The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 303 Same Vision

Chapter 303 Same Vision

"Can I see your id?", Ken asks with a polite smile.

Adhara was stunned upon hearing what Ken said, she looks at Ken with a wry smile and found that his expression turns serious.

It's more than a command rather than a question.

In the split second of their exchange, Adhara tries to think of a way of escape.

But upon looking at Ken who is eyeing her attentively, Adhara throws the thought of escape since there's no way that he can escape from Ken much less the entire facility of Wailing Asylum.

"I just worked with Vargas, so I don't have my UWO id yet", Adhara replied with a smile.

Since she knows that this mission to extract John Webster is essential, Adhara turns serious as her eyes saw the blue with a slight red emotional aura coming out of Ken.

Just from this alone, Adhara knows exactly how he's feeling.

The new face makes Ken feels off, but her stutter and nervous look make Ken suspicious of her.

So she needs to try to be calmer, getting more nervous in front of Ken will just make things much worse than it currently is.

Hearing this, Ken smiles before he replied with a laugh, "Of course, I've experienced that too"

Adhara sighed in relief upon seeing that Ken bought it, but then,

"But every UWO member even the new ones is registered in the database, Would you care to give me your name?", Ken said as his expression instantly turns coldly flat.

He then added, "For security purposes of course"

The look that Ken gave brings somekind of intensity in the air, it's choking Adhara's neck.

It only amounted to about three seconds at best, the intense look. But these three seconds are like an eternity for Adhara who is put on a spot.

But when the pressure from Ken is crushing on Adhara,

"Ms. Shirley?", a voice suddenly called out to her making Adhara's ears perk up.

Adhara stands up abruptly and replied, "Yes!",

The man that called out to Adhara smiled before he said, "Please follow me, your scheduled interrogation with John Webster is right this way"

"Sir Ken, this woman is Shirley Dubacoff. She got an appointment so excuse us", the man added.

Adhara bowed slightly towards Ken before she follows the man.

But before she can get far, "Wait!"

The call from Ken makes both of them stop on their tracks while sucking in a cold breath.

"Since I'm already here, it'll be better for me to guide her to the room", Ken suddenly said with a wide smile on his face.

Hearing this, "I don't think that's neces-"

Before the man can even finish talking, Ken intervenes, "I insist", he said with a smile.

"There's a slight malfunction on the system's cell, so it'll be better for me to be there. We don't want Ms. Shirley here to get attacked by prisoners now do we?", Ken added.

Without being given any other choice, the man smiles before he started guiding.

The three of them walks along the hall before getting into the lifts, they stopped on the sixth floor before they arrive at an intersection with guards guarding the place.

Upon walking out of the lift, Adhara can already hear the sound of the prisoners.

Many distant wailing sounds can be heard as she steps out, "So that's where the name comes from", she mumbles.

They sound miserable, and Adhara felt a bit sorry for them

Although they are once a dignified UWO member, some of them turns mad with the cells that didn't give them any natural light from the sun.

Even Adhara can't tell the time in this place, it's very closed from the outside.

The man guide Adhara to the guard where she needs to be checked,

The guard signaled for the case in Adhara's hand before she gave it calmly, the guard then opens the case and inspect it.

He takes out many documents and papers that Adhara already prepared.

It was all going smoothly until suddenly another guard came to her and signal for her to spread her arms to the side, he even told Adhara to open her blazer.

Adhara complies with the procedures as the guard uses a tool to check her body.

When the tool went past Adhara's pants, the tool went off as the guard signal for Adhara to take out the thing inside her pocket.

Unbothered by it, Adhara puts her hand in her pocket.

Ken's eyes squinted upon seeing this, he was about to smile but the thing inside Adhara's pocket that she takes out is not what he thought it to be.

"I'm sorry, it's just my phone", Adhara said while taking out her phone.

She then added with a smile, "I just install a protection rune on it, I dropped it several times because I'm clumsy"

Hearing this, the guard looks at Ken before he nudges his chin.

Adhara then was told to step into somekind of a capsule that will scan her body completely.

While waiting for the capsule to boot up, Adhara takes off her earrings nonchalantly and puts them on the side before she stepped in.

After finishing inspecting Adhara, the guard nodded his head.

The man that stands beside Ken then said, "I will send prisoner number 243, John Webster to the interrogation room immediately"

"Come", Ken said before he walks past Adhara who is wearing her earrings again.

Adhara follows Ken as the man before went the other way,

While they were walking silently, Ken suddenly stopped making Adhara too stop.

"Don't cross the line on the ground, this is where our cells are located. The interrogation room is in the middle, so just follow me", Ken said pointing to the red lines on the ground.

The warning makes Adhara nod her head, but she can sense the prisoners here.

"Don't worry, I can handle myself", Adhara replied nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Ken looks back at Adhara before he said, "No offense but I think you can't"

The condescending remarks makes Adhara frown for a bit, she felt slight anger boiling inside.

After warning Adhara they went deeper into the place, and now Adhara can see the cells on her left and right with prisoners in them.

The cell is only covered by a barrier that separates them both from the prisoners.

Adhara saw that the inside of the cell is dominated by white color, a white bed, a white toilet, and a white sink. It's very bright and certainly uncomfortable.

From the way the prisoners react, it seems they can't see outside of their cells.

But when she walks past a particular cell, the prisoner who is sitting on the corner suddenly raises his gaze to meet Adhara's gaze.

Seeing this, Adhara widen her eyes in surprise but then,


The prisoner's hand suddenly went through the barrier and grabbed Adhara's arm, she was caught in surprise as Ken looks back in surprise.

When Ken was about to do something,


Adhara pulls her arm forcefully completely shocking the prisoner as he got pulled.

Although the prisoner's hand can go through the barrier, the rest of his body can't as Adhara's pull slammed his face to the barrier and broke his nose instantly.

The white cell has a new contrast because of this, his nose won't stop bleeding.

Looking at this, Ken was even more surprised with slightly widen eyes.

"I thought the prisoners can't see us", Adhara said while rubbing her arm that got grabbed.

Hearing this, Ken snap out of his daze and said, "That prisoner has many weird abilities, it was suspected that he worked with the SCO and inherit these abilities"

"He's almost a sixth rank, How did you do that?", Ken asks.

Adhara then replied with a hint of a smile, "I told you I can handle myself"

Ken squinted his eyes and looks at Adhara silently for two seconds before they both resumed.

After a moment, Adhara walks inside a room that should be the interrogating room with a metal table and chairs in the middle of it.

"There's no camera or anything", Adhara mumbles after looking around.

Ken told her that she can do the interrogating here if something happened she can just knock on the door alerting him who stands outside.

But even with his stoic expression, Adhara can see him through clearly.

"I know what you're going to do", she mumbles while sitting on the chair waiting.

Not long after she sits on the chair, the other door in front of her opened revealing the man that she comes here for. John Webster.

John has a magical handcuff on his arms, and chains on his legs, and neck.

The magical handcuff is blue in color and semi-transparent, it's also the same for the chains making him bound to the building.

Adhara can't feel any mana from him, and she concludes that it's the magical handcuff.

Seeing the unfamiliar face in front of him, John looks at Adhara with a frown as he asks, "Who are you? I don't know you"

"John Webster, please sit", Adhara said professionally.

Hearing this, John walks slowly towards the chair before he sits on it while keeping his eyes on Adhara with a bit of oddness in them.

After John sits, Adhara then said, "I'm going to cut to the chase"

"You and I, We have the same vision so I'm going to give you an opportunity to make that vision come true", Adhara added while looking directly into John's eyes.

John raises one of his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I'm going to take you out of here, I know you didn't collude with the SCO", Adhara said.

This statement makes John widen his eyes as he puts his arms on the table and leans his body forwards, "Why did you believe me, and How are you going to do that?", he asks whisperingly.

"Everything will be explained after I get you out of here", Adhara replied.

But then, she suddenly turns her head for a bit sensing something before he said, "Ken Rogers will walk into this room in a bit, I want you to punch me hard before taking me hostage, after that break the crystal on my earrings"

Hearing this, John was shocked, "What do you mean to take you, hostage?"

"My powers are sealed with this, I can't do anything", John added but then suddenly, Adhara takes out a vial from her case and pours the content to the magical chains and handcuff.

Right after she did that, to John's surprise the magical handcuff and chains melted.

Before John can say anything else, "Now! He's coming!"


Just when Ken opened the door abruptly, John suddenly tossed the table away before punching Adhara right on her face with his elemental aura grabbing the earrings before wrapping his arm around her neck.

"DON'T MOVE!", John shouted threateningly.

Seeing this, Ken was quite surprised as he saw the handcuff and chains are not on John.

Ken raises his hands slowly as he glare at John fiercely, "Stop this futile act, you can't escape this place that's impossible. If you let her go now I won't punish you much", he said slowly.

But under Ken's eyes, John destroys the earring in his hand as their body dissolves.

In a split second, Ken's hand was about to crush John's head but he was a tad too late, John and Adhara already dissolve into nothingness as they disappear from the room.

After they both disappear under the crystal's energy,

Both of their visions went blurry as their heads started to get dizzy, they morph from the Asylum into another place.

John opens his eyes slowly as he appears in an unfamiliar room with heavy breaths.josei

He falls to his knees before touching his head with both of his hands, he sighs in relief after realizing that it's still intact.

For a split second, he thought that he was gonna die because of how fast Ken was.

"Where am I?", John mumbles as he looks around.

In front of him, there are a couple of maids and butlers that are looking at him weirdly.

Adhara stands back on her feet slowly also feeling relieved that she manage to do the job, Ken was very active and she don't know if she can keep up her acting in front of him.

She then looks at John before she points at his side,

"John Webster, Welcome to my humble home", a manly voice greeted him from the side.

Hearing this, John looks to the side before he saw a muscular man that gives off pressure unlike any other that he encountered in his life.

The man is sitting on the sofa with his arms spread to the sides,

His frame becomes bigger as the man looks at John intently, the man is none other than Rex.

Rex stayed up late waiting for Adhara to deliver John here to his room in Faraday University, he stands up slowly before approaching John who is kneeling on the ground.

After arriving in front of John, Rex squatted to meet his eye level.

"Let's work together to make our vision come true, shall we?", Rex said wit a smirk.

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