The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 308 Banquet Preparation

Chapter 308 Banquet Preparation

At night that day,

Edward nodded his head after clenching his fists a couple of times, he just finished absorbing the Bonecrypt Kavis as Rex instructed.

He just did it after Kyran did,

Even without Rex telling it, Edward can feel that his body just got strengthened heavily.

Although he can't quite put his thumb on it, Edward feels a strange feeling on his bones after absorbing the Bonecrypt Kavis leaf.

Rex looks at Edward with a smile,

Since the Bonecrypt Kavis is a very high-ranking mutated plant that can strengthen the body, it's perfect for a fighter like Edward since his fighting style requires his body to be durable.

With the Bonecrypt Kavis, Rex's endurance stats were increased by more than 200 points.

After scanning Edward's stats, Rex saw that Edward's endurance stats has just increased around 190ish points almost reaching the 200 point mark.

Even before he got quite a sturdy body,

p But now, Edward might just be able to fight a sixth rank Awakened from endurance alone.

"Where did you get this from?", Edward asks in awe.

Rex shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and replied, "From the temple near the place where we fight with the Vampires, I also got this from there"

The Ameurus Katana appeared on Rex's hand,

It was glistening sharp and looked powerful with runes on it, Edward hasn't quite seen a katana like this one before.

After exchanging light conversation, Edward left.

Rex looks out to the moonlight shining on him with a frown,

He was dwelling in his thoughts not realizing that Adhara is looking at him intently from the side, it was like he was in his own dazed world unbothered by his surroundings.

"What are you thinking?"

Adhara's voice snapped him out of his daze as he glance at her,

Rex sighed before he said, "I'm thinking about the banquet, we're not prepared fully since it's very hard to meet with this Daniel Burton"

Because of the current situations with the Atkins,

Rex pour everything in order to try to meet with Daniel Burton, he even called Vargas trying to find a way to meet with this person.

But all of that went to waste since Daniel Burton is a very busy man,

It's not surprising though since he's one of the top five rank families in the 25 Golden Crest, someone without any political power like him finds it very hard to meet him.

"Why would you need to meet him anyway?", Adhara asks.

Hearing this, Rex then replied, "The dirt I have on Wesley is legit, but it's going to be a waste if Daniel Burton didn't trust me. If I don't somehow make a connection with him, he will definitely trust his son-in-law more than me"

Adhara saw the troubled look in Rex's face before she finally sighs,

"Just leave it to me", Adhara suddenly said catching Rex off guard.

Rex looks at Adhara in confusion, he doesn't understand how will Adhara handle it. Even Vargas can't quite get Daniel Burton to meet with him.

"What do you mean?", Rex asks curiously.

Adhara looks at Rex playfully before she winks at him, "It's a secret, I'll tell you about it later"

After saying that, Adhara jumped out of bed and started to change her clothes.

Rex was at a loss for words since Adhara refused to tell him, he was quite surprised in fact that Adhara kept something from him, "Where are you going?", Rex asks.

But then, he suddenly gulp harshly when he saw Adhara undressed.

While she takes a shirt from the closet completely shirtless, Adhara then said, "I'm going to meet with Edward for a bit"

"Just leave the Daniel Burton thing to me, you just worry about something else", Adhara added, and after wearing her shirt she turns back to see Rex was in a daze.

Looking at this, Adhara chuckles, "Are you even listening?"

"What? Of course, I am", Rex said after clearing his throat.

Adhara puts her hands on her waist with a teasing expression and said, "It's been a couple of days, hasn't it? Just wait for me to come back, I'll meet with Edward for a bit"

Hearing this, Rex becomes a little bit excited.

"Does this have something to do with the wooden box you gave to Edward before?", Rex asks.

Although Rex just woke up from his sleep before, he know what he saw and he saw Adhara whispering with Edward after giving him a wooden box.

As if she got caught red-handed, Adhara stopped.

"I'll be back!", she suddenly shouted before running out of the room.

Rex shakes his head a couple of times as he just can't understand what's going on inside Adhara's head, 'Why did she need to hide this?', Rex thought.

He takes a purple stone from under the bed before he inspects the stone.

<Low Purple Elemental Stone>

An artificial stone that is handmade by an Awakened that possesses an element containing a gist of True Fire, it has greater potency from normal naturally made elemental stone, and also it has a 3% chance to evolve the fire element any Fire Elementalist that uses this stone but the evolution probability will keep decreasing the more the same Fire Elementalist use it.

After reading the purple stone description, Rex looks at the door before he puts back the purple stone under the bed.

The moonlight shines down on him rejuvenating his body as Rex loses his eyes.

He was enjoying the warmth of the moonlight for ten minutes before he suddenly opens his eyes, 'They must be fighting already, I hope everything goes as planned', Rex thought.


Meanwhile,  After leaving the room,

Adhara walks through the empty hallway heading towards Edward's room, she looks around the place and realized that something changed.

She doesn't know why, but she has always met with lecturers these past couple of days.

Usually, before this thing happened, she once in a while met with Ari since he's the one that is tasked with protecting Rex's room.

But now, even during late-night like now, there are a couple of lecturers around.

They sent Adhara a polite smile before Adhara replied to them with the same, but nevertheless, it was a new sight for her as she made her way to Edward's room.

It didn't take long for her to reach Edward's room.

Knock! Knock!

Adhara knocked on the door before footsteps can be heard from inside as Edward come out, he was surprised to see Adhara in front of his room, "Adhara? It's late why are you here?"

Since it's already late at night, Edward is already in his pajamas and he seems to just wake up.

"Can I come inside? I need to talk to you", Adhara said.

Hearing this, Edward steps to the side making way for Adhara to get in.

After coming inside Edward's room, "Did I disturb your sleep? I'm sorry", Adhara suddenly said before Edward shakes his head and signaled for her to sit.

There's a chair on the side for Adhara to sit while Edward sits on the bed.

"What do you want to talk about this late at night?", Edward asks in confusion.

It's not an everyday thing that Adhara came to his room, so what she wanted to say must be important for her to not wait to talk to him tomorrow.

Adhara then looks at Edward and said, "You said that Daniel Burton wanted to meet me right?"

"Yes, the ATC recognizes the Elemental Stone you made as a valuable item and they wanted to meet you so they can create a long-term network with you", Edward replied.

It's what the woman that met with Edward said, and she almost begged him.

But then, Edward continues, "But you have to be careful, they definitely wanted to know where you get it so you must at least be wary of that and be thorough"

"I'll agree to meet him, tell him to meet me tomorrow", Adhara finally said.

Edward frowned as he look at Adhara, she was so against it at first to meet him but now she suddenly changed her mind just like that.

After thinking briefly, "It's Rex isn't it?", Edward asks.

For Adhara to change her mind this fast, there can only be one reason.

"He's thinking so hard to until this moment just to make sure the Atkins can back off, so I need to help him since he got a lot going on", Adhara said.

Since the meetings with Anna Delarosa and Jarvald before,

Rex has been dropped with many problems starting from the Eternal Curse, the huge bounty that can even entice the Royal Vampire Family, and also the fact that the Werewolf might just start looking for him since he possesses the royal bloodline.

Although Jarvald told him that he can't go back to the Supernatural territory,

Sooner or later, the fact that Rex possesses the Royal Bloodline will eventually reach the Werewolves' ears and another Supernatural race will be added onto his back.

Aside from that, the news of the Supernatural Device also worries him.

Because of all of these problems, sometimes Rex talks with Adhara just to take some off his chest but Adhara can see that it's hard for him to speak his mind.

The news about the device also shocks Adhara since they both still have parents.

So she needs to help him, at least help with one of his problems.

Hearing this, a flash of determination sparkles in Edward's eyes that even Adahra notices but the spark quickly disappears as fast as it appears.

"Fine, I'll contact the ATC and told them you agree to meet them tomorrow", Edward said.

Adhara nodded her head before she smiles gently, and after talking for another moment Edward escort Adhara out of his room.

"Keep me updated, if they can't do tomorrow or the day after tomorrow then I don't want to meet with them", Adhara said.

Edward nodded his head in understanding, the banquet is in three days and it will be pointless if the meeting will be held during or after the banquet.

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you back?", Edward asks.

Adhara chuckles upon hearing this, "It's the university, what could possibly happen to me here", she said while waving her hand.

"Good night, Edward", she said.

But when Edward was about to say goodnight too, a voice suddenly interrupts their conversation, "What's this? Am I mistaken but I swear this is Edward's room"

Hearing this, both Edward and Adhara jolted as they look in the voice direction.

"I see you that you're well, Edward"


Supernatural Territory, Scarlet Banes Kingdom.

Ruston walks along the abandoned street, every werewolf that meets him sent a bow to him as he walks confidently through all of them.

His bearing alone is that of an Alpha, but there is a troubled look on his face.josei

There is another Werewolf following behind him,

This Werewolf has yellow eyes with its body a tad smaller than Ruston, but still, every werewolf that met them along the way sent their respects to the both of them.

Some Betas even prostrate on the ground out of fear,

"Are you sure we're going to do this? We need to tell the others", the Werewolf whispers.

Without even glancing to the Werewolf beside him, Ruston then answered, "We need to be discreet, we will tell the others later after we gather enough packs to revolt"

Hearing this, the Werewolf finally nodded his head.

Not long after, they arrived at an abandoned car dealership building.

It's not that far from the castle where King Baralt lives, but this place is very far from the other inhabitants' Werewolves.

"Isn't this Bertolf's place?", the Werewolf asked

Ruston ignores the Werewolf before he steps inside the building, the abandoned cars are still intact but some of them are already knocked upside down.

It seems there's a struggle around here, the scratch mark is evident.


Ruston and the Werewolf sniff the air before their expressions turn serious, "I smell blood, Did something happen to Bertolf?"

Hearing this, Ruston frowns before he scans the place with his eyes.

Not long after, his eyes landed on a black figure on the corner of the place.

"You there! Come out here and explain what happened here", Ruston commanded as he lets out his aura trying to suppress the black figure.

But then suddenly,


A subtle shockwave of pressuring aura can suddenly be felt, it came from the black figure that even Ruston felt suppressed, "What?!", Ruston said in surprise.

In the Werewolves hierarchy, he's an Alpha just below the King.

Since all Alphas are banded together under the flag of Scarlet Banes, there is also a hierarchy in the packs but Ruston's pack is the highest one just below the king.

So it's surprising to find someone who can suppress him,

"It's not just an aura! but it felt familiar", the Werewolf beside him said in confusion.

But upon hearing this, Ruston suddenly widens his eyes as he looks at the black figure that is starting to stand up, "I-It's Mythical Aura!"

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