The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 425 Unexpected Slap And Telling The Truth

Chapter 425 Unexpected Slap And Telling The Truth

"Edward?", Rex mutters when he saw Edward and Stuart standing in front of each other.

There's a slight tension in the air which makes Rex tilts his head in confusion, he then points at the both of them and asks, "What were you guys doing?"

"Welcome back sir Rex, I'm just checking something behind the sofa but Edward stopped me"

Stuart points to the back of the sofa after bowing slightly,

Rex then looks at Edward in confusion, he saw Edward hinting at something to him using his eyes, and Rex moves to the side a bit to see behind the sofa.

'What is Kyan doing there?', Rex thought as he can smell his scent.

But before Rex can look at the back of the sofa properly, Kyran suddenly stands up with his back facing the others which makes Rex even more confused.

While Edward on the side is still sweating upon seeing Kyran come out of hiding.

"Kyran? What are you doing back there?", Adhara asks from the side.

Hearing this, Kyran slowly turns his body making Edward's heart beat faster.

Rex and the others frown after Kyran turns to his back, except for Edward who looks to be relieved and Rex caught that, "I'm training my stealth skills"

"It's hard to control my darkness since, you know... I'm sorry if I worry you Stuart", he added.

This makes Stuart sighs as he thought Edward was hiding someone behind the sofa, but turns out it just only Kyran, "Here is your food sir Kyran, I'll put it in your room"

"Okay, thanks!", Kyran replied with a smile.

After the brief exchange, Rex's eyes fall onto Edward who is already sitting on the sofa.

But then suddenly, "Edward... How's your family?", Adhara asks.

Edward glance at Adhara before he looks down with a gloomy vibe, "I'm still working on it, but I'm sure the kidnapper will not kill them easily. They want something..."

This makes Adhara turns her head towards Rex,

Her look is more like a glare instead, and Rex certainly knows where this is heading.

"Are you really not going to help Edward? Didn't you feel anything seeing the state he's in right now?", Adhara pulls Rex to the side for a second and whispers.

,m Although there's a distance between them, Edward can somewhat hear their conversation.

Rex shakes his head with a sigh, "Don't do this right now, I need to do something"

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but I'm going to go on ahead", Edward suddenly said.

Hearing this, Adhara approached Edward in worry before she said, "Don't worry, we'll help you find your family. I promise..."

"Thank you", Edward replied before leaving the room.

Edward didn't forget to look at Rex for the last time before leaving the room.

After Edward left, Kyran went straight back to his room without saying anything else.

Rex didn't question it as he already got something in his mind, while Stuart and the maids excuse themselves for today as the night is already starting to get late.

But then, after they left, Rex saw a small note on the table.

Rex takes the small note before he finds that the note only has two words written in ink, it's a vague but has clear meaning to Rex, 'Get ready'

This makes Rex frown for a moment before he thought, 'Should I send Kyran there?'

'Is the beating punishment enough? I'll talk to him and try to find out if he already learned his lesson or not', Rex then wanted to go back to his room but stopped by Adhara.

Adhara grabs Rex by the hand and asks, "Do you have something to say to me?"

"Something to say? No, I don't", Rex replied.

But this makes Adhara put both of her hands on her waist while eyeing Rex suspiciously, she then said, "This is unlike you, and you're too calm about what's going on"

"Are we talking about Edward's family again?", Rex sighed tiredly.josei

Hearing this, Adhara becomes angrier as she snapped, "I know you have some problem with Zelene but isn't this going too far? Their lives might be in danger!"

"Look it's not what you think, but I can't tell you right now", Rex replied.

He then massages his forehead before he looks at Adhara again, "It's not the time to talk but I'm dealing with the problems, so just trust me alright?"

This does not work as Adhara added, "Keeping secrets again? You told me that I'm your right hand, but what does a right hand mean when you didn't even tell me anything"

"Okay! Just hear me out, the fewer the ones that know the better it will be", Rex said.

He then added, "So I need you to trust me. Let's just go on with our daily lives normally while I deal with the problems at hand, all problems will be gone soon and we can go back to our track"

After saying that, Rex kissed Adhara on her forehead before heading back to the room."

The kiss on the forehead catches Adhara off guard as her face reddened, she was not anticipating that but she's not complaining.

'Fine... I'll trust you', Adhara thought with a sigh.

But when she's dwelling at the moment,

Adhara saw her father poked out of his room, it seems he heard the argument she had before.

"Father? Were you listening?", Adhara asks.

There's a weird hint of anger in Russ' expression as Adhara approaches him, but then Russ signals to Adhara to follow him.

Although confused, Adhara follows Russ towards the sofa beside the entrance.

Upon arriving near the sofa, Adhara can see Russ putting both of his hands on his waist before scrunching his face which is a sign of desperation.

Even Russ' emotional aura is red, this basically means he's angry.

Russ then signals for Adhara to get closer using his fingers which she obediently followed before suddenly, Adhara widen her eyes when she saw Russ swing his hand.


A solid slap landed right on Adhara's cheek,

The slap came out of nowhere which surprises Adhara as her head got tilted to the side, she knows that Russ is angry but to the point of slapping her was not anticipated.

"What are you doing?", Russ asks lightly but angrily.

Hearing this, Adhara touches her slapped cheek in confusion, "What am I doing?"

"Yes, I heard your argument with Rex. But you're obviously pressuring Rex when what you should've done was supposed to be supporting him!"


Another slap landed on Adhara's cheek as Russ is utterly fuming in anger,

Even after the second slap, Adhara is still confused as to why her father is this angry which brought her back to the time when she was still living with his father.

Russ scrunch his face once again and said, "I was proud of you for landing as Rex's woman"

"Can't you see? He's the ticket for avenging YOUR mother! instead of being supportive and obedient, you pressure him when he's having a rough time dealing with his enemies"

This puts Adhara at a loss for words as she didn't expect this,

At first, she thought that her father has already become a different man when he saw that she was becoming a capable Awakened, she even bonded with him.

But turns out his true nature is still there, he just has been hiding it for the sake of image.

Adhara is looking down speechless as she held her cheek that got slapped, her body even trembles a bit as Russ walks back and forth angrily.

"Your seat is shaken, that Evelyn girl is a problem so you need to get rid of her", Russ said.

Then Russ stopped for a moment thinking before he finally added, "If what I heard is true, then as his right hand you should believe in him. You might as well give him up to Evelyn if you continue being like this"

"For now, don't do that again, and trust him. Losing him is not an option"

After saying that, Russ walks past Adhara who is still stunned at her place.

Her chest is hurting after getting slapped two times by her own father suddenly, for a reason that she didn't expect nonetheless.

Adhara held her chest tightly as she felt the pain burning her heart,

It is so painful that a tear unconsciously falls from her eyes, but thankfully no one is there to see it since the maids and Stuart has already gone back.

But the painful expression didn't last long,

Adhara takes a deep breath sucking in as much as possible, she then exhales all of them roughly as her expression turns calm again before she went inside her room.

A moment later,

Rex already changed his clothes to a casual ones, he will be going somewhere after this.

While he is wearing his t-shirt, Adhara who is lying on the bed in a daze suddenly snaps out of her daze and looks at Rex, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to take care of some business", Rex replied nonchalantly.

This nonchalant demeanor annoys Adhara, but she stopped when she was about to say something, "Then be careful, and don't do anything rash. I'll trust you"

"I won't, I'm just going to check on something", Rex replied.

After saying that, Rex kissed Adhara on her cheek lightly making Adhara unconsciously hold her breath before he stopped, "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, you go on ahead", Adhara replied with a smile.

Although she looks fine, Rex knows that something is up as he can see it clearly, "If this will make you feel better, I'm going to meet with Evelyn to discuss something. But I can't say much"

"Don't worry, I'm not there for anything else and we're also not going to be alone"

Hearing this, Adhara sucked in a cold breath before she finally nodded her head.

But deep down she was hurt upon hearing that Rex will meet Evelyn.

Rex then kisses Adhara's cheek one more time as he feels that she needs it before walking out of the room, he walks out with both swords strapped on his back as usual.

After Rex left the room, Adhara looks down at her hands, "Evelyn..."

"So Evelyn knows whatever is happening while I'm not, is she that useful?", Adhara mutters as she looks at the door where Rex just left to.

With a flash of determination, she then mumbles, "I can't let her outdo me"


Before leaving the place, Rex heads to Kyran's room first.

There he saw Kyran sitting by the window with a somber look, but there was no sign of Ryze anywhere and Rex didn't realize this as he was focusing on Kyran.

'Why is everyone feeling down?', Rex thought in confusion.

Starting from Adhara and now Kyran, both of them must have something going on which results in their weird sad vibe around them.

"You alright Kyran?", Rex suddenly asks.

But for the first time, Rex saw Kyran jolted as he heard Rex call out to him.

It's the first time that Kyran was caught off guard like this since he has an incredibly sensitive sense, "Oh... It's nothing, I'm just thinking"

"Must be something serious for you to not realize me opening the door", Rex replied.

Kyran can only smile innocently as a reply, "If there's nothing, then I will be going somewhere for a bit but I'm still near the university but still make sure to be alert. No one knows what might happen", Rex reminded.

When he was about to leave the room, Kyran suddenly stopped him, "Rex..."

Rex stopped on his track as he looks back at Kyran,

But out of nowhere, Kyran suddenly went on his knees and prostrate in front of Rex.

This catches Rex off guard as he didn't understand why Kyran would be prostrating in front of him, but soon he realized what this means, "What did you do?"

With that, Kyran confesses everything to Rex without leaving any single detail.

Kyra told Rex starting from how Lisa approached him again and telling Lisa about the affinity orb and also him trying to search for an affinity orb Rex used to make himself and Adhara an exceptional Awakened.

"I was blinded! I'm willing to bear any consequences to make up for my mistake!", Kyran said.

Rex listens to this with an arch back and a stoic expression,

Although he just got mad at Kyran before about his lie and rough treatment, the anger that should've built up upon hearing Kyran's confession is not there.

Yes, the thing he did is bad and might result in a problem.

But at least he confessed it to Rex, and that also needs a solid amount of courage.

Rex deliberate for a moment standing still with his hands on the side, 'He didn't get caught when sneaking in those markets, telling Lisa is also not that much of a deal since I also told Evelyn everything. If he thought that Lisa is trustable then it should be fine'

"You did the right thing telling me", Rex replied.

He then shakes his head with a slight smile, "If you did anything wrong just come clean to me, I can prepare a solution for any problem that might arise so you did the right thing"

"But still, it's not that bad. What makes you need to prostrate in front of me?"

Hearing this, Kyran's body trembles for a moment before he musters up the courage and answers, "L-Lisa... h-he's an informant sent by Ari to find out about our powers"



Kyran got pressured to the ground as Rex's expression turns fierce,

His eyes turn animalistic red as he glare at Kyran who is groveling in front of him, his aura is leaking as the red force pressures Kyran's body to the ground.

"Lisa is an informant...?", Rex mutters slowly.

It's weird for Kyran to prostrate if what he did is just that much as there must be something more, and what Rex is suspicious of turns out to be true as Kyran confesses.

Rex then asks using a cold tone, "How did you know this?"

Kyran then answered while still being pressured by Rex's red force that is stabbing his body all around, "Edward... Edward heard Lisa and Ari talking about it"

"Did you tell her about what we are?", Rex asks after clenching his jaw.

The most problematic information that may cause the biggest problem was if Kyran told Lisa that they're Werewolves, if that was the case then they would have to leave right now.

Every second will be precious as they need to flee if that were to happen.

Without keeping anything in reserve, Kyran then answered truthfully, "I didn't tell her about that, I only told her that you made us an Awakened by using the affinity orb!"

After hearing this, Rex retracts back his aura.

'Although it's bad, Ari wouldn't go tell Stevanus without proof since he needs to get a hold of the affinity orb. I can handle this', Rex thought before glancing back at Kyran.

Rex is a bit angry but he already anticipated this,

"I'll fix the problem you created as I am your Alpha, but know that if you keep doing this I will not hesitate to abandon you. But for now, I acknowledge you for telling me the truth", Rex finally said.

Hearing this, Kyran raises his head in surprise.

He was surprised that Rex didn't take his power, although he already prepared if that happens.

"Just own your mistake by telling me the truth, and you did just that. In due time, you will have to deal with your own mistake but for now, I'll deal with it", Rex added.

Kyran then mutters, "Does that mean you're not going to take my power?"

"No, I'm not", Rex replied shortly.

But he then added, "I'll deal with Ari but now, What do you want to do to Lisa?"

Upon hearing this, Kyran's dark element started hovering violently as his expression turns fierce which makes Rex smirk, "I thought as much.."

After saying that, Rex walks closer to Kyran, 'System, promote Kyran to a Beta again"

<Kyran Cervantess has been promoted to Beta!>

<Omega effect has been removed>

Right after the last notification from the system, Kyran widen his eyes when his body started to turn to normal as he can feel his strength coming back.

He then looks at Rex expectantly, "I'll grant you the permission to do what you want"

"But don't do it outside, you have to bring her here. So you're coming with me, I'll ask Evelyn to clear a path for you as I'm sure Lisa already left", Rex added.

Hearing this, Kyran nodded his head in understanding.

Then suddenly, Kyran looks at Rex and asks, "Aside from me being honest, what makes you give my power back to pursue Lisa?"

"The answer is simple", Rex mutters.

He then look at Kyran with his violent red eyes and added, "If I were in your shoes, I'll also be doing the same thing. Betrayal must be paid with blood!"

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