The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 480 End Of The Rampage

Chapter 480 End Of The Rampage

Evelyn manages to finally reach the King Mark on Rex's forehead.

The purple dot on the white wolf head symbol started to glow even brighter suppressing the King Mark that is trying to counter using dark moonlight energy, but purple gas-like energy slowly oozes out of the symbol on Evelyn's palm encasing Rex's body.josei

Rex falls to his knees gripping the dirt with his claws powerfully.

Veins started popping on his arms as he somewhat tried to resist the purple gas-like energy, and under that energy and struggle, his red eyes slowly started blinking from red to purple.

But Evelyn frowned when Rex's consciousness tries to fight against her, it was not his real consciousness but the berserk one that kept fighting back. Rex started shaking his head trying to undo the calming feeling that got instilled into him by the purple gas-like energy.

With this retaliation, his eyes started dominating with red color again.

Rex started pushing himself up from the ground resisting the purple gas-like energy, "Everyone... h-help me restrain him!", Evelyn looks to the others asking for help. At this rate, Rex will not be able to be appeased from his berserk state.

Upon hearing this, the others didn't sit idle and immediately went to help.

Splashes from the leftover kingly energy are still there as Rex tries to resist the purple gas-like energy temptation, this forces Gistella to cover them with a bluish barrier while she grabs Rex's left arm.

Adhara went over to the side and grabs Rex's right arm while Kyran went downwards and hold Rex's legs trying to force him to kneel again, but even then Rex is still very powerful.

They all were forced to activate their respective energy just to hold him in place.

With the coordination of the four of them, Rex falls to his knees once again growling angrily. Even under the purple gas-like energy his berserk side is still very much conscious and tries to break free.

Evelyn grits her teeth as she focuses all of her attention on the symbol.

Out of nowhere, simple yet powerful urges started to rise up from within. Evelyn felt these urges that force her to act, she follows the urges that guide her to embrace Rex's head. The simple movement makes the purple gas-like energy even stronger.

Soon Rex's eyes completely turn purple, the berserk side succumbs to the purple gas-like energy.

After staying in this position for almost five minutes straight, Evelyn saw the purple gas-like energy slowly vanish as Rex's pupil contracted. Rex's eyes turn normal again as he blinks a couple of times. Upon seeing this, Evelyn who is still hugging Rex's head in her embrace widens her eyes, "Rex?! Is it really you?", she asks excitedly.

Hearing this, the others loosen their grip realizing that Rex has already ceased resisting.

They all let go of Rex's body including Evelyn.

Rex who is still on his knees thrusts his claws into the earth's surface powerfully while gritting his sharp teeth. Without even letting him breathe, his body slowly changed back. His teeth even make a boney-cracking sound showing how hard he's gritting.

Under the other's gaze, the muscles and bones underneath the skin are starting to move unnaturally.

"Grarhkk!", he grunted in pain with bloodshot eyes trying to hold onto the pain he was feeling.

While looking at Rex struggling to turn back to his human form, the others were surprised to see the painful look on his expression. It's something unfamiliar to them, Rex rarely shows any kind of painful expression.

Having a high tolerance for pain, it's surprising that Rex is wearing such a painful look.

This just shows the level of pain he's currently feeling, whimpers and low grunts of agony filling the entire place while Rex's body slowly turns back to his human form. Even his eyes started to be watery making the scene hard to look at.

Blood starts to ooze out of his bloodshot eyes and also his nose and mouth.

Droplets of blood started to drop down to the ground from the painful pressure his body is currently going through, Evelyn and Adhara looked away upon seeing this scene.

After a long dreadful two minutes of transforming back, Rex finally turns back to normal.

Rex's body is drenched in sweat while he looks down to the ground supporting his body with his hands, his breathing is deep and rough as he tries to compose himself. Arching his body back, his eyes then met with the others.

"Wha... What just happened?", he asks with tired breaths.

From the moment the little version of himself took control of his body as if he has multiple personality disorder, he doesn't remember anything except the darkness engulfing him.

Even now his body is shivering from the cold of the darkness but is slowly getting better.

Looking at the others that are gazing at him with a complicated look, especially Adhara and Evelyn. Rex looks around and finds a headless corpse of a Vampire beside him, it made him frown since this Vampire corpse's energy is radiating powerfully.

Just from its aura alone, this Vampire should be in the upper echelon of the seventh-rank realm.

But soon Rex is attracted to the sobbing noises coming from a hanged Vampire on the tree, his eyes squinted before he realized who the Vampire is, "Issac... Then that means this corpse is Delarosa", he looks back at Delarosa's corpse.

Although he doesn't know what happened, he's very sure that he's the one that caused this.

Out of his pack members, there is not one of them that can match Delarosa in a fight. Without a doubt, it seems the other part of him is the one that did this, 'Invincible Apparation huh...'

Rex slowly stands up under everyone's gaze before he frowns tasting iron in his mouth.

Then suddenly Rex widen his eyes before turning his attention back to Delarosa's corpse again, he then realized that the iron taste must be from him biting Delarosa's head. If it's not that, it's the only thing that can explain why Delarosa's head is gone.

Of all the possibilities, him eating Delarosa's head is the highest chance.

'I did it... I've held out for quite long but I know this day will come sooner or later', Rex thought with a helpless expression, he clenched his fists realizing that he just become an actual Werewolf.

From the start of him being a Werewolf, he never ate anyone.

No matter how much his animalistic instinct tries to tempt him to eat someone whether they are humans or Supernaturals, he held on hoping to cling to the last strand of humanity inside of him.

But the longer time passes by, Rex realized that this day will come either way.

When Gistella tries to eat Ari's corpse being influenced by the approaching Wolf Moon, Rex realized that his dream of still being human is numbered. At that exact moment, he accepted that he will eventually succumb to the animal side of him.

There's nothing he can do to prevent that.

Rex exhales a deep breath before his eyes turn cold, he then looks at Issac and approached him.

Taking the Silver Eye out of the inventory, Rex gripped the silver sword tightly intending to finish Issac off. Despite the confusion he's feeling from getting his body taken over, Rex knows what he must do.

"How dare you destroy everything I have! You're a monster!", Issac shouted.

Upon hearing this, Rex sneered finding what Issac said really funny. His expression then turns neutral again before he gently touches Issac's cheek using the silver sword, a steaming sound was produced as Issac's cheek got burned by the silver sword.

Issac bit his lips with a desperate look, but he knows that he won't escape this one no matter what. Even if he did, there's nothing left for him in this word.

Not only his parents but even his city is destroyed completely.

"For someone who has lived hundreds of years, you must know Werewolf's natural instinct. When you did them wrong, you're going to be hunted for the rest of your life. So don't act as if you don't know", Rex mutters before slowly stabbing the silver eye into Issac's chest.

When the tip got stabbed into his chest, Issac's body tensed with his eyes bulging.

The burning sensation in his chest started to spread as his skin got scorched by the silver eye. With a powerful thrust, the silver eye stabbed Issac's heart. Issac gave Rex one last look before the silver eye robs the life out of his eyes.

<Killed a Peak Fifth Rank Supernatural, Obtained 4,000,000 Exp>

With the notification from the system, Rex pulled out the silver eye slowly.

Spraying Issac's blood to the ground by swinging the silver eye, Rex turns back to face the others but when he was about to open his mouth his vision suddenly flooded with notifications from the system.

<Invincible Apparation Transformation Rewards>

Transformation Time: 2 Hours 46 Minutes

Full Moon Type: Blood Moon and Dark Moon

Rewards: 102,000,000,000 Exp

<Level up!>

<Level up!>

<Level up!>

<Obtained 9 Attributable Stats>

<Berserk Quest has been completed!>

<Obtained  250,000,000 Exp, 25,000 Gold, Blood Rune, Ancient Vampire Core, and Invincible>

<True Royal Black Werewolf achievement has been completed!>

<Obtained Royal Bite Skill!>

<Countess of the Dark Luniric smiles at the user's choice, Royal Bite Skill has been upgraded to its ultimate form. Absolute Predominance Fangs Skill>

<Kaiser of the Scarlet Garland is displeased with the user's Impiety!>

<Blood Moon Quest - Commitment has been adjusted>

<New Blood Moon Quest - Absolute Devotion>

For betraying the Kaiser's generous gift of the Blood Eye's power, the Blood Moon quest difficulty has tampered to the utmost limit. Choices require finesse and betrayal awakens the dark evil of the full moon's path. In order to be accepted by the Blood Moon, the user needs to sacrifice those who are dear.

Sacrificial Count: 0/2

Upon seeing the rows of notifications from the system, Rex can't help but frown.

The first half of the system's notifications are good since he got an enormous amount of exp and also a new skill, but then the last half makes the frown on his face even more evident. It's because of the entities that are being brought which he doesn't know anything about.

Countess of the Dark Luniric, he heard of that before when he's fighting Durrant.

But for the Kaiser of the Scarlet Garland, he absolutely has no clue about it just like the Countess of the Dark Luniric. It puzzles him as to why the system brought these entities and what these entities have to do with him.

'Choices? What choices?', Rex thought in confusion.

From what he grasped from these notifications from the system, the Countess is pleased by him because of something he choose while the Kaiser is displeased. Something tells him that the two have some problem between them, but Rex doesn't know why.

Rex scans through the notification before his eyes fall to the new Blood Moon Quest.

While rubbing his eyes trying to make sure what he's seeing is right, his eyes widen realizing that the new Blood Moon Quest asks him to sacrifice those who are dear to him.

'2 sacrificial counts... Is it talking about mother and Robert? No Way!", Rex exclaimed.

Although the new blood moon quest is vague and indirect, the two sacrificial count makes him think about Mrs. Greene and Robert instantly. No matter what, Rex will never sacrifice those two, especially Mrs. Greene who basically takes him under her wings.

But then, Rex suddenly remembered, 'I still have the Blood Moon Essence...'

'Let's use that to finish this damned quest so I can get the King Mark', Rex decided that he will use the blood moon essence, he was about to take it from his inventory but he suddenly sensed a figure approaching them.

Almost instinctively after sensing the figure, the others went and stand beside Rex.

The violent and ancient aura can be felt clearly coming from the figure approaching them. Whatever this figure is, it has an aura that Rex or the others have never felt before. It's not even an exaggeration if this particular feel eldrich.

Kyran who also sensed this went and blend with the darkness, he disappeared from the place.


Out of nowhere, the figure show himself in front of Rex and the others' eyes.

Rex frowned seeing the Werewolf in front of him, his eyes were also attracted to the side feeling another aura nearby. But his eyes then went back and moved to the big Werewolf standing in front of him that doesn't emit any particular suppressing aura.

In fact, the Werewolf has quite a weak aura. Around sixth rank realm maybe, 'But why are my senses screaming at this Werewolf even though his aura is weak...', Rex thought with a frown.

Although Rex is standing strong in front of the Werewolf, in reality, he's really tired.

The transformation of the Invincible Apparation sapped all of his stamina making his body very weak and heavy. Feeling the uncertainty of the situation, he even already bought an item from the system and readies himself to activate the Invincible item in case the Werewolf attacked him.

Something about this Werewolf is not right, Rex then decided to scan the Werewolf.

<Arnulf the Special>

Race: High Werewolf

Power: Peak Sixth Rank - Eldrich Werewolf

Mental: 7131

Strength: 17490

Agility: 11900

Endurance: 15171

Intelligence: 5478

'He's only a peak sixth rank, the others can handl-', before Rex can even finish his thoughts, his eyes landed on the Werewolf's stats.

Even though this Werewolf in front of him has a peak sixth rank power, the stats this Werewolf possesses shock, Rex, very much and he can't help but widen his eyes. For a Werewolf of his caliber to have such high stats is weird, it's absolutely baffling for a peak sixth rank Supernatural to possess such stats.

After his attention shifted from the outrageous stats, Rex's eyes then finally landed on the name of the Werewolf. His expression turns serious upon seeing the Werewolf's name, It's the  Werewolf Jarvald is talking about...'

'Arnulf the Special...'

While he's realizing who the Werewolf is, Arnulf gazes at Rex before a confident smirk appears on his face. It's a horrifying smirk that exposes his gruesome vile fangs, "Greeting to the Prince, forgive this old one that doesn't heed your warning earlier..."

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