The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 341 Weird Behavior

Chapter 341 Weird Behavior

Many of the Faraday University students went outside of their classes when they heard the loud crashing sound, even some of the lecturers came out because of this.josei

Rex was dashing towards the crashing sound direction in a hurry,

Based on where the crashing sound came from, it definitely came from the garden.

It was where Delta is since the university has provided a place for mutated animals, so Rex is worried something might've happened to Ryze.

'Is it his brother that he speaks of?', Rex thought while running.

Since Ryze's mysterious brother has given a message to Ryze indicating that he will come for Ryze, it's a possibility that the brother was about to come here and rescue Ryze.

But while running, Rex looks to the side before he frowns, 'The sun is still up'

Rex saw the sunlight has already turned into orangish, the sun still needs a couple more hours to drown so it becomes unlikely for the mysterious brother to save Ryze at this time.

The university is filled with Awakened,

Ryze is not an Awakened so his brother most likely is not an Awakened too, breaking into Faraday University to take out Ryze will be an impossible feat, especially in the afternoon.


"What is that sound?"

"It came near the library, maybe someone's fighting"

Many chattering can be heard as Rex run past them heading towards the crashing sound.

It didn't take long before Rex arrived at the scene and saw that dust is covering the garden, this blocked his vision as he sniffs the air to located Ryze,

But what he enters his nose was the scent of blood which makes him even more worried.

"RYZE!", Rex called trying to locate Ryze.

Some of the onlookers are already taking cover, but there are some who already run into the garden to check what just happened.

When Rex was about to join,


Rex suddenly saw a student flung away from the cloud of dust before hitting the university's wall.


The university's building cracked after the student crashed onto the wall, blood gushed out of his mouth before he slides down to the ground weakly.

It makes the other onlookers exclaim as they saw the student crash onto the wall.

But when Rex is looking at the unconscious student, he suddenly saw a person lying on the ground not far from the unconscious student before his eyes widen, "Ryze!"

Rex dashes towards Ryze who is lying on the ground,

He supported Ryze's head before he scan Ryze with the system, Ryze looks to be in a bad condition and Rex is worried that he's hurt internally.


<Internal bleeding has been detected due to impactful trauma, a bruise on the back of the head, and several broken bones are also detected>

Reading this, Rex immediately buys a rank-four healing stone.

He bought it for cheap, since Ryze is not an Awakened then the healing stone will become more effective so Rex didn't buy a higher rank healing stone.

A rank four healing stone is enough to do the job,

After buying the stone, Rex immediately takes it out from the inventory before he crushes it.

Green energy burst from the healing stone after Rex crushed the stone, Rex then guides the energy before he direct it into Ryze's body.

The healing stone proves to be effective when Rex saw Ryze move,

Ryze's eyes started to tremble as his wounds got healed by the healing stone, it didn't take long for him to open his eyes and blink a couple of times.

Looking at this, Rex felt relieved, "How are you feeling?"

"I- I feel okay", Ryze replied after realizing that his body already healed from the injuries.

Rex sigh as Ryze blink his eyes a couple of times and slowly wakes up,



The sound of a battle was happening inside the cloud of dust, it was starting to get clear as the dust started to get blown by the wind from the fight.

Rex stands up in confusion, 'It's Delta, What happened to her?'

"Delta... she's weird these last couple days", Ryze said meekly.

Hearing this, Rex glanced at him before Ryze added, "I try giving her favorite food, but she suddenly becomes angry and snapped attacking what crosses her sight.

Upon hearing this, Rex looks back to the battle and finally saw Delta.


Delta is baring her fangs as she glares at the people around her with hostility, there are two people that are trying to subdue her which are a lecturer and a woman that makes Rex frown.

"Who pissed her off? At this rate, we'll have to force her to submission"

The woman looks at the lecturer before she instantly denied his suggestion, "No! She's Rex's, just try to tire her out for a bit longer"

But then suddenly,


White steam started to appear around Delta's body as she activates her white force.

"You're saying we can't use force to that?! Who are you anyway?", the lecturer said while pointing at Delta who got stronger because of the white force.

The woman then replied, "Are you seriously asking that right now?!"


Delta leaped towards them angrily opening her jaws wide, the onlookers were frigthened by Delta's aura that boasts her rank five prowess.

Looking at this, the lecturer and the woman went into their stances.

But before Delta can reach them,


Rex suddenly appeared from the back and grabs Delta's head forcing her mouth to close, he wrapped his arms around Delta's mouth stopping her leaping momentum.

"Delta! What's wrong?", Rex said while trying to hold her back.

After realizing that Rex has arrived at the scene, both the lecturer and the woman felt the burden left their chests since the owner of Delta is here.

Seeing Rex is holding her, Delta growls as she tries to push Rex back.

Rex was pushed by Delta slowly as lines on the ground were left because of getting pushed back, it makes Rex frown since she's not calming down.

Gritting his teeth, Rex then activates his red force, "Stop it!"


The ground cracked after Rex planet his feet on the ground stopping Delta's momentum, he was power struggling against Delta before he finally had enough.

"I said that's enough!"


Rex's eyes glisten fiercely with black lightning making Delta backs up whimpering,

His eyes are looking at Delta coldly making Delta lower her body in front of Rex submissively, it even surprises the onlookers since Delta looks very angry before but now she becomes meek.

'What's wrong with her, Does she feel restrained in here?', Rex thought with a frown.

Rex was thinking while looking at Delta whimpering, but he suddenly felt something crawling on his throat like a tidal of water, "Huaakh!"

Blood suddenly gushed out as Rex covered his mouth with his hand,

'What the? How did this happen?', Rex thought as he look at the blood in his hand.

Rex doesn't feel anything a couple of seconds ago, but then suddenly the blood came out of nowhere and gushed out of his mouth.

It caught him off guard as he covers his mouth, 'It seems the attack from Sebrof toll my body'

"Rex! What happened!", a feminine voice called out from the back.

Upon hearing this voice, Rex is slightly surprised since the voice sounds so familiar.

He turns to his back to see the woman before his eyes widen in surprise,

Rex turns out really does know the woman in front of him, the black and blue tree roots tattoo on the side of her face makes it hard for Rex to mistake her, "Liliya?", Rex said in confusion.

Without even minding Rex's remark, Liliya asks again, "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, I don't know how this happened", Rex replied with a wry smile.

The students' onlookers look at them with a sigh feeling relieved that the incident is over, some of them were a bit worried for a second that Delta will actually go berserk.

It can turn out very badly if that were to happen,

Rex got reminded by the lecturers to control Delta, if this accident happens again then the university will put a shackle on Delta to avoid this kind of situation again.

He apologized on Delta's behalf to the lecturer and the onlookers.

After Delta has calmed down, the others dispersed as they went back to their activities.

Liliya who waited on the side then approached him, "The last time I saw her, she's very obedient to you so what happened?"

"I also don't know, I was told that she's acting weird lately", Rex replied while looking at Delta.

Delta is still rooted on her spot unmoving,

Rex is frowning before he shakes his head and looks at Liliya, "Enough about her, What are you doing here? Shouldn't you prepare for the mission tomorrow?"

"Mission? What mission?", Liliya asks in confusion.

She then added, "Since the statements that we're doing has gone well, and the news is filled with people supporting our alliance. I thought that I'll visit you today"

Hearing this, Rex face-palm his face, 'I forgot to contact the SCO'

Because of reading the information about Death Energy of the Undead, Rex forgot to contact the Green Messenger to tell him about the mission tomorrow and Sebrof's decision to create an agreement with the King.

"The UWO has accepted the temporary alliance, I was about to contact the SCO", Rex said.

Liliya's eyes lit up upon hearing the good news from Rex's mouth,

Rex then proceeds to tell Liliya about Sebrof wanting to talk with the King about the alliance and also the request made from the UWO to help wipe the Undead army in Eqosa City.

Hearing this, Liliya frowns as the mission is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"Don't worry, I'll relay the message to the Green Messenger right now", Liliya said as she activates some sort of energy before Rex saw a crow flying towards them.

After the crow landed on Liliya's shoulder, its eyes then turn green,

Turns out the crow got connected to the Green Messenger similar to the crow the Green Messenger gives to Rex, he then also tells the Green Messenger about the situation.

"I will tell the King about this great news", the Green Messenger said.

There is a hint of excitement in the Green Messenger's usually stoic and lazy tone, it's a big deal to band with the UWO since the SCO will gain many organizational benefits.

And the Green Messenger definitely aimed these benefits,

"As for the mission", the Green Messenger said before he think for a moment.

He then added, "We can't send all of the messenger's team since some have their own agendas, but we'll send enough", the Green Messenger continues.

The answer worries Rex for a moment,

Rex then added, "I believe it'll be better to match the UWO's number, they have about five dozen descendants sent to the mission so a close number to that will be good for the alliance"

Although Rex believes that the Green Messenger will honor the alliance,

He just can't help but say something about this, at least to make sure that nothing will go wrong with the alliance until the UWO and SCO destroy the Supernatural Strongholds.

The Green Messenger heard what Rex said before the crow flapped its wings away,

Liliya then looks at Rex excitedly as she said, "In just a bit the black hand will be welcomed in Ratmawati City, aren't you excited?!"

"Of course", Rex replied with a smile.

But then suddenly, Rex sensed Delta moved from her spot nearing the blood that he vomited earlier. Rex thought that it was because of Sebrof's leftover energy from before.

It was weird, but that's the most likely reason to explain the sudden urge to vomit blood.

Delta crawls with a low stand before she started to lick the blood on the ground, and this makes Rex frown in confusion, "What is she doing?", Liliya asks also confused.

This is not the behavior of a mutated wolf-like Delta, it's a bit absurd.

She licks the blood off of the ground cleanly, and she even searches the surroundings to find more.

When Rex was about to check on Delta to try and figured out what she wants,

"Rex!", A voice called out from the back.

Rex already realized that it's Adhara since he already sensed that she's close before, he turns around to see Adhara before Adhara continues, "What happened here?", she asks.

There are claw marks on the ground and she even saw the wall on her right cracked.

"And Who is she?", Adhara added as her eyes landed on Liliya, she had never seen her before and this makes her glare at Rex since many women started to appear out of nowhere around Rex.

Seeing this, Liliya grasp the situation instantly, "Oh, Hello! I'm Liliya, Rex's friend"

"A friend from the military?", Adhara asks seeing the friendly smile on Liliya's face, she has a completely different vibe from Evelyn which makes Adhara relieved.

Hearing this, Liliya glanced at Rex before he replied, "Something like that"

Since they're out in the open, Rex was not going to say out loud that Liliya is a friend from the SCO and notify the others that he's also a part of the SCO.

But Rex glance at Liliya who is smiling brightly, 'She's very different from the last time'

The bright smile and confident posture that Rex saw on Liliya was not the same as the last time he met her, it's almost she turned into a completely new person.

Adhara exchange pleasentaries with Liliya before she looks at Rex.

"I need to prepare, so I'm going now. See you later, Rex, Adhara", Liliya bids goodbye.

The mission will be held shortly and she also needs to prepare alongside the other messenger teams, so she intends to leave after bidding goodbye.

Liliya suddenly stopped in her tracks, her movement stop when she saw Rex's face.

Seeing this, Rex is confused as to why Liliya is looking at his face like that when she just bid her goodbye and intends to leave.

She then said with a hint of worry in her tone, "Rex, Are you sure you're okay?"

"Why do you ask?", Rex replied nonchalantly.

Adhara also glances at Rex before she also frowns weirdly after looking at Rex's face.

Liliya points at Rex before she said with a frown, "Your nose, it's bleeding"

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