The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 400 Price To Pay

Chapter 400 Price To Pay

"Greetings to the Green Messenger!", The three of them bowed suddenly,

Rex steps back in surprise when he saw the three suddenly bowed in a union, even their faces can't be seen as they bow deeply with respect.

Hearing this, Rex glance to the side and finds thankfully no one near.

The students are a bit far from where they are so they shouldn't be able to hear what the three said, it makes Rex sigh before he looks back at the three, "What are you doing?"

"We're here to officially greet you for the first time", one of them replied.

Upon closer inspection, Rex finds that the two guys in front of him are twins.

While the other guy that has an indifferent but slightly shaken look is the strongest amongst the three, it's clear that the three of them are from the SCO.

The twin with a short brown hair then said, "We're giving the messenger the respect they due"

Rex massages his forehead before he looks at the three of them warningly, "Don't call me using that in public, the Green Messenger should've told you about my situation right?"

"Forgive me, but you never told us about your situation", the twin with long brown hair said.

This makes Rex wants to smack him right on his face but he refrains from doing so, "I mean the previous Green Messenger, you guys should be the ones sent by the SCO to keep an eye on my friends right?"

"Yes, but we're not from the green team", the short-haired twin said.

The indifferent guy then opens his mouth, "We're from the red team, and aside from greeting you we're here to report about the situation regarding the attack before"

"Attack? Who got attacked?", Rex asks with a frown.

It's a plan of his to ask the SCO to help him keep an eye on Adhara and the others, but it's due mainly because Edward says the Reed Family can't be trusted.

The indifferent guy then continues, "Edward got attacked"

"He was attacked a couple of days ago in I believe his uncle's house, all of the attackers are Wind Elementalist so they should be from the Atkins Family", the guy added.

Hearing this, Rex nods his head since he already anticipated this.

'I need to end things with the Atkins, maybe I should really take a step back and compromise with the Atkins', Rex thought before he decides to do that.

After getting the report, Rex then glances back at the three,

"You may go back to the organization now, and deliver a message for Prof. K that I want to talk to him", Rex instructed as the three of them nodded their heads.

But before they left, Rex then asks, "It's already night, How did the guards let you guys in?"

Since the day is already night, the university should kick any people that are not students of the university since it's the university's policy.

That's what Rex thought, but the three are standing in front of Rex right now.

Hearing what Rex said, the three looked at each other in confusion before the long-haired twin looks at Rex and said, "We only brought up your name sir..."

"As soon as we said your name, the guards didn't bother us at all", he added.

Rex was surprised upon hearing this, he rubs his chin in thought before he finally waves his hand as he dismissed the three black hands.

After talking to the three, Rex went inside the university.

He heads straight to his room to check on the others,

It's been quite a while since he's gone for the mission with the descendants, and aside from that he also wanted to quickly see Adhara.

"You're going to meet the members of your pack", Rex suddenly said.

He then glance at Gistella on his side before he added, "Adhara and Kyran are a part of our packs, aside from that there's also Edward. You can tell them anything but I prohibit you to talk to anyone except for the three of them"

Gistella listens to what Rex said before she nodded her head,

The black mask that covers her face only exposes her blue eyes to see, and although she's once a Supernatural, Rex is not worried since Gistella is very obedient.

Nothing bad should happen if she follows his command precisely,


Rex opens the door slowly as he saw that the room is empty, he can see no one since it's already night and they all should be inside their bedrooms.

With light steps, Rex enters the room alongside Gistella.

The sound of a door opening then can be heard as Rex glance into the hallway,

Just on the corner of the hallway where Rosie's room lies, the door there opened as Adhara walks out of the room upon sensing Rex's aura.

"Rex!", Adhara shouted upon seeing Rex.

Hearing the familiar soothing voice, Rex can't help but smile, "Adhara... I'm back"

But their greetings were disturbed when Adhara's eyes landed on the stranger beside Rex yet feels familiar, she then points at Gistella, "Is this the newest member?"

"Yes, Gistella meet Adhara. She's the female Alpha of our pack", Rex introduced.

Adhara approaches the two before she stopped in front of Gistella, she was intrigued by Gistella since she's averting her gaze meekly, "I'll do my best to help the pack..."

"Gistella here is an Undead before I turned her", Rex said as he intends to tap Gistella's shoulder.

But right after his hand touches Gistella's shoulder, she instantly crouches down onto the floor with a fearful gaze as she hugs Rex's leg, "Please forgive me..."

"If I did anything wrong to anger you, please forgive me", she pleaded submissively.

Seeing this, Adhara was surprised as she didn't expect to see such a scene.

Her doubtful eyes then landed on Rex, "I didn't do anything to her! she's just built like this", Rex defended himself from Adhara's gaze.

"Why does she wear a mask?", Adhara asks as she tries to support Gistella.

Gistella has tears in her eyes which make Adhara frowns even more, but it all makes sense since she also experience the same thing when Rex turned her into a Werewolf.

It's the part where her feelings got amplified by this transformation,

Adhara feels the need to get closer and satisfy Rex upon her transformation, she even felt good when being choked by him which shouldn't be the case before.

So seeing Gistella like this, she's not surprised.

If Gistella is already obedient to Rex before he turned her into a Werewolf, then this much of a reaction is natural as she's afraid to make Rex thinks she's disobedient.

Rex glance at Gistella before he shrugs his shoulders, "Well... about that"

A moment later,

Rex already explain to Adhara about the common-sense problem with Gistella,

He already told her to teach her to act like a proper human, but Rex understands that it will take a bit of time to make her act like a human.

But while he's explaining things to Adhara,

Adhara is clenching her fist as she looks at Gistella that is already sitting on the sofa, the mask that is covering her face was taken off exposing her delicate and beautiful face.

It even makes Adhara who is a woman somehow finds her attractive,

She then glares at Rex questioningly, "Is this woman that riled you up during the mission? Not Evelyn?", she asks lightly with a threatening tone.

"It's not her, but wait... How did you know that?", Rex asks in confusion.

Although he knows that both of them have somekind of a link connecting them with each other, it's been a while since he felt anything coming from the links that bound them.

But this makes Adhara glares at him even more, "You sometimes forget about little things"

"I know that you got riled up by someone two times, and if it's not Gistella then it should be Evelyn right?", Adhara added with a sigh.

She then glances back at Gistella, "You just really need to add a female one don't you?",

Hearing this, Rex raises his hands with a wry smile, "It's not about that, did you forget that she's an Undead before? I don't know she will turn out like this"

After briefly talking, Kyran got out of his room too.

Rex saw Kyran walking out of his room before he calls him over,

Kyran is also introduced to Gistella who is the newest pack member of the Silverstar pack, he was also stunned by Gistella's face but soon snapped out of it.

"Since the three of you are here, then I'm going to tell you my plans", Rex said.

The master bedroom is used by Rex's parents while the other room was used by Adhara's father, so Rex brings the three of them to Rosie's room where Adhara and he will be sleeping.

Rex sits on the edge of the bed as he said, "I got the spirits for the two of you"josei

"You both can now focus on reaching the sixth rank realm and get accustomed to it, as soon as both of you got the hang of the realm we will be departing to the Vampire territory", he added.

Since the matters are done and Rex is going to focus on rescuing Rosie,

It's been more than a week since Rosie got captured by the Vampires, he doesn't even know where Rosie is currently held or even her condition to be exact.

The sooner they find out about Rosie's situation the better,

"Thanks to Kyran, the Vampire that we captured before has given us some information. We'll tackle the Delarosa Family territory first to test how we fare against the Vampires, we also will use this to gather information about Rosie's whereabouts", Rex explained.

He was not going to delay this anymore when he doesn't even know Rosie's condition.

Although he still needs to finish the Blood Moon quest and also Jarvald's favor of finding Rurvi to learn the way to undo the curse, Rosie's life is still at the highest priority.

'It'll be good for me to break the curse first, but Rosie might not have the time', Rex thought.

But while he was explaining this, Rex stopped when he saw Adhara and Kyran looking at him with a troubled look as they look at each other.

Looking at this, Rex then asks, "What's wrong? Do you have something to say?"

"What about the Atkins? Isn't it too dangerous to leave only Edward behind to protect our parents?", Adhara asks with a troubled look.

Hearing this, Rex then waves his hand, "I'll end the bad blood with the Atkins Family"

"I'm going to meet with Wesley to compromise with him, the conflict we had been blown out of proportion since the start", Rex added decisively.

Fighting against other families is not his goal,

The goals are to fight against Supernaturals, so he will need to compromise with Wesley since he's also getting pursued by time for Rosie.

Rex looks at the both of them again, "Is there something else?"

"Well, I know how important rescuing Rosie is since she's a friend of ours. I'm willing to compromise with the Atkins Family but I'm not going to let Hans go", Adhara said with a heavy tone.

She seems to still bore hatred for Hans that played with her feelings.

This makes Rex frowns as he forgot that Adhara is still wanting to kill Hans, but if he deals with the Atkins first for Adhara it will take a long time, "Forget about it...", Rex said.

Hearing this, Adhara steps forward with a  frown, "What do you mean forget it?!"

"I'm not going to let Hans live normally, I want to kill him!", Adhara rebutted stubbornly, she won't budge just from seeing her expression.

Rex's expression stiffen as he glared at Adhara, "You will have your desire, but not now"

"Saving Rosie and getting stronger is our first priority, just push the killings for later when we're strong enough to take down the Atkins Family", Rex said with a tone that doesn't want to be rebutted.

This makes Adhara want to say something more, but she refrains from doing so.

But when Rex was about to continue, Adhara interrupted him again, "Even if you did handle the Atkins family, we still can't go to the Vampire territory that you planned"

"What makes you say that?", Rex exhales roughly before he asks in confusion.

With a deep inhale, Adhara then said, "It's the Reed Family, they're onto us too..."

A moment later,

Rex walks out of the room with steady steps without anyone following him,

The night is already late and the students around the university's hallway are few, only a handful can be seen as Rex made his way out of the university.

After stepping out of the university,

Rex gazes up to the sky where the moon is brimming with light in a crescent shape, the supposed to be comfortable feeling from the moonlight makes his body burns instead.

<Reverse Condition has been initiated!>

<The user was blocked from the blessing of the moonlight!>

<Burning sensation will increase over time as the user is exposed under the moonlight!>

Without minding the notifications that popped into his vision, Rex then looks up to the university's building while ignoring the burning pain all over his body.

Rex looks around the place and finds no one around him,

Out of nowhere, Rex's legs suddenly bulged as he jumped up and climbs the building.

Although his stats are weakened by 30% thanks to failing the Killing Intent quest, it still takes no time for Rex to reach the top of the university's building.

It's not the rooftop like when he was still at Ochyra University,

The top of the Faraday University's building is empty with only a helipad spot, he then slowly climbs up to the helipad before he straightens his back.


A steaming sound can be heard as Rex's body burns under the moonlight,

Rex stretches his arms to the side disregarding his skin is starting to turn red, even his eyes are burning from getting exposed to the moonlight.

But he didn't care,

'Is this the price I have to pay for power?'

'When I have the power to actually do something for the war against Supernatural, many stands in my way. If they're Supernaturals then I don't mind, but they're all humans...', Rex thought.

The heavy breaths coupled with Rex gritting his teeth show his anger,

Under the scorching moonlight that started to prickle even his tough skin, Rex closes his eyes as he lets the moonlight burns his body.

His skin started to get burnt the longer he stands under the moonlight,

After about ten minutes of bathing under the moonlight, Rex's eyes jolted as his body cracked with black lightning and also red force,

Rex's arm bulges with muscle as he punches the ground angrily,


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