The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 461 Link Between The Werewolf Prince And The Vampire Princess

Chapter 461 Link Between The Werewolf Prince And The Vampire Princess


Gistella was stunned as the others except for Rex are looking at her weirdly.

This makes Gistella looks at each of them in confusion before looking at Rex, her eyes seem to be asking Rex why is everyone looking at her like that since she didn't do anything.

It's like being stared at like prey by Kyran, Adhara, and Evelyn.

At first, Gistella is minding her business maintaining the barrier to protect the survivors but in the next second the fight between Adhara and Evelyn suddenly stopped before they both turn their heads slowly to look at Gistella with a hint of hostility.

Both of them don't understand why, but there's suddenly a sudden change in Gistella.

Even Kyran who is passively watching the clash between Adhara and Evelyn on the side also looks at Gistella with a weird look, he felt this weird feeling too.

"What did I do wrong?", Gistella asks meekly while stepping back.

But instead of answering Gistella, the others' started to steam with their own respective aura as if they were looking at an enemy that they wanted to tear down. It's the feeling of inferiority, the three of them feel suppressed in front of Gistella.

Rex looks at this with a frown before he suddenly realized, 'Is this because of the new feature?'

Since the Pack Hierarchy Feature has been unlocked, Gistella is occupying the number 1 spot in the Battle Prowess Hierarchy ladder because of her bloodline as a Werewolf Fiend. It gave her the benefit of the first rank causing a slight change in her aura.

<Pack members have recognized Gistella's superior standing>

Unlike Rex who doesn't feel anything as he can see their rank through the Pack Hierarchy ladder, the others don't experience it the same way he did. Gistella's aura becomes suppressive to them, the others instantly recognized that she's the number one Werewolf in their pack just below the Alpha.

Because of that, Gistella becomes the main target they need to take down.

For a Werewolf pack, the hierarchy is based on the power of the Werewolf and if not for becoming an Alpha and being recognized, a powerful Beta will be challenged repeatedly by other Betas just so they can get closer to the Alpha.

It's the way of their instinct, and this new feature mimics the actual behavior of Werewolves.

As they all have turned into Werewolves, they have the nature of wanting to get closer to the Alpha, and Gistella who is recognized as the first is in the way of that, creating this situation.

Rex looks at the others before shaking his head, "Drop this now, we'll settle this after Rosie"

Hearing Rex's authoritative command, the others retract back their auras instantly, obeying Rex's command before they put their attention to Rex, "Evelyn, you remember the secret passage from before right?"

"Yes, I remember", Evelyn replied nodding her head.

Although the situation has already calmed down, Adhara seems to still be pissed off at Evelyn.

But looking at Rex's serious expression, she refrains from saying anything more and focuses on the task at hand, "We're going there again, lead the others with Delta. I'm going to go on ahead"

Evelyn nodded her head before Rex glanced at Delta,

Delta has already recovered from her weakened state and now is also already finished eating the Undead carcasses inside Rex's inventory, she's noticeably gotten stronger judging from her aura that is getting closer to the seventh rank realm.

She's not quite there yet, but nevertheless, she got stronger.

<Delta - Silverstar Wolf>

Race: Stalwart Lightning Wolf

Power: Sixth Rank(Peak) - Hallowed Lightning

Mental: 351

Strength: 745


Endurance: 788 (+100)

Intelligence: 490

Although the increase in stats is lacking compared to what Rex expected, he didn't complain since by the end of him saving Rosie she will definitely reach the seventh rank realm. They will be traveling in the Supernatural territory after all.

Rex already planned mentally to divide the Supernatural they kill to Delta and Gistella.

Both of them will be benefitted greatly from devouring the Supernatural carcasses, as for the others, Rex will let them focus on being an Awakened and evolve their bloodline instead.

'Devouring Supernaturals will definitely make us stronger but..."

His eyes then  darted to Adhara remembering the early days when she turned into a Werewolf, Edward finds her eating mutated animals like a beast and it troubles him until now.

It's still etched in his mind, and Rex can't really shake this troubling feeling.

'I don't want them to do that, we will become exactly like them if we do that'

After seeing that the others are already back to normal and hop on Delta, Rex dashes away heading to the black maple tree where the secret passage lies.

With his current speed, it didn't take long for him to reach the black maple tree.

Just as the last time he was here to get Adhara's spirit, the place is still the same but the scent of death and blood from before is already gone, devoured by the mutated plants around here.

Some changes can be seen, Rex saw that there are mutated plants floating on the murky water. From a glance, these mutated plants look like water lilies with a red flower above them. These mutated plants are not here the last time.

Rex scans these mutated plants and finds that it's birthed from the Werewolves' blood that spilled from that night when the Awakened in Eqosa City ambushed the Werewolf reinforcement.

Unlike other mutated plants, these water lilies only contain medicine for Werewolf wounds.

Without waiting any longer, Rex jumped onto the black maple tree before he plucks one of the black leaves of the tree. It's the same as before, whirlpools started forming around the murky water and it didn't take long before the murky water got completely drained exposing the underground passageway that Rex used before to get to the Supernatural territory.

'I hope the Cessation Knight hasn't blocked this route yet, but I doubt it', Rex thought.

Since this underground passageway leads to a cave that is near where the Cessation Knights are camping, it's hard to believe that they haven't found this passageway.

After the passageway opened, Rex jumps into it and travels through it to check.

Meanwhile, the others are slowly traveling through the desolate plains to give Rex some time to check on the secret passageway.

"So tell me, How did Rosie got kidnapped exactly?', Evelyn asks curiously.

Evelyn along with the others are currently mounting Delta while they traverse forward not too fast and not too long, she knows the way to the black maple tree so she can lead the others.

With Kyran and Gistella here, Rex is confident that they will be fine.

They both are a great combination, one is able to sense really well while the others can use protection spells really well, nothing should be able to harm them except meeting a mid-seventh rank or higher.

Hearing this, Adhara turns her head away not intending to reply.

Seeing this Adhara is reluctant, Kyran finally answered, "That day after we finished exploring a hidden place inside a cliff and got out, we suddenly got ambushed by two Werewolves that wanders inside the human territory aiming for Rex"

"I don't really know why but those two Werewolves called Rex a prince. Then we got ambushed again by Vampires, we fought with them but got knocked down by a royal vampire before Rosie even got there"

Adhara sighs as she added, "That Vampire is the one that kidnapped Rosie, I think I heard Rex mention her name... Ana Delarosa",

Upon hearing this, Gistella looks at Adhara in surprise, "Ana Delarosa?"

Since Gistella is once an Undead, she probably knows all of the major structures inside of the Supernatural circle such as the important figures of each race just like Ana Delarosa.

"You know about her, Gistella?", Adhara asks from the side.

,m Gistella nodded her head before she explains, "Delarosa Family is one of the Royal Vampire Families that is not that high for what I remember, the head family is only around the seventh rank a bit weaker than a High Undeadlord but they have the ability to locate people through blood"

"So that's how...", Evelyn mutters in thought hearing Gistella's explanation.

Hearing this, the others glance at Evelyn wanting her to elaborate further but she suddenly frowns, "But wait... Does Ana have a daughter?"

"No, she has a son called Issac", Gistella replied in confusion.

The others are intrigued seeing that Evelyn knows something they don't, Rex hardly talked about anything aside from what he wants them to do so this is intriguing for them. Even Adhara doesn't know much, she only comforts Rex when he's down low.

While remembering that night, Evelyn then explains.

"When Rex and I tried to kidnap Hans' son, a female Vampire that has weird eyes contacted him through a blood mirror showing Rosie chained behind her. I thought that she's from the Delarosa Family, but if Ana doesn't have a daughter then it's probably not"

"I remember this vampire taunted Rex repeatedly, and I believe Rex called her Calidora"

Adhara and Kyran widen their eyes upon hearing the first part.

For as long as they remember, everyone that taunted Rex is either already dead or already paid the price of offending him which established his ruthless and menacing demeanor in the 25 Golden Families.

Sometimes they forget about it, but Rex is really ruthless if need to be.

Rex really hates the Supernatural, they all know that. But knowing that a Vampire taunted him, Adhara and Kyran's skin crawl as they can't even imagine what Rex will do to her if he finally meets with this Calidora.

While on the other side, Gistella is also surprised but not because of the first part. She's surprised because in the latter part when Evelyn mentions the Vampire's name, Calidora.

"C-Calidora?!", Gistella mutters in shock.

The name Calidora surprised Gistella as she didn't expect the Vampire that contacted Rex turns out to be her. Seeing the surprised look on Gistella's expression is pretty rare considering she hardly reacts, the others glanced at her questioningly. Her reaction shows that she knew this Vampire called Calidora.

"You know her, Gistella?", Adhara asks curiously.

Even Delta who is lightly running towards the black maple tree got distracted hearing their conversation, at this point, even Adhara and Kyran realize that she really understood what they are saying somehow.

But their attention then went back to Gistella again.

Remembering the name Calidora that every Supernatural knows as the daughter of King Solomon and Queen Nezera, she then explains with a stern look, "I'm once an Undead before master turned me into a Werewolf like right now. No Supernaturals that don't know about Calidora Silvan Boldirra exist, the princess of the Vampire Kingdom"

"The name Calidora recently becomes a talk amongst the Supernatural races, despite the Vampires trying to keep it a secret we find out that Calidora has reached a terrifying level of power for her age and also evoked the powerful curse called the Vampiric Eyes of Terror, it's the second time a Vampire evoked this power in such a short amount of time"

"Vampiric Eyes of Terror is a sensitive ancient curse, it will make a Vampire obsessed with someone or something through an unknown method even to the Vampires"

"I've heard of that before, I forgot from where", Adhara mutters in thought.

She found the terms familiar before she finally remembered, "I think I saw the Vampiric Eyes in the museum near Faraday University, yes, I believe I saw them there"

"You mean Ludris? He's the other wielder of Vampiric Eyes of Terror but got killed because he went berserk, it's a shame for the Vampire that he went berserk if not he will be the next ninth rank Vampire", Gistella added.

Hearing this, the others felt their skin crawl.

The Vampiric Eyes of Terror can make a Vampire reach the ninth rank is a scary thing, even an Awakened needs an immense amount of talent, hard work, and also luck to even have a chance to reach the ninth rank.

For such a power to be able to make a ninth-rank Vampire is certainly horrifying.

"I know of that too, have you read the Crimson Massacre incident?", Evelyn asks.

Kyran who doesn't know anything about this becomes even more curious, he felt a bit left out since this has something to do with Rex, "What is the Crimson Massacre incident?"

"It's an incident where Ludirs went berserk in pursuit of a human woman that spark this Vampiric Eyes of Terror, he stops at nothing to reach for this woman. Many high-rank Awakened died that day, and even an Awakened as strong as an eighth rank died that day, that is why it's called the Crimson Massacre", Evelyn explains.

Hearing this, Kyran nodded her head repeatedly.

But then all of them frown as they don't get one thing, "Why is Calidora taunting Rex? Have they even met before?", Kyran thought out loud.

"Now that you said that, what is Calidora's purpose? If we're going to the Vampire territory, then there's a huge chance we will meet her later so we need to at least know what is her goal", Adhara also said in thought.

Evelyn is also trying to think of a reason for Calidora who is a Vampire to aim at Rex who is a Werewolf, they even live in different parts, one is in a Vampire territory and one in the human territory.

She then glances at Gistella, "What else do you know about Calidora?"

"Although I don't know how powerful Calidora currently is, she should be around the sixth rank right now since before she got the Vampiric Eyes of Terror I believe she only has fourth rank power", Gistella replied.

But as they are talking about this Calidora, Adhara suddenly thought of something.

She remembered the day when Delta's behavior becomes weird, she also remembered the story of the woman's friend that is pursued by Ludris inside the museum.

Pieces by pieces she started to put it together inside her head,

'Nose bleed...? Does that mean Rex already met with this Vampire before?', Adhara thought.

During that day when Rex's nose bled, after being told by Liliya about his nose bleeding Rex instantly activates his power in reflex which means that she already met with Calidora.

Just as she thought about that,

"There's a rumor back then state that Calidora manage to evoke the Vampiric Eyes of Terror curse because of a Werewolf inside the human... territory...", Gistella's voice becomes slower and slower as she also realized the link that the others also realized.

Hearing this, the others look at each other as they also realized the same thing.

Adhara and Kyran especially are the ones that are realizing this more than the others since they know that Rex is cursed by something from Jarvald and Vivian, and from this alone they can conclude that it has something to do with Calidora.

But just as they realized, Delta finally arrives at the black maple tree.

All of them gaze at the black maple tree and find Rex is already waiting for them there, he leaped and approaches them with steady steps, "We need to take a detour, it's blocked"

Instead of reacting, the others are looking at Rex blankly.

'The Vampiric Eyes of Terror is caused by him!'

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