The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 377 Disrespecting The Undead

Chapter 377 Disrespecting The Undead

"You see? The reinforcement has come, we can massacre them now...", Yolgos said as he made his way to exit the room, there was a smile on his face.

On the north gate of the city,

"Why are we doing this? Isn't this the same as taunting the Undead further?", Velten asks as he pulls a dozen of chained Undead that already have all of their bones broken.

These Undead are at their mercy, and they're dragged around like a sack of trash.

Hearing this, Dray also shakes his head as he looks back to the chained Undead that is also pulled by him, "Won't the Undead attack us if we provoke them too much? We're not ready"

"It'll be a disaster if they attacked us right now", he added.

Liliya then added from the side, "Rex said that it won't happen, they're stalling for time waiting for the reinforcement. Just trust in Rex, I can't tell you why but he's always reliable"

Both Dray and Velten sigh as they still feel uneasy,

Seeing the three are talking about Rex, Evelyn who is also amongst them then said, "Don't worry, he will not send us to kill ourselves. Rex definitely has a plan in mind"

"Having you with us is a bit comforting at least", Velten suddenly said.

The remarks from Velten make Evelyn frown, she then looks at Velten with a confused look and asks, "What do you mean by that? Why is it comforting?"

"Well by having Rex send you here, he's at least confident with his plan", Velten replied.

But this makes Evelyn frown even harder, even Dray's attention got pulled to Velten as they both look at Velten still in confusion, Velten then added seeing they're still confused, "You know... You and Rex seem close, he even stops to say some things to you before searching for the Undead"

"W-What...?", Evelyn mumbles as her face started to redden.

Liliya then glance at Evelyn, "I overheard the descendants talking, they said you also sleep in the same house as Rex earlier. If that's not close then what is?", she said with a laugh.

"Well, he does have soft spots for women but yours must be different", Liliya added.

Hearing this, Evelyn looks away in embarrassment.

'Is that really what it seems to the others?', she thought with her face as red as a tomato.

The four of them are not the only ones heading to the city where the Undead company lies, they're also accompanied by Delta and Gistella who are following them from the back in silence.

Rex sent them as a precaution if something went out of expectation,

With Delta's peak sixth rank power, and also Gistella's protection spells equivalent to a mid-sixth rank the four of them are at ease since at the very worst outcome they can just flee.

Their lives shouldn't be in danger,

Slowly but surely, the six of them inch closer to the city where the company of Undead lies.

Although they already decided to just trust Rex and do as they were told, Velten, and Dray can't help but become nervous as they got closer to the city.

It is also due to the fact that they're the ones pulling the chained Undead.

Just in front of them, they can already see the tall entrance of the city which is guarded by the Undead.

The Undead on the wall glance down when they saw six figures approaching from the darkness of the night, but their eyes landed on the chained and dragged Undead behind them.

One of the Liches above the walls was shocked when it saw the chained Undead.

It was a bizarre scene that makes the Lich grip the edge of the wall angrily, the Undead they brought had all of their body bent in an unnatural direction.

They didn't feel any pain and it's proven from their silence despite their bent bodies.

But because of their broken body, none of the Undead can do anything except be dragged in front of the entrance of the city helplessly.

Since they fought the other company of Undead, the six of them realized that this lich on the wall is an Elder Lich judging from its bigger figure, a sixth rank at that.

Velten and Dray tossed the chained Undead to their front roughly,

"Greetings, we've come here with a present for the great Enchanter that is hiding inside this wall. Would you mind calling the Enchanter for us?", Dray said loudly.

Hearing this, the elder lich on the wall points at Dray angrily, "What is the meaning of this human!"

"We already annihilate the other companies, and you guys are the last company. So I'm going to give you a humble proposal!", Velten said from the side.

The lich glance at Velten as he continues, "If the Enchanter surrenders itself to us, you all are free to leave! We will not harm you"

"You human fool! As if your pity taunt will do anything!", the lich replied mockingly.

But upon hearing this, Dray and Velten already expected as much as they both take out a vial with white liquid inside of it emitting intense holy mana.

Seeing this, the elder lich steps back in aghast,

"As long as the Enchanter didn't come out...", Dray said as he opens the vial, the white liquid shakes inside the vial before he pour the content on the chained Undead, but this time the Undead started to wail in pain.

They all felt their entire world burning from a touch of the white liquid,

Under the Undeads on the wall gaze, the death energy emitted from the chained Undead started to dissipate slowly as their death energy got engulfed by the energy coming from the white liquid.

Velten also does the same as Dray added, "We'll kill these deathless energy Undeads!"

"HUMANS!! HOW DARE YOU!!!", the elder lich shouted as the death energy coming from its body exploded chaotically, its red eyes emitting intense killing intent.

The elder lich's red eyes are glaring at Dray and the others angrily,

Looking at the reaction from the elder lich as if it was trying to devour Dray and Velten with its eyes, both of them look at each other before looking back at the others.

"It really did piss them off, How did Rex know this...", Liliya mutters in surprise.

A moment ago,

"You want us to kill the Undead after we apply this vial to them?", Dray asks as he looks at the white vial in his hand, the vial emits holy energy but he still didn't get it.

Hearing this, Rex then said, "Yes, I want you to make them as angry as they can"

"Be my distraction while I sneak inside the city to kill the Enchanter, just stall for time and wait for my signal", Rex added while folding his arms in front of him.

But then Liliya then asks, "But why do we have to use this elixir?"

"It's somekind of belief in the Undead race. After they die, they also have the concept of heaven and hell but their heaven is called the Netherworld, a place with abundant death energy"

"That elixir will purify the Undead from death energy, and their belief stated that Undead that dies without even a glimpse of death energy will not be able to enter or even see the Netherworld and instead will enter the Nirvanaworld, their hell"

"It's the most disrespectful thing we can do to an Undead...", Rex explained.

Back to the present,

"HUMANS!! HOW DARE YOU!!", the elder lich shouted in anger as it can't believe what Velten and Dray has done, the chained Undead got cleansed by their death energy completely.

Not a single strand of death energy was left,

After the angry roar, an astral Undead suddenly emerges on the elder lich's side.

Seeing the astral Undead, the elder lich bowed its body with burning anger still as the astral Undead asks, "What is going on here?"

"The humans are in front of the gate...", the elder lich replied.

Hearing this, the astral Undead glances its piercing eyes towards Dray and the others before its eyes land on the chained Undead making it widen its eyes in shock.

But the shock instantly turns into anger as an immense bloodlust filled the area,

"In the name of the origins, I'LL SKIN YOU ALL ALIVE!!", the astral Undead roared while glaring at Dray and the others, it intends to jump down to attack but the elder lich stopped it from the side.

The astral Undead glanced at the elder lich fiercely as it said, "You can't..."

"Great Yolgos has ordered us to not leave this city for whatever reasons, we must ask the Great Yolgos first before confronting these heathens of humans", the elder lich added.

Hearing this, the astral Undead exhales roughly while still glaring.

But Dray then suddenly intervenes in their chat, "You better hurry... or these purified Undeads here will say goodbye to the Netherworld"


One of the purified Undead's heads got cut off cleanly by Dray's sword,

Its head rolled on the ground while still in shock realizing that it will not enter the Netherworld, the Undead's eyes are still opened wide making the astral Undead grinds its teeth angrily.


Yolgos walked slowly as the wooden staff went to its hand, he uses the wooden staff like a cane.

After exiting the room, Yolgos then followed the skeleton that just reported to him before as they arrives at the field of the stadium they were currently in.

In the middle of the field, there were about two or three hundred captured humans.

They all are shivering in fear as the army of Undead surrounds them from all sides, many hungry eyes are looking at them from everywhere like a pack of hungry hyenas.

Even the seats around the stadium are filled with Undead that are eyeing them.

The saliva drooling out of these Undead shows their intent to devour the captured humans, but they seem to restrain themselves as Yolgos walks to the middle.

"Nethuq, bring these humans to the south gate", Yolgos commanded.

Yolgos then glance at the captured humans and added with an evil smile, "The Werewolves are surely hungry from their travel, these humans can fill the emptiness of their bellies"

The captured humans' expressions turn pale in fright,

No one would be happy if they heard that they will be given food for the Werewolves, the hulking creature of the night is the most savage than the other Supernatural.

It's not a peaceful death to be eaten alive by the Werewolves.

Hearing this, the astral Undead then nodded her head as she signals to the other Undead to bring these captured humans to the south gate as commanded.

Yolgos follow the skeleton with the captured humans on his back,

They all make haste, especially Nethuq who is still angry about what Dray and the others did, she can't wait to tear and ripped Dray and the others apart.josei

It's still evident from just looking at Nethuq's face,

All of the captured humans are chained by somekind of a magical blue chain, it restrains and drains them of the little power they have left.

Some of the elderly even fall a couple of times because of these blue chains.

But the Colossus Undead knock the elderly up forcing the elderly to keep walking, their expression is that of a dead one as they try to keep on walking desperately.

There's a strand of mana linking the chains with Yolgos,

By the looks of it, the blue chain is connected to Yolgos' blue horn somehow.

Exiting the stadium,

Yolgos was greeted by the scenery of countless Undead scattered around this death city,

Many of the Undead are scattered on the abandoned street slamming their weapons on the ground at the sight of Yolgos, some are also can be seen in the abandoned buildings.

This city is filled with Undead to the brim, it has become a city of Undead.

Yolgos quirk up a smile as he bathes in the praises from the Undead cheering for him, he then makes way through the street heading to the south gate.

Just from this alone, one can know the high standing of Yolgos.

With a bit of haste to greet the Werewolf reinforcement properly, Yolgos and the chained humans arrived at the south gate and saw a single Werewolf standing calmly.

Upon seeing the Werewolf, Yolgos frown, "Where are the others?"

"Great Enchanter, the reinforcement is intercepted and we need your help. Follow me quick, we're at a standstill against the humans, and with your power, we will win easily", the Werewolf replied in a hurry.

Hearing this, the skeleton exclaimed, "Ambushed?! How?!

"Great Yolgos, What are we going to do? It will be bad if the reinforcement got defeated, we'll be stranded here alone!", the skeleton added while looking at Yolgos.

Nethuq also added from the side, "You need to help them!"

"Without the Werewolf reinforcement, we can't kill those daring humans! The Origins will damn us if that were to happen, they stained our glorious race!", she added.

While they all are expressing their thoughts,

Yolgos is looking at the Werewolf in front of him as he squints his eyes,

The Werewolf in front of him is not muscular and monstrous but instead quite lean, its presence is also faint making Yolgos frown, "If that were the case, Why did they send you here alone?"

"An Omega like you is too slow, a Beta should at least be the messenger", he added.

Hearing this, the Werewolf bowed its head meekly as it said, "I'm sorry but the urgency forces the Alpha to send me, the betas are needed to fight the humans"

After hearing this, Yolgos finally sigh, "Alright then, it can't be helped"

"You all will watch the humans in the north gate, make sure they didn't realize that I'm not inside the city so they won't attack while I'm gone", Yolgos commanded.

He then glance at Nethuq, "You're in charge while I'm gone"

Nethuq nodded her head before Yolgos looks back at the Omega Werewolf, "You look tired, should eat one of the humans to recover your strength. We need to hurry back"

Hearing this, the Omega Werewolf glance at the captured humans.

Although it's brief, there's a slight change in the Omega Werewolf's expression but he then replied hastily, "There's no time, let's just go right now"

"Suit yourself, lead the way hurry", Yolgos said signaling to start moving.

The Omega Werewolf then turns around as it replied, "Yes, Great Yolgos!"

But before the Omega Werewolf dashes away to lead Yolgos to the battle, there's an evil smirk creeping onto its expression before the Omega Werewolf dashes away followed by Yolgos.

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