The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 313 Edward's Family And Lunar Eclipse Ritual

Chapter 313 Edward's Family And Lunar Eclipse Ritual

"Who are they?", Adhara mumbles in the car as she saw Edward acting secretly, he even glances back at the car a couple of times while talking to the two people.

Adhara thought for a moment as she inspected them,

The girl that has a big smile and radiating happy vibe looks to be around 14 to 17 years old, she has ink-black hair with a shade of pink that is tied to a ponytail. There is also a pink pin on her hair making her look cute especially added with her light blue ice cream top.

On the other hand, the old man looks about sixty with his hair completely white. Even with the wrinkles on his face, he's still standing straight almost like a soldier even.

"Are they his family?", Adhara mumbles after looking at them from the car.

Since Edward and Rex very rarely talk about their parents, especially Edward who never talked about them at all. It's natural for Adhara to not know about the old man and the girl.

Feeling that the old man and the girl are looking at the car a couple of times,

Adhara sighs as she got out of the car, it will be impolite for her to not greet both of them if they were really Edward's family.


"I got a lot of things going on, I'm sorry I haven't visited for a while", Edward said.

Although he tries to cover it, there is a hint of guilt in his tone as he apologized to the old man and the girl who seems to didn't mind about this.

The girl then replied, "I know, that's why I bring your favorite food"

She raises a lunchbox and brings it forward to Edward, the delicious smell from the lunchbox instantly penetrated Edward's nose as he accepts it happily, "You don't need to bring me this"

"Come on, I know how stressed you can get", the girl replied again with a big smile.

The old man also added, "Don't work too hard, you've done enough in the military so just enjoy your university life for a while"

While the three of them are talking with each other,

The girl and the old man's eyes are attracted to Edward's back as they saw a beautiful woman approach them, she's none other than Adhara wearing her sexy but elegant black dress.

Seeing this, Edward glance back before he smiles wryly.

"This is Adhara, a friend of mine", Edward introduced before Adhara smiles gently.

Upon seeing Adhara's beautiful smile, the girl immediately grabbed Adhara's hands and said with excited eyes, "Sister, you're very beautiful!"

"Eh?", Adhara was taken aback by her cheerful behavior before she added, "Thank you"

"You both look matching with each other, The smell of youth is radiating from you two", the old man complimented making Adhara smile in reply.

"So? Where did you two meet?"

"I bet you meet with him in the training ground since he's a training maniac and he's also quite a bit of a creep so I won't judge if you met him in the women's bathroom"

"Or did he perhaps stalk you back to your room?"

The girl kept asking Adhara different questions without even letting Adhara answer any of them, she's very talkative as she kept fantasizing about how Edward met Adhara.

While the girl is keeping Adhara busy, Edward takes this chance to pull the old man to the side.

"What do you want to say? Just spit it out", the old man said playfully.

Hearing this, Edward sighed before he finally said, "I'm in a difficult position, you just have to know that I have enemies right now and you two can't be here"

"Enemies? Since when did you have enemies?", the old man asks with a frown.

The old man looks surprised upon hearing what Edward said as if it was uncharacteristic for Edward to have enemies, he even looks disbelieved right now.

Edward rubs his forehead a couple of times and said, "It's complicated"

"But Rex is back, he's also a Faraday University student", he added making the old man even more surprised than the enemy's part.

Upon hearing this, the old man went closer to Edward and said, "Rex? You mean him?"

"Yes, Rex Silverstar", Edward replied with a light smile.

Realizing this, the old man's expression brims with happiness before he held Edward's shoulders, "Alright I understand, If you want us to not visit you for the time being then I understand", he said.

The old man then looked at the girl, "Whatever your choices, just know that we support you"

"I'm just glad that you now have the chance to redeem yourself, so take ahold of this opportunity and help your friend alright?"

Hearing this, Edward nodded his head strongly before the old man called, "Zelene! What are you doing, you're overwhelming her!"

Both of them went back to the girl, Zelene and Adhara,

"Can't you see that you're bothering the sister?", the old man scolded.

Zelene pouted upon hearing this, "Sister, Do I bother you? No, right? This old man likes to spout nonsense since he's old so just ignore him", the girl said making fun of the old man right in front of him.

She kept rambling even though Adhara is clearly overwhelmed by her,

It can be seen clearly from her confused smile as she glances at Edward for help, it's not an everyday thing to meet such an energetic girl especially around Rex and the others.


"Ouch!", Zelene held her head after getting hit by the old man.

After stopping Zelene from spouting anymore, the old man looks at Adhara and said, "It was nice meeting you. Edward said both of you are in a hurry, so please don't let us stop you"

"Ah, Yes... It was also nice meeting you", Adhara replied politely.

But after she said that, Zelene intervenes again, "We just got here! Please sister! Stay!"

"Don't leave me with this old man. I'm sick of the smell of grave, it makes me feel old just like him", Zelene added making the old man lock her head with his arm and twist his knuckle on her head.

This makes Zelene wail wanting to break out but can't,

"Did you just say I reek of death!! You'll be old soon too!", the old man shouted while dragging Zelene away from the place while she is still calling for Adhara's help.

Adhara saw this scene until they left the university ground,josei

She held her chest with her hand with heavy breaths, "That girl suffocates me, I'm going to go crazy if she was to keep rambling to me non-stop!"

Hearing this, Edward chuckles.

"Are they your family? I never met with your family before", Adhara asks.

Edward nodded his head before he points at the sports car, "Shall we? It's been 10 minutes. The traffic might make us late to the meeting"

"Let's hurry!", Adhara said before both of them ran towards the sports car.

But Adhara suddenly stops, she looks to her back while squinting her eyes.

She doesn't know why but she felt something from behind the tree a few dozens of meters on her back, "What's wrong?", Edward asks from the side.

Hearing this, Adhara went silent for a moment before she shakes her head, "Nothing, Let's go"

Unknown to both of them, there's a man listening to their conversation hiding behind the tree that Adhara felt before. A wicked smile appear on the man's face before he left after the sports car drove off.


UWO Main Office,

The UWO Office is filled with people walking around the place, the ringing sound on their hologram computer filled the place as they are handling all different matters around Ratmawati City that was sent from the branch offices.

Many of them haven't even sat on their desks for hours as they handled the matters seriously.

With the Eqosa City siege still going, the main office is contacting the nearby branch office that can help reinforce Eqosa City.

But there are a couple of people arguing over the phone,

"The president has issued an order, any casualties from the exchange is not our responsibility since your side was interfering with the UWO work"

"Yes, but we also take losses because of the battle"

"No we can't do that, if you still want to be affiliated with the UWO then you have to compensate our losses since your city decided to work with the black hand"

Since Sebrof has issued his ruthless order, many small battles occurred.

These battles are contradictory to the Green Messenger's doing and Sebrof's doing which leads to both sides suffering unnecessary losses.

On the other side of the office,

"Just send the report to my computer", Vargas said before hanging up the phone.

Not long after, a report came to his computer, and when he opens the report and read it his eyes widen in surprise before he immediately rushes out of his room.

Vargas went to the biggest room in the place,

After opening the door roughly, he then looks at the man sitting in his seat and said, "This is your responsibility", Vargas said as a report popped on the man's hologram computer.

Seeing this, the man then replied, "It's necessary to make statements"

"20 plus small battles occurred between the cities owned by the SCO and the reinforcement heading towards Eqosa City. If only you would sign the agreement, this will not happen and we can deal with the Supernatural in Eqosa City easily", Vargas said sharply

Hearing this, the man, Sebrof looks at Vargas calmly from his seat.

He takes a deep breath and said, "We need to show them that we're not some weaklings, sometimes the hard way is needed to remind the people who's in charge"

"You're just breaking the cities further, just sign the damn agreement", Vargas added.

But Sebrof has no sign of complying in his face as he takes out a cigarette and started to smoke it, he was completely stubborn making Vargas at a loss for words.

With a hint of anger, Vargas then said, "When will you see the bigger picture?"

"The Great Barricade got breached is bad enough, but you seem to still doesn't get the bigger picture. Do you need to wait until Eqosa City got taken over by the Supernatural just to realize you're making a mistake? Or do you want to wait until the Supernatural defeats us completely?", Vargas added sarcastically.

He's trying to convince Sebrof to sign the temporary alliance,

"Don't you get it? We're on the same side but we kept fighting each other weakening our forces by the day. Even the Supernatural can create a temporary alliance between races, what you're doing right now degrade humans lower than the Supernatural!", Vargas shouted with veins popping on his neck, he was very desperate for the narrow-sighted Sebrof in front of him.

After saying that, Vargas collects himself as Sebrof watches him from his seat calmly.

Vargas tidied his clothes before he said, "I'm saying this not as a fellow UWO President, but as a human that doesn't want you leading a path towards doom"

"Sign the temporary alliance, and deal with the SCO after the Supernatural"

With that, Vargas exhales roughly and leaves the room under Sebrof's gaze that doesn't waver from his words at all.

But not long after that, another person walks into the room.

"President Sebrof, We just received a report that one of the Vampire Supply Castle has been attacked. Some of the Vampires attacking Eqosa City have been recalled back", the person said.

Hearing this, Sebrof frowns in thought, "Attacked?"


Meanwhile, Scarlet Banes Kingdom.

"Your highness, My pack devote our allegiance to you and swear upon the Origin that we will help you rise to your rightful place", Ruston said while kneeling in front of Zegrath.

About nine other Werewolves are kneeling behind him as they bow in front of Zegrath.

Seeing this, Zegrath smirked before he said, "I accept your allegiance, the Origin will definitely praise you and your pack for helping me become King"

Hearing this, Ruston and his pack's body jolted upon hearing the word Origin.

It's like they're filled with ecstasy making them bow deeper, even the slightest mention of the Origin can bring such a bearing in front of these Werewolves.

After pledging their allegiance,

Ruston stands up followed by the rest of his pack members, he then approaches Zegrath and said, "You inherit one of the Origin's Powers, Devour. Why not take Alphas with a unique power to strengthen yourself, forgive my insolence but King Baralt is very powerful"

"There's no need to do that, it will only alert King Baralt if important Alphas are missing", Zegrath said as he looks at the thing in front of him.

Upon seeing Zegrath's eyes dart to the front, Ruston follows Zegrath's eyes and saw a formation drawn on the ground that consists of many weird-looking runes.

Ruston then asks, "What is this formation?"

"Bloodrite of the Prince, It's a ritual that can only be used during the Lunar Eclipse to strengthen a prince such as I with the power of the concentrated moon that only happened during the Lunar Eclipse", Zegrath explains while looking at the formation.

Hearing this, Ruston then asks, "What do you need to do the ritual?"

"Any conscious beings. No matter what they are, Werewolves, Undead, Vampires, Lesser Supernatural, or even Humans, bring them all to this place and let the world witness the power of a prince"

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