The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 385 Garden Of Undead

Chapter 385 Garden Of Undead

"Oh, the Undead has given me some ideas. Just follow me and you'll know..."

Hearing this, Dray then asks as he points to the bag where Durrant's and the other Undeads heads are in alongside Yolgos impaled head that Rex brought back.

Everyone already knows about the bag's content at this point,

Only Dray, Velten, Liliya, and Evelyn are the ones that know that there's another addition inside the bag which is Yolgos' head, an Enchanter.

But Rex only smiles mysteriously, "Just follow me..."

Rex leads the descendants and the black hands into the forest nearby, the others are following him in confusion as they don't know what Rex is thinking.

'It's a good experience for him, he's Daniel Burton's son after all', Rex thought.

He glances at Dray who is following on the side as they dash through the forest, ' I don't mind teaching him about this, it's good his development'


It didn't take long as they arrive at where Rex intended to bring them,

Upon looking at the sight in front of them filled with battle scars and corpses, they all widened their eyes as they can't believe what they were seeing.

The look on their faces was that of a horrified one as they look at the sight in front of them.

Rex brought them to the battlefield where he fought with Durrant's company, the leftover destruction from their fight is still evident in the place.

Amidst the destruction, the impaled corpses of humans can be seen scattered.

Some are even still standing making the scene look dark and horrifying to look at, even the tall black cross with Awakened heads hanged on it is still there to marvel.

"W-What happened here?"

"How could they do something like this, this is unacceptable"

While the descendants and the black hands are cursing the Supernatural as they look at the scene in front of them, Rex then said, "This is where I fought with the seventh rank Undead"

"This is also the place where we'll make the same statement for the Supernatural", he added.

The descendants and the black hands nodded their heads as their faces darkened, it's not an everyday sight for them to see a bleak sight such as this.

Even Dray who is on the side looking at the scene was stunned,

Rex glanced at Dray with a meaningful look before he points at the black cross, "You see that heads hanged over there? That's the heads of sixth rank Awakened"

Just from afar the others can see five heads hunged on the black cross,

The heads are hunged on the black cross with a dagger pinning them to the black cross through their mouths, it's a gruesome and grotesque sight to see.

"If you give Supernatural a chance, you all will end up like that", Rex added silencing the others.

Although the mission given by the UWO here is to take out the Undead companies, Rex finds this situation perfect to teach these successors of the 25 Golden Crest Families.

The UWO picked Rex and Gerrard as the leader for one clear reason.

Both of them have an experience being a Scavenger who dwells in the Supernatural territory, and both of them certainly know how to defend themselves in this kind of place.

Naturally, Rex and Gerrard know the dark side of the Supernatural.

Even though the media documented all the wars happening between the Supernatural and the Humans, they still have a bit of filter to not scare or traumatize the normal citizens.

They won't show anything like the scene in front of them publicly,

A simple declaration of Eqosa City is saved and the sight of the destruction happening in Eqosa City and the cemetery are enough, this kind of thing will not be broadcasted.

The other descendants are caged in Ratmawati city to train,

Only one of them which is Gerrard has some experience with this kind of thing, and it can be clearly seen judging from the expression the descendants' are making right now.

Rex glanced at Dray specifically before he added, "Supernatural show no mercy for us"

"It's appropriate for you all to understand that we're in a war, and inside a war, there's no room for empathy or mercy. Being soft during a war is foolish, It will only get yourself killed"

Hearing this, Dray looks down with widened eyes as he realized he was naive.

Just from noticing Rex is looking at him specifically, Dray knows that although Rex is saying this to all of them, he's really aiming this at Dray.

Velten must've told him,

Aside from fixing Dray's mindset about the Supernatural, Rex found that the black hands are not too bothered by the scene as they seem to already know about this kind of this.

"Alright now I want you all to bring down all of the impaled corpses and clear the place"

"The physically stronger one will dig up a big hole to bury these people, I want you guys to get it done as soon as possible and gather the black spears on the side", Rex commanded.

The corpses here are still not taken care of since the Supernatural just got defeated.

With the command from Rex, all of them started to get to work as they separate themselves into three groups with their designated task.

Rex walks around the battlefield before his eyes fall on something,

'Isn't that Durrant's arm?', he thought as he walks closer, and Rex finds that it really is Durrant's arm that he cut off before he blacked out.

But there's something weird he notices, 'I don't remember seeing this damage on the ground'

The surrounding ground around Durrant's arm is blackened as if the ground is scorched by something, Rex didn't remember something like this so something must've happened.

It's not clear what though, but since Durrant already died Rex is not worried.

Since they're working together, the battlefield was cleared from the corpses of the impaled humans leaving only the carcasses of the Undead Rex killed.

While the descendants and the black hands are finishing up,

Evelyn approached Rex from the side as she said, "You're going to reverse this whole place, don't you? It's a good idea though, the statement will be very loud and clear"

"Yeah...", Rex replied before he walks away.

Seeing this, Evelyn frown as she looks at Rex's back, 'He's acting weird today...'


The ground shook as the descendants and the black hands looked at the black cross in front of them that Rex just planted, the scene was reversed now.

Before it was human corpses that are impaled here, but now it's reversed.

Hundreds of Undead carcasses ranging from Zombies to Skeletons are impaled by the same black spears, they are also lined up neatly just like the human corpses before.

Dray looks at the sight before he sighs,

"This is a welcoming gift if any other Supernatural tries to attack again, let this be a warning that this will be their fate if they decided to attack again", Rex mutters exposing his nasty grin.

Rows upon rows of impaled Undeads are lined up neatly creating one straight path,

The heads of the strong Undeads, Durrant, and Yolgos are displayed on the black cross.

Yolgos' head was on the highest part of the black cross, the deathless corpse of Yolgos will surely give an imminent declaration to the Undead that will surely shake their will.

It's like a garden of dead Undead,

But when Rex is nodding his head in satisfaction, a black hand suddenly called him.

"Sir Rex, I found a mutated plant over there", the black hand points in a direction.

Hearing this, Rex looks in the direction as he looks back at the others, "We'll go back to Eqosa City in ten, and you all will go back to Ratmawati City as soon as Gerrard's team came back"

After saying that, Rex signals for the black hand to lead the way.

'Isn't that that Leo kid and his dad's tomb that I made?', Rex thought as he look at the grave in front of him, but there's something poking out of the tomb.

The black hand then points at a dark blue flower sprouting from the grave,

With a glint of his eyes, Rex then scans the dark blue flower curiously as the last time he's here there's no such flower sprouting from the grave.

<Reaching Dead Flower>

Nature is all giving and perfectly balanced, the death energy emitted from the humans' carcasses fueled with the will of revenge from the dead that is still trying to reach the living world birthed this flower. The strongest will of revenge becomes the mediator to reach for the living world and created the Reaching Dead Flower. The flower will grant anyone who touches it the will of revenge, increasing their power with the energy amassed by this Reaching Dead Flower.

Rex reads the description with a frown as he looks at the grave, 'Strongest will? Revenge?'

'It's that Leo kid huh, even in death he still wants his revenge. He's pretty stubborn', he thought while shaking his head to think that such a mutated plant actually sprouted because of him.

After checking the flower, Rex then said, "Don't touch the flower"

Rex then went back before he shouted, "Metal Elementalist guy!"

"IT'S TYRICE!", Tyrice shouted when he heard Rex calling him not by his name again, it was starting to make him frustrated since Rex hadn't called him by his name even once.

Ignoring Tyrice's remarks, Rex then said, "I got something for you to do"

A moment later,

Tyrice got back with a woman beside him, her appearance looks haggard but Rex didn't blame her since what she had been through is enough to make anyone go crazy.

It's Leo's sister, she's a part of the survivors that Tyrice brought back to Eqosa City.

Some of the descendants and the black hands are already back in Eqosa City, the only ones here are the group leaders added with Evelyn.

"She hasn't talked at all, I doubt she will talk to you", Tyrice saidjosei

Looking at the lifeless woman, Rex then asks, "What is your name?"

Hearing that Rex is asking her, the woman snaps out of her lifeless state, "Katya...", the woman replied albeit very lightly.

Tyrice was stunned to see that the woman, Katya actually replied to Rex.

"What are your plans after this? You lost your family, Do you still see a future for yourself?", Rex asks again making the others around him frown.

Katya looks at Rex before she mumbles, "Plans...?"

Rex saw that Katya's eyes turns lifeless again, she looks broken as the others felt pity for her.

Although they didn't know what happens to Katya and why Rex is asking this, they all can feel that Katya has gone through something tough which puts her in this state.

'I can't really help her if she doesn't have any will herself', Rex thought.

But then suddenly, "Plans...? That's right... I want revenge, I want to give the Undead hell for forcing my little brother like that", Katya suddenly said making Rex looks back at her.

The lifeless gaze turns into a burning violent hatred that came out of nowhere,

Upon seeing this, Rex then said while walking towards the grave, "Follow me, there's a gift from Leo for you", he said lightly.

Hearing this, Katya widens her eyes as she follows after Rex.

Rex and Katya arrive at the grave before Katya looks at Rex in surprise, she points at the grave before Rex nodded his head which makes Katya instantly burst into tears.

When Rex digs a grave for Leo and his father, Katya is unconscious so she doesn't know.

She ran towards the grave and started crying again beside the grave,

But this time, Rex squats down beside her as he whispers, "Look at that flower..."

Katya raises her teary gaze and saw a beautiful dark blue flower that sprouted from the grave, she looks at the dark blue flower and was instantly mesmerized by it.

"That's Leo's gift for you", he added making Katya looks at him.

Katya points at the dark blue flower before Rex nodded his head, she then reaches her hand for the dark blue flower but when her fingertips touch the flower,


Beautiful blue energy got transferred from the dark blue flower to her hand,

The blue energy is sparkly as it swirls around Katya caressing her body with warmth, it was a scene to behold as the others saw the sparkly blue energy.

No screams, no pain, the energy transfers to Katya smoothly like water.

The dark blue color from the flower started to fade as the energy got transferred to Katya, and it didn't take long before the dark blue energy got completely absorbed by Katya.

After the absorption process ended, Rex then scans Katya,

<Katya Velna Morzova>

Race: Human

Power: Rank Three (Early) - Revenge of the Dead

Mental: 52

Strength: 33


Endurance: 29

Intelligence: 0

Rex looks at Katya's stats and was surprised that she actually reached rank three power, she almost went through the same huge jump in power as Kyran.

But Kyran reaches the peak third rank in one go, while she only reaches the early realm.

While looking at her stats, Rex also found that she possesses two gifts which enhance her strength and mental stats which explains the high strength and mental stats.

It's quite a huge jump for her just from absorbing the Reaching Dead Flower,

Katya herself can even feel the changes undergone in her body, she can feel her body becomes even sturdier and stronger thanks to the Reaching Dead Flower.

"Liliya, she's a great candidate for a black hand. Can you handle her?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Liliya nodded her head as she replied, "I'll bring her to the organization, I'm sure the Green Messenger doesn't mind letting you accept this woman"

"Letting me accept her? What do you mean by that?", Rex asks in confusion.

Liliya then looks towards Evelyn and Dray who are listening from the side before she grabs Rex's hand and drags him to the side, she makes sure to be far enough from the others.

Rex lets Liliya drags her to the side albeit confused.

After taking Rex to the side,

She then shakes her head as she exhales roughly, "That crawled-up mad scientist, I'm sure he forgot or even too lazy to mention this to you but the Green Team will belong to you now"

"Since you helped the alliance between the two organizations, the Green Messenger grant you this"

Rex widen his eyes as he looks at Liliya in surprise, he points at himself before Lilya added making Rex suck in a cold breath, "Yup, you're going to be the Green Messenger starting from now"

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