The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 403 Duality Dagger And A Lie

Chapter 403 Duality Dagger And A Lie

<Duality Daggers of Bifrons>

<Only those who have two sources of power can wield the Duality Daggers of Bifrons, both powers will be amplified upon activating the daggers. The wielder of the Duality Daggers will be given the ability to merge both powers into one devastating attack.>

Rex read the system's explanation before he turns his head to Adhara,

"Have you heard of a Dual Elementalist?", he asks with a slight frown, the system stated clearly that these daggers can't be wielded by those who only have one source of power alone.

Since Adhara is only a Fire Elementalist, she can't wield the Duality Daggers.

Hearing this, Adhara shakes her head since she never really heard of anyone possessing dual Elementalist, "I'm sure it's an anomaly amongst the Awakened"

"It's a natural talent, people possessing Dual Elements are naturally talented", Rex replied.

After saying that, Rex then suddenly got an idea,

Rex held the two daggers in his hands before signaling for Adhara to stand back, his body started cracking with black lightning as he imbued the right dagger with it.

While the left dagger is not imbued by black lightning, but by his red force instead.


Powerful energy blasts to the surroundings as the runes on both daggers glow brightly, the sudden amplification of power surprises Rex as he struggles to control both energies.

Under Rex and Adhara's gaze,

The two daggers started to change shape slowly as if it's adapting to Rex.

A lightning symbol appeared on the base of the right dagger while the cross guard turns spikey just like flashing lightning, while the left dagger turns blood red.

Rex was surprised when he saw a red orb appear in the middle of the left dagger's crossguard.

After the transformation is completed,

<Duality Daggers has been activated!>

<+400 Strength, and +250 Agility>

<All attacks have disturbance properties!>

<The left dagger amplifies any attacks related to red force while the right dagger amplifies any black lightning spells, amplification will reach 50% at max!>

The effect coming from the Duality Daggers surprises Rex,

Just right after the notifications ended from the system, Rex can instantly feel the changes around the daggers as they both become heavier but somehow he feels he can swing the daggers faster than before.

Sparks of black lightning blitz around the right dagger, while the left spark with red force.

Adhara looks at the changes as she was surprised to see that the Duality Daggers transforms into their current state, just from looking at them she can feel the power inside those daggers.

'It's a nice set of daggers, very powerful too', Rex thought while nodding his head.

After inspecting the daggers, Rex then glances at Adhara and explains, "If you have two powers then you can activate them like this, I have black lightning and red force so I can activate it"

Rex then flicks his hand as he slashes his right with the black lightning dagger,



The crescent black energy that comes out of the dagger hits the dummy on the side, it shook the entire place for a moment before a loud robotic sound follows,

"Calculating Damage..."

"Peak Sixth Rank!"

From the robotic sound, both Rex and Adhara were surprised by the increase,

Since Rex is only an early sixth rank power with intelligence equivalent to a mid-sixth rank, the robotic sound shocks them since the attack was equivalent to a peak sixth rank attack.

This shows that his power is also amplified,

"But if that's the case then I can't use them, I'm only a Fire Elementalist after all", Adhara said with a sigh, she won't be able to use the Duality Daggers in her current state.

That is probably why the daggers reject her from wielding them before,

Rex smiles mysteriously right after she said that, and out of nowhere a green orb appeared on his hand that surprises Adhara, "Who said you won't be able to use the daggers?"

At night,

After attending to Adhara in the training ground,

Rex tends to his parents and also Adhara's parents as he takes them to see the entire university, the students all greet him as he walks past.josei

Since Mrs. Greene and Robert boast to the students before,

Every student that saw them already knows that they're Rex's parents, this makes Rex confused since some of the students also recognize his parents.

But knowing his mother, Rex can only shake his head.

"Mom, Dad, I want you both to stay here for a while", Rex said after reaching back to his room.

Hearing this Mrs. Greene and Robert are confused since this is unlike Rex, "What do you mean son? Won't we just be on your way?", Robert asks.

"It's better if we not disturb you anymore", Mrs. Greene added from the side.

Rex looks at the both of them before his expression softens, "The truth is, we're going to be very busy. Because of that, I won't be able to visit you guys", he said with a sigh.

This caught Robert and Mrs. Greene by surprise,

After getting their attention, Rex told them regarding the alliance of the UWO and SCO as they will definitely be busy handling the Supernatural.

Although it's not the real reason why Rex wanted to stay,

It's clear that he wants to let his parents stay here until he handles the Atkins Family, but saying that will just worry them so this is the best excuse he can come up with.

Rex then glances to the side and also finds Adhara begging his father,

But noticing Rex is gazing at them, Russ looks back at Rex with a meaningful look before he finally decided to stay here under Adhara's plea.

The same goes for Mrs. Greene and Robert who is also going to stay.

After convincing them to stay longer,

Mrs. Greene went inside her room to rest while Robert is going out to handle his work since he's already been gone for long, but Rex prohibits him from going out of the university.

Without much thought, Robert then helplessly agreed and just call his associates.

But Russ on the other hand is signaling for him for a talk,

Rex and Russ went to the sofa near the entrance before they both sat down, Russ is the one to open his mouth as he said, "Tell me the true reason you're keeping us here"

"Is it that obvious?", Rex replied with a sigh.

Hearing this, Russ nodded his head before Rex finally explains, "As you might suspect, this is regarding another family from the 25 Golden Crest just like last time. So I need you to cooperate and stay here until I finish handling them"

"Handle them? You talk as if you will certainly beat them", Russ replied in doubt.

The sounds of footsteps approaching can be heard from the side before Rex added, "Just trust me, If I said I can handle them then I can handle them. There's no need to worry"

"What are you guys talking about?", Adhara suddenly asks from the side.

With a smile, Russ shakes his head and replies, "I'm just asking him for Edward, I want to smoke but I don't want to be alone"

After saying that, Russ stands up and went toward his room.

Adhara looks at Russ' back before she said, "My father will find comfort in knowing the situation, with that he will at least stay here to not cause any problem"

"I'm going to the training ground again to meditate, if anything happens I will be there"

Rex nodded his head before Adhara left for the training ground,

Even after Adhara left the room, Rex kept sitting on the sofa until a couple of minutes passed before he stands up and reaches for the door.

The door opens and closes as Rex left the room,

Gistella is inside his room as he told her to not get out too much, but he did tell Gistella to accompany Ryze who is cramped up in his room.

Leaving the room, Rex looks around trying to find someone.

It didn't take long before a shadow materializes on his side as Kyran appeared,

"I'm here Rex, What can I do?", Kyran asks lightly.

Hearing this, Rex glanced at Kyran as he smell a weird scent coming from him, "I know that I told you to meet me in front of the room at night, but I didn't expect you to not be in the room at all"

"Where were you?", Rex asks with an inspecting gaze.

Kyran stutters upon hearing this as he said, "Don't worry, I didn't leave the university ground"

"That's not what I'm asking is it not?", Rex asks again with a warning tone.

But this makes Kyran looks down as he immediately replied, "I was in the training ground to prepare myself to reach the sixth rank, although it's not much I can still absorb dark mana"

Since Rex has also bought a spirit for Kyran to assimilate with,

Kyran also needs to prepare his media to assimilate with the spirit Rex is about to give him, and it's not going to be easy since the system has also told Rex that the dark spirit is harder to tame.

It must be because of the association with the dark element, but Rex is unsure.

Step! Step!

Rex walks slowly toward Kyran before he stopped directly in front of him,

The light steps coming from Rex's shoes make Kyran's heart thump faster, the steps are ringing in his ears as he looks down at the ground.

It didn't take long before Rex's shoes arrived right in front of Kyran who still has his head down.

With his authoritative tone, Rex then commanded as his Alpha aura seeped onto Kyran's body thoroughly, "Raise your head..."

Hearing the command from Rex,

Kyran can't help as his body obeys Rex's command, he raises his gaze to meet Rex's piercing cold glare that is now looking directly at his eyes.

"Since when did you start lying to me, Kyran?", Rex asks slowly with a heavy tone.

The words that came out of Rex's mouth make Kyran stutter but no words came out of his mouth, he is frozen in place as Rex's eyes are gazing at him.

Many people have looked at him like this, one of them was Hans.

But in front of Hans, Kyran didn't feel the same way he felt right now being gazed at by Rex.

It was akin to the feeling of when he was still an ordinary man with no powers before meeting Rex, and the one standing in front of him right now is a Supernatural that he knows he can't beat.

The feeling is identical, but the situation is vastly different.

Right now Kyran is not what he used to be, he's now a powerful fifth rank Awakened with a very rare dark affinity that puts even those who are years older than him to shame.

But even with his current self, Rex makes him feel helpless under the cold gaze.

"I can smell her scent from you, and you dare lie to my face?", Rex said again but now his expression turned darker and darker.

Out of nowhere,



Rex grabbed Kyran's neck raising him off the ground before he slammed Kyran to the wall.

"Haahhk!", Kyran coughed out blood as the strength is too much.

The veins popping on Rex's arm show the strength that he puts into the grip, he's looking directly at Kyran's eyes with a hint of anger, "Last time..."

Kyran is grabbing Rex's arm as his eyes widen in fear,

"This is the first and last time you lie to me, don't ever lie or keep things from me again. I'm warning you Kyran", Rex added as he retracts back his hand.

After letting go of Kyran,

Kyran slid down from the wall before he falls to the ground,


Cough! Cough!

He's coughing a couple of times because of Rex's grip on his neck, there's even blood in his cough but since he's a Werewolf the pain in his neck started to heal.

Rex turns to his back before he said, "Now, go to room 505"

Hearing Rex's command, Kyran stands up from the ground before he bowed lightly and disappear from the place.

After Kyran disappear,

'Woman is always a problem even for me, should I separate him again?', Rex thought as he thinks about the relationship between Kyran and Lisa.

He already smells a woman's scent on Kyran right after he appears,

Just from that Rex already realize that Kyran is talking again with Lisa, and instead of admitting it Kyran dares to lie to him which makes him angry, 'If I'm not mistaken...'

'Werewolf should be similar to a Wolf right? The betas are not permitted to reproduce, I wonder how the Werewolves handle their betas if something like this happened'

'Let's just see how this will go, but enough of that...', Rex thought as he glance left and right.

Rex looks around again as he seems to try to find someone else, 'Where's Edward?'

In another part of the university,

Kyran came out from the shadows of the night as he arrived in front of room 505, it's the room Rex said to visit earlier.

He's still sweating as he rubs his neck,

The grab from Rex's hand still can be felt clearly, it scares him even just by thinking of it.

With a shake of his head, Kyran then stretches his arm to knock on room 505.

After knocking a couple of times, the door opened on its own revealing a red-haired beautiful woman with a blazing aura, "You must be Kyran, come inside"

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