The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 364 Obedient Addition

Chapter 364 Obedient Addition

'Now that Durrant is out of the way, What should I do with her?', Rex thought, his eyes landed on Gustava who already collected herself and kneel in front of Rex submissively.

Finding an Undead like Gustava is very weird, Rex never had any experience like this.

Usually any Supernatural if given a chance in a situation like Gustava, they would've run or stabbed him in the back but Gustava on the other hand obediently stays in her place.

Rex sigh before he takes his silver sword and Amuerus katana on the side,

After taking the swords, Rex unsheathed the Amuerus katana before he walks back to Gustava who still doesn't move from her place.

The beating heart on her chest can still be seen right now,

It's as if she purposefully expose her heart like this asking Rex to kill her, but this instead makes Rex hesitant to kill her lest she has somekind of spell that will be activated upon death.


Rex turns his body towards Gustava before he points the silver sword at her neck,

He then asks, "The white barrier before..."

"Was it your doing?", he continues as he remembers the white barrier blocking Durrant's black ice spike that was about to impale him.

But since the white barrier is not stronger than Durrant, it fails to block the black ice spike.

Hearing this, Gustava turns her head away avoiding Rex's gaze.

Her expression is quivering showing her hesitant feeling to answer Rex's question, but Rex saw Gustava clench her fingers together before she finally replied, "Yes..."

"Why did you help me?", Rex asks again in confusion.

Rex just killed a company of Undead, even Durrant and the two strong Undead was killed by him whom he thought was close with Gustava.

So following that logic, Gustava should resent him instead.

Gustava bit her lips before she brave herself and look at Rex's eyes, "I don't know..."

But it didn't last long as she averted her gaze again,

"If that's the case, why didn't you run away now? You can still live if you escape from me", Rex said while eyeing Gustava's expression, he was trying to figure out what's her intention.

And upon hearing this, Rex saw a slight change in Gustava's expression.

Gustava glances at the silver sword that Rex is holding, she did it a couple of times to be exact.

Rex puts the silver sword away while looking at Gustava with a frown.

From the way she acted and the change in expression, Rex suspected something, "Do you want me to kill you?", he asks lightly.

Hearing this, Gustava's body went stiff.

After a slight pause, Gustava didn't answer Rex and instead stretches her hands to the silver sword that Rex is holding.

A steaming sound was instantly produced when Gustava touches the silver sword.

But despite the burning pain in her hands, Gustava didn't take her hands away.

Gustava redirected the silver sword that Rex is holding before she stop when the silver sword is aimed at her beating heart, it's clear what she was asking from Rex.

"Why?", Rex asks in confusion.

Although Rex will gladly kill her, he can't deny the fact that he's curious about her.

The only Supernatural that begged to be killed, there's not quite another Supernatural like this that willingly aimed a silver sword at their own weak point.

Without looking at Rex, Gustava then answered, "I made you angry..."

"What? That's your reason?", Rex mumbles in surprise, he was not expecting an answer like this.

Clearing his throat since he just got surprised, Rex looks at Gustava weirdly, 'Did she has a history with a Prince? Did she do this because I didn't torture her earlier?'

Back before Durrant arrive,

Gustava was exposing her beating heart and asks if torturing her will please Rex, at that moment Rex is very angry about the impaling of the corpses.

But he didn't expect Gustava to be actually so obedient like this,

"I'm sorry, please kill me if that will at least reduce your anger. Just take it out on me...", Gustava added making Rex snap out of his daze.

Hearing this, Rex suddenly thinks of something.

The grin on his face shows that he just thought of something great, he then slowly stretches out his hand and grabs Gustava's neck gently.

Feeling Rex's touch, Gustava closes her eyes knowing that Rex will end her.

Rex lifts Gustava off the ground, he saw Gustava is closing her eyes resigning her life to Rex's hand as the grin on Rex's face becomes wider.

Instead of crushing Gustava's neck, Rex suddenly asks, "How many humans have you killed?"

Gustava opens her eyes slowly upon hearing this,

"I-I don't know, but it's many...", she said lightly, the grip on her neck is not rough like before since Rex didn't use much power so she can speak clearly.

Rex's grin turns mischievous as he said, "Since you want me to not be angry..."

"I don't think killing you will just do enough, you need to do way more than that", Rex added making Gustava's expression turns droopy.

"W-What do you want me to do? I'll satisfy you", Gustava mutters obediently.

But the question makes the grin Rex had on his face becomes even wider as he lifts her body in the moon's direction, "You... You're going to be my third pack member!"

'System I want to turn her into a Werewolf, is that possible?', Rex asks.

<Any creature can be turned into a Werewolf, including other Supernaturals>

Hearing this, Rex glance at Gustava who is looking at him with wide eyes, "M-Master, What do you mean by that?", Gustava asks in disbelief.

Rex didn't answer as he shouted excitedly, "BRAND!"

A moment later,

"Hhrgghkk!", Gustava's chest heaved up and down after getting branded by Rex.

She slid down from Rex's hand as the branding process started to take effect, the burning sensation on her neck and Rex's grip can still be felt on her neck.

Gustava is holding her neck while kneeling on the ground,

Her bones started to make cracking sounds, the pain starting to overwhelm her, and when the veins around her body bulged she finally lets it all out by screaming painfully, "AARGHH!!!"

The high-pitched scream reverberated in the surrounding,

While this is all happening, Rex is watching from the side waiting for the process to end.

The brand is located on her neck just like Adhara and it's glowing with blue light, Rex brand Gustava with a Custodian Rune that he bought from the shop.

'Since her spell is around defensive spells, this rune is perfect', Rex thought.

<Custodian Rune>

This rune will amplify any defense-related skill or spell effect adding an extra layer of energy to make them sturdier, a support rune that can help to protect allies from danger. Perfect for Earth Elementalist.


"ARGHH!!", Gustava screams once more as she glances at Rex with tearful eyes.

The bones that are moving inside her body are more gruesome than when Adhara and Kyran turn into Werewolf, it's almost as if her entire body was transmorphed into something else.

"Master, Why didn't you just torture or kill me?", Gustava asks with a painful expression.

Hearing this, Rex glance at Gustava before he squats down in front of her with a nasty grin, "You want me to punish you right? Killing or torturing you is not much of punishment since it seems you want me to kill you instead"

"Since you killed many humans, you will repay that debt by killing Supernaturals"

Rex grabs Gustava's silvery white hair cocked it back before he added, "I'm your Alpha now, so you'll do everything that I say with no exception. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes master, I will be o-obedient", Gustava replied meekly as the process slowly ended.

The cracking sounds started to recede after a bit more than five minutes, but there's not much of a change in her appearance aside from her skin is not as pale anymore.

It's almost as if she's not a living dead, her skin started to turn a bit rosy.

Her eyes are still pure white like a blind person, her skin is still decayed, and sickly as she emits the same dead stench just like any other Undead in general.

<Transformation success! Feed Gustava with the user's blood>

'It's not a drop of blood? Maybe she's stronger', Rex thought.

After saying that and noticing that the process has ended, Rex lets go of her hair roughly before he stands towering in front of her, "Now, Look up and open your mouth"

"I'm going to give you my blood, make sure to not spill any", Rex added.

Hearing this, Gustava positioned her body still kneeling on the ground to face Rex before she looks at him and open her mouth exactly as Rex commanded obediently.

She even takes out her tongue as a precaution,

Without wasting any second, Rex cuts the palm of his hand with the silver sword before he clenched his hand making his blood flow down to Gustava's mouth like a waterfall.


'Since she's a sixth rank Undead, giving her more blood is appropriate right?', Rex thought.

The blood kept flowing down from Rex's palm, Gustava drinks all of it carefully fearing that she might spill some of the blood and makes Rex angry.

While this is all happening, Rex notices some changes in Gustava's body.

Rex frowned when he notices more changes in Gustava's body,

The changes make Rex's eyes slowly widen in surprise, the changes are just too much.

Her eyes that should've been all-white slowly turned human-like, it didn't take long for her eyes to turn into sparkling blue color and it's radiating with calmness just by looking at them.

Gustava's skin is not pale anymore, and the Undead stench is nowhere to be smelled.

Even the little things like lips, cheeks, neck, hands, hair, all of these started to look alive again without leaving any trace of her being an Undead before which surprises Rex.

If Rex meets with her in this state before, he won't suspect her to be an Undead once.

<Congratulation on obtaining the third Silverstar pack member!>

<Supernatural Werewolf Achievement has been completed!>

<Obtained 500,000,000 Exp, Unholy Eyes of the Undead>

After the notification popped onto Rex's vision, he puts his hand away as the wounds slowly closed on their own, it's a bit harder to close since Rex uses the silver sword to make the cut.

Surprisingly Rex completed an achievement from the system after Gustava joins his pack.

Gustava closed her mouth after she saw Rex is putting his hand away,

The taste of Rex's blood somehow doesn't taste bad as Gustava savors the taste, she even licked the blood that is smeared on her lips not wasting any drop of blood.

'I gave her three times more blood than Kyran, and it's still doesn't exceed her limit', Rex thought.

Just like he expected,

Since Gustava is a sixth rank Undead she can take more blood than Kyran, Rex didn't put more blood since he's afraid exceeding the blood limit will be bad.

Especially since this is the first time Rex turns another Supernatural into a Werewolf.

Rex looks at Gustava who looks surreal in front of him, he still can't believe that Gustava that is a full-on Undead turns into this somewhat human-like form.

'Let's give her the mark', Rex thought.

Gustava saw Rex approach her and stretch out his hand to touch the middle of her chest, the Silverstar mark on the palm of Rex's hand glows, 'System, Mark her'


Unlike when Rex marked Adhara before, Gustava didn't scream and just held it in.josei

The Silverstar mark is etched right in the middle of her exposed chest, 'That should do it, the Silverstar mark should be able to cover that heart', Rex thought.

Although she looks human-like, the beating heart doesn't and it can be noticed easily

With the Silverstar mark right on the skin above the heart, even if Gustava stripped naked the weird heart shouldn't be seen easily by just anyone.

Now that Rex thought about this, he widen his eyes when Gustava is looking at him.

The rosy expression that she wore surprises, Rex, when she's still an Undead before expressions such as this can't be seen because her skin is decayed.

But now, Gustava is looking at Rex who still has his hand in the middle of her chest.

Since she now become human-like, her breasts that can be seen looks more natural and this somehow makes Rex feel uncomfortable, 'She's very warm it's very pleasant, I can feel the blood coursing through her body. It's almost as if she was brought back from the dead'

While Rex is feeling Gustava's skin, he then widens his eyes, 'What am I doing?'

"Master... What is this?", she asks while looking at the Silverstar mark on the middle of her chest, but Rex found that her voice becomes even softer and gentler than before.

It seems even her voice changed slightly from the transformation,

Rex shakes his head before he retracts back his hand, "That'll turn you into a full-fledged Werewolf, you should be a half-werewolf right now"

After saying that, Rex's eyes glisten as he scans Gustava,

<Gustava Xix Scteztic>

Race: Half-Werewolf - Heart of Black

Power: Sixth Rank(Mid)

Mental: 409 (+210)

Strength: 403

Agility: 647

Endurance: 476

Intelligence: 1144

Reading this, Rex finds that there's a power loss that Gustava experienced turning from a High-Undeadlord into a Half-Werewolf.

'But her intelligence stat is still the same though', Rex thought nodding his head.

While reading the stats, Rex also founds the Heart of Black part beside her power before he asks the system, 'Did she retain some power from being an Undead?'

<Please scan Gustava for further information>

Gustava who is still on the ground while feeling her new body suddenly felt a hand grab her cheek, she looks up and saw Rex standing in front of her with his hand caressing her cheek.

Her eyes turns starry when she saw Rex's expression is not stiff and hard anymore.

Since Rex just turns her into a Werewolf, he can lower his guard because anyone that he turns into a pack member will have some sort of connection with him being the Alpha.


Gustava closes her eyes feeling Rex's gentle touch, but it didn't last long.

<Scan complete!>

<Gustava has retained the Death Core necessary for any Undead to turn into a Seventh Rank, the Heart of Black is still beating inside Gustava's body and it will alter the Werewolf race that Gustava will turn into>

'So just like Kyran, she will not be a regular Werewolf?', Rex asks,


Rex thinks for a moment while rubbing his chin, 'What kind of Werewolf will she turn into?'

'We'll just see when she turned into a full-fledged Werewolf, for now, let's take the woman back first and regroup', Rex looks at the back where the woman is lying unconscious.

With the death of Durrant, the mission should get relatively easier.

Rex glanced at Durrant's head before he suddenly remembered, 'Should I bring Durrant's corpse back so Delta can eat it? I probably should'

After deciding to bring the corpse back, Rex then throws clothes at Gustava.

"Strip your armor and wear that, follow me after you finish changing", Rex instructed before he grabs Durrant's head and proceed to search for the rest of Durrant's body.

Although it should be hard to find Durrant's body in this broken terrain,

With the help of Rex's sense of smell, he follows the same smell coming from Durrant's decapitated head and found Durrant's body almost half a mile from the battlefield.

Rex approach Durrant's body before his eyes widen,

"What happened during my blackout really, this is just something else..."

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