The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 478 Royal Black Prince

Chapter 478 Royal Black Prince


Looking at least a hundred Elves lining up neatly commanded by a woman with pointy ears, she's wearing a blue elegant dress pushing forward followed by the Elves arranged in a formation behind her.

Evelyn looks at this and finds the Elf leading this legion is very powerful.

The bearing she brought even feels etiquette and graceful that of a noble family of the Elves, her eyes are bright golden matching her blazing golden hair with a sword in her hand. Only the handle has a physical form while the blade itself is made of golden energy.

Upon seeing the arrival of the Elf, Calidora's eyes flashes as she jumped toward the Elf.

"Greeting to Queen Shanaela", Calidora greeted politely landing beside Queen Shanaela.

She then looks at Queen Shanaela before she asks, "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Queen Sahnaela glances at her gracefully before she shifted her elegant eyes back to where Rex got blasted, "I made a deal with your father. Never mind that, Is that the Red Prince that is linked to you?", she asks with a worried look on her face.

"How do you know about that?", Calidora looks at Queen Shanaela in confusion.

But seeing that Queen Shanaela doesn't want to answer and the situation is not fit for discussing something like this, Calidora then nodded her head, "Yes... I thought the curse will make me always equal to him but it seems not"

"It shouldn't be like this but somehow he manages to bypass that curse", she added.

Queen Shanaela kept looking at where Rex got blasted waiting for him to come out from the dust, he should crash just by the Avonlet River from that attack.

Hearing what Calidora said made her glance at her in surprise, "That's not possible"

"Eternal Curse between you and him is unbroken, even the Witches will find it hard to break the curse. There must be something wrong, or he might have a witch behind him", she added.

Upon hearing this, Calidora shakes her head.

"That's the point, I know the curse is unbroken and mother told me that every time someone tries to tamper with the curse I will know. But now, I didn't feel anything. Almost as if that Werewolf is not the one bound to me, just like fighting someone else"

Albeit confused, Queen Shanaela looks at Calidora's hands before she asks, "Where is the Blood Devourer? Why don't you use it to fight against that Prince?"

"It's going to make him even angrier if I use the Blood Devourer, I've put it away", Calidora replied.

Just as they converse a little, a shadow with a pair of red eyes emerges from the dust.

Rex comes out of the dust with his piercing bloodshot eyes scanning the Elves that dare to attack him, the Elves are lined up in a square formation with the back casting a protection spell while the middle is holding a bow and the two front rows holding a sword and a shield.

It's the infamous Divinity and Vengeance battle formation of the Elves.

"Red Prince of the Werewolf! Please stand down, we do not wish to continue this meaningless fight!", Queen Shanaela declared loudly with her somewhat authoritative but also smooth voice.

She sounds like a cherry, her voice contains sweetness but at the same time strict.

But just as she said that Rex didn't comment and just dashes forward to attack, the King Mark on his forehead glows brighter as he dashes like an animal toward the legion of Elves.

Upon seeing this, Queen Shanaela's expression darkens.

Pointing her golden sword at the charging Rex, her eyes then glows with a golden hue making them even sharper before she shouted, "Warriors! Fire!!"


Green nature energy gathered before the Elves send a volley of arrows.

While the arrows filled with nature energy are heading towards Rex making a whistling sound, the arrows merge into one turning into one huge ray of nature energy that is radiating with a power stronger than that of Izora's blood energy.

It's the mix of hundreds of Elves' nature energy including Queen Shanaela.

Seeing the coming ray of nature energy, Rex didn't pay it any attention and just keep sprinting straight with a maniac smile. But upon colliding with the ray of nature energy, Rex widen his eyes when he got pushed back by the attack.

The ray of nature energy didn't hurt him too much as the scorched skin that got hit instantly healed, but it still pushes him back.

Grinding his razor-sharp teeth, Rex kept trying to approach the Elves' legion.

But every time he got close or even use his sky black lightning spells and Pneuma spell, Rex got hit by the Elves' barrage of arrows. Normally, these weakling Elves are not going to keep up with his speed but Quene Shanaela can.

Her golden eyes are locked onto Rex navigating and commanding the Elves' legion behind her.

Even though she looks to be confident facing the berserk Rex with his red kingly aura, Queen Shanaela notices that every time Rex got blown away he came back stronger. It even comes to the point where the ray of nature energy is only able to push him back a couple of feet.

Just from this alone, Queen Shanaela realizes that it's the King Mark of the Blood Moon's power.

While this is all happening, Rex forgot about Izora and his son. Izora's son slowly crept toward his father before grabbing him and dashing away leaving the place without the others noticing.

"Give up Red Prince, you will not be able to reach us. This is a meaningless fight, please leave the Vampire territory before the situation escalated even more", Queen Shanaela shouted again.

She needs to stop this if not Rex will get too strong for her.

On the side, Evelyn who thankfully manages to go back to Adhara is looking at this scene.

Although she got stopped once by Rex since he's extremely fast and his reflex is insane to even manage to intercept her advancement coupled with a diversion, Evelyn is still unwilling to give up.

She will wait for a perfect moment to swoop in and appease Rex using the symbol on her palm.

Out of nowhere, Kyran and Gistella finally arrive here.

They came out of nowhere and landed just beside the still regenerating Adhara and Evelyn. Upon noticing their arrival, Evelyn then asks angrily, "Where have you been? If you were here we can turn Rex back to normal!"

"I'm sorry Evelyn, but the situation in the Vampire city is not that good", Kyran replied.

Hearing this, Evelyn looks at Kyran questioningly, "We manage to save the human survivors but how should I put this... Rex ate every Vampires he met leaving only a handful of kids, we fear that the Vampire kids will attack the human survivors that's why we're late"

"W-What...?! Rex ate the Vampires?!", Evelyn exclaimed in shock.

She can't believe what she was hearing.

Rex told them directly that he doesn't want to fully be a Werewolf that eats humans to be stronger or even for fun, it's a taboo for him which is why he's quite angry seeing Gistella attempt to eat the guy's corpse.

So hearing that Rex ate the Vampires is quite shocking, it shouldn't happen.

Looking back at the berserk Rex that is grinding his teeth while glaring at the Elves and also Calidora, Evelyn mutters in her heart, 'Rex... Snap out of it'

"Red Prince! Calm yours-"

Before Queen Shanaela can finish, Rex already growled angrily, "I'm not the Red Prince!!"


"So what are you then, Prince from the human territory?", Queen Shanaela asks with a frown, she's confused as to why calling Rex the Red Prince makes him angry when Rex literally had the King Mark of the blood moon on his forehead.

Without answering Queen Shanaela, Rex then smirks, "You're quite patronizing for a lesser race..."

"I'll take up your challenge little gold Elf...", Rex replied before the kingly aura around him slowly got dimmer and dimmer, it come to the point where the kingly aura only cloaks his body like a red blanket.

Almost looks like a normal elemental aura that a first-rank Awakened can do.

Looking at the kingly aura getting dimmer and even King Mark slowly dimming down, Queen Shanaela can feel a bad feeling about this. Calidora also shares the same feeling, the reddish place because of Rex's kingly aura started to turn normal.

Everything around the place turns normal as Rex deactivates his kingly aura.

But not long after, a subtle black aura started sizzling around Rex's body giving off completely a different vibe than the red kingly energy. The red sky from the blood moon slowly turns darker making the night even darker.

It made Calidora, Queen Shanaela, and even the hundreds of Elves look up to the sky.

Not only does the sky get darker and the full moon also gets darker, but the air of this night becomes colder and this shivering cold air comes from Rex's body. He emits a bone-chilling aura that pierces Queen Shanaela's skin seeping into her bones.

Rex completely gives off different energy from the hostile and aggressive red kingly energy.

Slowly the sizzling black aura started to become even stronger cracking the ground around Rex, King Mark on Rex's forehead slowly contorted as the blood moon slowly fades from its red color and turned black.

Upon seeing this, Queen Shanaela's lips started to quiver in terror.

The Elves' legion behind her was surprised to see Queen Shanaela's fearful look as they have never seen this look on their queen's face, it's absolutely shocking to see her express this fear.

Even with Demelza barging into their territory, Queen Shanaela handled it with a calm expression.

But the expression she's wearing right now, pale face, quivering lips, and even slightly trembling body show the absolute terror she's feeling while looking at Rex. The other Elves were confused about why she was this worked up, even Calidora is confused.

Although she's also surprised feeling the different air coming for Rex, she's young and doesn't know much if not for her mother Queen Nezera telling her things.

"What is it? Why are you so scared?", Calidora asks starting to panic.

Even though she will probably not die with the Eternal Curse binding her to Rex's soul and body which makes her unkillable, the terror in Queen Shanaela's face makes her nervous.

Stutteringly, Queen Shanaela steps back while looking at Rex with a pale face.

Pointing straight at the King Mark on Rex's forehead that is slowly turning black, Queen Shanaela then mutters with a trembling voice, "H-He's not a Red Prince..."

"T-Two King Mark... He's the Royal Black Prince!!", Queen Shanaela shouted in fear.

Hearing this the Elves behind her jolted in surprise as they too feel an overwhelming fear upon hearing the nickname Royal Black Prince, an entity that they didn't even think existed.

Calidora also finds this nickname familiar, "Royal Black Prince? I've heard of it"

"It's a myth... I can't believe it really exists. Royal Black Prince, the ancient record stated that this Prince is the Origin's favorite for being able to be accepted by multiple full moons. It has been said in some writings that Royal Black Prince was even able to be accepted by all full moons making him the pinnacle of Werewolves!"

The sudden information makes Calidora snaps her head back to Rex.


Rex's body explodes with a black kingly aura as the King Mark on his forehead turns black, he then raises his eyes to meet Queen Shanaela exposing his devious smirk.

Upon seeing this, Queen Shanaela instantly takes out a green orb.

"We need to get out of here. Calidora, take my hand quickly!", Queen Shanaela stretches her arm and Calidora didn't even hesitate and reaches for it.

Queen Shanaela's eyes widen when she saw Rex had already headed toward her.

Under everyone's very eyes including Adhara and the others who are watching the fight from the sidelines waiting for the right moment to intervene, they saw Rex dashing toward Queen Shanaela but something weird is happening.

Rex's movement looks to be slow but his entire body is blinking fading in and out of their eyes or even their dimension, it made him look slow but actually quite fast.

Every eye that landed on Rex can't seem to focus on him, it's like he brings a disturbance.

Without wasting any time dwindling around, Queen Shanaela wanted to teleport away activating the green orb with her nature energy as their bodies slowly covered with green energy.

Upon seeing this, Rex picked up his pace making his movement astonishingly fast.

Just when Calidora and Queen Shanaela were about to be teleported away, Rex cloaks his claws with black energy before stabbing Queen Shanaela right through her stomach.

But immediately after that, both Queen Shanaela and Calidora got teleported away.

Realizing that their queen has abandoned them to be food for the absolute monster of a Prince in front of them, the Elves started to break the formation and run away in fear. They didn't even wait for another second and just runs away.

Although a bit annoyed, Rex howls triumphantly before chasing the Elves.

What happens after that was an absolute massacre.

Using his movement that is now becoming terrifyingly fast, Rex clawed and bite each one of the running Elves killing them all instantly. In just a blink of an eye, dozens of Elves died under his claws and still rising.

Disappearing and reappearing all over the place, Rex becomes an absolute ghost.

Every attack the Elves throw at him, Rex's body fazes through dimension making the attack hit nothing but air. This puts the Elves even more desperate as they got slaughtered like a bunch of helpless normal humans getting sliced by a sharp sword before getting eaten.

"W-We need to stop him...", Evelyn mutters grudgingly.

Hearing this, the others seem to hesitate but they know that Rex never wanted to do something like this. Their expression then turns determined before they all nodded their heads.

Meanwhile, in a place far away from the Delarosa Family's territory.

Green light enveloped the entire place scaring the mutated animals around before Calidora and Queen Shanaeala appeared, they got teleported away from Rex.

After they fully materialize, Queen Shanaela falls to her knees holding her stomach.

"Are you okay?!", Calidora kneels down and holds Queen Shanaela's body.

Looking down to her stomach where a nasty claw wound burning with black energy is sizzling her skin, Queen Shanaela coughs blood a couple of times. On her fair and smooth skin, the color of the blood becomes even more red and evident.

Shaking her head, Queen Shanaela then strugglingly stands up, "I'm okay..."

"We need to report this to your parents, the Prince you're linked with is not just a Red Prince. He's a Royal Black Prince and this might be catastrophic if that Prince is not associated with anyone or worst, he's actually associated with the Humans..."

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