others as if they were lesser beings.

This makes Rex quite annoyed, his expression turns sour upon seeing the spirit.

"You three are not human", the spirit stated clearly.

Then the spirit added demandingly, "Show me your true form, I want to see it"

Without even answering the spirit's question, Rex asks again completely ignoring what the spirit asked, "Are you the one that killed the Ligh Elemental?"

"Yes", the spirit replied as it squints its eyes at Rex.

It's clear that the way Rex ignored the question irritated the spirit.

Then the spirit added with a snort, "The Light Elemental is too strong, you three won't be able to scratch it if you encounter the Light Elemental. I've done you three a favor"

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head.

What Devo said about the Light Elemental has already died seems to be true, it's been killed by the spirit in front of them.

"If that is the case, you have the Light Elemental core right?", Rex asks again.

With a flick of the spirit's fingers, a white orb appeared in its chest that can't be mistaken as anything other than the Light Orb.

The spirit then asks again, "Show me your true form and I will give this orb"

"You can even take the Gem since you will need it to get inside the Exchequer, all you need is show me your true form", the spirit added with a slightly disgusted expression on its face.

'Where is this spirit came from, Why did it kill the Light Elemental, and Why does it know everything inside this place', Rex thought as he can't quite see through this spirit.

The spirit is undoubtedly strong, its stats can't even be seen.

But there is so many questions that Rex can't quite find the answer regarding the spirit, he's completely blind about what he's dealing with here.

"What if I don't?", Rex asks trying to test the water.

Hearing this, the spirit's expression then becomes vicious as he replied coldly, "Then you will die"


The temple suddenly trembles as the spirit's eyes glow brighter, the killing intent that comes from the spirit makes Kyran and Adhara fall to their knees suffocated by the sheer glare of the spirit.

With just a glare from the spirit, the surrounding suddenly changed.

What once the crystal clear water inside the pool turns into blood, the scenery of the temple turns into thousands of creatures stacking against each other dead.

Blood flowed around them from the carcass of tens of thousands of creatures.

Even Rex can feel his legs weak, the spirit's killing intent is so thick that Rex can't even wonder how many living beings the spirit has killed.

But one thing's for certain, the spirit is way out of their league.

"Enough!", Rex shouted as his body makes a cracking sound.

His entire being slowly transform into his Werewolf form, mythical aura came out of his body and shot to the sky as he fully transformed into his Werewolf form.

Looking at this, the spirit widened its eyes in surprise.

But the surprised look turns into a wicked smile as the spirit's eyes landed on the horns that are sticking on Rex's head, "A Prince..."

Hearing this, Rex frown, 'Prince?'

The spirit then started to chuckle, its chuckle makes Adhara and Kyran who just recovered from the overwhelming killing intent felt goosebumps.

It went on for a few seconds before the chuckle turns into a loud evil laugh.

But then suddenly,


Under Rex and the others' gaze, the spirit suddenly pierced its hand into its chest and grab the white orb inside of its chest.

With a pull of his hand, the white orb got pulled out easily.

This makes Rex and the others flinched as the spirit's body started cracking like broken glass as soon as the white orb left its body.

But the grin on the spirit's face is still there.

The spirit then descend down from above the pond before presenting the white orb with a slight bow,  "One Light Elemental Orb for the Prince of Werewolf, It is my pleasure"

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