The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 524 Giana's Spirit Gladiator Form

Chapter 524 Giana's Spirit Gladiator Form

"No survivor huh...?"

"None at all, they even butchered the babies and children. Damn Vampires!"

Giana averted her gaze away upon hearing the report from the woman, she had little hope for any survivors of the city and it turns out to be true. None of the citizens of Nuta City survived. The Vampires spared no one at all, everything that has blood got drained from it.

Because of the weird red barrier, they wasted quite some time waiting for an answer.

Turns out Giana is asking for a response from a dead city.

"It's been defeat after defeat lately..."

While leaning on the wall near the city's gate, Giana can't help but sigh with her clear eyes looking at the hundreds of Awakened from the Silverstar Family working together to at least take down the corpses from being impaled and hung on the wall.

Twelve Awakened that were sent here as a precaution are also hunged.

But unlike the citizen that was hanged on the walls like dolls, these Awakened's bodies are nowhere to be seen as only their heads are placed on a long wooden table just at the end of the city street.

If someone enters the city from the gate, then they would see this scene almost instantly.

Even though that should be supposed to be the case, Giana and the other Awakened didn't see that amidst the other more noticeable gory that their eyes are exposed to. But now that they saw the twelve heads, united anger as comrades from humanity's side can be felt crawling up their spines.

Despite not knowing these Awakened themselves, they all feel the raging burn inside of them.

With a heavy heart, the more sane one volunteered to be the one that puts the twelve heads of the Awakened to rest. They don't have time but they can't leave the city-state like this, it would be a disgrace for them.

The woman, that should be called Ellen if Rex were here also sighs alongside Giana.

"First the demonic cities, then the Great Barricade being breached, and now the Vampires are raiding our cities like butchering children... I can see why the UWO hides this fact from the public eyes"

Soon Giana's eyes turn determined, it's not good to look helpless in front of her team.

"But don't worry, we're losing due to the lack of Awakenedpower. We just allied with the SCO and now they're going to make their move, the situation will get better. It has to get better..."

Despite saying this with determined eyes, Ellen can still see that mostly Giana said that to convince herself that the situation will get better. Of course, for such a strong person to say that it's definitely worrying.

"Leader Ellen, Lady Giana, We've finished the task and prepared to move again"

Giana nodded her head before her aura is starting to rise up again, she closes her eyes before exhaling lightly through her mouth. A subtle cold wind brushes past the other Awakened which caught them off guard.

But under their gazes, a subtle rotating blue energy slowly circled around her like a hurricane wind.

The wings on her back started to get even bigger with markings slowly appearing all over her body, it was a majestic sight filled with power. It's something that they didn't know needed in a gloomy atmosphere like now.

Upon seeing this, Ellen can't help but step back, "It's her Spirit Gladiator form..."

The sight of Giana activating her Spirit Gladiator form is a sight that not one Awakened here wanted to miss, it's a sight that can only be seen once in a lifetime. Working together with such a figure is a blessing for them enough but this is beyond that.

Soon enough Giana's entire armor started to change under the powerful energy.

In nothing but a second, her entire outfit changed from the white armor into a unique set of outfits that gives off powerful mana, there's even a sacred-like look to it. Her upper armor turns into a blue leather breastplate decorated with white straps that exposes her ripped abdomen, and slowly her lower armor also turned into white and blue harem pants.

From a glance, it looks more like traditional chalwar pants but in the form of a combat suit.

Compact and Tight.

Not stopping at that, the blue energy also created two vambraces with two circles of energy made of arcane mana on her wrists. With the blue linings all over her body, Giana gritted her teeth before her blue hair slowly sparkles with sparkling blue arcane mana.

All of the Awakened presents have their jaws dropped seeing Giana's Spirit Gladiator form.

Giana turned into a goddess, an actual goddess, especially with the two sublime blue wings on her back. She then opens her eyes slowly giving an imminent amount of suppression to the surroundings.


Slamming her bow to the ground, a powerful shockwave exploded once again from a casual move.

But just after she did that the bow got completely covered by arcane mana before also turning into something else, the bow turns into two chakrams that are shaped like a half-moon. Its edges are composed of a thin line of condensed blue arcane mana.

Just like standing in front of royal blood, all of them can feel the changes instantly.

Her eyes contain the same amount of bearing as a Queen's holding two ethereal-like chakrams completely made of arcane energy, but when Ellen was about to say something,josei



Despite all of the Silverstar Family Awakened already preparing themselves for the burst of energy that will definitely come from Giana's transformation, they are still unable to withstand the might of a ninth-rank Awakened such as her.

Prickling energy burst from Giana's body making the air around her literally tremble.

The trembling air doesn't only cover the entire Nuta city but also spreads far and beyond, everything seems to shake just from her exposing her aura alone. It stretches for miles.

Even that burst of energy alone makes a part of the city wall crumble alongside the ground cracked like being split open from below. When the Awakened recover from the burst of energy, they can't help but gasp in shock.

Not just an ultimate rank water element that is hovering around her, but there's more.

"I- I've wondered why would the UWO sends a Water Elementalist to fight Vampires that have resistance to it, turns out you're not just a Water Elementalist...", Ellen mutters while seeing the occasional blitzing lightning around her body.

Aside from that, Ellen also gulps harshly feeling the enormous amount of pressure coming from one person. Smirking mischievously, Giana scans her eyes to the Awakened here.

"Right this instant, we're going to pay back what the Vampires did to this city..."

"H-How would we do that?"

Giana glances at Ellen with her sparkling blue eyes before looking at the night sky, without even answering the wings on her back cover her entire body like a cocoon. There's a circle of formation that appears above her out of nowhere right after that.

Upon seeing this, the Awakened steps back without even being told to.

It's clear that she was about to use a spell and no matter what the spell is it's definitely powerful when it comes from a ninth-rank Awakened, they won't be able to survive the collateral energy.


Without a warning she suddenly levitates to the sky while the wings are still wrapping her.

Everyone watches this expectantly as Giana was about to do something, and if she wanted to target the Vampires, she must first locate the army of Vampires. Possessing a spell like the red barrier, it's going to be hard to find the Vampires.

"Dual Arcane Magic..."


Just like a tidal wave clashing with each other, two of Giana's energies merged into one.

Despite the resistance she's facing from merging both energies into one, her elemental control is out of this world as she slowly combined the two energy turning them into a white ball above her in the sky.

It's similar to a moon but brighter and oval in shape.

"Eye of the Sky!!"


Giana chanted after merging the energies before the white ball that turns out to be an eye opened, it sent a light-fast shockwave dozens of miles to the surrounding. Even the other Awakened can feel their body being zapped by the energies.

Not one of them knows the spell as a ninth-rank Awakened is not broadcasted.

Any citizen of humanity either from outside or inside of Ratmawati City knows Giana as one of the ninth-rank Awakened, but none of them knows even a glimpse of her power. It's the same with the Awakened here right now.

With their current power, they are basically not good enough to even see a ninth-rank Awakened.


Creating a thundering sonic boom sound, Giana suddenly flaps her wings when the white eye glances in a direction. It takes nothing but a fraction of a second for her to disappear from the sky above Nuta City.

"Let's follow Lady Giana!"

Ellen is the first one to snap out of her daze and commanded the Awakened to follow after her.

It's not fixed but the white eye before must be a mass detection spell that can go through anything, Giana must already found the Vampires and are heading right there right now.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the place.

"Princess, look!"

Queen Shanaela pointed at the Blood Devourer excitedly.

Upon hearing this Calidora glances at the Blood Devourer in her hand and finds that one of the runes on the blade glows with red light, it's starting to radiate powerful blood energy that rejuvenated the entire Vampires around this area.

Currently, they are inside a small village that can hardly be called a village.

It's located in a valley beside a flowing river with a little bit of greenery but already dyed with the blood of the villagers. A couple of sobbing villagers are still left with their limbs chained with blood chains, they are helpless like sheep under the fangs of wolves.

Completely helpless.

"Great, at this pace even before the demons attack at least two runes will light up!"

Calidora can't help but smile seeing the Blood Devourer starting to get activated, it's connected to her so if the Blood Devourer gets stronger then she will get stronger too. It's a mutual relationship, and this relationship is a sacred one.

Basically, in front of the Vampires' eyes, the Origin chose Calidora as the envoy.

The highest degree of a Supernatural's honor.

Even Seth standing on the side is smiling widely while the other Vampires are cleaning up the corpses drained from blood. Upon realizing this, Calidora then glances at the sobbing humans before getting ready to kill them.

Just as she was about to do that, Queen Shanaela suddenly grabs her shoulder and pulls her away.


Calidora was surprised by this sudden pull but her eyes dilated seeing the humans that should be in front of her vanish, it's like they turn invisible and disappeared from her eyes. But that shouldn't be possible, they're not an Awakened after all.

But out to the Vampire's surprise, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above them.

From the raging torrent of energies that is so dense that even Calidora can feel the Blood Devourer reacting, the figure in the sky should be a powerful expert. Its two wide wings coupled with the cold look shows that the figure is an expert.

"It's a ninth-rank Awakened!!"

Seth shouted in urgency seeing the figure floating above the sky.

Without needing a second look he immediately realized the figure in the sky, and this immediately puts the army of Vampires in turmoil as they all surround Calidora to protect her. It's their duty to protect the princess.

"You filthy night crawlers... I will make you pay for what you've done!!"

The figure that is certainly Giana curls her body readying her chakrams, with her eyes flashing with lightning she then chanted, "Empyrean Dancer of Annilihation Art..."

Splashes of energy slowly start to concentrate on Giana's body.

Just like a canon that is being charged with a powder, Giana's body also did the same as she's charging arcane mana like crazy while the Spirit Gladiator form enhances her senses to the max.

With a jolt of her eyes, "First form, Crippling Light!!"


A blinding light that seems to split the sky suddenly flashes, and the entire army of Vampires got blinded except for Queen Shanaela and Seth. Queen Shanaela is able to block the light with her energy while Seth is protected by a piece of battle equipment.



Queen Shanaela moves swiftly amplified by nature energy and blocks the incoming attack.

Her golden light sword clashed against the blue arcane chakrams creating a powerful shockwave that ripped the ground, she instantly vomited a mouthful of blood upon the arcane energy infiltrating her insides.

Knowing that she can't back down with Calidora on her back, Queen Shanaela stood her ground.

With a twist of the chakrams done by Giana, the friction created another explosion pushing the injured Queen Shanaela back. But that didn't stop her from grabbing Calidora and dashing away.

Upon the initial clash, the Vampires recover and started attacking Giana.

But as if they were nothing but helpless babies, Giana slash in a circle before cutting every Vampire that tries to attack her in half. Not one of them is spared. The blood of the Vampires dances in the air as Giana's eyes sharply glare at Queen Shanaela.

Calidora gritted her teeth when she saw Giana was about to dash in again.

From one exchange alone Giana proves to be a way more formidable fighter than Queen Shanaela who is an eighth-rank Elf. Without having any other choice, she points the Blood Devourer at Giana before she slashed the void in front of her.


Just like slashing the dimension, a red thin portal was opened from the slash.

Upon seeing this Giana stopped in her tracks feeling the energy coming from the red portal, she can't help but frown feeling that even herself feel a sense of danger from this red portal. Her eyes dilated seeing a grotesque hand crawl out of the red portal.

But realizing that it's one of the Blood Devourer's abilities, Giana's expression turns serious.

Giana and Ellen were sent the report about the current mission they're going to tackle, and she can already have a rough idea of this red portal that is created by the Blood Devourer.

'Cutlass of the Summoner, this thing should be the Creature of the Damned...'

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