The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 506 Infiltrating The Hester Family Mansion

Chapter 506 Infiltrating The Hester Family Mansion

Rex stood his ground while the red souls of the Succubuses that he killed kept on attacking him, they claw him before going through his body inflicting another soul-excruciating pain. But despite their efforts, he just stood there.

Not one groan escape his mouth ever again, the willpower exceed the pain he got inflicted with.

It's like he has a gift for enduring whatever type of pain that the world can throw at him, even the red souls that are rigorously attacking him with excitement started to slow down. They realized that their attacks don't produce the reaction they wanted from Rex.

Just like hitting a statue, Rex didn't groan or seem to be in pain.

All he does as the hundreds of red souls keep on attacking him is look at each of the red souls passing eyes that hardly exist with a stern but calm gaze, as if he showing the red souls that no matter what they do he wouldn't succumb to the pain.

Something straight out of the comic then happened, the red souls stopped in their tracks.

Rex glanced at the biggest red soul on his side before he grabbed it by its neck swiftly, they have astral bodies but the sky black lightning covering his hand enable him to grab the red souls.

Pulling the red souls to his face, he then said, "I've killed you bunch before..."josei

"In no damn way, you're going to be able to beat me in death. So either surrender and get inside the jar willingly, or I'll kill you all again and banish all of you from existence. I can do it once, and I sure in hell can do it again"

Edward was utterly speechless seeing what Rex did,

Not only does he's grabbing a soul with an astral body that in theory can't be touched, but he also threatens the red souls fiercely and it seems to be working. Some of the red souls feel the overwhelming aura coming from Rex.

It started with one at first that willingly approach Edward and stood by the unopened jar.

Although he was still surprised, Edward quickly open the jar, and that one red soul enters the jar without any hesitation. Following the first red soul's footsteps, the other also started to go into the jar willingly without any resistance.

Every last one of them enters the jar including the biggest one that Rex grabbed earlier.

Edward closed the jar lid after the last red soul of the dead Succubuses enters the jar, his eyes then shifted to Rex that has his breathing rough and rapid, "How did you do that...?"

"I don't know, I just did it I guess", Rex replied heavily.

But the shock on Edward's expression didn't even fade upon receiving the vague answer, he still got some questions and he need to ask this one, "Lightning element is always known to be able to reach the astral dimension, seeing you grabbing the red soul prove that point. How did you know that your element is able to do that?"

p "You didn't look like you're hesitating at all when you grab that red soul earlier"

Rex slowly stood up with still every inch of his body screaming in pain as the throbbing injuries on his soul is still there, he then glanced at Edward with a shrug, "To be honest, I didn't expect it will work too"

"Eh...?", Edward can only smile wryly in response to that answer.

Although it's very unnatural to see Rex do something of that caliber, it may be caused by a sudden impulse of him trying to search for a way to reduce the pain that he's feeling.

Natural instinct. Self preservation. Those kinds of things.

A moment later,

Rex is standing by the bed where Ryze is lying in, he has a tender look on his face while looking at the condition that Ryze is in. Currently, Ryze is wearing somekind of oxygen mask that is black in color. The hose attached to the oxygen mask is also attached to the lid of the Jar of Everlasting Prison.

It's another item that he bought from the system's shop that allows Ryze to absorb the red souls of the succubuses automatically, the process will take a while until it's fully emptied.

But there's no guarantee that these souls are enough to overpower Zaddrass' soul.

'Probaby not enough, I'll have to get more souls for him. Next time, I won't be the vessel thought', Rex thought still remembering the soul-excruciating pain that he felt from being the vessel of the Decimation Fervor skill.

Although he's accustomed to it from one go, it's definitely not good for his soul.

Edward who's standing by the side looks at Ryze before he suddenly asks, "What are you going to do now? The time limit given by Sebrof is tight, we need the Awakened as soon as possible"

"We'll just have to trust Kyran on that so we can progress, for now, we can only wait"

Since Kyran is currently dealing with the Hester Family trying to find their dirt to strike them back, they can only trust and wait for Kyran's report. Rex and Kyran are linked through telepathy, so if it's necessary he can just ask about Kyran's progress directly.

Despite him saying that Rex already has a backup plan if Kyran failed.

Not that he doesn't trust Kyran but it's always a good thing to have a backup plan, and even if Kyran successfully got what they need there's also a chance that the negotiation with the Hester Family will go south.

It's something that albeit small still has a possibility that might become a problem later on.

'Ultimate Spells, High Spirits, and Element Affinity. I can probably strike a deal with Daniel Burton if push comes to shove with Sebrof', Rex thought while nodding his head feeling that it's plausible.

After briefly figuring out the backup plan, Rex then turns around intending to leave.

"Where are you going?", Edward asks.

Rex stopped on his track before he looks over the shoulder, "I'm going to train my new element and also prepare myself for the coming war, the SCO is nearing their finishing touch to ready the Black Hands for war. Things will be hectic, and we're going to need to get stronger"

"I'll be in the throne room, you can notify me if Liliya has already contacted you about the fixed time of the SCO departure"

With that, Rex left the room heading back into the mansion.

Meanwhile, later that afternoon.

Kyran is currently hiding under the shade while looking at his front carefully, there are many guards that have the same amount of aura as he has crowding the front gate of a mansion. Grey and white robes with the head of an owl crest on their chest are the outfit they are wearing.

It's been a couple of days since Kyran waited in this spot, he's waiting for a chance to get in.

Although bypassing the guards here that are at least peak sixth rank in power or even higher is easy since he can even hide from Wesley Atkins, the tall and mighty fences are the real problem.

Not that he can't jump it, but there's a formation that protected the fences.

Whatever this formation is, it's a powerful one since despite merging with the shadow he can't bypass the barrier created by the formation. He even got zapped by the energy from the formation almost making himself caught by the guards here.

It's simply impossible to get inside the mansion by forcing himself through the barrier.

Because of his attempt into forcing his way inside by merging with the shadow, the guards guarding the entrance become doubled than the last time and one of them emits a horrifying aura. A woman that has piercing glowing grey eyes, and she should be an eighth rank Awakened.

From his watch on the mansion, Kyran got a way to get inside without getting caught.

The only time the barrier is opened is when the member of the Hester Family gets out or comes back, and that is the only way to get inside the mansion. Kyran is waiting for that moment.

But even though it's possible, there's another spectacle that he just realized.

'Hester Family revolves around Mind Elementalist led by an eighth rank Awakened, she has mind related abilities and possibly able to read mind...', Kyran thought with a frown, this provides a deep challenge for his stealth ability.

Although he can't be seen or even sensed, his mind is still thinking.

For someone that has the ability to read minds, he's basically exposed easily if his mind can be heard or read. Going inside the mansion alongside the car with the core member of the Hester Family inside will be very risky.

Just before he tries to infiltrate the Hester Family, Kyran already did his own research about the core member of the Hester Family, their abilities, and also the family history to give a brief depiction of the people he's dealing with.

Hester Family has three core members left after the head family died out of unnatural sickness.

The head family, sir Dillon Joe Hester died and his position was replaced by his wife lady Lauren Jade Hester. Dillon is an eighth rank Awakened that almost reaches the ninth rank while Lauren is a mid-eighth rank Awakened.

Because of their very rare element affinity, they are very powerful Awakened.

Since the death of Dillon, the backbone of the family. Many have predicted that the Hester Family will fall from grace and get replaced in the top three of the 25 Golden Crest, but lady Lauren proved them all wrong and makes the family retain their position.

It shocks the other families knowing that not only Lauren is a powerful Awakened, but she's also an adequate head family that can't be underestimated.

Dillon and Lauren have two children aged 25 and 9,

The eldest is a man called Willian Joe Hester while the other is a girl called Sienna Hope Hester. The disparity between their age is wide, but thankfully William has shown remarkable talents. Beating a peak sixth rank Awakened a couple of years back without moving a muscle.

Without a doubt, William will be the next head family. And he has undergone closed-door training ever since, no one knows his progress as he has never appeared in public.

Because of that, Kyran is hesitant to sneak in through the open barrier.

Lady Lauren is definitely able to locate him despite Kyran being absolutely unseeable and insensible when he's inside the shadow or darkness, but then again, he doesn't have the time to ponder more when he suddenly saw a car coming at the mansion.

Kyran's eyes flashes when the car stopped at the front gate,

The front car windows opened as the guards checked the person inside, but the guards immediately let the car pass upon seeing the person inside who should be the core member of the Hester Family.

Since he might not get any other chance like this in the near future, Kyran decided to move.

Activating his spirit energy, Kryan merges into the shade before he dashed toward the opened gate. His timing is perfect as the car got inside the mansion before the barrier closed again behind it.

Unknown to him, the woman with grey eyes glanced back at the car before smirking.

Meanwhile, after sticking close to the moving car, 'Let's move away from the car', Kyran thought.

Even though he manages to infiltrate the mansion with ease, the person inside the car is the core member of the Hester Family and he might be caught. So with swift steps, Kyran went to a decorative tree on the side and hide behind its shade.

But as he was looking at the car moving to the mansion, "Rrgghh...!"

Out of nowhere, a sudden ringing sound can be heard in his ear as his mind started to throb in pain. Kyran falls to his knees while holding onto his ringing head, it feels like a siren wailing in his ears.

'Did I get caught?!', Kyran thought trying to open his eyes.

Looking around the place he finds that no one is trying to capture him which should indicate that he's not been spotted, yet the ringing sound kept going in his ears. It feels like his mind is about to explode in the next second.

When the pain reaches its peak, Kyran's body stops resisting when the pain suddenly vanishes.

Kyran experienced something bizarre and confusing.

At first, he got attacked by a wave of pain that attacks his mind instantly. But in the next second that painful feeling vanished just like that as if he was only imagining the pain and that it was not real.

'It should be another formation or spell, their security is really tight', Kyran thought.

But after resting for a moment to recover from the throbbing pain in his head that has just vanished, Kyran looks around and saw a dashingly beautiful woman with grey hair and grey eyes. She was bringing with her an air of authority that was only possessed by a head family.

Without a doubt this woman is lady Lauren, the current head family of the Hester Family.

Kyran waited for a moment until lady Lauren went inside the mansion and closed the door behind her, and as soon as she disappeared he then follow the car to the parking place trying to find a backdoor to get inside the mansion.

There should be one that is used by the maids and butlers of the mansion.

Passing by a window beside the door to the mansion, Kyran finds a couple of maids walking inside from the side of the mansion which brings a smile to his face as he went through there.

Unknown to him, lady Lauren is looking out from the window he just passed.

Her glowing grey eyes are sparkling with subtle energy as if she can clearly see Kyran sneaking into the mansion, there's no emotion on her face while looking outside of the mansion. But soon she turns away after closing the curtains back.

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