The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 294 Family Crest

Chapter 294 Family Crest


Even though the sun should already come out since a new day has already started, the rainy weather covered the sky making the day barely brighter than before.

Rex stands under the rain as his emotion turns gloomy,

Just about a moment ago, Rosie got taken away right in front of him.

Although his relationship with Rosie is not more than just a friend, Rex knows that he felt some type of way to her and the thought of turning Rosie into his pack crossed his mind once in a while.

But since Rosie is only wanting to only be with him, Rex thought that it doesn't line up.

The purpose of him continuing his life and even creating the Silverstar pack is solely for Avenging his mother and father, he doesn't want to add unnecessary members that don't see the same way as he did like Rosie.

It's just the way he believed in, and he's planning to keep it that way for a while.

Even though he's a Werewolf now, Rex tries to keep his humanity intact.

So every time some thoughts nudge his humanity's side came to mind, Rex only shakes his head and just try to forget about it.

But this time is different, Rex looks to the side where a corpse of a Vampire lies.

The same troubling thoughts came to mind as he saw the corpse of the Vampire, without him noticing, Rex started to walk towards it before kneeling beside it.

He stretches his hand to the corpse as he held his breath,

The thought of doing something like this almost pains his soul, his trembling hands portrait it.

"What are you doing?", Edward suddenly called from the side stopping Rex's movements.

Hearing this, Rex takes a deep breath as he sits beside the corpse, "How are they? Did you check on him?", he asks ignoring Edward's question.

Edward glanced at Kyran and Adhara before he replied, "It's bad..."

"Both of their spinal cord broke and they can't move from the shoulders down, but Kyran somehow is starting to move despite the fracture. I'm guessing it's the Vampire from before?", he added.

Rex nodded his head as he slowly gets up,

But when he was about to go check on Kyran and Adhara, Rex saw a silhouette in front of him.

He recognized the silhouette as Jarvald who just recovered from his injuries, Jarvald is signaling for Rex to come to him.

Seeing this, Rex walks towards Jarvald.

The both of them stand face to face with each other, silence covered the both of them.

Although they're fighting together against Ana before, they're still enemies before she came and Jarvald tries to get his bloodline while Rex tries to kill Vivian.

"Thank you", Rex suddenly said, those words came out from Rex's mouth hard.

Out of all the wildest things that Rex has ever dreamed of, one of the things he never thought was thanking a Supernatural. A Werewolf to be exact.

It's hard to thank Jarvald, but without him, Rex will pretty much die.

Because of Jarvald and Rex injuring Ana so badly, she finds it hard to snap Rex's neck.

But if Rex was alone, Ana will not be as injured, and snapping his neck during her peak form is as easy as breaking a chicken's neck.

So he needs to thank Jarvald for at least that,

Jarvald turns his head away and replied, "I didn't help you for you"

"I'm just doing what other Werewolves would've done if other races trying to stab us from the back, your bloodline is important for us", he added.

Hearing this, Rex smiles, "I know"

But then suddenly, Rex saw a rune on Jarvald's shoulder that looks familiar.

It's a red T-shaped rune that he found very familiar, and when he thought for a moment Rex realized it's the same T-shaped rune as the Werewolf that killed his parents.

Although it's the same rune, Rex knows that the Werewolf that killed his parents is not Jarvald.

"What is that symbol on your shoulder?", Rex asks curiously.

Jarvald looks at the T-shaped runes on his shoulder before he said nonchalantly, "It's my Family Crest of course"

"Family crest?", Rex said in confusion.

Seeing Rex's confused look, Jarvald sighs as he shakes his head, "You really don't know anything about Werewolves aren't you"

After saying that, Jarvald the purpose, "Fine I'll explain the symbol in exchange for you to answer a question from me, Do we have a deal?"

Rex nodded his head, he didn't mind answering a question.

"This symbol is a crest of my family, Teinar. Every member of my family will be marked by this symbol, and as for the color, it glows based on our birth moon. Our family members mainly birthed at Blood Moon, but some are not", Jarvald explained.

While Jarvald is explaining, Rex paid attention closely.

'Teinar Family... That Werewolf is probably from Teinar Family too', Rex thought with a frown.

After he thought for a moment, Jarvald suddenly said bringing him back from his thoughts, "My turn, How did you become a Werewolf?"

"I know you're not from Ancient times, so tell me how did you become a Werewolf?"

Hearing this, Rex's mouth closed tightly as he thought for an answer.

Even though Jarvald seems to be honest with his answer, Rex didn't want to expose the existence of the system if that's the price of being honest.

He then finally said, "When I'm on the brink of death, the Moon gave me power"

"I don't know exactly how I become a Werewolf. But the next full moon after that incident, I turned into a Werewolf", Rex added convincingly.

Although he didn't mention the system, the answer he gave was all true.

Jarvald's eyes widen in surprise as he heard Rex's answer, "You're a human once?!"

The excessive reaction caught Rex off guard as Jarvald walks around him and inspects his body, he was inspecting Rex with a clear curiosity in his eyes.

"I can't believe it, How did a human has the Bloodline of a Prince?", Jarvald said in confusion.

Hearing this, Rex shrugs his shoulder as he too doesn't know how it happened.

After a moment, Jarvald finally calms himself down and he was about to leave, "Are you going to tell the Werewolves about my existence?"

Jarvald stopped as he glance at Rex, "One question only", he said with a smirk.

But then, "No", Jarvald answered.

Rex widen his eyes since he didn't expect Jarvald to answer him, he then added, "I'm in a difficult spot, and I'm not planning to go back to Scarlet Banes"

When Jarvald was about to leave, he then stopped and walks closer to Rex.

Rex was confused since he thought that Jarvald would leave but then suddenly,


A fist landed solidly onto Rex's face as he got punched to one knee before he stopped the momentum with his hand, Rex touch his face before he looks at Jarvald in confusion.

"For stabbing Vivian", Jarvald mumbles.

He then added, "You better watch your back, I'm still going to get your bloodline", Jarvald then jumped into the forest leaving the place.

A moment after he left, Edward arrived beside Rex with a concerned look, "What happened?"

"It's alright, I deserve that", Rex said with a wry smile.

Rex stands up slowly as he looks at where Jarvald disappeared to.

But then suddenly, he realized something as he turns his body towards Edward.

Feeling the weird vibes in the air, Rex then brace himself by taking a deep breath and said, "Edward, I know it will be very hard to digest but..."

Edward looks at Rex in confusion but then his eyes lit up,

"It's okay, you don't need to tell me", Edward said hurriedly.

When Rex was about to say something more, Edward taps his shoulder and added, "You must be tired, let's bring the others back", Edward then turns back and walks towards Kyran and Adhara.

He leaves Rex who is surprised by his reaction, Edward didn't even let him finish.

As Edward walks further away, Rex felt a sense of hollowness between the both of them as he swallows back the courage that he gathered to say the words that he doesn't manage to say.

Rex really wants to tell Edward about him not being human anymore, but Edward denied it.

With that out of the way, Rex straightens his back and sighs a hard sigh. He then looks up and follows Edward to help Adhara and Kyran.


Meanwhile, Vampire Kingdom.

Delarosa and Issac are walking through the hallway with a Royal Vampire Guard leading them.

Beside them is Rosie who has a chain collar on her neck, she is leashed by Delarosa as she got dragged inside the castle.

While they're walking through the hallway, there are many guards around them.

There is one for every three meters, and they all are the loyal subject to the King and Queen from a distinguished loyal family.

"Do you know that the princess is having another tantrum again?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard it just now, the princess is banging her head to the steel pipes that have just been installed thanks to the Undead the King requested. What's more surprising is that the steel pipes should be able to contain a peak sixth rank, and the princess manage to bent one of the steel pipes"

Delarosa and Issac heard gossip from the guards around them.

This makes Delarosa frowns as he heard the guards' conversation, "What happened to the Princess dad?", Issac asks.

Hearing this, Delarosa looks at Issac warningly, "We don't talk about the princess"

After seeing Delarosa's warning look, Issac shut his mouth tightly as they resume their walks.

Inside the throne room of the King's castle, Nezera sits on the throne with a man sitting in front of her that looks absent-minded as his eyes are hollow red.

She's enjoying the rainfall that can be seen from the throne room's window.

The rainfall brought a comfortable and relaxing air inside the suffocating throne room, it matches her current mood as she sits on the throne.

After looking outside the window, "Come...", Nezera said lightly.

The man that is currently sitting in front of Nezera that has a collar chaining him stands up and approaches Nezera with her upper fangs started to elongate.

Without a moment's pause, Nezera's eyes glow red as she bites the man's neck.


The man tilts his head to the side completely exposing his neck for Nezera to devour, his blood slowly got sucked into Nezera's mouth as she savors the taste of fresh blood.

But just as she's savoring the blood, the throne room's door opens slowly.

A Royal Vampire Guard can be seen entering the throne room, the Royal Vampire Guard bowed slightly before walking forward and kneeling right in front of the stairs leading to the throne.

Looking at this, Nezera retracts her fangs from the man's neck as the man falls to the ground.

"My Queen, The Delarosa Family is asking for an audience", the Royal Vampire Guard said.

Hearing this, Nezera's eyes lit up as she commanded, "Bring them in"

After getting Nezera's approval, the Royal Vampire Guard opens the throne room's door before two Vampires enter the throne room.

"Greetings to the Queen", the two Vampires said in a union before kneeling the same.

Nezera straightens her sitting posture upon their arrival, her eyes lightening up, "Delarosa, What purpose have you come to see me?"

Delarosa stands up before he said, "I've brought some news that needed to be heard"

After saying that, Delarosa points at Issac that is still kneeling on the ground before he said, "My son and my wife has returned, they manage to bring the Chosen One"

Right after he said that Delarosa signaled to the guards before they bring in Rosie.

Upon looking at Rosie, Nezera looks at Rosie with her daggering eyes.

The guard pushed Rosie towards Delarosa before Delarosa scratched Rosie's arm, "Rrghh!", Rosie grunted as blood slowly seeped out of the scratch.

Nezera slowly stands up from the throne as she smells the fragrant blood.


She suddenly appear in front of Rosie making her jolt in shock before Nezera grabbed Rosie's hand forcefully and touch Rosie's blood carefully.

"What are you going to do to me?", Rosie asks meekly.

The situation she's currently in is an impossible one to escape, all of the Vampires around here have no less than fifth rank power while Nezera's presence gives a chill on Rosie's back.

Nezera smells the blood in her fingers as she got intoxicated by it.josei

She then opens her eyes slowly before she looks at Rosie, "Don't worry my dear, I will not kill you just yet", she said with a wicked smile.

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