The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 466 Delarosa Family Territory

Chapter 466 Delarosa Family Territory

"You're trespassing their territory...", Rex mutters with a grin.

Humans have conflicts with each other from different interests, or even hatred and anger. But at most these conflicts developed for 30 or 40 years maximum. The Supernaturals, on the other hand, have conflicts too but their conflict runs deeper than humans.  They're different races, after all, and have been living for thousands of years.

They are bound to have deep conflict, even though they worked together now to face humans.

Elinaya closed her mouth trying to remain calm but her expression told Rex what he needed to know, he then grabs Elinaya by her neck before looking at the others, "Follow me, we're going to that castle over there", he said pointing at the huge castle.

Hearing this, the others that are still on top of Delta nodded their heads in understanding.

Using the same method as they travel here before, Rex and the others travel through the Delarosa Family's territory using the cover of the Astral Blanket. It's a convenient item.

Delta walks through the place silently trying not to alert the sleeping Vampires.

Barren land is all there is to see, only a couple of mutated plants can be seen sprouting here. But they are all red in color. The sound of wind whistling and creaking the old wooden houses makes this place a deadland.

Nocturnal creatures such as the Vampires have some trouble doing their activities under the sunlight, regular Vampires or what they called civilians don't have the equipment needed to sustain the sunlight like the fighting force of the Vampire Kingdom.

Rex and the others are still on the outskirts of the territory, only weak Vampires should reside here and the sunlight makes them tired. Kyran peeped inside and finds that there are coffins inside each house which should be where the Vampires sleep.

Blood filled the air and the place is entirely silent. Creepy is the word to describe the place.

Only the occasional sound of splashing river water can be heard aside from the sound of the wind, if the flowing river sound is gone then even a pin dropping will be loud. It's too silent just like in a city of the dead.


Delta stopped moving when she heard flapping sounds from above.

All of them looks up and saw three Vampires flying above them that seems to be heading in the castle's direction, these Vampires are sixth rank Vampires and they have wings and can travel under the sunlight.

They fly through the peasants' territory before disappearing into somekind of invisible barrier.

"If Rosie is brought here, will she even be alive?", Evelyn whispers lightly.

Hearing this, Adhara slaps her thigh while giving her a warning look.

Evelyn was confused as to why she gives her a warning look like that but she soon saw Rex glancing at her sharply, this makes her swallow back her words before giving a wry smile.

Feeling the tension in the surrounding, Adhara then asks, "Rex... Will you also be turning Rosie into a Werewolf after we save her?"

"Of course, she's been through a lot for me although a mistake. But yeah, I'll turn her. She really wants to become a Werewolf, so I'll give it to her", Rex replied while still looking around carefully, there's no guarantee that they won't be caught by the Vampires through unknown methods.

It sparks some changes in Adhara and Evelyn's expressions but they didn't voice their thoughts.

After passing the medieval-style houses, Rex and the others arrived at a cliff.

The cliff is about four or five miles away from the blood tree before, the other ground on the other side of the cliff is noticeably higher than the one they are on. A bridge can be seen connecting the two grounds.

Light voices can be heard as they got closer to the cliff, it is supposed to be whispering and moaning sounds that should come from the bottom of the cliff. But this makes them even more alert instead as the sound becomes more evident the nearer they get.

"Wait here, I'll go check what's on the bottom of this cliff", Rex said.

Even though Kyran has a very light presence that shouldn't be able to be detected by any Vampires here, the day is still sunny and open so there's no darkness that he can hide into.

Buying an elixir from the shop to cover his aura, Rex chugs it in one go.

When he was about to jump out of the Astral Blanket, Adhara holds his arm and looks down. She then finally raises her head showing her worrier look and said, "Be careful..."josei

"I will", Rex nodded his head before turning his eyes away.

After seeing that there are no Vampires that seem to be awake, Rex got out of the Astral Blanket before he dashes to the side and hides behind a house on his right. He sticks to the wall of the house while checking the surroundings. He saw nothing except for the devoidness.

Nodding his head, he was about to check the cliff but stop just beside a window.

His eyes unconsciously look inside the house through the window and find three coffins inside the house, the coffins look like any other coffin with a black exterior. While looking at the coffins, Rex notices one of the coffins' edges is dented.

It can't be called a dent because it's not like a dent made from hitting something, but it's like the coffin is made of blood energy and someone forgot to finish it.

'Hmm... Is that how they get stronger? Sleeping inside a coffin made of blood energy?'

'Must be...'

After checking the inside of the house, Rex dash to the cliff revealing himself in the open before he jumps into the cliff. It was sudden and the others widen their eyes in surprise upon seeing this, they thought Rex would just look down to the bottom of the cliff not jump into it.

Contrasting to what the others expected, Rex jumps into the cliff before he turns his hand into claws. He stabs the cliff's wall to stop himself from falling before he looks down.

It's better to hang inside the cliff like this than to stand in the open where anyone can see.

Looking down to the bottom of the cliff, Rex finds that the cliff is not deeper than he initially expected. It's at least five hundred or six hundred feet deep.

But soon Rex's expression turns into a frown when he saw the scene below.

At the bottom of the cliff Rex saw about a few hundreds of humans that seem to be sleeping with their eyes red, it seems they are under somekind of mind control resulting in them in an absent state.

Some of them are crying while some of them are moaning.

'They're under a dream spell it seems, are they the livestock for feeding the Vampires?', Rex thought but he soon shakes his head since with this many humans, there's no way they can feed all of the Vampires in this territory.

It's too few, so it must be only for the higher-rank Vampires.

After inspecting the humans that are captured by the Vampires at the bottom of the cliff, Rex's eyes suddenly got attracted to some creatures that seem to be guarding the humans.

These creatures are traversing and inspecting the humans in case they woke up.

Rex finds that these creatures look like K-9 dogs, but their bodies are way bigger almost as big as Delta. Furs darker than black, blood dripping from their mouth that housed their sharp fangs, and crystal red eyes that are redder than magma.

They bring along a red mist that covers their body every time they move, only when they stand still can Rex see the entirety of their bodies. It's weird and menacing at the same time.

<Bloodhound Vampires>

Race: Sub Vampire - Blood Beast

Power: Sixth Rank (Mid) - Red Mist

Mental: 312

Strength: 681

​ Agility: 656

Endurance: 450

Intelligence: 730

From the stats of these blood creatures, turns out they are a Sub Vampire. They even have power in the sixth rank realm which is excessive if they're just trying to guard the humans, but Rex can only shake his head and went back to the others.

Getting back on Delta, the others looks at him in anticipation.

"What's down there?"

"What do you see? Is it humans?"

Hearing their series of questions, Rex sighed before he replied, "Yes it's humans but we can't save them until we found Rosie", he then tap on Delta's back signaling for her to leap to the other side of the cliff to resume their journey.

The answer doesn't trouble the others at all since they all know why Rex said that.

If they were to save the humans right now, the Vampires might be alerted of this and they will know Rex and the others are infiltrating. Aside from that, there's a chance that Rosie is here and Ana will definitely know why Rex is here.

She might bring Rosie away just for the sake of not being retrieved back by Rex, or if Rosie is not with her. She will notify other Vampires that had Rosie to warn them of Rex.

The Delarosa Family is one of the Royal Vampire Families, and they're certainly not dumb. If Rex has the gut to infiltrate their territory then they definitely know he's confident, and as a Prince of Werewolf, they will definitely take the cautious route.

It won't be surprising if the Delarosa Family asks for the Izora Family for help which should be bordering their territory on the other side of Avonlet River just like that Vampire told Rex.

While Delta jumps over to the other side of the cliff, the others look down and saw the humans. It's regretful that they can't help these humans now but they need to be alert. No matter what, Rosie is the priority.

Looking at Rex's back, Adhara bit her lips as she know when Rex started to be in this hurry.

Although she doesn't really hear the conversation from the start or even there when Rosie's parents visit, Adhara hears from one of the maids in the mansion that there are guests that just came and talked with Rex.

They're asking for Rosie and they seem to be feeling very worried.

Adhara heard this from the maid after Rex walk past her ignoring her completely to get ready. From this alone, she knows that Rex is also worried for Rosie who is in the hands of the Vampires.

Mother's intuition is a powerful omen, and Adhara knows Rex believes this saying too.

'I also have a bad feeling. I hope Rosie is really okay, or else... I don't know how he'll react', Adhara thought while looking at Rex's back.

After landing on the other side of the cliff, Rex and the others frown.

They frown because the other side of the cliff is where the invisible barrier start, it's not a barrier that can block them but it's a barrier that literally blocks the sunlight. Everything they see now is shrouded in darkness as if it's already night.

Aside from that, the air also instantly changed.

Not that the air literally changed but their feeling changed. As if something is gripping their body, and the blood energy in here is also thicker. Way thicker compared to before.

Upon looking at their front, Rex and the others find that the houses here are different.

The houses here are still medieval-style buildings but they are all mansions instead, every mansion takes a huge chunk of land, and the Vampires' aura inside the houses is stronger.

Rex and the others look around before Delta suddenly leaps to the side and hides.

She reacted like this because there are a couple of Vampires that are walking around unlike before, there's no sunlight here so the Vampires can move around freely. Roughly counting, there are at least a few hundred Vampires here.

"Let's advance with caution, this place is crawling with Vampires", Rex said.

With that, Delta slowly heads to the castle direction that is now near. The ground here is made of black stones that are different than the dirt before, and after getting deeper they find that the Vampires here are drinking and laughing.

Almost as if they're celebrating something, a special occasion or some sort.

They look like celebrating an occasion because they're holding cups in each of their hands while conversing and laughing, but some kept their reserve and prayed instead. Vampires pray differently than humans, they clasp their hands and pray to a red symbol they made using blood from what it looks like instead of praying to the gods above.

Rex and the others are sneaking through the place, and none of the Vampires notice them. With Ana Delarosa a seventh rank Vampire, there should be no Vampires here stronger than her.

Half an hour passed and Rex frowned when he saw a red carpet filling the street with a huge and long table on it, they are already nearing the castle's entrance guarded by two sixth rank Vampires.

"Are they celebrating?", Adhara mutters from the side.

Rex nodded his head since he also thought of the same thing, especially with the red carpet and long table that are laid out in front of the castle. This screams celebrating.

The majority of the Vampires here are sixth rank, there are only two seventh rank Vampires.

While inspecting each of the Vampires here, Rex then thought of a plan and said, "We're going to get inside the castle first and hopefully not get caught, I'm going to Ana straight while you guys will be guarding the entrance of her place on that floor"

Rex points at a tower of the castle that he felt to be emitting a powerful aura, it must be either Ana Delarosa or her husband. He needs to only be careful of Ana's husband since he doesn't know how powerful he is.

After pointing at the tower, Rex then looks up to the sky.

Even though the place is covered by the barrier of darkness, the sky can still be seen from inside and Rex saw that the sun is about to drown, "Night is near, perfect timing"

"There are the guards guarding the entrance, how will we deal with them?", Evelyn asks.

Hearing this, Rex didn't reply as his eyes landed on Elinaya. The glance gives Elinaya goosebumps as she instantly knows what Rex is thinking, "Don't... please...", she pleaded.

But her expression turns into a stern one, and her chest then expands alongside her taking a huge breath.

Rex saw Elinaya intending to scream to alert the Vampires, she wanted to take them down with her but Rex has already covered her mouth with his hand. His eyes then glisten fiercely before he smirks, "You're going to be our little distraction okay?"

After saying that, Delta moved nearing the entrance while Rex kept covering Elinaya's mouth.

It doesn't take long before they arrived just beside the entrance, Rex's eyes are already fixated on the Vampires guarding the entrance, 'Although it feels too easy, there are no Vampires here that can threaten me so it's fine...'

With that in mind, Rex grabbed Elinaya's head before he positioned himself to throw her outside of the Astral Blanket. He then takes out the Silver Eye that is still stabbing Elinaya's stomach.

Elinaya widens her eyes shaking her head desperately trying desperately to tell Rex no.

But Rex only smirks before he threw her powerfully sending her crashing into a mansion that is the nearest to the castle, she shot like a bullet destroying the entire mansion.


Right after that, all of the Vampires' attention went to the destroyed mansion.

Rex and the others fixated their eyes on the Vampires guarding the castle's entrance, and when they saw those Vampires dashed to the mansion, "Delta, now!", he whispered.

Hearing this, Delta focuses her strength on her legs before she dashes into the entrance.

With the distraction from Elinaya crashing into the mansion, they manage to get inside the castle and this cracks a smile on Rex's face, "Ana Delarosa! You're dead today!"

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