The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 310 Start Of SCO Move

Chapter 310 Start Of SCO Move

"Maybe we shouldn't save her...", Adhara said making Rex frown in surprise.

The words that came out of Adhara's mouth are very surprising and it caught Rex off guard, he even doubt his hearing for a second since this is Adhara he's talking about.

Rex held Adhara's shoulder and asks, "What are you saying?"

"You should get some sleep, I think you're tired", he added thinking that Adhara might already be half asleep since she would never say something like that.

Hearing this, Adhara sits up and looks at Rex directly in his eyes.

Rex looks at her in confusion before she said, "I'm saying that maybe we shouldn't try to save her, aside from it being suicide, what if she already turned into a Vampire?"

"You can't say that for a fact, we should at least try", Rex said lightly.

But Adhara then continues, "Why do you even care about her?"

"She practically used you as a dummy boyfriend by blackmailing you, but here you are helping Rosie get into Faraday University and also creates this plan of saving her even though all she brought for you is just trouble"

Rex was at a loss for words since this is not what he expected,

The thought that pours out of Adhara's mouth came out of nowhere, it was fine at first but she became like this suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Did something happen?", Rex asks in confusion.

Without even answering Rex's question, Adhara flick Rex's hand that tries to caress her hair and said, "Just be honest, you did something with her, did you? If not then why did you bring her back?"

Hearing this, Rex's expression turns into a frown.

Adhara was shocked upon seeing Rex's expression, "You did something..."

"No, it's not that. I swear we haven't reached that yet", Rex said with a troubled look.

But then, Adhara thought for a moment before she suddenly realized something, "She blackmailed you again did she? What did she use this time?"

"The fact that I'm a part of the SCO", Rex replied while tilting his face away.

Although he didn't want to admit it, if Adhara put it that way then it sounds bad.

No matter how annoying Rosie can be, Rex has never thought of paying her back even though sometimes she does make him mad but still he didn't have any thoughts of that sorts crossed his mind, 'I think I unconsciously developed a soft spot for her', Rex thought wryly.

Rosie is the first person to know that he's a Werewolf,

Instead of freaking out like any other normal human should since Werewolf is very vicious and plain cruel, she accepted him and even kept his secret although with a condition to help her get out of planned marriage by her parents.

"You see? That's the woman you're going to save", Adhara added, she then laid back on the bed.

The troubled look that almost looks disgusted is plastered on Adhara's face, she turns her head away after making a statement that even Rex can't deny.

But it just feels wrong if Rex just let her in the Vampire's hand,

Rex snapped out of his thoughts and said, "But still, you're the one that told me to turn her. She's also our friend, we can't just leave her by the Vampire's hand"

Hearing this, Adhara didn't answer as she kept silent.

Before Rex can say anything more, the door to his room suddenly got knocked by someone.

Reluctantly, Rex got out of the bed and went to the door,

When he was about to scold the one that knocked on his door, Rex was suddenly surprised when he saw Edward standing in front of his door.

"Edward?", Rex said in surprise.

Although Adhara looks okay when she said goodbye, Edward finally decided to visit Rex's room in case something like this happened.

Edward smiles wryly before he said, "How's Adhara?"

"What happened to her? She got mad all of a sudden when I discuss a plan to save Rosie", Rex replied in confusion.

But this makes Edward sigh as he signals Rex to go outside.

Edward leads Rex to the sofa near the entrance before they both sat on it.

Rex was curious about what happened to Adhara, he sat on the sofa while looking at Edward questioningly since she said that she went to him.

"Hans came a moment ago", Edward said opening the conversation.

Hearing this, Rex slightly widen his eyes as he laid back on the sofa in thought, "Why did he need to rile up Adhara for? What is his purpose?"

"Well, He's not there for her", Edward replied while shaking his head.

Rex instantly knows what Edward meant before Edward continues, "The scandal about Wesley that you knew is as expected very important for them, he wanted to know where you manage to get that information"

Since it's a very huge scandal that even involves the Burton Family, it is as expected.

While Rex is thinking, Edward suddenly said, "But that's not what is important"

"He tries to make me change sides by saying that you might be a Supernatural Spy, he said something about Supernatural visiting you and also the fact that you know how the Demons manage to make the demonic cities"

Rex was surprised upon hearing this, "How did he know about the Demons? I only told Vargas"

"You're missing the point", Edward said shaking his head again.

He then continues, "If he did this to me, trying to recruit me by saying you're a Supernatural Spy then I'm almost certain that the Atkins definitely told the others about this"

"Such as who?", Rex asks while squinting his eyes.

There are not many sides that know about Rex in the 25 Golden Crest or even amongst the influential people in Ratmawati City. Although Rex is famous, he's just an outstanding student with high potential and needs to be nurtured in the eyes of these influential people.

So there's hardly anyone that wanted to go against him, he's just a student at the moment.

Edward then mumbles with a serious expression, "The Reed Family"

"What?! That's impossible", Rex said denying what Edward suggested completely.

Hearing this, Edward then added after seeing Rex's denying expression, "How's that impossible, they're on your good sides so the Atkins will definitely try to recruit them and stab you in the back"

"Why would the Reed Family do that? They won't gain anything from it", Rex denied again.

But this makes Edward become even more desperate, "You're missing the point again! The fact that you might be a Supernatural Spy is a big thing, any Family that heard this will definitely take you down or at least check but the Atkins doesn't want that"

"The fame that comes from taking down a Supernatural Spy is big enough to raise them to a higher rank family, so they definitely won't give other families a chance except for the Reed Family who can help them take you down"

Rex was still processing Edward's words but he was still doubting,

"Think about it, How can a low-rank maid get inside your room easily with Ari guarding your room? Isn't that a red flag?", Edward asks.

But Rex shakes his head now in turn, "That's exactly how she got in, she's a low-rank"

"Ari is tasked to guard my room against threatening Awakened, that maid is not so she managed to get in. And for your statement, I helped Vargas with much crucial information and I also helped a couple of cities with Supernatural attacks. It won't be believable even if the Atkins Family suspected me as a Supernatural Spy", Rex said firmly making Edward at a loss for words.

When Edward was about to rebutted, Rex stopped him with his eyes.

"End of discussion", Rex said with a tone that doesn't want to be rebutted.

After stopping Edward from discussing this matter further, Rex stands up before he said, "I'm going to bring Kyran to my place near Ochyra University later, you keep an eye for Ryze. His brother will probably come to pick him up these days"

Rex then went back to his room leaving Edward sitting on the sofa with a darkened expression.

Even after Rex enters his room, Edward kept sitting still on the sofa in thought before he exhales roughly, "Guess I'll have to do this on my own"josei


Meanwhile, Supernatural Territory.

In the middle of an open plain lies a huge and tall black castle, the black castle is round in shape and has its tip pointy with a red crystal just above the pointy tip emitting blood energy.

The place is reek of death and the air is filled with the stench of blood.

Around the big castle, one can see a black barrier surrounding it, the sunlight that shines down from the sky is not able to penetrate the black barrier making the black castle shrouded in total darkness but the red lights come out of the black castle's windows makes it seeable from the outside.

The big castle is surrounded by cliffs, but there are four bridges connected to the black castle.

Below the cliffs lies thousands if not more of dried bones and the stench coming out of the bottom is worse than the surface, the dried bones are the source of this havoc scent.

If looked closely, there are still living humans down at the bottom of the cliffs.

They're very weak and due to starvation and desperation, they're forced to eat what little remains of the deceased one just to survive.

Even with the sickness that should come from what they're doing,

Not one of them falls sick or even dies, it's like they're not allowed to die by something as they can only feel pain, starvation, and other grim emotions that filled their hearts.

Although the sun is shining brightly in the sky,

There are a couple of flying creatures coming from or to the black castle, they all have wings on their backs and it didn't need an expert to recognize them as Vampires.

Some of the winged Vampires grab the human from the cliff and take them to the castle.

Only a handful of them ever left for something else during the daytime, but unknown to them they're already surrounded from all sides.

"Sir! I bring a report from the others!", a woman said after arriving in front of a masked man.

The masked man is none other than the Green Messenger with John Webster on his side, he then glances at the blue-haired woman with pointy ears in front of him.

Before she reported anything, her eyes landed on John Webster with a frown.

"Hello", John Webster said meekly as he sat on the Green Messenger's back.

Looking at John Webster, the blue and black tattoo beside her left eye that shaped like tree roots glow red for a second that is contrasting with her blue hair and eyes as she squints her eyes while looking at John.

If Rex were here, he will instantly recognize her as Liliya.

After looking at John, Liliya glance back at the Green Messenger and said, "Company 1, 3, and 4 has reported that there are four other camps or compounds of Supernatural in the surrounding 20 miles area"

"This castle seems to be a food supply, we destroy this and the other one sixty miles on the east then the Vampire stronghold will be crippled with no food storage", she added.

Hearing this, the Green Messenger stood up and look at the black castle from afar.

They're currently hiding behind a small hill so that the black castle can't spot them.

With the black castle in sight, the Green Messenger then takes a deep breath before he reaches his hand to the crow mask covering his face.

Seeing this, Liliya widened her eyes as the Green Messenger was about to take off his mask.


The Green Messenger twists something on the back of his mask that seems to stick the mask to his face, and after that, he takes off his mask slowly.

Liliya started to lean to the right trying to see the Green Messenger's face.

All she can see is the Green Messenger's green eyes that are very sharp and charming in a way, but anything below that was clouded with green gas.

The Green Messenger then put another mask on,

It's a broken white color with facial features such as nose and mouth scribbled black, the eyes part are open as it exposes the Green Messenger's green eyes, with his ears pointy just like Liliya.

But the green gas is still there, coming out of the mask every time he breathes.

Not long after he puts on the new mask, there is a crow that landed on his shoulder holding a serum with its talons that have green liquid inside of it.

The Green Messenger took it and immediately inject the liquid into his body.

Liliya and John saw this as their eyes sparked excitement and confusion, but right after that,


Green Energy enveloped the Green Messenger's body and it's getting more powerful by the second, it radiates to the surroundings catching the flying Vampires' attention.

The Green Messenger raises his hand as the green energy concentrate on his hand.

"After my signal, blow the bridges", he suddenly said while struggling to control the Green Energy that is gathering in his hand.

Hearing this, Liliya snapped out of her daze and nodded her head.

Then the Green Messenger added, "Remember, you're not humans but Elves. Fight like one"


"Rrgh!", Green Energy started to light up brightly as it becomes more powerful by the second.

The Green Messenger then forcefully points his hand towards the black castle, "Humph!", a fierce glint flashed on his eyes as it glows bright green before suddenly,


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