The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 526 Fighting The Blood Infant (2)

Chapter 526 Fighting The Blood Infant (2)

Giana gasped in shock seeing the mighty roar as the sinister creature still fight back despite the supposedly unwinnable situation, that attack is strong enough the kill the likes of Queen Shanaela if hit.

But to her surprise, the sinister creature grabbed the swirling chakrams with its bare hands.

Deflecting or even blocking the two chakrams with a weapon or some sort will be okay but it did it with its bare hands, the Ruler of the Sky Temple has never seen anyone doing that. Even when she was fighting against the highest-rank Supernatural, they tend to dodge or deflect that attack with their weapons.

This is completely baffling as Giana was rooted in the sky in awe of what she was seeing.


Grabbing both chakrams that are swirling like chainsaws trying to cut through the sinister creature's hands, a heavy amount of pressure suddenly exploded from its body as its hands slowly lit up with a blue hue.

Under her gaze, the sinister creature started redirecting the flow of arcane mana in the chakrams.

The arcane mana inside of the chakrams got absorbed by the sinister creature like a steady stream of a river, even the chakrams can be seen getting smaller and smaller by the second. Its weirdly satisfied look on its face shows that the sinister creature is enjoying this meal.

But knowing that this is not the time for being dazed, Giana gritted her teeth.

With her eyes glowing even more brightly, Giana pulls back her chakrams charging as much arcane mana as she possibly can gather in a short amount of time before the ground beneath her exploded.

Just like an eagle preying on a mouse, Giana flaps her wings and dashes at the sinister creature.

Turning into a blue electric beam that travels near the speed of light, she disappears from her place and reappears in front of the sinister creature. When she was about to clash against the monstrous creature holding the two chakrams that are already as big as an adult human's length, the sinister creature pulled the chakrams and swing them at Giana.


Both chakrams shatter turning into sparkles but Giana didn't stop, "Hyyaahhh!"


Another explosion was once again created from the collision of the two, and the entire place was utterly decimated turning nothing but ash with Calidora and the others shielded by the golem's body.

It shows just how strong a ninth-rank Awakened as the collateral shockwave can kill them.

With Queen Shanaela hurt from the brief exchange she had with Giana that caught her off guard, she can't really do anything much with blood leaking out of her mouth. Seth realized this and he can't help but say, "Queen Shanaela, we're going to make an escape route for Calidora"

"What?! No! I won't let aunty Shanaela give up her life just to protect me. Let's escape together"

"Princess, we can't. As soon as we make a move, that Awakened will remember that we're still here. Even though the Blood Infant can match her strength, if she knows the trick then it will die! There's no other choice!"

Seth explained in a clear and slow-manner so that Calidora can grasp what he was saying.

But simultaneously while saying this, Seth glances at Queen Shanaela that looks to be hesitating. His eyes suddenly changed into a different kind of shade before glaring at Queen Shanaela.

Upon seeing this, Queen Shanaela sighs, "It's okay my dear, as long as you survived..."josei

"Your life and the Blood Devourer are the most crucial thing at the top of the priority list, I'm sure even the Vampire Origin will praise me for doing this. His highness is always watching after all..."

Despite Caliodora being still unwilling, she can't force out any words from her mouth.


With another explosion sound that shakes the entire ground like an earthquake, Queen Shanaela peeked through the gap from the golem and saw Giana still battling the Blood Infant vigorously. Her movement is still sharp as a ninth-rank Awakened can't get tired.

It's one of the terrifying traits of the human ninth-rank Awakened, they're always ready.

"Alright let's go, our chance will arrive in a bit and we can't miss that!

Meanwhile, back to Giana.

'Just what is this thing... it seems I can't hurt it and the arcane mana I use always got sucked by it, almost as if it's an indestructible being!'


Giana got hit by the sinister creature as she got pushed away.

Out of nowhere when she raised her gaze to look at the sinister creature, she saw a blue light start to light up the inside of its entire mouth and also charging sounds that resounded every now and then penetrate her ears. If it's a dragon then it should be charging for a flame breath, but this sinister creature is charging the arcane mana it gathered instead.


A powerful wind knocked Giana back, but then she realized that the others has finally arrived.

The fight is so fast that it's only been about 5 minutes or a bit longer from Giana's arrival and the sinister creature's summoning to now, both of them are moving at blazing speed unable to be perceived by normal eyes.

"Lady Giana!!"

Ellen is the first one to arrive beside her while looking at the charging sinister creature.

"Stand behind me, I think it's charging for an attack. Send the others around the place to the creature's back, the Princess and her guardian are still here stuck in the fight!"

"Where are they?!"

"There! Inside the crouching golem, they're stuck in the fight!"

Since the air is forcefully pushing them back they need to talk in a higher voice. Ellen saw the golem before she signals the others Awakened behind her to circle around using hand language, the others instantly did what she told in understanding.

"Where did that thing come from?!"

"A red portal, but it's gone now! That thing is indestructible, I can't even scratch it. It always healed!"

"Then were that two cut wounds on the palm of its hands always been there?!"

Upon hearing this, Giana squinted her eyes and finds the cut wounds on the sinister creature's palms. Because of getting frustrated by the sinister creature that always tanked all of her attacks, she didn't realize that there are those wounds.

Pondering for a moment, she remembered clearly that there were no wounds there before.

'When did it receive that? The only time I hit its palms is from the second form Supreme Thunder... But I tried stronger attacks from that and there's no result'

Giana kept thinking in her head while shielding Ellen and herself from the violent air coming from the sinister creature charging the arcane mana, she herself doesn't get hurt from the sinister creature's attack at all.

Their fights are like a standstill between the two, none of them can hurt the other.

Even though she's thinking inside her head deeply about the solution using the information she gathered from their fight, it doesn't take long in the real world. An eighth rank Awakened has a mind that worked very rapidly because of the Spirit Gladiator form.

If a normal person can think of a solution in ten seconds, then they can think of that in point one second. Some of the substantial benefits provided by the Spirit Gladiator are that in a fight.

But a second later, Giana's eyes light up. A smirk suddenly appears on her face.

"Did you figure it out?! Why are you smiling!"

"Just get on with the Princess of Vampire and Blood Devourer, don't let them escape. They're definitely waiting for this creature to attack before using that gap to escape!"

Hearing this, Ellen nodded her head before she too followed the other Awakened.

With Ellen out of the way Giana fixated her attention back on the sinister creature with levitating rocks around its body as its mouth glowed with blue arcane mana, Giana closes her eyes before controlling her breathing.

"I've seen your deceit! Prepare to die you disgusting creature!"


"Ultimate Spell, Divine Reflection Mirror!"


As expected of the charging, the sinister creature fires a blue beam of arcane mana.

Giana is quite pissed at this creature for using her own arcane mana that she worked so hard for against her, but with nothing but a chant crystal blue droplets of water start to gather and created a huge mirror in front of her.

From the other side, Ellen is watching this fight with her eyes open wide.

Even Lady Lauren herself despite Ellen being near her rarely saw her in action despite being an eighth-rank Awakened, but the fight in front of her right now contains a ninth-rank Awakened. Surely an epiphany will be given to those that witnessed a ninth-rank Awakened fight.

Upon the blue beam connecting with the huge mirror, the blue beam exploded in every direction.

Despite knowing that the blue beam would be a powerful attack, Giana can't help but frown when she looks at her feet that are being pushed back by the blue beam. It's equivalent to a ninth-rank attack.

Although an eighth-rank Awakened and a ninth-rank Awakened are separated by one major realm, the disparity between them is like the ground and the sky. Far in every category of a fight.

With the blue beam pushing her back shows that the attack is equivalent to a ninth-rank realm.

But nevertheless, Giana is not a helpless ninth-rank Awakened that only reaches the realm for a couple of months, this kind of attack is nothing to her. Stomping the ground powerfully, she tilted the mirror upwards sending the blue beam to the sky.

Half a minute later, the blue beam fades as Giana's eyes glisten fiercely.

Giana exhales roughly before she disperses her Spirit Gladiator form and even any other enhancement magic that she's using, her body turns from glowing to normal in an instant. Giving the sinister creature a smirk, she then dashes right at it with both of her chakrams.


Upon the blue beam colliding with the mirror, Calidora and the others instantly move.

Queen Shanaela command the golem to get up before the three of them dash to the side followed by the golem protecting them from the violent air, they intend to escape this place hurriedly.

But out of nowhere, Seth appears beside Calidora before parrying a sword heading toward her.


Appearing on the side like a ghost, a hundred of Awakened surrounded them in a circle with all kinds of weapons floating around them. With a wave of the hundred Awakened hands, an invisible pressure suddenly pressed down on Claidora and the others.

Some of the surviving Vampires group up with the three, and only a dozen of Vampires are left.

"Seth... we'll create an opening and you escape with the princess, don't look back no matter what", Queen Shanaela said before readying her golden sword, her eyes determined to protect Calidora.

Upon hearing this, Seth glanced at her and finds her still coughing blood.

It looks to be worst than before as her insides are still getting attacked by the arcane mana. Despite casting healing spells repeatedly on her body, it looks like she will keep going worse as time goes by.

Without wasting any second, Seth stands beside Calidora and holds onto her arms.

"Don't think that you can massacre our cities and get away with it unscathed puny Vampires, touching humans will bring a heavy penalty one way or another for the likes of you", Ellen slowly came out of the void, it seems she has a spell to turn her invisible.

Queen Shanaela gritted her teeth upon hearing this, "She talks like the damned Ancient Humans..."

But as they got ready for a fight to determine Calidora's survival, Ellen and the other Awakened suddenly heard a loud screaming sound coming from the sinister creature and Giana's direction.

The scream makes Ellen's heart sink to the bottom, "L-Lady Giana?!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Giana blitzed past the sinister creature before a painful roar escaped the sinister creature's mouth getting its chest slashed by the two chakrams. The hard exoskeleton that seems indestructible got sliced open.

'I knew it!', Giana exclaimed inside her head.

Since this sinister creature can eat arcane mana, the only thing that makes Giana despite her superior strength to be unable to hurt it is because she's using arcane mana. Any attack that uses mana or arcane mana can't hurt the sinister creature.

Realizing that, she instantly turn off every spell she used.

With nothing but her enhanced physical prowess and also the two chakrams that are also ninth-rank equipment, her attacks start to pay off. The sinister creature started to stumble around in pain.

"Let's end this..."

Giana kneels with one left before she tensed up the muscles in her entire body.

Kicking the ground and even making the ground tremble, she turns into a jet heading towards the opened wound on the sinister creature's chest. Obviously hurt from the accumulated attacks, the sinister creature becomes sluggish.

It provides a perfect chance for Giana to turn herself into an arrow and pierce through its body.


Like the ending slash of a final boss, Giana waves her chakrams beautifully with the sinister creature on her back with a huge hole in its chest. It whimpered weakly before falling on its back with a thud.

With the sinister creature killed, Giana approaches it and steps on the carcass.

"I'll bring this back to the UWO for a study, this creature might be able to help us create a weapon or be turned into equipment", she mutters to herself, but just when she was about to check the others.

Giana looks back at the carcass feeling a tingle on her leg, "Hmmm...?"

But to her surprise the sinister creature transferred arcane mana from its body to Giana's body, it even has the audacity to give one last smirk on its dying breath. With a swift movement, Giana jumped and decapitate the sinister creature using her chakrams.

After doing that, she looks down at her legs and finds that something is wrong.

"It- It's contaminated, the arcane mana is contaminated!!", Giana exclaimed trying to push out the arcane mana, but since it's her arcane mana, to begin with, the contaminated arcane mana merges instantly with her body.

Feeling a cold wind brushes her back, Giana grits her teeth, "AARRGHHH!!"

A painful scream escapes her mouth as the contaminated arcane mana corrodes her inside rapidly, she can feel her losing her power second by second like a bucket with a small hole on the bottom.

Giana falls to her knees weakly feeling the situation has become dire.

"I need to finish the matter here quickly. At this rate, it won't take long before I'm out of strength"

Forcing herself to stand up despite her injured left leg that already turned completely blue, her danger sense suddenly flickered. She looks back before he saw countless dark figures appearing from the back, and they were definitely not humans.

Many pairs of red eyes emerge from the darkness before the one in front steps forward.

Witnessing the monstrous bodies filled with dark furs and muscles, coupled with their animalistic eyes that of a predator with at least two dozens of them led by four noticeable creatures that even Giana reckon as strong.


Someone like Giana can tell them from just a brief glance, and four of them are Alphas.

"Oh... my Prince, looks like the Origin has blessed us with an easy prey"

Giana can't help but feel her heart thump faster upon seeing these Werewolves, "This is bad, they got reinforcement from the Werewolves..."

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