The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 327 Kyran Is Fine

Chapter 327 Kyran Is Fine

"If you let me, then I might let you touch me too", Evelyn said as a smile blossomed on her face, the smile blossomed when she saw Rex's eyes land on her cleavage.

Evelyn doesn't know why, but seeing Rex's distracted look makes her feel good about herself.

While she's playing her fingers on Rex's abs, Rex didn't do anything besides gulping harshly, 'It's been a while since I did it with Adhara', he thought while looking at Evelyn.

Since they both got into a little argument about Rosie,

Rex hasn't gotten his usual intimate quotum with Adhara, he was about to get some but Hans ruined her mood with his talks about Rosie.

So the womanly scent coming out of Evelyn's body becomes very alluring,

Her scent shouldn't have had this much effect on Rex, but thanks to his argument with Adhara, her tempting scent was amplified greatly.

Both of their eyes lock onto each other as Evelyn started leaning closer,

The vibes started to turn hot as they both locked eye contact, but their moments together suddenly got interrupted by a loud ringing sound,


Rex was snapped out of his daze when he heard the ringing sound,

He reaches for his pants before he takes his phone from the pocket, someone is calling him, and turns out it is Edward who is calling him.

When Rex was about to answer, he suddenly stopped,

"Do you mind?", Rex said after noticing that Evelyn's fingers are still on his abs.

Hearing this, Evelyn also just noticed her hand is still on Rex's abs, "Oh, right!", she said stutteringly before she smiles sweetly and sits back down on the bed.

Rex looks at Evelyn intently before he said, "You know that I'm also a man right?"

Evelyn who just sat back down on the bed was attracted to Rex again, she then looks at Rex's bottom half before she chuckles sweetly, "You're very naughty"

"How can you be like that when your girlfriend is unconscious behind me?", she added.

This makes Rex looks to the side after he remembered that Adhara is lying on the bed, "Err, I'm going to answer this", he said before he walks out to the balcony.

Since this room is the VIP section, each room has its own balcony.

Cold but refreshing air brushes past Rex's skin as he answered the phone which is still ringing all this time, he looks up to the full moon before he picks up the call, "Edward? What's up?"

But Rex suddenly frown when he heard Edward's rough breathing,

"Are you okay? Where are you?", Rex asks in worry, Edward's breathing even sounds weird.

After a deep breath, Edward then finally said, "Don't worry about me, Are you still at the banquet?", he asks with a weak voice.

"Yes, I'm not going to be back until late", Rex replied.

Hearing this, Edward then asks, "How was the banquet?"

"The Atkins just made a move on us, I just finished dealing with their persistent people. Adhara is unconscious right now, but she'll be fine since I ask Evelyn Luc for help and now I'm going to do a request from Daniel Burton", Rex replied.

Edward is all silent on the other side of the phone after Rex said that,

The silence makes Rex frown even harder, he doesn't know why but he can feel something is wrong with Edward, "Why are you calling?", Rex finally asks.

"Nothing, I'm just checking", Edward replied.

After a brief pause, Edward then suddenly added, "Kyran is fine, you don't have to worry about him"

Rex was caught in surprise upon hearing this, 'How did he know about Kyran?'

'Adhara must've told Edward to check on Kyran since she changed her mind, but I hope Kyran didn't go berserk', he thought.

But when Rex was about to ask more about Kyran's condition,

The phone call was ended by Edward one-sidedly, and this makes Rex looks at his phone in disbelief as he's certain that something is wrong with Edward.


On the other side,

Edward is sitting on the ground, "Kyran is fine, you don't have to worry about him", his phone fell from his hand right after he hung up before he lean his head back onto the wall behind him.

A tired expression is plastered on his face as he looks up to the ceiling,

He then coughs out a mouthful of blood before he folded his leg and dangles his arm on his knees, it was a gory scene with blood splattered everywhere inside the house.

The entirety of the house is in ruin as Edward leans on the wall,

Edward's entire body is also filled with many injuries and some of them are still bleeding, it was clear that he's getting weaker by the second while he sits on the ground weakly.

After breathing steadily for a moment, Edward looks at his front,

The walls in front of him are destroyed and even the entrance to the house is ripped open, Edward can even see the outside because of the destruction they caused.

He's back to the room where Kyran is chained before,

But Kyran has not chained there anymore, instead, he's lying in front of Edward unconscious above a pool of his own blood.

Kyran already turned back to his human form,

Just like Edward, Kyran's body is also filled with injuries because of their fight.

Since he's a Werewolf, the injuries should've started to heal even when he's unconscious but the injuries are not healing at all.

There's a complicated look in Edward's gaze to Kyran,


Edward spit some of the blood in his mouth before he suddenly hear footsteps, flashlights can be seen flashing into the house from the entrance.

"Hello? If anyone hears my voice, come out right now!", a voice called from outside.

Hearing this, Edward sighed before he shouted, "I'm over here, you can come inside"

After shouting that, two police officers holding a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other enter the house cautiously.

Because of the fight he had with Kyran, even the electricity in the house is busted.

The two police officers went inside the house and saw the place is trashed, they saw wooden rubbles, huge holes on the wall, burnt walls, and even claw marks all over the place.

Upon seeing this, the two police officers were at a loss for words.

Just from the situation of the house that they're seeing, it's clear that there was a fight here and an Awakened is definitely involved.

Both of them then glance to their left and saw Edward through the huge hole on the wall,

Edward is sitting on the ground in the other room with blood covering his face and arms, they even saw an unconscious Kyran in front of him before Edward forced out a smile, "Noise Complaint?"

"Yeah...Noise complaint", one of the police officers replied while gulping harshly.


Back to Rex,

Rex walks back in after receiving the call from Edward,

There is an evident frown on his face which makes Evelyn curious, "Why put on such a serious expression? Who called you?"

"Not of your conce Rex replied coldly.

The weak voice and the rough breathing make Rex worry for Edward a bit since there's a high possibility of Kyran turning into his Werewolf form because of the Sacrificial Energy.

But if that were to happen, Edward wouldn't have survived that ordeal.

Although Edward is quite stronger than Kyran in his human form, all of that will change when Kyran turns into his Werewolf form so Rex thought that shouldn't have been the case.

'Then how did he know Kyran's situation if that was not the case?', Rex thought.

He was thinking hard about the situation, 'He even bothered calling me to tell me that Kyran is okay, so it doesn't make sense'

Hearing Rex's cold remarks, Evelyn then asks, "What are you going to do for Daniel?"

"I'm going to spar against his son, he should also be a sixth rank Awakened so Daniel thought I will be a good sparring partner for him', Rex replied before his eyes landed on Adhara.

Rex starting to have second thoughts about leaving Adhara here,

But he needs to go back to the banquet, it's not easy to get an opportunity to create friendly ties with a man like Daniel Burton.

"Do you even know who Daniel's son is?", Evelyn suddenly asks.

Without much thinking, Rex then answered, "I'll just ask around, it doesn't matter"

"There are about five dozen descendants of the 25 Golden Crest Families, Are you telling me that you're going to ask them one by one?", Evelyn said attracting Rex's attention.

Before Rex can say anything else, "I'm going with you"

Evelyn suddenly jumped from the bed and wrap her arms around Rex's arm, she was ready to go back to the banquet but Rex won't budge from his spot.josei

Looking at this, Evelyn frowns before she saw Rex's hesitating expression.

Rex is stealing glances at the bed where Adhara lies unconscious.

Evelyn notice this as her eyes landed on Adhara, she then suddenly widen her eyes in realization, "You don't trust me? I told you it will be fine to leave Adhara here"

"For someone who kept tempting me, I'm sure you have some motives", Rex replied.

Although Rex believes that he manages to convince Evelyn to keep his identity as a Werewolf a secret, he still can't push away the cautious behavior that is built within him.

Evelyn always tries to temp him whenever they meet,

Even when they're still in the banquet when Evelyn is dancing in front of him, Evelyn said that if he's not satisfied with Adhara then he can just come to her.

It makes Rex thinks that she's trying to break him and Adhara apart,

Upon hearing this, a sweet chuckle escape Evelyn's mouth making Rex looks at her in confusion.

"I do have motives for tempting you, but It's not a motive with bad intention so don't worry", Evelyn said while looking at Rex with a smile.

Rex then asks, "Then why do you keep tempting me as if you're trying to ruin me and Adhara?"

"Are you seriously that dull?", Evelyn suddenly replied.

This caught Rex off guard as he was not expecting such an answer, Evelyn then suddenly reaches out her hand to touch Rex's cheek before she added, "I'm doing this because I like you"

"Like me?", Rex mutters in confusion.

Out of all the things that he thought, Rex never once thought that Evelyn liked him.

Seeing Rex's confused expression, Evelyn then said, "Why else would I decide to keep you being a Werewolf a secret?", she then lean closer to Rex's ears.

"My motive is you, I'm going to snatch you from her", she added boldly making Rex tongue-tied.

Before Rex can even collect himself, Evelyn continues, "So, Are we going back to the banquet or should I book another hotel room to make some alone time for us?"

Rex smiled wryly before he said, "Fine, I'll let you accompany me"

"That hurts me a little, I was hoping you would choose the latter", Evelyn pouted.

With Evelyn wrapping her arms around his arm, Rex head towards the door intending to go back to the banquet to spar with Daniel's son.

After getting out of the room, Rex found two of Evelyn's men is guarding the door.

He decided to trust Evelyn that she has no ill intention to Adhara except for snatching him, and while they're heading back to the banquet Rex can't help but ask, "If I were to ask your permission to turn you into a Werewolf, Are you willing?"

"Why do you ask that? Do you want to bite me or something?", Evelyn asks with a sweet smile.

She then added, "If you want to bite me, you can just ask me directly there's no need to make underlying excuses like this"

"Never mind...", Rex replied with a sigh making Evelyn chuckle.


Supernatural Territory, Scarlet Banes Kingdom.

"Ruston!! We've been looking for you all over!", an Alpha Werewolf shouted as he landed right beside Ruston who was quite surprised when he heard someone is calling him.

After landing beside Ruston, the Werewolf looks around with a frown.

The entirety of Ruston's pack is currently here and they all give a weird air making the Werewolf frown, "Why are your pack gathered here? Don't they have things to do?"

"I'm just-", Ruston was about to answer,

But the Werewolf intervenes, "I smell blood, Are you treating your pack members?"

"Yeah, It's a polite courtesy from me to keep these spoilt Werewolves happy", Ruston replied hurriedly following the flow of the conversation.

Hearing this, the Werewolf laughs loudly as he said, "You should hurry and find a new Omega"

Ruston can only smile wryly as his pack members stay silent, the Werewolf then added, "The King requested your presence, we're looking for a Prince around here"

"Prince?", Ruston mutters in confusion.

The Werewolf then said, "Yes, Prince! I heard the Prince has Awakened, King Baralt wanted to welcome the Prince so we're searching for him"

"Alright, I'll go meet with King Baralt", Ruston replied.

Upon hearing this, the Werewolf then nodded his head before he leaped away and left.

After the Werewolf left, one of Ruston's pack members then said harshly, "Welcome my ass, I bet King Baralt is creating this search party to devour Zegrath"

"I know, let's go back and try to not make King Baralt suspicious", Ruston replied.

He then added, "At least not now, let's buy some time for Zegrath to get stronger and Awakened his Prince power so that he can challenge the throne"

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