The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 516 Amanir The Light Spirit

Chapter 516 Amanir The Light Spirit

"Elf and a Royal Vampire? Are you sure about that?", Sebrof asks with a frown.

Although belonging to the Supernatural race, the elves kept to themselves ever since the Supernatural Emergence. They have never appeared again ever since, a pretty peaceful race for a Supernatural race that is usually barbarous.

They're quite arrogant in nature, viewing themselves as a higher race.

But because of that trait, there are some unusual stories about them. Rex remembered that back in his time in the military, some comrades of his that were left to die came back alive. Most of them met a fortunate Supernatural race.

One of the fortunate Supernatural races is the Elves, children of the forest one might say.

Rex met a couple of evil Elves back then in Thyssys, it's a bad experience but most of the elves find killing helpless humans as a disgraceful act, that goes along with their arrogant nature. For normal elves, killing a helpless human is a mock of themselves.

If they're a higher being than humans then they don't need to kill a helpless human to show that.

"Yes, sir! Border and Danger Department has confirmed the report, they have sent Awakened to investigate and confirmed that a couple of level four cities have been raided and flattened. Although they can't confirm whether the perpetrator is actually Vampires, their way of killing and intimidation display matches that of the Vampires..."

The man holding a tablet nodded his head in confirmation.

Upon hearing what the man said Rex can't help but asks in confusion, "Intimidation display?"

"Yes, Intimidation display. We have gained picture evidence of the raided level four cities", the man replied before tapping on the tablet a couple of times, and with a swipe of his finger, a colored hologram appeared in front of them.

It was a couple of pictures that should be taken by the Awakened investigating there.

Rex looks at the pictures before he clenched his fists trying to keep a straight face despite the anger he felt within, and Sebrof saw that before the man continues, "We believe that the Vampire Origin likes to harvest skulls, so the Vampires usually decapitate and takes the heads of the people they killed such as this"

A picture of a level four city that is mostly made of wood comes to their vision, headless bodies are impaled through the chest and hung in all places. House wall, the ground, and even trees. Some may consider this very diabolical.

"They should not be greater than 300, and they mainly attack level four cities. It further confirms that they don't have many numbers, they should be creating a distraction just li-"


Sebrof and the others glance at Rex upon hearing his soft remarks.

Upon seeing that the others are looking at him questioningly, Rex raises his gaze before he finally continues, "They're not creating a distraction, but the Demon Stronghold is creating a distraction for them"

"What do you mean by that? Why would the Demons sacrifice themselves for such a small group of Vampires? They should have bigger agendas if not then it doesn't make sense for them to do that"

Vargas who is silent all this while steps forward and commented with a frown.

From how big of a movement in the Demon Stronghold, it's logical to think that it doesn't make sense for so many Demons including three Archdemons to advance forward just to create a distraction for the small group of Vampires.

Although the Archdemons didn't die, the Demons are basically sticking their head out.

If one of the Archdemons dies then the Demons will suffer a tremendous loss for a measly small group of Vampire led by a Royal Vampire and an Elf, it's reckless and illogical for the Demons to do that.

But there's a catch, "You're right, they have a bigger agenda"

This simple yet powerful statement makes everyone inside the room's interest piqued, they all are looking at Rex with eyes asking for him to continue. It's a matter of the whole humanity, they need to know.

Despite their problems, Rex has proven that he has crucial information time and time again.

Just like back when the demonic cities are present he realized that the Demons are using that as bait, and also the fact that the Supernaturals are researching using other race's spells, these occurrence makes him a trustworthy individual regarding the latest news of the Supernatural.

"Vampire just got a weapon that is said to belong to the Origin, a cutlass...", Rex mutters.

Upon hearing this, the man holding a tablet widens his eyes before he scrambles on the tablet screen. His hand then stop before he displayed a holographic picture of an old page book with the drawing of a sword on it.

The man then glances at the others after showing the holographic picture.

"Vampire Origin's cutlass, also known as Cutlass of the Summoner, or Blood Devourer. This book is called the Book of Tormir, a book that has been recently found by the Exploration Department. Based on the book the cutlass needed to be fed with blood to access its ability. Aside from getting sharper as it fed on more blood, it also has the ability to summon Creatures of the Damned"

"The Translation Department has only been able to reach that much, so we don't know about what these Creatures of the Damned are. Possibly cursed creatures, but it's just a guess"

With the information we got, the room went into silence.

Sebrof is looking into the void with thinking eyes as the matter has become increasingly worst as time passes by, humanity doesn't have a boost as the Supernaturals did but the Supernatural has many things that they can access.

Just like this Origin Cutlass, it requires immediate attention.

Rex who is standing idly is also in his thought, 'Calidora must be there and that Elf must be the one I saw back then. There's no doubt about it, the Demons must be creating chaos for Calidora. But does bothering me a part of their plan knowing that I can stop Calidora or is it just a fortunate coincidence for them...?'

After a moment of silence, Sebrof finally blinks his eyes, "Vargas..."

"What are your orders?"

"Notify Giana and tell her to pay a visit to the Vampire Stronghold, and also...", Sebrof glances back at Rex with a meaningful look before he added, "Send the Silverstar Family Awakened there to confront the army of Vampires, let's see how they perform..."

A moment later,

Rex and Edward arrive back at the mansion, the sportscar stopped just in front of the mansion door, and before the engine got turned off Edward saw Rex already rushing outside. He got out of the car and follows after Rex hurriedly, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I was right... the Demons are creating a smokescreen for the Vampires raiding low-level cities"


Grinding his teeth angrily, Rex mutters the name that is the cause of all of this clearly depicting his anger mixed with frustration and hatred, his dragging whispering tone contains all of that.


With a rough push of his hand, the door into the mansion got forcefully opened slamming on the wall before Rex stepped inside. Evelyn, Kyran, Adhara, and even Gistella appear in the hallway feeling the anger boiling inside their Alpha.

Not only does what Rex suspects turn out to be true, but the scenery of the raided villages are like putting a pinch of salt sprinkled on a scar. It's not acceptable for Rex that this is happening.

'This is my fucking fault!', Rex cursed inside his head ignoring the others.

He went straight to the second floor intending to go back to his throne room. Every human that Calidora killed and disrespected, Rex bears all of their lives. It's all because of him not thinking about asking others to kill Calidora for him.

Those innocent lives are spilled because of him, it's unfair to them.

In addition to that already painful guilt, the Blood Devourer is also his fault as it certainly comes from Rosie being sacrificed. Everything has some sort of connection with him, and this frustrates him to no end.


Rex gets inside the throne room and closed the door roughly.

Even the banging sound of the door makes Gistella jump in fright, she was so scared that Rex might take his anger out on her. Adhara taps her back a couple of times to comfort her shaking body.

After Rex went back to the second floor, Evelyn is the first one to open up, "What happened?"

"We dropped the Awakened on the UWO main office, I waited in the lobby but when he got back he was already in that state. Rex said that the Vampires are raiding low-level cities, he also said something called Calidora...", Edward replied with a shake of his head.

But upon hearing this, Adhara and the others widened their eyes in utter shock.

Edward was not present during Rex's fight with Calidora, so he doesn't know the terror she brings as she was able to fight the five of them including Delta and even put up a good fight. It was thanks to Rex's berserk state that Calidora managed to get taken down.

Upon seeing the serious expression they all are using, Edward looks at them questioningly.

"She's the Vampire Princess, Rex and Calidora have met a couple of times and it seems she is aiming for Rex", Evelyn explains shortly, but this made Evelyn looks up with a concerned look.

She was worried that Rex might not be able to contain the anger within him.

'I hope you can collect yourself if not the other side of you might prevail again...'

Meanwhile, Rex closed the door roughly before turning to face the red throne.

But just as he was about to step towards the red throne, he suddenly felt a powerful wave of pain attacking his head as his legs gave out. Rex falls to the ground while holding his face with his hand.

The veins and clenched jaw show that he's struggling as if he was holding something back.

"Didn't I tell you before? I will never let you take control ever again, get back to where you belong!", Rex mutters with a warning tone but just as he said that the bones on his back make a huge cracking sound, it forces him to kneel on all four.


Despite Rex's control, his eyes turns animalistic red as he clawed the ground painfully.

Rex kept fighting back the door in his heart that is slowly being opened by the being on the other side, he pushes the door with all his might trying to lock it but the bangs from the other side makes it hard for him to resist.

Forcing himself up, he slowly makes his way to the left wall of the throne room.

After slapping his hand onto the wall, he then slowly makes his way to the right wall of the room leaving a glowing rune on the left wall where his hand slapped. Rex engraved the same rune on all sides of the room's wall.

With the last one engraved, Rex who is still struggling internally grabs the handle of the throne.

"Haahhgh!", Rex stopped as his body bend forward feeling the ribcage covering his chest cavity expanded and gets stronger, it was very painful but he had experienced worst.

Using nothing but willpower, Rex sat on the red throne and buried his face in his hand.

"Get out of my head!!"


Rex shouted forcing his aura to explode to the surroundings because of the uncontrollable anger inside of him that is being amplified by his other side, this proved to work as the door is not getting banged repeatedly anymore.

Sitting on the red throne, he tries to calm his heavy panting.

After a couple of minutes of rest, Rex inhales deeply before opening his eyes and opening the system's shop. Filtering the shop to Spirit only, Rex scrolls through the Light Spirit section. With the problem with Calidora, he has things to do.

'I need to create not just one, but two illusions of me', Rex thought with a serious expression.

With the problem of Calidora, Shapeshifter hunting, and also finding a way to break the Eternal Curse from the witch, Rex intends to finish all of them at once using his Lunar Dust Illusion spell.

Leaving the others to search for Calidora alone will be bad as she's very powerful, there will be Giana there based on what Sebrof said earlier but just in case, one of his illusions needs to be there. Shapeshifter will be done by the real him as it requires the highest finesse, and as for capturing Rurvi a Lunar Illusion of himself should be able to do it.

Despite the fact that he can find Rurvi and capture it right now, bringing Rurvi to Jarvald and Vivian is going to be tricky. With the current situation in the Great Barricade, it's going to be dangerous outside of Ratmawati City.

It's not a good idea to move alone, so this is where the Lunar Illusion comes into play.

Aside from that, he can also send Devo to one of them as a helper. But he is still not sure where Devo would be placed yet. For now, he will need to reach the sixth rank realm first by assimilating with a light spirit.

'System, do you have a light spirit recommendation?'josei

'The spirit must be at least close to Devo's age and also can help me with the Lunar Dust Illusion spell, find one that suited my criteria'

<Finding suitable spirit to assimilate with...>


<Amanir, Sham of Duplicity is recommended!>

<Does the user wants to buy Amanir, Sham of Duplicity for 150,000 Gold?>


Just as Rex decided to buy the recommended spirit, the entire room suddenly got completely overtaken by white light coming from heaven itself. It was a blinding white light but the spirit energy brought by the white light is very powerful.

Even Devo was surprised by the spirit energy that is so thick that mists started to form.

Rex slowly gazes up seeing a woman figure made entirely of white light, she wore a crown with pointy arches made by the same white light. Her hair is waving and spiraling around her body which is covered with a white gown and veil.

She was like the goddess of light, and her eyes look down on Rex descendingly.

Without even the need to know what the spirit is thinking, he already knows that the spirit is looking down on him and will not want to assimilate. So in the next second,


Out of nowhere, Devo appears behind Rex filling the misty room with black lightning.

The presence brought by Devo is overbearing as always since his spirit energy is vast from the Lightning Ego addition, Rex and Devo's bodies sparkle and blitz with violent black lightning making the light spirit widen her eyes in shock.

Putting on a brutal grin, Rex then said with an unbreakable tone, "I don't know who you are, but you're going to succumb to me!"

But as he said that, the light spirit glows even more brightly.

When Rex was about to strike and forcefully assimilate with the light spirit, a squeaky voice stopped his and Devo's advance, "Wait! I'll assimilate with you but don't attack!!"

Upon hearing this, Rex was confused, "Eh...?"

Since the light spirit is pretty towering before almost reaching the very high ceiling of the throne room, Rex gazes up and looks left and right in search of the light spirit. But he didn't find it anywhere, "I- I'm down here..."

Rex looks down before his eyes enlarged in surprise, "What the heck happened to you?"

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