The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 484 No Rest

Chapter 484 No Rest

"Damn, why does it feels like we're back to guarding duty"

In front of the mansion where the Awakened guards are still patroling restlessly, Aldo who is sitting on the stairs towards the mansion's entrance complained while cleaning his beloved handgun with a cloth.

Judging from the night sky, in just a couple more hours the dawn sun appears.

Christine that is standing beside the nonchalant Aldo glance at him with judging eyes, she's looking at him with a hint of disgust clearly written on her face. It's like she's embarrassed by how Aldo is acting.

They are now one of the god-like being called Awakened.

Defenders and heroes of humanity, a being that can destroy cities with a wave of a hand.

For Aldo to still act like a regular military man in front of others Awakened around them who are still patroling warily even though they are clearly tired from the 12 hours they spent guarding the mansion, It's not a surprise for her to become embarassed.

Kicking Aldo on his shoulder with her boots making him topple over, Christine then replied, "Quit complaining or I'm going to use your beloved device of death to shoot you in the head"

"You mean my gun? That's not my device of death. My device of death is here, right between my crotch", Aldo replied teasingly, this sparks Christine's annoyance looking at Aldo with even more disgust.

But before she can even reply, Aldo's eyes lit up seeing a group of people nearing the entrance.

Pointing at this group of people that should also be Awakened guards, Aldo then stands up and stretches his body, "Ah... Finally, it's time for us to switch", he mutters in relief.

Since the mansion is guarded all day long, changing shifts is a must.

Every twelve hours they changed shifts to keep the Awakened guarding the mansion fresh and sharp, Aldo and Christine will also be changing shifts with the other two of their Disaster Squad friends.

But when they were about to get back into the mansion, a guard called out to Christine.

Christine looks back and saw a man that should be around thirty years old, he waves his hand before approaching her and Aldo. This man is a new friend of theirs, an Awakened from the Platchi Family's ranks, Arga.

"Is there something wrong Arga?", Christine asks looking at Arga's confused look.

Hearing this, Arga smiles bitterly before he asks, "Have you seen Mila? She said before that she went to the toilet, but she hasn't come back yet. I already checked and she's not in the toilet"

"I'm wondering if you saw her since she should walk past you two"

"Mila? I saw her earlier going to the toilet, but that's like an hour ago. Maybe she's asleep somewhere or even went back first", Christine replied, she too doesn't really know where she went.

Arga looks around scratching the back of his head, "That's very unlikely, just where did she go?"

Meanwhile, inside the throne room.

"What are you both doing here..."

Evelyn and Adhara jumped when they heard a voice from their side, they looks to the side and finds Rex standing in the darkness on the corner of the throne room. This makes both of them rub their chests in relief realizing that it's Rex.

In reflex, Evelyn hides her glowing palm on her back.

Looking at Rex still shrouded by darkness that seems to be darker than the other part of the throne room, Evelyn smiled wryly, "Erm... we're just checking on you"

"Right, Adhara?", she added while nudging Adhara with her elbow.

Snapping out of her daze, Adhara then raises her eyebrows and saw Evelyn signaling to help her out. She then gazes back at Rex and nodded her head, "Yes, we're checking on you"

"How are you feeling? It must've been hard"

Evelyn also added in, "We just want to tell you that we're here if you need anything, jus-"

Before she can even finish her sentence, Rex already raises his hand signaling for her to stop. He then looks away but Adhara saw his eyes glisten with a red hue for a brief moment, but it disappears as fast as it appears.

The girls try to peer through the darkness, and they failed for some reason.

It's kinda weird since they're now Werewolves and they should be able to see clearly in the dark, but somehow they can't really see through the darkness around Rex. Moreover, they can't see Rex's expression right now which is unsettling.

Only a pair of slightly glowing eyes and Rex's figure can be seen, nothing else aside from that.

"Don't worry about me... I'm feeling just fine"

"Tomorrow I'll be back to normal, so for now can you two leave me alone? I'd like to be alone without anyone disturbing me", Rex said tilting his head to the side, even his mouth can't be seen moving though he's talking.

After getting the soft warning to leave the room, Evelyn and Adhara nodded their heads.

Bidding Rex goodnight, the both of them walk out of the throne room again.

With the both of them left, Rex walks out of the darkness while wiping his mouth. He then went to the throne room door before he locked it so no one will be able to disturb him.

Evelyn and Adhara got out of the throne room,

They look back at the throne room door when they heard it got locked from the inside.

Both of them look at each other with a meaningful look feeling the same uneasiness, their eyes automatically landed on the purple glowing dot on the white wolf head symbol on Evelyn's palm.

Something is wrong.


The next day,

Rex opens his eyes slowly adjusting to the sunlight piercing through the window, he blinks his eyes a couple of times before he realizes that he's still in the throne room.

'I must've fallen asleep', he thought, he's still sitting on the red throne.

While stretching his body still feeling tired, Rex smacks his lips a couple of times tasting iron in his mouth. It's rather weird but he remembered that he just ate a bunch of Vampires during his berserk in the Delarosa Family territory.

'I wonder what happened after their destruction', Rex thought but soon shakes his head.

Before he went out to check how the others are doing, Rex opens his inventory tab and finds a couple of items that he hasn't used from the quests he completed in the last couple of days. His mind is too occupied with Rosie so he hasn't touched the items yet.

Remembering Rosie, he can't help but sigh again.

Even though he feels devastated knowing that Rosie is really dead and will not stumble into his life ever again, the worst part about this is telling her parents. Of course, he needs to tell them the truth about Rosie's death.

And without a doubt, they will certainly curse him.

If put into their positions, Rex will also be very angry knowing that their daughter is dead.

Not only that she's dead and killed by the Vampires meaning that they can't recover her corpse, but she also did that to save Rex from being taken by the Vampires. Cursing him will probably not be enough, and Rex can't imagine what they will say or do to him.

Aside from that, there's also the matter regarding the Wolf Moon that draws nearer.

Rex opens his stats tab before his eyes land on the Sanity section, he can't help but feel concerned upon seeing that it's at the all-time low, 20%. It's because of the Invincible Apparation and also the death of Rosie.

He can't help but massage his forehead.

An endless amount of problems seems to keep getting thrown at him filling his already full tank, Rex closes his eyes to take a five-minute break steadying his breathing to collect himself. He then exhales deeply while opening his eyes that already turned cold.

Without having no time to waste, Rex then opens a sudden quest from the system.

<Sudden Quest>

In exchange for not killing Maurice Platchi, the user instead can use Prey Mark to brand on him or the other members of the Platchi Family. The prey will become a hunting target during the Wolf Moon. Upon capturing or killing the prey, all of the Silverstar members will gain a boost in their evolution progress.

Prey Captured/Killed: 0/20

Quest Reward: 30% Boost in Evolution Progress and Pack-related Skill Upgrade Ticket

Rex read the sudden quest once again, this sudden quest appeared just when he was about to kill Maurice Platchi during his visit to their mansion. It's the sudden quest that made him decide not to kill Maurice.

But at the last moment, he changed his target and branded Maurice's mother instead.

That is why he told Maurice and Duncan that they need to be good to Kyran and Adhara since they both will be hunting her, and it all depends on them whether she got killed or captured.

Seeing that they need to hunt 20 prey, Rex remembered about the Undeads.

Back during the Undead Mission given by the UWO to the descendants of the 25 Golden Crest Families, Rex used a crazy idea to evoke anger from the Undead. He used the Undead that has been cleansed from their death energy and killed them one by one in front of the city of the Undead.

It's a bait used to lure the Enchanter out, but not all of the deathless Undead got killed.

Just before leaving Eqosa City, Rex branded the rest of the deathless Undead using the Prey Mark and let them go thus making them a target during the Wolf Moon. It shouldn't be hard to capture or kill them.

They are deathless, deathless Undeads are only slightly stronger than a regular human.

'We need to go back to Eqosa City, they should still be there', Rex thought.

Since the Cessation Knight is creating a wide perimeter around the Supernatural Strongholds, the deathless Undead wouldn't be able to get back to the Supernatural territory.

Even back when Rex tries to sneak into the Supernatural territory, he almost got caught.

Only thanks to the Astral Blanket that they manage to not get caught by the patrolling Cessation Knight, so the deathless Undead doesn't have any chance to get through them.

But then, Rex frowned remembering something, 'No... the others can go there without me'

With the others already possessing sixth rank power, especially Gistella that should be nearing the seventh rank. Hunting the deathless Undead will be easy for them. Rex doesn't need to be there, it would be better for him to be there since there are a couple of problems.josei

First, his Sanity stat is very low and he can't bring it high enough before the Wolf Moon arrives. He might go berserk by then so he needs to stay away from them and prepare himself. Secondly, he still needs to address some matters.

No one knows he's gone to the Supernatural territory.

It's going to be bad if someone knew that he went away,  his absence will spark some movement from the other families that should still be eyeing him in a cold war.

After tidying his thoughts, Rex gets up from the red throne and heads for the door.

Upon getting out of the door and walking through the hallway, he looks down and finds Adhara, Evelyn, Gistella, and Kyran sitting in the guest room talking about something. It seems they're discussing an important matter judging from their serious expressions.

Noticing a figure looking at them from above, they all look up and finds Rex.

Rex descends the stairs slowly with his usual stoic expression and calm demeanor, the sight of him at rock bottom like last night is nowhere to be seen. He needs only a night to reboot his entire system just like that.

"Is there something that needs my attention?", he asks while looking at the others.

Hearing this, the others turn their gazes away hesitating to tell Rex about the matter. Evelyn is the first one to speak up, "There's nothing to be worried about, I was just asking about the Wolf Moon that is drawing nearer"

"It's my first full moon so I'm nervous about it, don't mind me", she added.

Rex walks towards them before he sat on the empty single-sofa looking at the others questioningly, he doesn't believe what Evelyn said even for a second.

Seeing this, Kyran sighs and came out honestly, "It's about President Sebrof..."

"He asked for the Silverstar Family to contribute to the war by sending 500 fourth rank Awakened, 100 fifth rank Awakened, 10 sixth rank Awakened, and 1 seventh rank Awakened. For our current state, that is impossible to achieve"

Evelyn sign as she also decided to come out with the truth, "We conclude that to demand Awakened from the Rirgas Family, Platchi Family, and Reed Family. My family will also help. But Edward decided to try and talk with Sebrof first saying that the Silverstar Family wanted to stay at rank 25th"

"That won't work, he will just confiscate our mansion if we press that. Me saying that our Silverstar Family will stay at 25th rank to the other families are only in terms of influence, not actual rank", Rex replied shaking his head.

He then continues, "As for asking other families' for Awakened, Sebrof will know. If we want to do that, we need a very high-ranking family like the top three to help us"

Remembering the day when Gerrard helps him escape Sebrof's interrogation, it's clear that his family has a big influence that even Sebrof can't just shrug off easily. That leads to his conclusion that the top three families are their ticket to beating Sebrof.

With that, the only possible candidate is the Burton Family.

A moment later,

After devising a rough plan to get closer to the Burton Family, Evelyn excuses herself as she needs to go back to her family while Gistella went back to her room after Rex gave her the Ancient Vampire Core for her to absorb.

It should jump her power to the seventh rank realm, she's the strongest pack member for now.

Rex intends to prepare himself to go out, he went back to the master bedroom before taking a shower and changed his clothes into more semi-formal ones. He decided to wear a white shirt coupled with blue trousers.

But while he was changing, Adhara got inside before closing the door behind her.

Looking at her standing by the door with her head down, Rex then said while buttoning his shirt, "I'm going to tell Rosie's parents about what happened, I'll be back in a bit"

Adhara didn't reply upon hearing this.

It's a choking minute as Rex dresses up, and soon Adhara opens her mouth, "Rex... don't you think you need more time to rest? It's been a day, and I might not know what you're exactly feeling but I'm sure you're still not okay"

"You're still mourning"

"Take some time off, you need to rest...", she added softly, her face showing signs of concern.

Just last night she saw Rex at his utmost vulnerable state since she knows him, so her concerns are justified fully since she saw how he looks last night. The sight is engraved deeply in her.

Hearing this, Rex raises his gaze to look at his reflection in the mirror, "Rest huh..."

Rex's eyes met with Adhara through the reflection in the mirror, he then turns around before looking at Adhara straight in her eyes, "You know, Adhara..."

"I realized something last night"

While keeping eye contact with Adhara, Rex's expression turns colder and colder. This made her frown seeing the icy expression Rex is wearing before he continues, "I also thought I need to rest. Well, Rosie died because of saving me of course that is something right?"

Rex then walks closer to Adhara who is standing still by the door, he stopped just in front of her looking down with his icy expression. Adhara also looks up still keeping eye contact.

"But then I realized... no matter how much I wanted to, I can't"

"Until I destroy every single one of the Supernaturals, until I kill that Werewolf, until I defeat the demon inside of me... there is no rest for me"

"Perhaps when I die, or in the next life. But not in this world. Not now..."

After saying that Rex smiles, he grabs Adhara's shoulder in thought. He paused for a moment looking down to the ground. Adhara tries to read what he's thinking but soo Rex taps her shoulder a couple of times before opening the door and closing the door shut.

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