The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 482 The Buried Monster Of The Past

Chapter 482 The Buried Monster Of The Past

Ratmawati City, Sector 2.

Men and women can be seen patrolling inside and outside of a big mansion.

From the bearing of these people, they are without a doubt all highly capable Awakened. Some of them are using traditional weapons such as swords while some of them are using modern firearms. Near the entrance of the mansion stands two particular people.

Both of them are playing cards above the hood of a blue chrome sports car.

These two are from the Disaster Squad, they are Aldo and Christine who are on guarding duty and seem to be fighting over the card game.

"Show me your hand, I know you're cheating"

"What? What hand? I don't have a hand, did you forget that I'm handless?"

"Let me see your damn hand, Aldo! "

Both of them are arguing and loud sparking some chuckle from the other Awakened guarding the mansion, their drowsiness and sleepiness are gone thanks to the two fightings.

From the auras Aldo and Christine emit, they certainly got stronger compared to Billy's incident when he kidnapped Ryze. With the affinity orbs of the highest caliber, it's not shocking to find their power rises this quickly.

The day they meet with Rex, they're the weakest amongst the guarding Awakened.

Now that they all already absorbed the affinity orbs given by Rex, they're starting to close the gap between themselves and the guarding Awakened here. This makes them blend with the Awakened easily.

Unknown to them, a subtle light engulfs the throne room.

Rex and the others got teleported away from the Supernatural Territory back to the mansion, they all reappeared inside the throne room with heavy breaths. Their heavy breaths are caused because of seeing Ruston about to lunge at them.

With the power he possesses, Ruston can tear their bodies easily if he really wanted to.

But in a split second just before they got teleported away, they saw Arnulf blocking Ruston's advancement giving them enough time to get teleported back. Even though they're confused as to why Arnulf would do that, they're nevertheless thankful.

Looking around realizing that they're in the throne room, they all sigh in relief.

Adhara then frowns seeing that Delta is not teleported alongside them, she's still in the Supernatural territory and also wounded. She then turns her head to tell Rex about Delta but she saw Rex sitting on the red throne with his eyes closed.

The others kept silent since Rex seems to be using the throne's ability.

Since he already went to the Delarosa Family's territory once, he now can use the throne's ability, Eagle Mind to check on the location of Delta. Just like before, Rex went back again looking down at the scarred place from the sky.

Rex saw that the once thriving city of Vampire is still burning in flame.

Even though he knows that he's probably the one that did that since he blacked out getting his control over the body taken over by the Invincible Apparation right after realizing Rosie is dead, he is still stunned by the sight.

Only a handful of houses are still standing, the Vampires also can be counted with one hand.

But upon seeing that the Vampires that are left are basically all children, Rex frown finding this scene unsettling. He tries to keep a positive thought, 'Maybe the other side of me still has some empathy left so he didn't kill children'

After checking the burning city, Rex's eyes then fall onto the group of people.

This group of people is going east leaving the burning city as far as possible, they're approximately a mile away from the burning city and still moving. Rex realized that this group is actually a group of humans.

'So they're the prisoners, I need to help them', Rex thought before he shifted his attention away.

While searching left and right, his mind is starting to throb in pain.

Rex has only used the Eagle Mind ability once and it's only to see the university so his mind is still not used to the mental strain that the caused by using this ability, he needs to find Delta quickly before his mind is unable to hold out anymore.josei

The feeling of using the Eagle Mind ability is just like having a headache but this headache is growing more severe by the second, it's very tiring.

Aside from that, his mind just experienced a powerful attack from Arnulf.

Based on what he said, the attack is dedicated solely to hurting a prince using some unknown or ancient method made by a witch. Rex can't lie but that is very painful to experience, it's like feeling his brain gnawed by maggots from the inside.

It's not a fun experience at all, and he plans on figuring out that attack later.

Soon he saw a moving white figure in the corner of his eyes. Rex glance to the right and find Delta walking limply trying to find a safer place to shelter herself. It made him feel bad seeing Delta alone like that, "Rrghh...", Rex suddenly grunted feeling his mind is about to give up.

After locating Delta, he wanted to cancel the Eagle Mind skill but stopped.

'They should not be here anymore, but I still need to check if both of them are still here', Rex thought before using the last strand of his mind to see the place where he met with Arnulf and Ruston.

If he intends to come back to rescue Delta and the group of human prisoners.

Rex needs to make sure that Arnulf and Ruston are not there, if they're still around the vicinity then he will meet with them again and that is very much not ideal. Before he's strong enough, he needs to avoid them.

​ Just like Jarvald said, Arnulf is very powerful for a Supernatural in the sixth rank realm.

With heavy eyes looking at the place from the sky trying to sense or find any signs of both Arnulf and Ruston, Rex looks around carefully but his eyes are slowly closing.

Soon his mind gave out as he opened his eyes again.

After canceling the Eagle Mind ability, Rex touches his throbbing head feeling the pain claw and gnawed his brain ruthlessly. It took him a couple of minutes just to be strong enough to look at the others.

Before Rex can say anything, Kyran suddenly steps forward, "I can do it..."

"I can take them back, you don't need to force yourself", he added seeing that Rex is pretty much exhausted, even raising his head is a chore much less rescuing Delta and the prisoners.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head before glancing to the side, "Gistella will accompany you"

Kyran and Gistella nodded their heads in confirmation. Rex then takes out two items from the inventory, two transferral crystals of the highest rank that he gave to Kyran while the other is a scroll that he gave to Gistella.

"Inside that scroll is a formation to mass teleport the prisoners", Rex said weakly.

Since Gistella is a former undead then she is definitely able to create that formation that he bought from the system, Kyran couldn't possibly do that so Rex will send both of them back to the Supernatural territory to rescue Delta and the prisoners.

After telling Gistella about the scroll, Rex then added, "Be quick, the Vampires are definitely going to crowd there soon. If you're in danger, just come back"

With that, both of them nodded before turning into energy particles again and disappearing.

Upon their disappearance, Rex slump on the red throne while holding his head. Adhara and Evelyn are still inside the room looking at Rex in concern, they can feel that he's in a very much difficult and painful situation.

Compared to Evelyn, Adhara is the one that is feeling Rex the most.

Adhara and Rex are somewhat connected emotionally and she can feel the absolute pain inside Rex's heart that even makes her hard to breathe, even his emotional aura is slowly turning from the usual dark red to somber blue.

It's the first time Adhara has ever seen Rex feel sadness or even fear.

Something that she finds unbelievable.

Out of all the people that she knew in her life from birth until now, Rex is without a doubt the strongest in terms of power and also will. He always fixed every problem he faced and also other people's problems including hers.

For humanity to have someone like him is truly blissful, and Adhara knows that.

But somehow this very strong person is covering his face using his hand and even slumping on the red throne, the dominant and powerful bearing that he usually has vanished into thin air.

While the room is covered in silence, Rex suddenly said, "Evelyn... Can you leave us?"

Upon hearing this, Evelyn glanced at Adhara before she looks back at Rex. Knowing that the vibe is very depressing from the death of Rosie, the Invincible Apparation, and also encountering those Werewolves, Evelyn nods her head before leaving the throne room.

After she left, Adhara slowly approaches the red throne, "Rex... talk to me"

"I know that we are too late to save Rosie, and you going berserk and devoured those Vampires. But it should not be enough reason to put you in this state, What is it? Tell me... get it off your chest"

"Whatever it is you're hiding..."

Rex's ears perk up, he rubs his face roughly before looking at Adhara with reddened eyes. This caught Adahara off guard since she has never seen Rex in such a state, his eyes are red while glooming into the darkness of the room.

Unable to hold herself, Adhara went to the red throne and sit on Rex's lap.

The sight of him being devastated like this pains her heart, it feels even more painful when it's a person that rarely gives in to emotions like him. Adhara hugs Rex's head tightly trying to transfer her warmth to calm him down.

Out of all the comfort Adhara brings, her scent manages to steady Rex's breathing.

Still feeling conflicted from what just happened to them, Rex grabs Adhara's body with his right arm before burying himself in emotions.

It's something that he has never done since the day his parents died.

Rex tries to cry his emotions out but there are no tears that came out of his eyes, he's crying dry tears and it feels even more suffocating. He already held everything in, all of his emotions to himself for years without anyone noticing anything.

Only Edward probably notices him burying these pent-up emotions, no one else.

Because of that, even though he wanted to he's not able to show weakness. His body refuses to let out a single tear, even the slightest bit didn't come out of his eyes.

A frowzy and dreary atmosphere shrouded each second passed inside the throne room in silence with Rex in Adhara's embrace, no one talked and just let the time naturally passes. One says time heals, but for them, these seconds turn into minutes felt like a year has passed.

Every beat of the clock is treasured and felt deeply by these two, they have never felt like this.

Adhara felt an absolute shock that she can't even begin to describe or even comprehend, while Rex feels a wave of weakness and solitude that are like a sea that brought along past memories he so desperately tries to suppress.

But upon encountering that Werewolf, everything came back to him like a tidal wave.

Rex takes a huge deep breath before exhaling a warm rough breath that brushes Adhara's body, he then lifts his head up a little bit before he finally mutters, "I don't like to talk about this..."

"Only Edward and my parents knew about this, no one else..."

Hearing this, Adhara looks at Rex's serious expression wondering what he was about to say.

Although she knows that Rex tries to always tell her the truth, deep down she knew that he's hiding something. But it's just his nature to not talk about himself, he rather keeps the secret deep inside his heart and just let it out when it's necessary.

Despite trying to guess what he was about to say, Adahra didn't manage to think of anything.

There are some guesses inside her mind that she's always curious about such as why Rex really hates the Supernatural? How did he become a Werewolf? or even why is he trying so hard to make a change for humanity?

Something that she always wonder about but never got the answer to.

Pieces of the puzzle were only gained through Edward or even Mrs. Green and Robert, but only a couple of pieces comprised the puzzle. No matter how long she tries, she won't get the bigger picture with just these pieces.

After a couple of seconds gap, Rex then added, "My parents died when I was a child"

A simple yet powerful sentence escapes Rex's mouth.

Even though it's a simple sentence, Adhara can find the heaviness Rex feels from saying that sentence. It's not even an exaggeration to say that saying that sentence takes a huge chunk of his willpower and courage.

Without interrupting, Adhara keeps silent to let Rex continue whenever he's ready.

"My mother, Mrs. Greene is present that night. She adopted me and becomes my guardian"

Looking at the wall as if he can see vividly the incident that happened that night, Rex squints his eyes before he continues in a painful voice, "They died in front of my eyes..."

"Killed mercilessly by the cold claws of a Werewolf"

"I remember everything, the dark sizzling aura, the rune on his shoulder that resembles the letter T, his mocking grin, and his haunting red eyes. The way he turned to look at me with his claws bloodied with my birth parents' blood"

Adhara listens attentively and saw Rex looking at the blur, she can almost see what he was picturing just from seeing his painful eyes.

"For more than fifteen years that Werewolf terrorizes my sleep..."

Rex then touches his face gently remembering the night that never left his head, he can still feel his parent's blood spraying onto his face, "I remember it all so vividly as if it happened yesterday, I can still feel the terror that night when I peeked through the door to only witness my mother's head ripped off and my father's head bitten off"

"I've sworn to take revenge on the Supernaturals, to that Werewolf..."

Upon feeling his emotion riled up, he then shakes his head trying to wash away the pictures.

After a long silent moment again, Rex gipped the handle of the red throne. His eyes dilated remembering the encounter before, the Werewolf he just met, "And that Werewolf that accompany my sleepless night is there..."

"He's standing in front of me, still as strong as I remembered"


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