The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 306 You Might Need It

Chapter 306 You Might Need It

"Public Humiliation, and then Fire!", Wesley said slowly in front of Rex's face.

Hearing the slow and emphasized words that came out of Wesley's mouth, the burning sensation inside of Rex's body started to become more intense as his face turns red.

The thought of his parents and the others being humiliated and then killed with fire is too much.

Even with him trying so hard to keep a neutral expression to not expose much to Wesley, Rex simply can't as his face turns red and his aura started to leak out.

'He's just trying to provoke you Rex', Rex thought inside his head.

With the Berserk Quest that he got from Anna Delarosa, Rex can't quite afford to get another Berserk Quest if he were to get angry right here right now.

It'll be bad for him if the system were to force him to massacre the Atkins Family.

Rex slowly looks up with a slightly contorted look, he stares at Wesley who has a big smile on his face after seeing Rex's reaction.

Although he tried to hold in his anger, Wesley can see it clearly from Rex's eyes.

"Woah, Don't get angry with me now", Wesley said with a huge smile, he then chuckles before he points to his surroundings, "Why are you getting worked up about these things?", he added.

Wesley points to the surroundings before Rex looks around,

All eyes are currently looking at him, Rex's leaking aura can be felt by the others.

"Besides, you don't want these people to know the real you don't you think?", Wesley said while tidying his suit pridefully, "Just give me the spellbook"

"And also, hide your family again. You may need it", Wesley said with a smirk.

With a deep inhale, Rex retracts back his aura and stands up slowly.

He stands a couple of inches in front of Wesley looking at him coldly, Wesley knows too much and Rex can't just sit still and let him connect the dots, "Are you bringing this many people just to meet me in person?", Rex said slowly.

With his senses, Rex already can feel about five high-rank Awakened looking at him.

Rex knows that these people are from the Atkins Family, their malicious intent is evident and this distinguishes them from the other people in the Training Ground.

"Desperate man might just do desperate things", Wesley replied nonchalantly.

Hearing this, a smile crept on Rex's face as he said, "I'm not a Supernatural Spy, Mr. Atkins"

"I simply have a terrifying potential that makes the Supernatural want to kill me, and just like you Mr. Atkins, I also dig something from your past just for my safety of course", Rex added.

Wesley frowns as he stares at Rex's eyes trying to see if he's bluffing.

"I heard you're quite close with Daniel Burton. In fact, I heard that you occasionally meet with Daniel in a secluded area. It's almost as if you're also his family", Rex continues.

But then, Wesley intervenes, "It's just business"

"I thought so too", Rex said while starting to circle Wesley who is now the one standing still on his spot, "But the thing is, You always brings your wife for some reason which you never did to the other family"

Wesley's expression turns serious as he heard what Rex said,

He then said, "You're poking your nose into something you don't understand kid, You'll be messing with the Burton Family if you dig too deep"

Rex's smile grows even wider hearing Wesley's beating heart.

"Oh? No, no, no", Rex said playfully, he then stops beside Wesley's ear before he whispers, "I won't be messing with the Burton Family, Who's mad enough to mess with a titan Family like the Burton Family"

"I'm saying what will happen if Daniel Burton knows his Son in Law cheated on his beloved bastard daughter, which is your wife"

Hearing this, Wesley's eyes widen in shock as he didn't believe Rex just whisper that.

The realization makes Wesley glance at Rex in shock, he was at a loss for words since that secret is heavily kept, and also Rex can tell that his face is wondering where did Rex know about this.

Slowly but surely, Wesley's face started to turn red this time.

But unlike Rex who is very angry just a moment ago, Rex can see a subtle bleak aura coming out of Wesley's body.

He didn't even need to use his Bleak Sense to know that Wesley is very scared, his facial expression clearly stated the fear of the Burton Family.

"I suggest you hide your family, Mr. Atkins. You might need it", Rex said with a smirk.

After saying that, Rex walks away from the place before suddenly Wesley said from the back, "I'll be waiting for you at the banquet, Rex Silverstar"

Rex smiles before he left the place,

That night after Rex came back to his room,

After meeting with Wesley Atkins unexpectedly, Rex went back to his purpose in going to Chandler and asked the way to raise his power.

From what Chandler said,

To reach the seventh rank, an Awakened need to become more connected with their Spirit. The way to do so is for the Awakened to turn their heart media into a Spirit Core, Rex will need many times more mana than he need when he made the media for Devo.

It's quite an easy process, but it's a long-drawn-out process.

Some of the Awakened will stay at the sixth rank for years, even for prodigies they still need years of accumulating to make their own Spirit Core.

All they need are resources, only the ones that got the resources can reach the next rank.

But even knowing how to reach the seventh rank, Rex just finishes one side of the puzzle while the other side of the puzzle he still hasn't completed yet.josei

He needs to evolve his element further, his current one can't make him reach the seventh rank.

At night, Rex is outside with John on his side.

"What are we doing here?", John asks while looking around the place.

They both are currently in a park not long from the university, there are still a couple of people inside the park the majority of them being couples.

Rex sits on the bench nonchalantly and said, "We're waiting for someone"

"Look", John sits down on a bench beside Rex, he then looks at Rex worriedly before he asks, "Are you sure that they won't kill me or something?"

Hearing this, Rex chuckles lightly, "He's a high-rank member in the SCO"

"You don't need to worry, I assure you that he's quite reliable at times like this", Rex said while playing with his phone.

But even after Rex said that John didn't calm down at all.

The sweat that comes starting to appear on his forehead shows that he's very nervous, his legs can't stop moving while they wait patiently.

"They despise the UWO, What if they take me, hostage, or even worst?", John asks again.

After saying that, John then thought for a second before he continues, "We're going to the Supernatural territories, What if they left me there to die? I still want to live, and I'm not even a UWO member again"

John is only a mid-fifth rank Awakened that has mediocre fighting abilities, Rex knows this since John won't stop telling him throughout the journey here.

Rex sigh before he takes his attention off of his phone and looks at John who's very pale.

"The plan is for you to go with them and just sit pretty until the fight is over, they won't leave you since you will need to be our living proof", Rex said trying to calm John down.

He then added, "You're going to be famous John, It's your opportunity"

Hearing what Rex said, John's eyes lit up as he mumbles, "I-I'm going to be Famous?"

"Yes just imagine there's a UWO member that will go such length to help the UWO band with the SCO, he even got prisoned by the UWO but that doesn't faze him from his goal. He fights alongside the SCO against the Supernatural just to prove a point, he only wants to pursue his vision for the greater of Humanity"

"That's going to be you", Rex added making John falls into his imagination.

Rex sighed when he saw John laid back on the bench in thought, it seems his pep talk is effective enough to make him calm.

He didn't lie though,

The attention that will come after they did the push for Sebrof will definitely be groundbreaking, it's too much attention for Rex to handle so he will throw all of them to John.

With the Atkins on his back, Rex doesn't need the extra attention.

Rex and John waited for a while before suddenly, Rex's phone rang.

"Rex, Where are you right now?", the person on the other side asks right after Rex answers.

Hearing Vargas' voice from the other side, Rex then replied after glancing at John who sits beside him patiently, "We're waiting for the SCO member, He will be here soon enough"

"How's your side doing?", Rex asks.

Vargas then replied, "It's getting worst, Sebrof has just ordered Eqosa City's reinforcement to go through the SCO whatever it takes"

"The situation in Eqosa City worsen, the Supernatural has just occupied the passageway for rations and supply for the city and now the city is only days from falling to the Supernatural", Vargas added.

Rex frowned upon hearing this,

Since it already amounted to this much, Rex will need to tell the Green Messenger about this.

If this goes on then Sebrof might do something to offend the King of the SCO, and if that were to happen the temporary alliance might just break before it even started.

"Keep onto him, make sure he didn't do something to jeopardize our plan for a few days at least no matter what", Rex said.

Vargas sighed as he thought of trying to prevent Sebrof from doing something bad.

But he knows how hard Sebrof can be, and he's also the most powerful man in Ratmawati City so Vargas even with his authority can't do much since technically Sebrof is his boss.

While they were talking, Rex suddenly saw a green gas in front of them.

"I gotta go", Rex said before hanging up the phone.

John's body becomes stiff right after they saw the green gas appear in front of them out of thin air, it slowly but surely gathers into a lump of green gas.

"I-Is that him?", John asks nervously.

Seeing this, Rex stands up before John also stands up following him.

"This is the guy?", a voice suddenly came from the lump of green gas.

After saying that, the Green Messenger materializes in front of them with a slightly different outfit than usual which surprises Rex.

The Green Messenger uses the same crow mask as before,

Instead of a black robe that he always uses, the Green Messenger now wears a black trench coat with a hood covering his hair. He wears silver gloves with silver chains wrapping his wrists, also, the green gas that comes out of his mask is way more than the usual.

There's also a crow on his shoulder, but the crow has green eyes.

Rex also senses something weird from the crow, especially the tip of its talon that is glowing with a green hue identical to its eyes.

"You look different", Rex commented after looking at the Green Messenger's outfit.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger ignores Rex's comment before he walks slowly before stopping in front of John who is trembling uncontrollably.

"H-Hi Sir, My name is John Webster nice to meet you", John said with a nervous smile.

Rex smiles lightly before he said, "This is the guy, just do as our plan"

"Don't do anything and when I said anything I mean anything. Don't do anything except what I told you so, and always stay on my sight", The Green Messenger said emphasizing each of his words.

John nodded his head repeatedly in front of the Green Messenger's gaze.

After saying that, the crow on the Green Messenger's shoulder went to John's shoulder.

Rex then said, "Keep me updated, So I can prepare with the UWO for the broadcast"

The Green Messenger waves his hand before another crow appears in his hand, the crow then went to Rex's shoulder before Rex nodded his head.

"Sebrof just issued for the reinforcements to fight anyone blocking them", Rex said.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger waves his hand and replied, "I know that, just tell your connection to make him stop at least until I finished"

"I already told him", Rex replied.

After Rex said that, the green gas swirls around the Green Messenger and John.

John looks down at the swirling green gas in confusion until suddenly, their bodies turn into green gas and disappear from the place.

Both of them disappear like a ghost,

Rex looks around the place making sure no one saw him before he mumbles, "Now, What am I going to do with the Trench Predator Group"

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