The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 418 Hunting Month And Mistake

Chapter 418 Hunting Month And Mistake

'So that's what ignites the problem...', Rex thought wryly.

Adhara rarely gets angry with him no matter what he does except for everything that got to do with Rosie and now Evelyn, but she never really shows she's angry.

But upon hearing what his mom said, Rex knows that this is what Evelyn meant.

"Rex! Drink slowly, why the rush?", Mrs. Greene said in concern.

Rex smiles as a reply before he then can't help but asks, "Mom, How did you meet Evelyn?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention to you", Mrs. Greene glanced at Rex with a smile.

She then ran to her room for a moment leaving the others on the table,

The maids and Stuart started helping to prepare the table when they noticed Mrs. Greene running back to her room, but she didn't take long as she walks back with a bag in her hand.

Reaching the table, Mrs. Greene saw the table before she glanced at the maids and Stuart.

Her eyes are squinting inspectingly before she turns her attention to Rex again and raises the bag, "Look! Evelyn gave me this, it made my day!"

"A bag?", Rex mutters in disbelief.

But upon hearing this, Mrs. Greene defended, "This is not just a bag, this is the second limited edition hobo bag that I'm eyeing for but they told me I can't buy it due to someone's pre-order"

Mrs. Greene keeps telling Rex that it's not a bag until she's satisfied,

Rex can only agree and be happy for her, just like she said it's not just a bag.

Robert who is sitting by the side then told Mrs. Greene to stop before she finally said, "I'm sorry for overreacting, let's eat you all must be starving"

After she said that, they all started eating.

Since the menu mainly consists of meat that Mrs. Greene cooks, the menu matches everyone's appetite as they all eat happily while listening to Mrs. Greene and Robert's stories.

Although this is supposed to be a relaxing dinner,

Rex is sweating all over while eyeing Gistella who barely acts normal, she eats directly using her hands and didn't even drink when she choked on the food a couple of times.

The number of times Rex glance at his mom and Robert is countless,

He's checking on their expression fearing that they might find Gistella weird, but thankfully they all find it funny instead as Ryze helps Gistella eat.

In about two hours, they all finished eating and Rex's parents went back to their room.

"Ryze, What is Gistella doing while I'm away?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Ryze then thought for a moment and said, "She comes to me once and she's interested in what I'm reading so I taught her letters, but then she went to sleep"

"Even when I went to the library with uncle Robert, Gistella is still asleep", he added.

Rex nodded his head, it's better for Gistella to get the hobby of sleeping rather than other things that might trouble him so this is a good outcome.

But seeing Gistella is still having trouble acting, it seems Adhara didn't teach her much.

At the very least Gistella is wearing clothes which are good progress, but aside from that she still acts the same just like before. Out of nowhere Gistella suddenly approaches Rex.

"What is wrong Gistella?", Rex asks.

Rex saw Gistella's body trembling as she approaches him,

Gistella then bit her lips reluctantly before she said, "I can't sleep, my body wants to move"

This makes Rex frown as he glances at Kyran who is also nodding his head, 'They felt it too huh, but I think I know how to get rid of this feeling'

After thinking that, Rex then went to the window by the side.

The window shows the street surrounding the university where there are many people wearing the same costumes as before, the event is still going on.

'It'll get much worse if we didn't satisfy this feeling now', Rex thought.

Wolf Moon is approaching, and they are feeling the power of the Wolf Moon right now.

Rex is not that bothered by the approaching Wolf Moon energy maybe due to him being a Prince of Werewolf, but Kyran, Adhara, and Gistella are not.

They might be feeling the Wolf Moon's power more than himself, especially Gistella.

Gistella was told by Rex to stay in her room but can go accompany Ryze, she's very obedient and will not defy Rex's order for literally anything.

But seeing her coming out of the room and approaching him,

It's clear that the feeling overwhelms her so much that she even walks out of the room, and that's probably due to the fact that Rex is here.

If Rex is not here, maybe Gistella will stay in the room and suffer by herself.

"Ryze you stay here and make sure to not be near the window again, I'm going to bring the others somewhere for a bit but it'll not take long", Rex said.

Hearing this, Ryze nodded his head before he went to his room.

A moment later,

Gistella is already wearing the same mask as before walking alongside Kyran with Rex in the front, they're heading to the training ground where Adhara should be.

Rex can sense Adhara is inside the training ground,

Sure enough, Rex went into one of the quiet rooms and find Adhara meditating there.

'She can meditate despite the circumstances? I'm surprised', Rex thought.

The Wolf Moon energy disturbs Gistella, Kyran, and even himself but Adahra seems to not feel it as she's absorbing the fire elemental stones to prepare her media for the Fire Serpent spirit.

But feeling the familiar aura, Adhara opens her eyes and glance at the door.

There she saw Rex and the others waiting for her meditating, "Rex? Why are you bringing them all here while I'm meditating?"

"Come with us for a second, we need to go somewhere", Rex replied.

Adhara then asks, "Go where? The Atkins are surroundin-", before she can finish, the Wolf Moon energy hits her as her body started trembling.

She looks down at her body in surprise before looking back at Rex,

"We need to take care of that, It's the Wolf Moon and although we can hold it I think Gistella won't last any longer", Rex said while pointing at Gistella who is already leaning on the wall with a trembling body.

Looking at this, Adhara nodded her head before they all departed.

They all now are outside of the university wearing similar black clothes, Rex is currently analyzing and sensing the surrounding for the Atkins Family's Awakened.

<Sudden Quest>

The user is trying to help Silverstar's pack members to suppress the Wolf Moon energy, but there are many hostile aura around the university that will attack the user. Reach the destination without getting caught and help the Silverstar pack to suppress the Wolf Moon energy successfully!

Quest Reward: 300,000,000 Exp, Hunter Pack Passive Skill, +20 Mental stats to all pack members.

Rex reads the sudden quest and finds a new reward,

This is the first time the system has ever given Rex a reward in a form of stats, it's for his entire pack member nonetheless which makes Rex pumped up.

Although it's Mental stats, it's still a free stat that he won't deny.

'System, How many hostile aura in the surroundings and scan their power?', Rex asks.

<28 Hostile Aura has been detected>

<1 Mid Seventh Rank, 2 Early Seventh Rank 6 Peak Sixth Rank, 12 Mid Sixth Rank, 7 Early Sixth Rank>

After the system's notification, Rex then glance at Kyran and said, "There are three seventh rank Awakened in the surrounding, locate them from inside the university ground cautiously and report back to me"

Hearing this, Kyran nodded his head and disappear into the darkness.

"Where are we going?", Adhara asks from the side.

Rex then replied, "We're going to the canyon to hunt, the Wolf Moon is also known as the hunting moon where Werewolves are usually hunting in packs during this moon"

"That is why we're going there to hunt mutated animals", he said.

Aside from that, Rex also needs to check something, 'Rurvi should be in that canyon, let's also check the place and try to locate it', he thought.

The deal he made with Jarvald is to bring back Rurvi,

Rex remembered upon entering the canyon the system told him that it was Rurvi's lair, and It is also said that Rurvi is somekind of a cursed white tiger creature.

Hearing this, Adhara then nodded her head.

In a moment, Kyran came back and reported, "I sensed two powerful aura from that direction while another one in that direction", he said pointing to the north and south of the university.

"Then let's go that way, we're going to go to the canyon without getting caught", Rex said.

But after Rex said that, his mouth quirked up into an evil smile as he added, "But of course, if we can, killing some of them wouldn't be off the list"

After saying that, the four of them then dash away.

West of the university,

"Don't watch the event you dumbasses, keep an eye on the university. Rex might just come out swiftly and you'll miss him", a man wearing a brown leather jacket said.

The man is talking to two other guys that are looking down,

Since the street is bustling with people wearing costumes, they're watching it from above.

The three of them are on the rooftop of a building with Faraday University on its front, from the bird tattoo on the man's wrist shows that they're from the Atkins Family.

Hearing this, the two guys then replied, "If we didn't see them, the others will"

"The kid's fate will be sealed when he got out of the university anyway, and he probably knows this so he won't be coming out anytime soon", another added.

But this makes the man scoffs, "Fine, Just wake me up if something happened"

After saying that, the man then lies on the ground before putting a hat above his face and started to snore away into dreamland.

While the other two guys started bickering with each other while watching the event below.

A brief moment passes as the man tries to sleep, but out of nowhere, he noticed something is a miss as he didn't hear the sound of the two guys bickering anymore.

The man then opens his eyes and pushes the hat away from his face,

His eyes then widen when he saw the two guys are already sitting on the ground with blood splattered around them, and there is a woman with daggers in the middle of them.

Seeing this, the man was about to take out a gun from his waist but before he could do it,


Just in a split second, the woman blurred before suddenly the man stopped when he felt his chest being stabbed by the daggers.

The man spat a mouthful of blood as he saw the woman keep eye contact with him.

In a fit of anger, the man uses the last bit of his strength to take out the gun and point to the sky but when he pulled the trigger,


Instead of the sound of the gun firing, only a muffled sound can be heard.

The man then notices someone is standing behind him, he looks back slowly before he saw a towering man on the back with his hand closing the tip of the gun.

After Adhara stabbed the man right in his chest,

Rex dashes to the man seeing that he was about to fire the gun, he then closed the tip of the barrel stopping a red flare from shooting out of the gun.


The red flare then dimmed before it exploded the gun,

But the sound was muffled thanks to Rex covering the tip of the barrel, he then pulls his hand away as the man saw that there was no damage on Rex's hand.

The man can only helplessly looks at Rex before Adhara slits his throat cleanly.

Not long after that, Kyran and Gistella also arrived on the rooftop before Adhara takes a headpiece from one of the corpses and said, "We need to hurry"

"Alright let's go", Rex replied before the four of them dashes away again.


Edward got back to the university and went straight to Rex's room,

While walking toward Rex's room, Edward suddenly saw a man that seems to not be a student from the clothes that he was wearing.

But then he frowns when he saw a familiar face talking with the man,

The two of them are talking on the corner near the entrance of the university, it seems they're talking about something serious just from how Edward saw them act from afar.

'Who is Lisa talking to? and that man is familiar', Edward thought.

Feeling curious, Edward then tries to close their distance with the students walking by as his hiding spot and he manages to reach close enough as he slowly walks past them.

"I heard from Kyran that he has somekind of spatial place to store his items"

"So that's the place where he puts his treasures, do you know what kind of treasures he got?"

Hearing this, Edward frowned, 'Kyran... Why did you tell her?'

"It's an orb that can give a normal human affinity to an element, or even enhance an Awakened's affinity to the element. That is some god-like stuff I must say, what are you going to do Ari?"

"Edward knows what I did, and with Rex coming back I'm afraid that they will capture me"

While Edward was walking past them with his head down, he suddenly stopped when he heard the name Ari being brought by Lisa.

The name froze his entire body before he stiffly turns around,

Upon turning around, Ari noticed that it was Edward turned around before his eyes widen in shock, "ARI!!!", Edward shouted angrily.

This caught Ari off guard, but before Edward can dash to him.

Ari immediately turns into the wind as he disappears from the place leaving the shocked Lisa, she was left alone in shock.

The shout attracts the students' gaze as even the guards came running.

Edward clenched his jaw when he saw Ari teleported out,

But his eyes then landed on Lisa who is shivering in horror when she saw Edward glaring at her, he then approached her with rough steps before pinning her to the wall.


In a fit of anger, Edward punched the wall behind Lisa angrily.

The maniac look in his eyes coupled with the punch that cracked the wall startled Lisa and even makes her jump, "Lisa...", Edward mutters silently but deadly.

"E-Edward?! I-I swear you must've heard us wrong", Lisa said stutteringly.

But Edward shakes his head and leans closer to her ear, "I heard everything... and you just made the biggest mistake you've made in your life!"

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