The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 530 Joke From The Origin

Chapter 530 Joke From The Origin

Despair slowly inches closer like a worm wiggling through the soil as they bear their eyes on the situation they are in, everything is in dismay. Everything they could think of, they already did it.

Some reinforcement even came to help, they sacrificed their lives for Lady Giana.

With a pack of ferocious Werewolves on their tails, anyone that can help will be accepted with open arms. If the objective is as noble as saving a ninth-rank Awakened, any reinforcement will gladly throw their lives away in order to buy even a second of time.

Hundreds fall under the Werewolves'claws. But because of them, they managed to escape for a day.

Each one of them had prayed to the Gods if they were still really there, show them the way so that Lady Giana can survive and fight another day. Humanity needs an Awakened of her caliber as her existence puts pressure on the Supernaturals.

Killing her would cut half the time of humanity's doom, they can feel it in their bones.

Gods and nature never choose sides they said, both are protecting the balance of the world they said. Those statements got completely flushed down the drain by Ellen and the other Awakened when they were led to a desolate plain.

A completely barren place with nothing but dust and dirt, miles away from civilization.

Maybe Gods are really already dead ever since the Supernatural Emergence. The one that led them to this place was instead Arnulf, a deadly primordial Werewolf that has unseen abilities with runes and tricks.

Who knows...? At this point, anything can happen.

Being chased after by Arnulf for an entire day, they started to believe that he can literally do anything. It won't be a surprise anymore if Arnulf turns out to be able to sense further than even Lady Giana who is a ninth-rank Awakened.

Right now their last line of effort was thrown into the grey, the situation is getting worst.

Ellen tries her best to give Lady Giana time to recover from that swipe that sounded like a nuke exploding, she exerts every ounce of mana to pressure Arnulf's mind but she can only buy at most three seconds.

Now she's circled by the other Awakened, waiting for other Werewolves led by Zegrath to come.

Like a crowd of sheep without a herdsman, lost inside a dense forest not knowing the way home. While a pack of Wolf has already stalked them, easy prey that can feed their entire packs for weeks.

When the first pair of red eyes emerged from the distance, another hard-hitting sound can be heard.

Silverstar Awakened and even the approaching Werewolves look at the hard-hitting sound direction with curious eyes. Coming from a distance, they can see Arnulf getting pushed away with his arms crossed in front before stomping the ground to stop the momentum.

Upon seeing this, all Werewolves glance at Arnulf in shock.

Ruston and Ian were surprised that Arnulf got pushed back by the injured Lady Giana that is already nearing death's door, the last time they saw her not too long ago her legs are already stiff like a corpse.

The contaminated arcane mana is potent enough to cripple a ninth-rank Awakened in a day.

But knowing that the Blood Infant can only be summoned through the Blood Devourer which is the Vampire Origin's weapon, it becomes less surprising that the Blood Infant manages to do that.

"Arnulf, what happened?!"

"You said that taking down the ninth-rank Awakened will be easy?!"

Ian and Ruston roared following each other as they expected much more from Arnulf.

Even back then they got cursed by Arnulf for not being able to take down a ninth-rank Awakened that is already injured to this point, so seeing him getting pushed back made them angry. But even after they both roared, Arnulf didn't answer.

Straightening his back, Arnulf squinted his eyes, "We meet again, Royal Black Prince..."

A moment before,

With sharp moonlight energy that quickly gathered onto his claws, Arnulf attacked the escaping Giana that is flapping her wings desperately from the side. She was surprised to find that Arnulf can even use moonlight spells that should only be used by Shamans or Enchanters.

Raising her arms to block, the power generated from that swipe surprised her so much.

It was strong enough that she can feel her bones rattled from that hit as she got flung away like a broken kite before crashing into a mountain, every inch of her body is hurting from that attack.

Lady Giana that looks like a goddess before has her beauty stripped from her.

Wounds varying from scratches to huge slashes can be seen throughout her entire body, but the most gruesome one was the one on her belly that has a chunk of her flesh missing in a straight line shaped like a claw.

That was done by Ruston that managed to sneak attacked her from under.

Although her entire body is screaming with pain the survival instinct was ultimately prioritized by her own body, she can't die here. A heavy responsibility is on her back, the entire humanity's hope is on her back.

'I can't afford to die here... I just can't-'

Giana came out of the crater on the mountain with blood dripping down to the ground.

Her eyes are heavy but still filled with life knowing that her own life is not at her discretion anymore, her life belongs to humanity. Dying is not an option... or at least that is what she believed before she saw Arnulf's red eyes in the sky heading towards her.

But with no sign of yielding, Giana activates her mana intending to create a water mirror.

Despite her effort in doing so, she knows that if the hit is as strong as the one before, the water mirror will absolutely do nothing if she didn't reinforce with more arcane mana. She wanted to, but the strain from using too much arcane mana makes her body weak.

"Rejoice human! You're going to be the first ninth-rank Awakened that I kill since my awakening!"


Like a blinding light, Arnulf descends down from the sky with his claws glowing with moonlight.

Just as Giana was preparing to use this force generated by Arnulf to do one last escape, her eyes widen seeing three figures appear out of nowhere and clash against Arnulf who is also caught in surprise.josei

Under the force created by the three figures, Arnulf was stopped mid-track.

Arnulf saw three claws clashing against him which puts a shock on his face, but before he can see the figures that dare to obstruct his way to victory, the figure in the middle twists his hand before sending another claw right at his face.

With quick reflexes, Arnulf breaks free of the claws' entanglement before crossing his arms.

"Claw of Tormentor!"


From the force generated, Arnulf got pushed away falling to the ground near the other Werewolves and the Silverstar Awakened while glaring in the figures' direction with his red eyes. Giana saw this before she can feel a hand grabbing her shoulder.

She wanted to strike her back but immediately stopped when she saw a familiar face.


Giana was taken aback when she saw Evelyn standing behind her with a comforting smile, but soon she snapped out of her daze and immediately got angry seeing that she recklessly comes here.

"What are you doing here?! This is too dangerous for you!"

But before she can be angry even more despite her condition, a voice called out to him.

"Lady Giana..."

Hearing her name being called by a voice she also finds similar, Giana turns her body to look at her back before her eyes widen even more seeing the dashing man that turns out to be her savior. The appearance of the man makes her even angrier.

It's natural that she got angry because the one in front of her is the brightest Awakened currently.

Rex Silverstar, and he's also the one that can possibly replace her if she died here.

"Get out of here right now! Those Werewolves are going after me, you go on ahead and I'll lure the Werewolves away. You can't die here too!!"

But this makes Rex chuckles a bit, as even in this current situation she still thinks of humanity.

If the one that got cornered was Sebrof then he will gladly take the chance to run away leaving a junior like Rex to die, but it seems that doesn't apply to Giana. She was worried more about them being here than dying.

Giana was about to snap again but got cut off by Rex,

"I've heard that you're in need of help, and I'm here specifically to rescue you. But before I do that, I want you to promise me something"



A thundering roar escaped Arnulf's mouth as he bared his fangs realizing that the one that pushed him back was Rex, it was not because of another Awakened reinforcement or another third party. From the lingering scent alone, he can smell the familiar scent and sense the mythical aura coming from him.

Giana was taken aback hearing this, she then shifted her eyes back to Rex.

"I want you to promise to not tell what you're about to witness to anyone, that's all..."

Upon saying that Rex turns around before the bones inside his body slowly moved disturbingly as his body slowly turns monstrous by the second, he becomes taller and covered with black furs.

But more importantly, two horns appeared on his head exposing his mighty aura.

Even with the vast amount of experience on the battlefield against the Supernatural way before she became a ninth-rank Awakened, she has never seen a Werewolf that has horns like this. She saw King Baralt once, and even the King of Werewolf doesn't have this kind of feature.

"W-Werewolf... he's a Werewolf...?"

"Yeah, I find it surprising at first too. But he's on humanity's side, don't worry"

Hearing the soft mutters coming out of Giana's mouth, Evelyn answered as she has experienced the shock Giana is feeling right now first-hand. It's a complicated feeling, but she can accept it with time.

"Quickly recover your strength and run away"

After saying that, Evelyn looks to her front before she followed Rex and the others.

With one giant leap of the four of them, they landed not far from Arnulf leading the pack of Werewolves. Rex's eyes fall onto the Awakened in the middle that doesn't know what to do, they're trapped in the middle helplessly.

Rex's sharp red eyes then swept over to Arnulf that is baring his fangs.

"Arnulf! I expected our meeting to wait for some time but it seems you're getting daring"

"Hah! Quite talkative now aren't you? Where did that confidence come from, did you finally accept that death and being devoured by the real Dark Prince is your fate?"

"I'll accept my fate, that is if you can kill me..."

Signaling to kill him by tapping the side of his hand on his neck, Rex taunted Arnulf daringly without a hint of fear in his eyes. This riled up the anger from Arnulf's side as they are all prideful Werewolves that are standing at the top of the food chain.

But with slow movement, Rex looks up to the gibbous moon lighting up the night sky.

Rex takes a huge deep breath while keeping his eyes on the moon.

"It's a great night for slaughter..."


Just as he said that followed by a momentary silence, Rex's aura exploded cracking the entire ground around him and keep on spreading by the second. Activating his Pure Brace of Moonlight skill, Dual Elemental Mana, and Red Force, his aura started to peek into an unbelievable level.

It keeps rising up simultaneously riling up his suppressing mythical energy of a Prince.

With his current stats, he's already slightly stronger than a mid-seventh rank realm but coupled with his Werewolf form and enhancement from a myriad of energies his aura shot through the eighth rank realm which sent a danger sense to Arnulf and Ruston.

"Is the Royal Black Prince always this strong, why did you undermine him as weak...?"

"No... he's not supposed to be this strong"

"How did he get this strong so fast, it's only been days..."

Upon seeing the powerful energy shooting up into the sky, Arnulf and his side went alert.

But not stopping there, the surprise kept coming when they saw a woman behind Rex slowly emitting wonderful purple energy as she slowly turned into a goddess of the moon. After turning into a literal goddess, Evelyn blinks her eyes before a purple crescent moon symbol appears on her forehead.

Arnulf was at a loss for words as he saw what Evelyn turned into.

From the purple crescent moon symbol that glows brightly and started amplifying the power of Rex's side, and the ancestral white dress she's wearing. Arnulf grinds his razor-sharp teeth angrily as he instantly realized what Evelyn turned into.

The small horns poking out of Evelyn's head confirm his guess.

"R-Royal Luna?!! Impossible... Impossible!! How can you get her already?!!"

With veins bulging all over his body, Arnulf's body started trembling as he can't believe that Rex managed to find his own Luna so fast when the last Royal Black Prince takes centuries to find.

It's something that shouldn't be possible, but he's witnessing it right now.

Arnulf then saw a smirk appear on Rex's face before his heart sank as his eyes were pulled to another woman standing beside him, it's Adhara. The aura coming from Adhara indicates that she's the Female Alpha of the pack.

"D-Don't tell me there's more...?!"

As if the Origin of Werewolf has played a joke on him, Adhara starts to turn into her Werewolf form as she falls to her knees feeling the insurmountable pain from transforming once into her Werewolf form once again.

But knowing that they will need it, she forcefully transformed into the Proxy of the White Omicron.

Stomping the ground powerfully, Adhara's body which has already turned into a completely white Werewolf form stands up exposing her entire being to be witnessed. It's a majestic sight.

"Albino Werewolf...?"

"No... it can't be... even I has never seen it fully grown like this!"

Arnulf once again recognized the Werewolf that Adhara turned into, but this time his eyes shows a hint of fear as if he just saw the scariest thing in his life. Even the other Werewolves saw the fear in his eyes making themselves scared of Adhara.

Upon the halo in her eyes finished forming, Adhara takes a deep breath.

White energy starts pulsating inwardly towards Adhara firming the fear in Arnulf's eyes, he looks back to the other Werewolves before he shouted at the top of his lungs,



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