The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 491 Evelyn's Transformation

Chapter 491 Evelyn's Transformation

Secret Passage, the Black Maple Tree.

Edward is sitting on a tree branch of the Black Maple Tree while looking up to the sky, he saw the moon is already turning golden yellow brightly signing the start of the Wolf Moon.

Despite being above the secret passageway, he can still hear the growling sounds.josei

Gistella and Evelyn are still inside the secret passageway and their growls are very loud and powerful that the growling sounds even penetrate the ground, Edward fears that someone might hear their growls so he's keeping a lookout.

The moment they finally finished turning completely, he will check on them.

"Never in my wildest dream that I will babysit two Werewolves that are turning for the first time. If I told my younger self during the military about this, he'll probably hate me, right?", Edward utters to himself with a forced smile.

Although he has accepted this situation, it's still ironic when he thought about him.

For years he has battled against the Supernaturals with the military and survived, but now one of his comrades turned into a Werewolf and turned others into Werewolves.

While he was thinking to himself, Edward suddenly saw the murky water underneath lit up.

At first, only a part of the murky water starts to light up with a bright white light. But that white light becomes even brighter and brighter by the second. It didn't take long before the entire murky water turned into bright white water and this white light is coming from below.

Upon seeing this, Edward pluck one of the black leaves before the secret passage opened again.

Just as he thought the bright white light comes from the secret passage which means it's coming either from Evelyn or Gistella. Edward tries to cover his eyes from the bright white light that surprised him.

Opening his eyes is impossible with the bright white light that envelopes the entire place.

Even the trees around the place started to get seeped by the bright white light, a huge part of the forest got shone by the bright white light that should be clouded with the darkness of the night.

After a moment, the bright light finally receded.

Seeing that the bright light is gone, Edward jumped down from the tree branch into the secret passageway. He raises his gaze and saw Gistella is still chained like before but when he shifted his eyes to Evelyn his eyes widen in shock.

Unlike what he saw earlier, Evelyn is drastically different.

Today should be the Wolf Moon where any Werewolf will become berserk, and in Rex and the others' context, they will turn into their Werewolf form. Edward anticipated that.

He anticipated that both Gistella and Evelyn are going to turn into their Werewolf form.

Gistella turned as he just expected becoming monstrous with sharp fangs and brown furs, her yellow sharp eyes that gave off a glint of animalistic being. It fitted perfectly to the definition of a Werewolf form.

But on the other hand, Evelyn doesn't even turn remotely similar to Gistella.

Just a moment before she's slowly turning into an actual Werewolf form, now there's not even a sight of that is happening to her.

Evelyn who is still chained by the chains retained her human form but with drastic changes. Her blazing red hair was now dominated by a silky white color with a hint of purple, and her clothes also changed into a pure white dress that looks to be carved by the moon goddess herself.

While looking at her, Edward saw her eyelids tremble a bit.

Soon Evelyn open her eyes exposing her beautiful violet eyes that are mesmerizing and simply gorgeous, her eyes then slowly shifted to Edward who is standing still like a statue seeing this sight.

Every move that Evelyn made left sparkling purple dust like snow falling to the ground.

For someone that hasn't really other parts of the Supernatural except for the pain and terror they bring, the sight of what Evelyn turned into is very refreshing to see.

Out of all that Edward thought could happen, this one is something he didn't expect at all.

After another blink, a purple crescent moon appears on Evelyn's forehead alongside two small horns poking out of her head. The horns look like Rex's but smaller, they only poked out shyly from her head.

"E-Evelyn...?", Edward mutters in utter shock.

Hearing this, Evelyn looks down to see her new appearance feeling a bit surprised too. She then raises her gaze to see Edward again and said, "Can you unchain me, Edward?"

"A-Are you sure you're fine?", Edward replied still feeling hesitant.

But just as he said that,


Clang! Clang!

Edward looks at Gistella and finds her trying to break free from the Chains of Anti-Werewolf, her body is already covered with bronze scales that increase her power even more. Her sheer aura now is devastatingly powerful making Edward feels like an ant.

Judging from her aura alone, Gistella should already reach the mid-seventh rank or higher.

"I'm fine and I think I can help Gistella calm down, just unchain me and let me try", Evelyn said with her sweet voice that has some charm in it, but Edward is still unsure.

Edward inspects Evelyn to try and see if she really did retain her sanity.

Although it's a bit unclear whether she really did retain her sanity, her violet eyes show the absolute charm of calmness, her eyes alone show that she doesn't have any hostility or bloodlust that any Werewolf has during a full moon.

With that, Edward finally unchained her by channeling the energy of the chains with his hands.

Since the Chains of Anti-Werewolf are linked to him, he's the only one that can unchain Evelyn and Gistella. The chains then make a clanking sound as the lock is twisted before falling to the ground.

Evelyn rubs her wrists before her eyes look at the struggling Gistella.

But after walking a couple of steps nearing Gistella, Edward finds something is off with Evelyn.

Unconsciously he already readies himself if somehow Evelyn will try and attack him, and just as he thought he saw Evelyn turns her body towards him in a blink of an eye, "Haah!"

Edward jumped away hearing Evelyn yelled at him.

Bead of cold sweat can be seen falling down the side of his sweat, he looks at Evelyn and finds her covering her mouth while chuckling lightly, "Wait... you're just messing with me?', Edward asks realizing that Evelyn is just scaring him.

"Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine there's no need to be so tense", Evelyn replied with a wink.

This makes Edward stands up straight again with a sigh, he never thought that Evelyn can even try to joke around in this kind of situation. He almost got a heart attack from that.

After chuckling a little, Evelyn stands in front of Gistella.

Gistella growls at her menacingly while baring her strong aura showing her hostility towards Evelyn.

But that act of intimidation doesn't work for Evelyn at all, she stretches her hand to embrace Gistella's face which makes Edward frown in concern, "I don't think you should do that"

"She looks like she was about to bite your hand off", he added.

Hearing this, Evelyn shakes her head as her hand is almost touching Gistella's face.

Aside from worrying that Gistella might just bite Evelyn's hand off, Edward finds that Evelyn's sharp fingernails are red in color which looks out of place from her white and purple appearance.

The purple aura gathers on Evelyn's hand as she embraces Gistella's face.

Edward's heart is beating like a drum as he watches this while readying himself to help if Gistella decided to bite Evelyn's hand, but what he expected never came true. Instead, Gistella's eyes slowly soften as the bronze scales around her body slowly got pulled back by her.

What's happening right now confused Edward, he doesn't understand any of this at all.

"You can unchain her now, she needs to hunt the prey that Rex marked", Evelyn suddenly said glancing over her shoulder to see Edward, her hand still embracing Gistella's face.

Although a bit hesitant, Gistella is clearly not as hostile as before.

Doing the same thing as before, Edward channels the energy of the chains and they soon fall to the ground freeing Gistella to do whatever she wants. If she decided to attack Edward right now he won't be able to hold her back for long.

"I'll trust you on this one", Edward said with a  hint of worry in his tone.


Gistella slowly rises up towering over Evelyn and Edward easily, her daggering yellow eyes sharply glancing at Edward making him gulp harshly. She's way stronger than Edward, so it's natural to feel pressured by her.

But Gistella then glanced back at Evelyn with curious eyes.

"Just go and hunt the deathless Undead and don't harm any humans", Evelyn said.

Hearing the instruction from Evelyn, Gistella in her werewolf form can be seen nodding her head a little before she looks up and jumps. She got out of the secret passageway before she looks around the place.

Evelyn and Edward soon follow after her as they jumped out of the secret passageway.

They saw Gistella sniffing the air a couple of times trying to track the deathless Undead that she needs to hunt, and after finding one she glanced to her left before dashing into the forest with a speed that is way faster than she usually has.

Looking at this, Edward then asks, "Aren't you supposed to hunt too?"

"I don't know... the feeling of needing to hunt disappears, I guess I don't have to", Evelyn replied while shrugging her shoulders, she seems to not be affected by the Wolf Moon anymore.

But while hearing her reply, Edward can't help but look at the new Evelyn.

Although she still looks to be in her human form, she's clearly not since there are the small horns, the glowing purple crescent moon, the red fingernails, and her aura that dictates her not a human.

Edward thought for a moment and remembered a being amongst the Werewolf ranks.

Luna Werewolf...

"How do you know that you can calm Gistella down? This is your first time transforming", Edward asks curiously, he still doesn't get as to how Evelyn seems to be calm about this transformation.

Hearing this, Evelyn then said, "Instinct, like I did to calm Rex down when he's in a berserk state"

Evelyn then looks at the far horizon, she's attracted by something in the opposite direction of where Gistella has run off to, "Kyran and Adhara are near, they should be here any moment now"

"As for Rex... he seems to be moving somewhere", she added with a frown.

Meanwhile, a mile away from Edward and Evelyn's location.

Gistella is running on all four like an animal with her muscular body that has a curve of a womanly Werewolf, the chest and stomach parts are not covered with brown fur but instead cream-colored skin which further shows that she's a female Werewolf.

While galloping with her eyes fixed in front, she then saw a particular tree bigger than the others.

From the normal human eyes, since the big tree is about 600 feet away or even more they won't see an Undead with a decayed body sitting on a tree branch above the tree.

It seems to be eating a mutated animal, a pretty weak one at that.

Since the Undead marked by Rex all are deathless, they're just slightly stronger than a normal human thus they can only hunt rank one or two mutated animals. It's sad how this Undead has fallen from grace substantially.

Back during the attack on Eqosa City, it's a proud fifth-rank Undead brimming with death energy.

Now that is all only something of the past, it can only kill first or second-rank mutated animals with the current strength it has. Very, very weak.

Gistella can see this Undead for a mile away through the dense forest.

It doesn't take very long before Gistella to near the big tree where the Undead is eating the mutated animal, strength started coursing on her limbs before she leapt while baring her claws intending to kill.

Without even the Undead able to react, Gistella's claws cut it into pieces.

Green substance stained Gistella's claws after killing the Undead with one swipe, there is no resistance put up by the Undead as it got killed instantly without even knowing how it died.

After killing the Undead, Gistella then moved on to the next target without stopping.

There are four Undead that is hiding inside the forest near the secret passageway, no matter where they are hiding Gistella can find them easily. It's because of the black sheep mark.

Even though the Undead is hiding in a very well-hidden place, they got easily tracked.

It's a night of terror for the deathless Undead that thought they manage to flee and survive the ordeal of the Eqosa City attack but turns out they only live for the Silverstar Pack to hunt them.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the place.

A group of eight people can be seen walking beside a forest that is emitting purple gas here and there, if Rex is here then he will instantly recognize the forest as the Everpurple Conifer Forest.

Out of the eight people, five of them are holding melee weapons.

While the other three is holding ranged weapon including modern guns and a bow, they all wear the same sets of armor with a glowing blue on their chests that take a shape of the earth. Everyone will know what those crests are just from a glance.

The only thing differentiating these people are that the ones holding ranged weapons have a grey robe attached to their helmets making them look like a nun.

All of them are wearing helmets that hide their faces, they seem to be an elite force.

​ Leading this group of people is a man judging from his wide frame holding a sword that is blitzing with blue lightning, his aura is overbearing showing that he's an Awakened expert. The man leads the group while looking at a watch that portrayed a holographic map with three red dots.

"One of the possible entry points is around this forest, get ready for combat", the man said.

Hearing this, the other of the group nodded their heads.

One of them that is readying a bow in his hand asks, "Vampires, Werewolves, and Undead are not stealthy ones, they shouldn't be able to infiltrate the cities on our side. Why does the commander send us here anyway?"

"The cities around the second base got infiltrated by the Supernaturals causing chaos everywhere, the commander fears that somehow the same thing will happen in our side"

"It's better to be safe than sorry, we're at war anyway", the leader replied sternly.

But just as they were walking with their weapons ready at hand, one of them holding a mace glance to the side and saw what seems to be an Undead running towards them, "Leader! An Undead!"

"What?! There are still more Undead here?!", the leader exclaimed while glancing to the side.

At the far end of their vision they can see an Undead emerges out of nowhere and sprinting towards them, the leader frowns when he sensed something amiss.

"That Undead is emitting no death energy, did it get purified?"

The remarks from one of them make the leader frown.

Soon the leader becomes even more alert seeing the terrified expression on the Undead's face, but before he or the others can comment on that they all went into their battle stance seeing a Werewolf suddenly clawing the Undead ripping its head easily.

"It's a Werewolf..."

"How did it come from that direction, there are at least seven platoons stationed here"

"Why did it attack the Undead?"

Hearing this, the leader is also confused as he saw the Werewolf butchered the Undead relentlessly. They're on the same side so it's weird to find the Werewolf killing the Undead.

From the aura of the Werewolf, the group's bodies tensed.

They can feel the wave of terrifying aura coming from that Werewolf, it's at least as powerful as the leader himself which is troubling to know. But not long after killing the Undead, the Werewolf straightens its back.

Its yellow eyes glanced around before landing on the group in white armor.

"Get ready, it seems what the commander feared is true. The same thing is happening to our side, and we're going to prevent that Werewolf from nearing any cities..."

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