The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 415 Losing Control

Chapter 415 Losing Control

Last night, in a building near the Wind Sorcerers Guild building.

Hans enters a mansion followed by a couple of Awakened that is wearing the same uniform as the man that Rex killed after testing his new Sky Imprisonment Spell.

Just the uniform alone shows that these Awakened are the Wind Knights.

Aside from that, the supposedly new right hand of Wesley Atkins, Paul is also present standing on the side and Wesley Atkins is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

After nearing Wesley Atkins, Hans bowed slightly.

Wesley is the one to open his mouth first, "Hans, Why are you requesting for an audience with me in the middle of the night like this?", he asks while playing with a glass in his hand.

"There's an interesting thing that happened to me sir", Hans replied.

Hearing this, Wesely gazed at Hans signaling for him to continue, "Edward came to me requesting help to search for his kidnapped family, he said that it's the Reed Family that kidnapped his family"

"I already confirms from one of the students, and I find that Edward and Rex really did get into a fight because of the kidnap", he added.

Wesley knit his eyes upon hearing this, "He's very cautious..."

"Although we talked to let bygone be bygone, he's still very cautious about his surroundings and we need to lure him out somehow", he added.

Wesley then takes a sip of his drink before he shakes his head and replies decisively, "It's not the Reed Family that did the kidnap, it's not possible"

But this makes Hans frown in confusion, "What makes you say that sir? Ari and the people from the Reed Family are not present at that time when Edward's family got kidnapped. It should be them since they have access to Faraday University thanks to Rex"

Hearing this, Wesley takes an envelope from his suit pocket.

Wesley's expression then turns to darken before he throws the envelope at Hans and said, "It's not the Reed Family because they're busy doing that"

Hans took the envelope before he reads the content,

The frown on his face becomes more evident as he made way through the entire letter inside the envelope, "A formal golden challenge? But how?"

"Just like you said before, Audrey and Stevanus are in closed-door training", Wesley said.

He then continues as he stands up slowly with his entire body riled up with wind mana, "They must've mastered the three Great Spellbooks by Shane Thompson, Rex gave them the real spellbooks while we're given the tampered ones"

"If he can tamper with the spellbooks while keeping them working, then that doesn't close the possibility that he can actually create his own spellbooks. Seeing that his spells are absurd and never seen before, don't you think the possibility is high?"

Hans was silent upon hearing this,

Just like Wesley said Rex might be a pioneer himself that can create new spells, and the spellbooks Rex gave to the Reed Family might just be a version better than the ones they're given which clearly puts them at a disadvantage fighting the Reed Family like this.

With a bow of his body, Hans then said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Edward can't be trusted yet so make sure to confirm his motives, and while you're doing that I want you to strike a deal with that family to help me fight Stevanus. They're interested in our business, and the top five competition is bloody, so they will want our support", Wesley added with a slight smirk.


Back to Faraday University,

"Yes, her! She goes by the name Evelyn, did you know her?", Mrs. Greene said.

Hearing this, Adhara's expression turns hideous for a split second before her expression turns back to normal but this was caught by Mrs. Greene, "Adhara? Are you okay?"

"Just go inside and take a shower, I'll just deliver this and come back", Mrs. Greene added.

But Adhara immediately stopped her by standing in her way, "Let me take it to her, I haven't taken a shower yet so might as well deliver this to Evelyn"

"Besides, you probably don't know where her room is", she added.

This makes Mrs. Greene deliberate for a second before she finally nods her head, "You're right, I don't know where her room is"

"Then I'll leave this to you then, tell her to get well", she added.

Adhara smiles politely before taking the bento box from Mrs. Greene, but her body is trembling for a bit as she then turns around and strode away heading to Evelyn's room.

Since Evelyn is quite known in this university,

It's not hard to find Evelyn's room, her place is in room 505 and is quite secluded just like Rex's room with guards in front of her room.

Adhara takes a turn before she saw the guarded room,

There is a hideous expression on her face as she got closer to room 505.

With wide strides, Adhara approaches the guards before she raises the bento box, "I'm here to see Evelyn, tell her that Mrs. Greene wanted to give her food"

Hearing this, the two guards look at each other before one of them knocks on the door.

Adhara waited for a moment as the guard got inside the room to call for Evelyn, and just like she expected Evelyn did come out although her face looks puffy.

"Mrs. Greene, you didn't have to-", Evelyn's words stopped when she saw Adhara.

She was surprised at first but she then clasps her arms in front of her,

Raising one of her eyebrows with a smug expression, Evelyn then asks, "Oh, Rex's chosen woman came to my doorstep to deliver a bento box? I'm flattered for such an unexpected surprise"

The guards were surprised when they heard Evelyn's tone,

Usually, Evelyn's voice would be soothing and graceful but it's not right now.

Adhara clenched her jaw before she raises the bento box, "What are you doing coming to our room like that? Are you that desperate to be closer to Rex?"

While saying that, Adhara burns the bento box into crisp as her eyes glow with purple fire.

Evelyn didn't back down as her eyes glowed with dark fire, she got quite angry seeing Adhara burns the bento box, "I thought you're quite dignified, but burning the food is quite cheap"

"Are you feeling your throne shaken a little bit?", she added filled with hostility.

The standoffs of the two make the guards pale as they were not expecting this kind of confrontation, but their courage got pummeled down when they saw Evelyn acting this way.

On the other side is also Adhara, she's Rex's woman and they can't do much to her either.

Hearing this, Adhara steps forward as she kept gazing at Evelyn intently.

Since Evelyn is a bit taller than Adhara, she needs to look up which slightly irritates her, "Do you want to have a go? I don't mind fighting you in broad daylight"

Adhara didn't back down even though the sun is already up,

Without any enhancement from the moon, Adhara's stats are not amplified but she still doesn't want to back down as her chest burns in anger.

But when Evelyn was about to answer back,

Her eyes suddenly widen when she saw Adhara's eyes turn color which makes her hurriedly grab Adhara by the hand and yank her inside the room.

The door to Evelyn's room was then slammed shut as she pulled Adhara inside decisively.

"Don't fucking touch me!", Adhara shouted in anger as she got pulled inside the room.

Evelyn jumped back when Adhara swings her arms to attack her, she manage to dodge the attack easily before she said, "Stop! Calm yourself down!"

Although she's already loud enough, Adhara didn't hear it.

Her fingernails started to become longer as she glares at Evelyn with bright yellow animalistic eyes, she then jumped at Evelyn like a beast intending to disembowel her stomach.


The sofa got flipped over as Adhara crashes onto it,

Evelyn manage to dodge it again as she shouted, "Stop it Adhara! There are others here!!"

But her shout didn't do anything as Adhara leaped at her again with her body blazing with purple fire, even Evelyn was surprised when she saw the purple fire got amplified by something.

'Wind mana?! She's a dual Elementalist too?!', Evelyn thought in surprise.


Adhara manages to take this opportunity of Evelyn being surprised to slash her right on her cheek, four burnt claw wounds appear on Evelyn's cheek.

Feeling the slight pain on her cheek, Evelyn touches her face and finds blood on it.

"Miss Evelyn! Open the door!"




"We'll force our way in if you don't open! Please open the door!"

The two guards are flabbergasted when they saw Evelyn suddenly pulling Adhara inside, they kept banging on the door in worry while Adhara is attacking Evelyn.

In a hurry, Evelyn's eyes glow with dark fire.

"YOU BITCH!", Adhara shouted as she leaped to Evelyn again.

But this time, Evelyn didn't just dodge as she grab Adhara on her neck stopping her leaping momentum before slamming her to the ground.


"Adhara! Snap out of it!", Evelyn shouted.

This didn't work so Evelyn pulls back her arm and punch Adhara decisively,


"SNAP OUT OF IT!", Evelyn shouted one more time before the door into her room got blasted open by the guards guarding in front as they make their way in.

One of the guards then asks in worry, "Miss Evelyn are you okay?!"

"I'm fine! Just get out!", Evelyn replied before commanding them to get out.

But the guards' eyes are opened wide when they saw the bedsheet started burning, they then immediately went to the bedsheet and take out the purple fire burning it.

Evelyn glance at Adhara who is facing the other way,

After the guards finished taking out Adhara's purple fire, they both then headed to Adhara but Evelyn stopped them, "Adhara? Are you okay?", she asks.

There is a slight pause as Adhara covers her face with her back towards them.

Evelyn was about to command the guards to leave again but then suddenly, "I-I'm okay, I got carried away and I overstepped"

"I'm going to leave", she said before standing up and walking past Evelyn and the guards.

But thankfully, her fingernails already turned back to normal.

Adhara then left under Evelyn and the guards' gazes, she didn't even look back as she cover her face and stridden away to leave the place.

She then disappears into the corner not long after leaving the room,

Evelyn told the guards to leave her room before she glance back at the corner where Adhara left to, 'Dual Elementalist? I'm sure she's only been a Fire Elementalist before', she thought.

Although Evelyn didn't pride to deep on Rex's background,

She did look into those around Rex casually, and she's pretty sure Adhara is not a dual Elementalist before so there's only one conclusion, 'It's Rex's doing'

'Just how did he make those around him so strong? I get the Werewolf part but this?'

Meanwhile, Adhara walks away while covering her face.

Instead of heading back to Rex's room, she hurriedly went to the nearest university toilet and finds that there was no one inside the university toilet which makes her sigh in relief.

Since the student's room is in the same building as the classrooms,

The university toilets around the university tend to be empty as the students' can just go back to their rooms if they wanted to use the toilet, so it's usually empty.josei

Adhara stop by the sink before she looks at her reflection in the mirror,

She touches her face in shock when she saw that her fangs are sticking out and her eyes are glowing bright yellow, it's the first time she lost control of her human form.

But soon the reflection turns blurry thanks to her rough breathing,

The warm breath hazes the mirror blocking her own reflection, she then went to one of the stalls before she closed it forcefully while trying to steady her breathing.

Adhara didn't sit on the toilet but stretched her arms to the stall sides instead.

She looks up to the light trying to calm herself since her chest is still burning with anger, and her heart is thumping uncontrollably making her blood rushes faster.

The fact that Mrs. Greene made Evelyn a bento box makes her blood boil.

Since Adhara is a high Werewolf now, she should be able to control some of her forms.

Just like her claws or even her fangs, all of them should be able to be suppressed on a whim if Adhara wanted to but now they're very hard to do.

Only her claws are already turned back to normal,

Her eyes and fangs, however, didn't budge no matter how much she tries, the anger inside of her kept fighting back every time Adhara wanted to retract back her fangs.

Unable to fully control herself, "RRAARGHH!!"


Adhara punched the wall in front of her creating a huge crater,

Thanks to the sturdy wall of the university, the punch didn't blast a hole in the wall which thankfully makes her punch didn't cause a commotion on the other side.

Venting her anger in that punch, Adhara crouches down before she grabbed her head.

"It's going the same way as before..."

"I won the fight with her but now I'm going to lose the fight with Evelyn"

Adhara started sobbing while crouching on the toilet stall, but her eyes then suddenly turns fierce, "I'm a Werewolf, I have more advantages than Evelyn", she mumbles.

Her eyes then turn determined, "I'm not going to end up losing Rex like her!"

A moment later,

Rex got back to the university as he enters his room,

But just after he enters his room, the shadow on his right just behind the sofa started to wobble before Kyran came out while carrying a green-haired kid and a middle-aged woman.

Just from a glance Rex already knew who they are,

"I've brought the kid as you requested, the Atkins doesn't know about our plan and even if they do know our plan we got there faster than them", Kyran said.

He then throws both the mother and son duo in front of Rex,

The green-haired kid is still unconscious while the mother is conscious with bruises around her body which makes Rex frown, "Please sir! If this is about my affair then take it out on me"

"Tell sir Wesley that I'll take the blame, but leave my son alone!", the woman pleaded.

Ignoring the woman's plead, Rex glance at Kyran and asks, "Do you have to hurt her?"

"She's struggling so I have to be a little bit rough", Kyran replied.

But this nonchalant answer makes Rex's expression darken as he looks at Kyran with clear anger, "What is it about you Kyran? You can't hold onto your bloodlust?"

Seeing Rex's hostile aura, Kyran steps back in fear, "I-I just..."

Rex takes a huge breath before suddenly,


The air surrounding Rex started to wobble as if his body is on fire, his bloodshot eyes are glaring at Kyran feeling angry that Kyran dare to hurt normal citizens just because they were struggling.

It's unacceptable as Rex's anger spiked,

"Don't act like you're not a human, and don't blame the bloodthirst you're feeling. Your bloodthirst is nothing to me but even I can control myself, so why the fuck did you hurt her?"

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