The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 299 I Don't Like To Share

Chapter 299 I Don't Like To Share

Rex looks around his surroundings in confusion,

The place that should be dimmed lighted as there's no source of light except natural light turns to red, Blood red.

Feeling that something is wrong, Rex runs towards the door.

When he grabbed the handle of the door, Rex tries to pull it but to his surprise, he can't.

Even when he uses more power into his pull, the door won't budge as the same sweet laugh penetrate his ears once again.

'I've heard that laugh before', Rex thought with a frown.

The sweet laugh and the situation he's in felt familiar, it's like he has experienced something like this before but he can't put his finger on it.

But then, he suddenly remembered, 'It's that Vampire again'


A sound of water splashing suddenly can be heard as Rex turns his body around, he looks at where the dead Vampire chained before and saw that its body suddenly started to twitch.

Under Rex's surprised eyes, he saw the Vampire's head raises up slowly.

The supposed to be dead Vampire raises his gaze to meet Rex's, but when Rex saw his eyes, it's not the same anymore.

His regular Vampire red eyes suddenly have black patterns on them,


With a flick of the Vampire's hand, the chains that were supposed to be able to hold back a Vampire broke as the Vampire fell to the ground since it has no lower half of its body.

After doing that, the Vampire started to inch closer to Rex.

It crawls with its hands, there's a maniac look in its eyes as if the Vampire is obsessed with Rex.

Slowly but surely, the Vampire started to morph.

The lower half of its body started to heal and it didn't take long for it to start standing and walking towards Rex, its muscular male body also started to shift into womanly curves.

Rex saw the Vampire morph slowly into a female Vampire that is devilishly beautiful.

'It's her again, Calidora', Rex thought as his expression turns into a frown.

Calidora walks slowly towards Rex who is standing by the door stiffly, she walks leisurely as her eyes are glued onto Rex.

After reaching Rex, she touches Rex's shoulder lightly and started to circle him.

Knowing that this is all just an illusion from the Eternal Curse, Rex is not bothered to be wary of her since this is all is just an illusion just like the last time.

It has something to do with the Eternal Curse, and Rex can't exactly stop this forcefully.

"You broke my heart", Calidora suddenly whispers lightly.

Hearing this, Rex frowns since he doesn't know what Calidora is talking about.

She then rests her hand and chin on Rex's shoulder as her claws touch Rex's neck playfully, "You let that Vampire bitch taste your blood, I don't like that", she said.

As Rex's patience gets tested, he then said, "How did you do this?"

Calidora giggles sweetly exposing her beautiful fangs, she circles Rex again before stopping right in front of his face to face.

She then points at Rex's heart before she added, "You are mine, especially your blood. Don't go around sharing what's mine, I don't like to share"

Rex gritted his teeth since Calidora is not answering his question, his face started to turn red.

Seeing Rex's angry expression, Calidora smiles playfully.

"Don't you get it? We're connected", she replied slowly making Rex frown.

She then added while caressing Rex's face gently, "We're meant to be with each other, so why don't you just come to me and I promise I'll be nice"


In a fit of anger, Rex punched Calidora but his punch is missed as her body turns into blood.

This makes Calidora laughs sweetly again as Rex looks around with veins popping on his neck, he's angry and frustrated at the same time.

"Just accept it, you're mine and mine only"

"So be a good doggy and come to your owner okay?"

Hearing this, Rex's body blasted with energy as he glare at his surroundings, "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

But even under Rex's threat, Calidora just laughs as a reply.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely meet soon enough"

"And while you keep refusing to come to me, I'm just going to drink your friend's blood in the meantime as a snack"

The last words that came out of Calidora's mouth burn Rex's body with anger.

When Rex was about to go berserk, the surroundings turn back to normal as the dead Vampire is still hanging by the chains as if nothing has happened.


The door was opened as Kyran walks inside upon hearing Rex's shout.

"What happened?", Kyran asks in confusion.

He looks around the place and finds nothing except for Rex who is breathing heavily, his face is red and the expression on his face makes Kyran jolt.

Seeing this, Kyran approach Rex slowly, "Are you okay?"


Rex suddenly roared as his eyes glow red, his fangs grow longer making Kyran fall.

The sudden roar from Rex frighten Kyran as he crawls to the corner of the place, he was whimpering as he crawls to the corner like a scared dog.

After realizing what he just has done, Rex shakes his head while massaging his forehead.

But then suddenly, [How on earth are you cursed?]

'I don't know', Rex replied as he still doesn't know why he was cursed with this Eternal Curse.

While Rex is taking a brief moment to collect himself, he then suddenly thought of something, 'Devo, you're old right?'

[That's quite rude but yes], Devo answered slightly annoyed.

Rex already weaken the restrain as he wanted to ask Devo about something, 'Then what do you know of curses? You must know something'

[I've seen numerous curses in my lifetime, and I know that for someone or something got a curse then they must do something against the law of nature], Devo explains.

Hearing this, Rex frowns, 'Such as?'

[Something like Cannibalism for intelligent beings, Killing own kin, and many more. But that's not all curses, some curses are handmade that is created for revenge or that sorts and they're usually weaker than real curses]

'How do you identify real curse and handmade curse? and Do you know how to break a curse?', Rex asks.

But Devo replied in disbelief, [Do I look like a Witch?]

Rex sigh as he must be thankful for at least the information Devo gave to him.

Based on what Devo said, there are two types of curses that are a real curse and a handmade curse.

The Eternal curse came suddenly to Rex so it must be a handmade one since he didn't do anything that can break the law of nature, but he's not sure since the first time he saw Calidora she didn't hate him at all.

In fact, she's more like a friend.

Then suddenly, everything changes when the Eternal Curse started.

Calidora turns into a completely different Vampire from when Rex first meets her, it's like she's possessed by another entity that's not her.

With a sigh, Rex then walks out of the building after helping Kyran.


In the middle of the night,

Rex and the others are already nearing sector 3E, they're currently inside a train.

Along the way, Rex and the others are quite shocked by the streets that are filled with numerous signs, trash, and even a leftover from somekind of explosion.

The thing that makes them frown is that this occurrence spread through many sectors.

It's not just sector 3E but also other sectors, there must be something that happened while they're all gone to Lountain and Wedron City.

"Look at this", Adhara suddenly said while showing Rex her phone.

Rex takes Adhara's phone and saw the news about a riot happening throughout Ratmawati City.

People started to realize that the UWO and the SCO are currently in a game of power, and the people are the ones that got the most impact from it.

The Eqosa City getting attacked already known by many.

But the part where the Black Hand blocks the reinforcement, and the UWO who is trying to make the SCO the bad guy as a general knowledge exposes both of them.

Because of this, many riots sprouted as the people doesn't feel safe anymore.

'Although I didn't support this way, the people is helping me convince the UWO in some way', Rex thought as he nodded his head.

With the riots emerging in various sectors of Ratmawati City,

It'll be easier for Rex to convince the UWO to band together, Sebrof is probably in a pinch right now with so many riots emerging.

Rex might think that the UWO will sign the agreement before he needs to even convince him.

'Just to make sure, let's give them a push', Rex thought with a smile.

While Rex is scrolling to the news, his eyes suddenly landed on a woman speaking at a conference that he found familiar.

That woman is the woman that Rex met in Beah City, the ninth rank Awakened.

'Oh yeah I forgot about her, I'll put in mind to pay her a visit', Rex thought as he gave back the phone to Adhara.

The next day,

Rex woke up from his bed feeling good since he's back in his room now.

When he came back yesterday night, Ryze is still up playing with his new laptop and he was ecstatic to find Rex and the others has came back.

He immediately runs out of the room to meet with Delta, he missed her.

After opening his eyes, Rex looks at his side and finds Adhara is already up with no clothes on.

She's only covering her body with the blanket.

The smile on her face bloomed when she saw Rex wake up, "Good morning!", she said sweetly before hugging Rex from the side.josei

"You're up early today", Rex said as he rubs his eyes tiredly.

Upon hearing this, Adhara takes her phone and shows the screen to Rex, "It's not early, It's already quite late"

Hearing this, Rex looks at Adhara's phone before his eyes widen.

"Why didn't you wake me up?! I have to meet with Vargas at twelve and now I'm already an hour late", Rex said as he jumped from the bed.

Adhara giggle sweetly, "Guess last night took a toll on you huh?"

Rex didn't budge her teasing remark as he hurriedly went to the bathroom, a couple of minutes later he came out of the bathroom and started to wear his clothes.

He then checks his phone and finds Vargas already missed calling him three times.

While he was changing his clothes, Rex felt Adhara is staring at him before he glance at her and saw that her nails are currently turning into claws, "What are you doing?"

"Practicing, I still can't properly control it", Adhara said while looking at her claws.

Hearing this, Rex then tidy his clothes intending to leave as he said, "Alright, Don't let the maids and butlers see it though"

But before Rex leave the room, he suddenly went back.

Adhara looks at him confusedly since he just told her he will be going,

"I almost forgot, this is for you", Rex said as two beautiful daggers appeared in his hand before he tossed them at Adhara.

Looking at the daggers, Adhara's eyes lit up, "Where did you get this?"

"The temple before, I got a couple of treasures from there", Rex replied before he waves his hand and left the room leaving Adhara who is stunned by the beautiful daggers.

Moments later, Rex arrived at the principal's office.

Upon entering the door, Rex was greeted by a voice, "You're late"

"I got caught up by something, my mistake", Rex replied calmly before sitting on the chair in front of Vargas who is looking at him intently.

Vargas then said, "So? What's the plan?"

"Before we get into that, tell me how the riots affect Sebrof?", Rex asks curiously.

If the riots are affecting Sebrof as he expected, then he will be convinced 100% that the plan that he will do will force Sebrof to sign the temporary alliance with the SCO.

Hearing this, Vargas then said, "Yes, the riots are affecting Sebrof.

But when Rex was about to be happy, Vargas added, "Not just Sebrof, but the whole UWO are currently affected by this. People started to feel unsafe, and we need to handle that ASAP"

Rex nodded his head, but he was not worried since he got a plan.

"Then that means convincing Sebrof will be easy", Rex said.

He then locks his hands together by the chair handles as he gazes at Vargas seriously, "If Sebrof is affected then I'm convinced that my plan will work brilliantly, but before that, I need some information from you in order to execute my plan"

Vargas tilts his head with a frown, "What information?"

"Do you know an Official UWO member that has been arrested for suspected collusion with the SCO?"

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