The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 367 Metalic Skull Mask

Chapter 367 Metalic Skull Mask

'I can't feel his presence anywhere!', Edward thought while running left and right.

Kyran just disappeared into thin air turning into a shadow, Edward can't track his mana at all which increased the difficulty of finding Kyran tremendously.

The university is silent at this time of the night,

Only a couple of people can be seen sitting around the university while playing with their phones, and their attention was pulled towards Edward who is running left and right.

Although there's tension between the two of them,

Kyran shouldn't have been this reckless especially since he's the one the Atkins family really after because he's always alone, but he should've learned from his mistakes.

But now Edward is having second thoughts, 'There's no way he leaves the university right?'

After searching the entire building without finding a trace of Kyran's presence, Edward ran out to the garden beside the library in the hope to find Kyran.

Now that he knows Rex and the others are Werewolves,

Bathing under the moonlight is also an option, and the place that is secluded enough and exposed to the moonlight clearly is the garden.

"Come on, don't be like this. Where are you Kyran", Edward mumbles in concern.

He arrived at the garden as he darted his eyes left and right,

The garden is devoid of people, only some students are seen inside the library.

Edward glanced to the right before his eyes suddenly landed on a figure by the university building's wall, this figure is squatting in the darkness while looking at the sky.

Seeing this, Edward squints his eyes in confusion, 'Ryze? What is he doing here?'

Instead of Kyran, Edward finds Ryze instead sitting alone in the darkness.

He approaches Ryze who looks to be sighing in the dark before he called to him, "Ryze! What are you doing here all alone?"

"E-Edward?", Ryze mutters in surprise.

Ryze's eyes widen when he saw Edward walking toward him, he unconsciously stands up before he said, "I'm about to go back, W-What are you doing here Edward?"

"Kyran, he disappeared and I'm trying to find him", Edward replied quickly.

Upon hearing this, there's a slight change in Ryze's expression as he looks away dejectedly.

But Edward didn't see Ryze's change in expression as he still looks around trying to find Kyran, he then said, "You go on ahead, I'm going to search for Kyran for a bit more"

"If Adhara asks, just tell her to stay in the room", he added.

Hearing this, Ryze nodded his head before he walk past Edward heading back inside.

While Ryze is walking slowly toward the university building, Edward squints his eyes looking in a direction where he felt unknown energy aimed at him from afar.

The source of the energy is pretty far but Edward can feel it,

'What is this energy? It's too far, I can't locate the source', Edward thought with a frown.

But then suddenly, "Arrghh!"

A wailing sound suddenly came from the side as Edward glanced to his side, there he saw Ryze fall to the ground on all four with a pained expression on his face.

"Ryze!", Edward exclaimed as he dashes towards Ryze.

He touches Ryze's back and finds that his body is shaking, "It burns! It burns!!", Ryze shouted painfully before he falls to the ground weakly.

Looking at this, Edward was confused as to why Ryze became like this.

"What's wrong? Which part is burning?", Edward asks hurriedly not knowing what to do.

With a clear pain inside his hoarse voice, Ryze answered while hugging his own body, "I-Inside, it's burning inside! H-Help me!"

'Did this happen because of the unknown energy?', Edward thought.

He looks in the direction where he felt the energy come from before he frowns, but when he was about to carry Ryze inside.



Edward widen his eyes when he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his chest,

"What the?", he mumbles in shock when he saw there's a small gaping hole in his chest, the sudden change in situation caught Edward off guard as he looks at the gaping hole in disbelief.

Blood is leaking from the small gaping hole as Edward widens his eyes, 'Bullet?'

Upon realizing that someone is attacking them, Edward immediately activates his black fire as he dashes toward Ryze but another piercing sound can be heard,


A flash of light appears in a fraction of a second as Edward looks in the direction of the unknown energy, his eyes widen since the bullet is faster than normal,

But then suddenly,


Kyran appears out of nowhere deflecting the bullet,

Edward saw the bullet clash with Kyran's fingers that already turned into claws, a spark was created before the bullet got deflected and crash to the ground beside him.josei


"Are we getting attacked on the university's ground?", Kyran asks with a frown.

Edward carries Ryze before he replied, "Yes! He's using a sniper, so he must not come from the Atkins Family. I'm going to take Ryze inside, be careful!"

"Don't worry about me", Kyran answered before turning into a shadow.

The balls of the attacker are very big to actually attack an Awakened student inside the university ground, this is something that never happened before in the university's history.

But Edward has different thoughts, 'The principal and vice-principal are not here'

'Only the lecturers are here with only some of them in the sixth rank realm, the is a planned attack but what is this person after?', he thought with a frown.


Another gunning sound can be heard as Kyran covers for Edward and deflect the bullet again.

The bullet this time is even faster than even Kyran almost didn't manage to deflect the bullet on time, it's way faster than any gun that Edward has ever seen.

Usually, this kind of gun will create a loud thundering sound,

But this particular gun is no louder than any ordinary sniper, and because of the location of the attacker, the gun sounds even lighter.

After putting Ryze inside the university building,

Edward dashes out again and finds that Kyran is also missing, he was looking at the direction the gun sound came from before he also dashes in the direction.


There is a robed figure on top of a building about three miles away from Faraday University.

A huge black sniper rifle is positioned towards the Faraday University building, the figure's eyes are on the scope with steady breathing and firm hands aiming at the target.

It's almost clear that the figure is adept at using a sniper rifle,

The distance between the figure and the target in Faraday University also shows that the figure has a terrifying sight, no normal humans can snipe perfectly from this far.

While eyeing the scope,

The figure hummed as the figure saw Edward carrying Ryze inside to take cover.

After firing for the third time, the figure clicked its tongue before wrapping its equipment by putting all of them in a black bag.

The first shot hit Edward right on his chest but the second and third ones got deflected by Kyran, and now the figure is intending to leave after failing to injure or even kill its target.

While tidying up the equipment, the figure suddenly tilts its head to the side.


Just in the nick of time, the figure manages to jump away dodging Kyran's attack.

Kyran punch powerfully where the figure stood just a second ago, the punch landed on the black bag and broke the sniper rifle in two.

The dark mana enveloping Kyran's body emits a horrifying aura,

"You think you can just shoot a few bullets and run away?", Kyran said lightly with his fist still connected to the cracked ground beneath him.

His expression turns devious as he looks at the figure, "I have a few questions"

"But I don't think you will just give in easily, so I'm going to capture you and torture you until you spit out the answer I want", he added with crazed eyes.

Hearing this, the figure stays unmoving on his spot.

Now that Kyran is standing in front of the figure, he can see the figure clearly.

The figure wears a black robe that blended in the darkness of the night covering the figure's body from top to bottom, Kyran can see a glimpse of the figure's arms inside the robe which are wrapped with white bandages.

But the most noticeable distinction is the metallic skull mask covering the figure's face.

Kyran frown when he doesn't sense any mana from the figure,

'How did he dodge my attack if he's not an Awakened? But it doesn't matter, I'm going to catch him', Kyran thought before he suddenly turns into a shadow.


Kyran appears from the side like a ghost as his eyes glisten fiercely,


The figure manages to block Kyran's punch which caught Kyran in surprise since the figure is not an Awakened, Kyran even felt his fist just hit a solid object instead of skin.

But Kyran's fist landed right on the figure's wrapped arm, so this makes Kyran frown.

After testing the figure's strength, Kyran twists his body and sweeps the figure's legs which caught the figure off guard which can be seen clearly from the figure's stiff movement.

A smile crept on Kyran's face as he cloaked his fist with dark mana and punch the figure again.


The figure was sent crashing into the rooftop entrance destroying it completely, Kyran landed a solid hit on the figure's chest which should have hurt the figure badly.

"Dark Elementalist", the figure suddenly mumbles appearing from the rubbles.

Kyran frowned when he heard the figure's voice that is almost robotic thanks to the mask the figure's wearing, the figure then added, "But what's with the claws earlier? You're not normal"

"Normal or not, that is none of your business", Kyran replied fiercely.

Hearing this, the figure went silent while looking at Kyran with an unknown expression beneath the metallic skull mask.

But upon seeing the red parts on the figure's wrapped arms,

Kyran smiles evilly as dark mana gathers on his hand, he then points his hand to the figure before he said, "Game over, I'm going to have fun torturing you"


Dark mana infiltrates the figure's hand which should amplify the pain from the wounds.

The smile on Kyran's face started to get wider but soon stop when he saw the figure is still unmoving from his spot, he didn't even scream even though the dark mana should enhance the pain in his arms greatly.

A red light glows from the figure's hands before the dark mana gets dissipated.

"Hand over Ryze to me or I'll get serious next time. This will not be the last time we meet, I'll be visiting again soon", the figure said lightly, he then dashes away jumping off of the building.

Looking at this, Kyran gritted his teeth, "Oh no you don't!"


Kyran jumped after the figure but red energy suddenly shot toward him, "What's this?", Kyran mumbles when his body suddenly becomes heavier as he falls to the rooftop again.

It was bizarre since the red energy suddenly makes Kyran's body feels like a ton.

After getting hit by the red energy, Kyran can only watch helplessly as the figure dashes away leaving him unable to run after the figure.

Not long after, Edward arrives at the scene and saw Kyran kneeling on the ground.

"Are you okay?! Where is the sniper?", Edward asks while approaching Kyran, he was worried when he saw Kyran is kneeling on the ground.

Hearing this, Kyran shrugs his shoulders, "I'm fine", he replied.

Dark mana gathers on Kyran's body and after a couple of minutes, the red energy is finally got dispersed by Kyran and instantly makes his body feels normal.

"What does the sniper wants? Did he tell you anything?", Edward asks.

The figure aimed at them and there's no way that he just did it for fun especially since the figure attacked them on university grounds, if the vice-principal or principal is here then they have legal rights to obliterate the figure that attacked the university ground.

This is why this is one of the reasons the Atkins never attacked them inside university grounds.

Kyran glanced at Edward before he said, "The figure is asking about Ryze, but I don't know what he wants with Ryze"

What the figure wants greatly confused Kyran and Edward.

The two of them frown because no matter how much they think about it they can't find the reason why the figure is after Ryze.

"Let's just go back first", Edward said before they both went back to the university.

After arriving back at the university ground, Edward can find some students and a lecturer are already in the garden since some of them probably caught the gunshots.

Edward explained to the lecturer the actual truth which quickly enraged the lecturer.

When Edward was about to check on Ryze that who left right beside the entrance of the university, Edward suddenly saw Kyran is talking with a girl on the side.

'Isn't that Lisa? They're still talking?', Edward thought with a frown.

Upon feeling Edward's gaze, Lisa instantly lowers her head before she turns around and walks away while Kyran glances at Edward coldly and vanishes turning into a shadow.


At dawn the next day,

Rex opens his eyes and finds that Evelyn is standing in front of a mirror on the side, they're both are currently inside the bedroom on the second floor.

About an hour ago Evelyn suddenly asks Rex if he wanted to go upstairs,

But Rex was not about to put himself in the position where he might get tempted, especially since he told Adhara that something like this wouldn't cross his mind during a mission.

Although that is what he already planned, he can't deny Evelyn's request.

While talking briefly at that time, Rex also found that not only does Evelyn realizes that he's in pain she also asks Morana to give her a drop of Grace Water to tend to the wound on Rex's back.

That explains why the wound on Rex's back is better,

Because of that, Rex finally decided to just agree with Evelyn's request on accompanying him to sleep in the bedroom upstairs after she promised that she won't do something to tempt him.

"You promised that you won't do something that will tempt me", Rex suddenly said.

Hearing this, Evelyn looks at Rex through the reflection in the mirror before she replied with a cheeky smile, "I thought you're still asleep, I was about to wake you up after I clean myself"

Evelyn is currently only wearing her top undergarments,

Her lower half is still wearing the same pants but she's only wearing a white bra on her top half.

There is a bucket of water beside her which indicates that she's telling the truth, but somehow the cheeky smile on her face makes Rex think that she know that he was about to wake up.

"Why? Does my body look that good to you?", Evelyn added.

Rex chuckles lightly as he wakes up from the bed, he rubs his eyes a couple of times before he answered, "To be honest, they do look really good"

"Eh?", the sudden answer makes Evelyn widen her eyes as her face turns red blushing.

Her face is so red that she almost looks like a tomato as her hands that are cleaning her body with a towel stopped, "S-Said the person who has a greek god body", she answered timidly.

But what Rex said to her is actually the truth,

The curved lines on Evelyn's body make her body looks very fit and it's clear that she's training hard, her red hair also gives her a feisty look but the expression she wore right now is contrasting with her red hair.

"You know that if I told Adhara that you request to sleep on the same bed with me she will definitely come after you right?", Rex asks while putting on his clothes.

Hearing this, Evelyn glance at Rex before she shakes her head, "Are you curious who's going to win if we were to fight?"

"Personally, yes", Rex replied nonchalantly.

Although he trusts that Adhara will win against Evelyn, there's a feeling that it won't be that easy for Adhara to fight against Evelyn.

They both are also a Fire Elementalist, so Rex is quite curious about the results.

While they were chatting lightly while putting on their armor back, Rex suddenly heard his name called from outside.

"That must be Tyrice", Evelyn mutters upon hearing the voice.

Rex also nodded his head upon hearing this, "Let's go, it's also about time we leave"

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