The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 291 Ana Delarosa

Chapter 291 Ana Delarosa

These are the current stats for Rex if you guys are confused, I hope this can clear some of your confusion, and do tell me if you guys want an occasional summary of Rex's stats like this.

<Rex Silverstar - Maximum Power During Day>

Pack: Silverstar (2/5)

Level: 34 (54,200,000/100,000,000)

Race: Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 7 Days - Lunar Eclipse

Berserk: 78%

Sanity: 61%

Mental: 143 (+39)

Strength: 503 (+74)

Agility: 368 (+36)

Endurance: 330 (+81)

Intelligence: 513


<Rex Silverstar - At night Human Form (80% Increase)>

Mental: 143 (+39)

Strength: 549 (+79)

Agility: 401 (+40)

Endurance: 360 (+84)

Intelligence: 513


<Rex Silverstar - Full Moon/ Werewolf Form (130% Increase)>

Mental: 143 (+39)

Strength: 701 (+94)

Agility: 513 (+51)

Endurance: 460 (+94)

Intelligence: 513


<Rex Silverstar - Maximum Power At Night>

Mental: 143 (+39)

Strength: 900 (+114)

Agility: 658 (+66)

Endurance: 590 (+107)

Intelligence: 513


'Vampires...', Rex mumbles as he looks at the pale skin people in front of him.

Kyran and Adhara are already on his back as they also glare at the sudden arrival of the Vampires, the stink of blood that comes from these Vampires are very thick and it stings their noses since they have a way better smell sense than humans.

Right after Rex got pushed away, Jarvald already leaped and rescue Vivian that is still hurting from the silver bullets.

'Tch, talk about timing', Rex thought with a scoff.

Just when Jarvald was about to answer the question about Rex's royal bloodline, these Vampires appear out of nowhere and attack Rex.

Because of that, Rex lost the leverage over Jarvald to answer his question. He cursed the Vampires inside his head that decided to attack him first instead of attacking Jarvald who is clearly stronger than him.

Upon looking at the group of Vampires, Rex saw that the group is led by a female Vampire.

The female Vampire has glowing red eyes that are highlighted more with her black outfit, her white hair curls down to her back, and her fingernails are black and sharp.

Rex's eyes then landed on the vampire behind the leading Vampire,

'I know that one', Rex thought as he look at a Vampire that hides behind the leading Vampire.

It's the Vampire that manages to escape Rex when he rescues Rosie at Qrila City, this Vampire is also the one that gave the information that Supernatural is learning to use other races' spells.

Issac Delarosa,

"What kind of party is this? Why am I not invited?", the leading Vampire said.

The leading vampire looks at Rex with a smirk on her face that exposes her long and sharp fangs, and that smirk gave Rex goosebumps as he knows that the leading Vampire is no joke.

Even with the upgrade he gets, this particular Vampire still gives him goosebumps.

Rex glance at the woman before he asks with a frown, "Did you come here to kill me?"

Hearing this, the leading Vampire smiles even wider.

"No honey, the opposite actually. I want to keep you alive, Why don't you come with me without any resistance", The leading Vampires said while playing with her fingers.

Rex frowns even harder as he scans the leading Vampire,

<Ana Delarosa>

Race: Ancient Vampire - Queen

Power: Seventh Rank (Early) - Blood Fighter

Mental: 511

Strength: 1037

Agility: 1739

Endurance: 911

Intelligence: 966

Looking at Ana's stats, Rex gulped harshly seeing that she has seventh rank power.

This is the first time he ever encountered a Supernatural that reaches the seventh rank, and from the aura she emits, Rex felt helpless as her aura is sharp and domineering.

Her agility almost reaches triple Rex's agility.

After looking at Rex with an evil smirk, her eyes then glance to the side where Jarvald is taking out the silver bullets from Vivian hurriedly.

The leading Vampire then said with a frown, "Jarvald? How did you get here?"

Hearing this, Jarvald looks up upon the familiar voice before he replied with a fierce glare, "Ana Delarosa, What are you doing here?"

"The same as you I suppose", she replied while glancing at Rex.

Ana then turns her body towards Jarvald before she said with a sweet smile, "Can you kindly let me take him? I'm sent by the Werewolves to retrieve him"

"You damn Vampires! Do you really think I'll believe that?!", Jarvald roared angrily.

He then continues, "What happens to the alliance against Humans?! The Werewolf needs his bloodline, it will give us an edge against the humans!", Jarvald shouted desperately, he instantly realizes that the Vampires are up to something.

If what she said is true, there's no reason for them to not have a Werewolf in their group.

Especially since the Prince's aura is very sensitive and can be felt clearly by any Werewolves, so what Ana said is definitely a lie.

But Ana's smirk went even wider making her look eviler, "Why do you care?"

"It's not like you're still a part of the Werewolves, they thought you're dead and I'm planning to keep it that way", Ana added with her soothing sweet voice that makes Jarvald grit his teeth.

After saying that, Ana turns towards Rex and the others again.

"Where were we", she said playfully.

Rex gritted his teeth as he steals glances at Jarvald that just told Vivian to go away, 'I need to side with him if we were to escape from this', Rex thought with a frown.

Issac then suddenly said with his meek voice, "So what will it be? Come with us voluntarily or...?"

Hearing this, Rex gritted his teeth as he glared at Issac who is smiling at him mockingly.

Even with hiding behind Ana, Issac still flinched when Rex glare at him before Rex return back the mocking smile. This makes Issac grit his teeth as his breathing becomes heavy in anger.

"The hard way it is", Ana mumbles but before she can do anything,

A voice came from the trees as a couple of stepping sounds can be heard.

"It's this way, we're not going to let him get the treasures in that place"

"Why do we need to really?"

"What do you mean?! That brat hurt me, a UWO official and he must be punished!"

Rex heard this too before and it didn't take long for a group of humans to emerge from the forest, and all of them widened their eyes in surprise when they saw the Supernaturals in front of them.

The group of people consists of eight humans, and Rex found four of them familiar.

After emerging from the forest, the group of people suddenly stopped as they saw four Werewolves and Four Vampires in front of them.

They're caught off guard since they're not expecting this,

It's like they're in the Supernatural territory, this kind of lineup shouldn't be possible especially since this place is the human's territory.


Three of the humans burst with immense mana as three spirits appeared on their backs, one of them then shouted, "ALERT THE CITY! THERE IS A SUPERNATURAL ATTACK!"


"Yes!", another Awakened replied before running away.

Seeing the Supernaturals in front of them, the UWO official also sucked in cold breath since she can feel the powerful aura that came from these Werewolves and Vampires.josei

Ana glance to the side with her sharp eyes and saw the humans, "Oh, Delightful snacks"


In the blink of an eye, Ana turns into a blur before instantly attacking the group of humans.




Ana snap some of the Awakened's neck easily like snapping twigs.

Just with a swing of her black and sharp fingernails, blood splattered to the trees and the ground as the Awakened got killed instantly.

The sixth rank Awakened are nothing in front of her, Ana makes them look like toy soldiers.

Ana laughs as she bathes on the blood of the deceased,

She grabs the running Awakened that just realized that Ana is way out of their league by the shoulder, she then yanks them back before biting the Awakened on his neck.

"AAAHH!!", the Awakened shouted as his blood got sucked by Ana's fangs.

The scream of terror resounded to the surroundings as none of them manage to run from Ana's fangs, all of them got their blood sucked out of their body as their body turns pale and dry.

Even the UWO official, she regretted coming back for Rex.

She runs through the forest with heavy breaths, the fear in her eyes can be clearly seen as the laugh from Ana instill her with fear.

It didn't take long before her perspective started to spin,

The world seems to spin around as her consciousness started to fade, her head got chopped off cleanly by Ana without her even knowing how she died.

Meanwhile, Rex and the others can hear the scream of the Awakened.

With Ana busy not letting the Awakened away, the group of Vampires is left with Issac and two other Vampires that have a mid-sixth rank power.

Rex glance at Jarvald who is also looking at him,

Both of them nodded their heads in sync before Rex then whispers, "Kyran use your dark spells, and Adhara follow my lead"

After he said that,


Rex and Jarvald vanish from the spots, the ground cracked under their might. Both of them pounce towards the group of Vampires that is caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Seeing this, Issac widened his eyes after seeing Rex's menacing glare.


Jarvald tackled a mid-sixth rank Vampire with his body emitting a bloody aura, while Rex also aims at the mid-sixth rank Vampire, "Adhara, get that one", he said while pointing at Issac.


Rex slashed his new katana as the Vampire manage to block it with a blood barrier.

But the momentum from Rex's strength is too much as he manages to push the Vampire away, his strength right now almost reaches the four-digit and that rivals of a mid-sixth rank Supernatural.

While Rex is fighting against the Vampire, Adhara did what Rex just said.

Although she's still not in her right mind, the instinct of fighting is still there as her claws blaze with purple fire before slashing them at Issac.

The slash creates arcs of fire that emits terrifying heat,


Issac got a slash right on his face but he already uses the same spell that Rex saw before, the Dragonman spell as his face was covered by the scales of a dragon.

Adhara's strength that is added by the Werewolf form pushes Issac back.

His feet create two lines on the ground as he tries to stop the momentum, but with Rex's Alpha Bearing skill that surrounded the place, Issac becomes weaker because of his mental.

"MOM!!", Issac shouted calling for Ana.

Without pausing her attacks, Adhara kept swinging her arms to take down Issac.



Rex swings the katana in his hand that is blitzing with black lightning, few scratches can be seen on his opponents as the katana does its thing.

"Blood Magic! Bloody Mist!"


The vampire that is fighting with Rex uses his spell as his body burst with red mist.

Rex's vision got clouded with red mist as the smell of blood dominated his sense, he got trapped by the vampire inside the bloody mist.


"Rrghh!", Rex grunted as his leg got clawed by the Vampire.

He looks around the bloody mist but can't locate the Vampire, it's like his senses got blocked by the bloody mist entirely.



The attacks came repeatedly and Rex can't react to them,

After the last slash that landed on his shoulder, Rex steadies his breathing as the sky rumbles.

When the vampire is just about to attack,


A lightning bolt zapped Rex from the sky before his body disappeared, the Vampire was completely shocked after seeing Rex suddenly disappear.

The Vampire cancels the bloody mist spell and looks around in confusion.

But then suddenly,


Another lightning strike landed on the Vampire as a katana pierced his chest cleanly, "ARGHH! How did you-?!"

Rex stabbed the Vampire with his katana,

With his newfound strength, it's not a problem to pin the Vampire down with his katana since his strength is more than enough to rival this Vampire.

Rex then imbued his fist with red force as he punch the Vampire right on its face.


The punch send the Vampire to dreamland, his head got planted on the ground roughly.

After knocking the Vampire out with his punch, Rex glance to the side and found Jarvald also already finish his fight. The vampire that unluckily has to fight Jarvald has all of his limbs ripped off and Jarvald bites the Vampire's head to finish him off.

It was a gory scene, but Jarvald didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"Now you're pissing me off", a sweet but threatening voice came from Rex's front.

Ana just finished massacring the Awakened that tries to run away, her mouth still has the fresh blood of the Awakened matching her red eyes that are now murderously looking at Rex and Jarvald.

Rex then saw Issac jump and land beside Ana, he manage to escape with claw wounds around his body even with the scales protecting him.

There's also a hint of Dark Mana around those wounds, It seems Kyran joins Adhara's fight.

With two Vampires dead, Ana's aura blasted threatening to tear Rex apart.

"You're gonna wish you didn't do that", Ana said lightly.

The air becomes cold right after she said that, her expression contorted as she saw the two vampires lying on the ground.

Hearing this, Rex widens his eyes in surprise, 'She kills all of them that fast?!'



Ana karate chopped Adhara and then Kyran so hard that they got planted on the ground heavily, both of them slowly turns into their human form with just a smack of Ana.

It happened so fast that even Jarvald hardly react to her movements.

Both of Kyran and Adhara's bones got broken by that one attack paralyzing them instantly.

The blood aura around Ana's body becomes intense. She then disappears and sent Jarvald crashing away with a fist imbued with blood aura into the forest breaking dozens of trees in the process.

After doing that, Ana glances at Rex slowly with murderous eyes.

She tilts her head slowly making Rex's danger sense scream, and without Rex even realizing.



"HUAKH!!", Rex got punched in his stomach before his neck got grabbed by Ana, the powerful punch stirred Rex's insides making him spit a mouthful of blood.

Looking at this, Issac smiles from the back seeing Rex got beaten by his mom.

"What should I do to you?", Ana mumbles as she looks at Rex's eyes intently.

Rex struggles in her arms as the grip is too powerful for him to do anything about it, her frail and slender arm that looks weak produces such power that is way out of Rex's league.

"Fuck you", he said with a fearless smirk on his face.

Hearing this, Ana laughs hysterically with her sweet soothing voice.

"You should be thankful that the King will give a reward good enough to let your insolence slide", she said sharply while bringing Rex's face closer to hers.

But then, her eyes fall to Rex's beating heart, "But the pain that doesn't kill you, I think the king will let it slide", she smirks evilly while raising her claws.


"Rrrghh", Rex groans lightly as his chest got pierced, his body turned back to human form because of this.

Her claws slightly grazed Rex's heart and this brought pain Rex has never felt before.

Even with the painful occurrence, Rex is not worried since Ana will not kill him. But he is still ready to activate the Invincible item if Ana tries to hurt Kyran and Adhara more.

Ana smiles like a psychopath as she saw Rex's painful look,

Before she can do anything else to Rex, a familiar voice interrupted them coming from the forest that makes Rex's eyes widen, "Rex...?"

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