The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 325 He's A Supernatural!

Chapter 325 He's A Supernatural!


Kyran howls loudly making the room tremble, it was very daring and powerful which makes Edward grit his teeth with a hint of worry.

The howl is too loud, and it might reach out of the entire house.

"Kyran stop! Listen to me!", Edward shouted trying to speak with Kyran.

Although Edward knows what he's doing is futile since there is no hint of the regular Kyran in his eyes, he still decided to try hoping that Kyran will snap back to reality.

But that's just some hopeful thinking,


Edward widen his eyes when he saw Kyran merge with the darkness,

Looking at this, Edward immediately turns his body towards the exit of the house but then suddenly he raised his arms cloaked with his elemental aura after sensing something.


In the nick of time, Edward manages to block Kyran's attack.

Kyran clawed out of the darkness and attack Edward from the side, but thankfully Edward's intuition is sharp and he manage to block Kyran's attack.

But just when he was about to exhale in relief, "What?!"


The power from Kyran's attack was too much for Edward to handle, he was thrown away blasting through the wall behind him before stopping right beside the door to exit the house.

After getting hit, Edward looks at his arms and found that it has already turned blue.

He was a higher rank Awakened than Kyran, he even taught Kyran for a while and naturally know his strength and limitation.

But thanks to Kyran's Werewolf form, all of that is amplified.


Kyran roared menacingly before looking at the door, it's clear what his intention is.

With quite a bit of struggle, Edward stands up back to his feet with blood flowing down on his forehead blocking his left eye vision.

Edward rubs the blood off from his left eye before he reaches out to his pocket,

The tension inside the house was building up as Kyran stretches his claws menacingly, he even straighten his back making Edward looks small in comparison.

It's really shocking to see Kyran grows this much,

When he's still in his human form, Edward trumps his height by almost afoot.

But now,

Edward looks up and saw that his height is the one getting trumped by Kyran's Werewolf form, the situation was completely reversed.

After reaching for his pocket, Edward takes out two gauntlets.

"I won't let you leave this place", Edward mumbles while putting on the two gauntlets.

The two gauntlets are silver in color and based on the way Edward is holding them, the gauntlets look heavy with the fingertips' parts shaped into claws.

Edward puts it on on his hands while looking at Kyran with determination,


The gauntlets emit a silvery aura as Edward looks at Kyran, he looks very fierce, especially with the blood flowing on his forehead, he then steps forward towards Kyran before he said slowly, "If you want to leave this place, you're going have to go through my dead body"josei

"So snap out of this nonsense Kyran, or I'll beat it out of you forcefully", he added.


Meanwhile, back to the room where Rex is in.

The situation has been starting to recede as Rex breathes heavily while still on the ground, he looks at Adhara and found that she's still unconscious.

While the Sacrificial Energy still rampaging through his body,

Rex stretches out his hand to reach for his head, he then was surprised when he touches the two curved back horns poking from his head.

'I can't retract them back', Rex thought as his horns didn't budge.


With much effort, Rex reaches for the table on his side and started to get up.

"Rrrghh!", Rex grunted as his body stopped mid-way, the pain is still there but it was not as painful as when Adhara haven't requested the Shared Authority yet.

After a moment, Rex sits on the chair in front of a table.

There is a mirror in front of him, Rex looks at his reflection and finds that he's in a mess.

His tuxedo is already tattered and it's wet because of his sweat, blood also stained his white shirt underneath his suit that is surely the blood that he vomits earlier.

Rex's eyes started to go down, and thankfully his claws has returned to normal.

Although there is still the scar from when his fingernails burst into claws, all of his fingernails have returned to normal and the only thing left is his horns.

"How long will the process end?", Rex mumbles to the system.

<Uncalculated, the user's body is being strengthened by the Sacrificial Energy. This process is very overwhelming and painful so the user's body responds by forcing to turn into the user's Werewolf Form, it's a self-preservation reflex of the body>

Reading this, Rex sigh as the forceful transformation starts to make sense.

Basically what the system said is that since the Sacrificial Energy is rampant and painful, his body's self-preserving nature kicks in and it forces Rex's body to turn into his Werewolf form.

Since his Werewolf form body is stronger, that's the natural sense of the body.

This happens to Adhara too as she almost turns into her Werewolf form, but she passed out too fast and this results in her body being unable to transform and getting overwhelmed by the energy.

Like what the system said, this will lead to her body exploding.

Thankfully Rex takes back some of the energy and also splits the remaining energy to Kyran, 'I hope Kyran is okay', he thought in worry.

While he's waiting for the process to finish,

Rex looks at his palm and finds that the symbol is still active, he's still absorbing the Lunar Eclipse moonlight on top of the Sacrificial Energy.

'I should turn out stronger after this', he thought while leaning on the chair.

But then suddenly, Rex heard a subtle steely sound coming from the bathroom direction.

He glance to the bathroom and find that the handle is getting twisted as Evelyn peeked out of the room, Rex can't do anything to prevent this.

The entirety of his body is filled with pain leaving him helpless on the chair.

If he wanted to, Rex can still move but it will be a very painful process and all he can do is hope that Evelyn will not overreact.

After peeking out of the bathroom, Evelyn's eyes landed on Rex.

Instantly, her eyes fall onto the horns poking out of Rex's head. Her eyes widen in surprise, she covers her mouth with her hands in disbelief.

"You're not a human...", Evelyn said in disbelief.

The words that came out of her mouth are so subtle that it's almost a whisper, but Rex heard this as he coughed a couple of times weakly, "Let me explain", he said.

But upon realizing this, Evelyn was about to leave the room hurriedly.


Rex flash steps towards Evelyn despite the pain all over his body, his body is trembling as he slammed the door close with his hand and pinning Evelyn on the corner.

Looking at Rex's very fast movement, Evelyn looks down with slight fear.

Unknown to her, Rex can see the fear that she's feeling before Rex said, "I won't hurt you, just listen to my explanation"

"You're a Supernatural, What more is there to say", Evelyn replied.

Hearing this, Rex sighed as he didn't blame Evelyn's reaction.

With a deep breath, Rex pushes Evelyn's body to the wall gently before he reaches out to her chin and raises it up, "Look at me", Rex said while looking directly at Evelyn's eyes.

Evelyn hesitated for a moment, but she reluctantly raises her gaze to meet Rex's.

After seeing her eyes intently, Rex then said, "During our few meetings together? Have I ever tried to hurt you before?"

Rex is trying to convince Evelyn to listen to him,

Her minds are flustered because of the fact that Rex turns out to be Supernatural, so Rex can't have it any other way aside from being direct.

Looking at Evelyn who is all silent, Rex smiles weakly,

"I could've hurt you if I wanted to, even now I can still kill you easily. But I don't, I won't", Rex added making Evelyn slowly looks at his eyes with a bit of doubt.

Seeing that Evelyn is listening to him, Rex smiles, "I'm still the Rex that you know"

"I-I'm just confused, How can you be a Supernatural while still being a student in Faraday University. How did you get away with all of this?", Evelyn asks in disbelief.

She just can't believe that something this big hasn't been found out by the UWO or even FAA.

Hearing this, Rex's smile turns into a teasing smile as he replied, "Turns out the proud Evelyn Luc doesn't know everything, I'm surprised"

This makes Evelyn bit her lips and turns her head away,

Rex's smile grows even wider as at least the atmosphere is not as tense anymore, it seems he manages to make Evelyn calm down for a moment.

But when Rex was about to say more,


"Open the door!"

A voice called out from outside of the door startling both Rex and Evelyn,

Evelyn looks at Rex hurriedly, but Rex signals her to stay silent by putting his index finger in front of his mouth as he sniffs the door.

He was not about to peek outside lest he wants them to come in,

"It's the group of guys running after us before, they must be from the Atkins Family. Help me get rid of them", Rex whispers as he went to the other corner of the door.

Hearin this, Evelyn then asks, "Are you going to kill them?"

"Of course, the Atkins has a problem with me so I have no choice", Rex replied truthfully.

Since these guys are persistent in trying to find him, Rex was forced to get rid of them once and for all since they might get suspicious of what happened to the room if they get in.

But then suddenly, "I won't help you"

"What? Why?", Rex asks, Evelyn's answer caught him by surprise.

Rex looks at Evelyn in confusion before he suddenly realized, "You still didn't trust me... Fine, at least can you go to the bathroom and stay silent?"


Without answering, Evelyn went to the bathroom and closed the door.

After she went inside the door, Rex slowly opens the lock to the door as he steadies his breathing since the pain is still there and he's forcing his body to move right now.

The door opened slowly as the group of guys gets inside cautiously,

Rex used the last bit of his gold to buy a sound barrier rune to make the room soundproof, he touch the wall behind him as the rune got engraved on it.

"Move in quickly! Check the entire room!", a guy commanded whisperingly.

Five guys went inside the room quickly as if they were trying to avoid anyone from spotting them, but when the last person to get in was about to close the door.



<Killed a peak fifth rank Awakened, Obtained 2,000,000 Exp!>

Rex stabbed the last guy closing the door with his claws and instantly killing him, the guy didn't even have the time to react before he died under Rex's hand.

Since the group of guys is attracted to Adhara lying on the ground,

They didn't expect to find someone hiding behind the door, all of them snap their necks back and widened their eyes when they saw Rex killed one of them.

But what shocks them the most is the horns sticking out of Rex's head,

"He's a Supernatural!", one of the guys shouted upon seeing the horns on Rex's head.

Rex pulled out his hand out of the guy's body, the heart that Rex ripped from the guy's body is still beating in his hand as the guy falls down lifelessly.

With the heart in his hand, Rex looks at the others with a crazed look.

"I've experienced enough for today, your persistence is starting to get on my nerve", Rex said slowly as his eyes flashed with red light as he activated his Alpha Bearing skill.


Three of the group of guys fall onto their knees upon getting affected by Rex's skill,

Because of the Alpha Bearing skill, Rex's body turns into a hulking monster as the three of them felt powerless in front of Rex's presence.

They got immobilized from the fight instantly,

Rex's eyes then landed on the last one that has his knees trembling,

With the blessing of the Lunar Eclipse that is concentrated on him, Rex's power is almost tripled in power as he crushed the beating heart in his hand as blood burst from the crushed heart.

He already scans the last guy and find that he's a mid-sixth rank,

The fight should've been more fierce since he's a powerful mid-sixth rank Awakened, but the poor guy pick the wrong day to fight with Rex.

Rex approach the guy slowly before standing towering in front of him,

His eyes then turn red as he looks down on the last standing guy, "I'm in a very bad mood, so please die", Rex mumbles with a crooked smile.

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