The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 532 Battle Under The Waxing Gibbous Moon (2)

Chapter 532 Battle Under The Waxing Gibbous Moon (2)


Rex shouted at the top of his lungs with a voice filled with anger and hatred that were pushed to the utmost limit, he has just opened up about his real parents recently but the Werewolf that killed them which he wanted to kill the most just mocked his dead parents.

The anger that he's feeling right now reaches the utmost limit, surpassing anything he has ever felt.

It was the angriest he has ever felt in his entire life but somehow he has perfect control over it, there was no knocking on the door that can be heard inside his head. His other side of him didn't come out, it didn't even respond.

As if even the other side of him trusts that he can bring the punishment Ruston deserved.

Surprisingly, Rex feels extremely calm despite the erupting anger inside of him. It comes as a shock to him, his body reacted as natural as a person being angry but his mind is surprisingly very clear. Rex is vividly fixated on one objective only, and that is killing Ruston.

<Super Berserk Quest has been initiated!>

<Mockery of the Beloved>

Due to Ruston, the Werewolf that killed the user's real parents has just mocked the user's real parents the user's berserk stat has reached the utmost limit. Do everything the user can to kill Ruston, failure to make amend and kill Ruston will result in instant death.

Quest Reward will be calculated by the harder the user kills Ruston.

Upon the initiation of the Super Berserk Quest, Rex's body exploded with rampaging energy.


Everything around him exploded alongside the mixed aura that is shooting up to the sky, he pours out everything that he can without restraint. Rex didn't care anymore and he let loose everything that he possesses, every ounce of strength that his body can handle.

Red aura, dual Elemental mana, moonlight energy, and even mythical energy.

The sudden burst peel the ground around him bringing the utmost pressure coming from a Royal Black Prince, even his horns slowly got covered with moonlight energy in response to the anger inside of him that is forcing his power to erupt.

Eyes filled with excitement, Ruston marvels at the show of the Royal Black Prince's strength.

But then out of nowhere, the sky rumbled as the gibbous moon slowly got covered by a blanket of thunderclouds and the entire place even started to rain heavily. It happened in a blink of an eye, the rain came very suddenly showing that it was under the influence of mana.

Rex's eyes slowly start to blitz with sky-black lightning as he gazes at Ruston sharply.

In the next second,


Upon getting hit by a very thick sky black lightning strike, Rex's body disappears from the place sparking surprised eyes of Ruston to look around warily. Ruston has lived quite a long time for a human's lifespan, but he has never seen a Werewolf with lightning abilities.

Only Rex, the Royal Black Prince of the current time can use lightning abilities as a Werewolf.

Just being entrapped in a formation that draws dozens of black lightning strikes that kept on descending from the sky, Ruston finds himself unable to find any gap to escape the entanglement. But one shouldn't underestimate him as he's a Werewolf that has very sharp senses.


A cold wind brushes his back, Ruston twists his body and finds Rex dashing at him.

With nothing but his claws, Ruston parried Rex's advancement rather easily as he already sensed Rex the moment his real body came out of the black lightning strikes. Ruston smirks while still clashing, both of them are only separated by their claws but to his surprise,



Ruston finds himself being slashed by something on his back, it caught him by surprise.

Looking back to his front where Rex should've been, he saw that Rex's entire body slowly turns into lunar light before he finally dispersed into nothingness, 'An illusion...? But I can't sense the difference between them!'


With his merciless killing intent, Rex kept attacking Ruston from all sides.

Every time Ruston parried the supposedly Rex, another Rex suddenly appears and attacks him from the other side forcing him to suffer a deadly sizzling slash. It kept going relentlessly. If seen from the outside, one can only see Ruston being attacked by many blitzing black lightning strikes.

Rex's movement is very fast that if normal people were to see his battle, then they will see nothing.

It was a very high-paced battle where Ruston kept getting slashed again and again. At first, the regeneration keeps pace with Rex's slash but the longer they fight the slower Ruston's regeneration becomes.

Since he's the one inflicting those injuries, Rex can see this change with his own eyes.

But knowing that he will be in trouble if he stayed inside the entanglement of black lightning strikes, Ruston's body sizzles with dark energy before his eyes also slowly turn the same. Now his perception has been amplified a couple of times.

Rex's swift movement becomes slower compared to before, and he can finally see the two Rexs.



With his new height of perception, Ruston's eyes followed the pattern of the black lightning strikes trying to find a perfect gap for him to take advantage of. It seems Rex knows this, he leaped out of the black lightning strikes while activating the Claw of Tormentor skill.

It should work again, the tactic. But when Rex is nearing Ruston's back, he felt something ominous.

Realizing that something is off, Rex wanted to avert his trajectory but Ruston suddenly moved unnaturally fast and when he blinked Ruston is already arrived in front of him simultaneously ignoring the illusion that he sent first.

"You're not the only one with a skill, my Prince..."


"Haarghh!", Rex vomited a mouthful of blood as he saw his chest being pierced by Ruston's claws, the thunderclouds immediately dispersed once again erasing the trace of rain that just appeared a moment ago.

Propelling back like a jet, Rex crashes onto the ground with Ruston still stabbing his chest.

Rex gripped Ruston's arm while looking at him with bloodthirst, but Rex received a reply nothing more than a grin from his real parents' killer, "It doesn't matter if you're chosen by the Origin, or Lunirich, my judgment will still be your demise. Just like what I did to your parents..."

"My judgment cleanse the world from their sin of existence!"

Like throwing a dead corpse, Ruston held Rex by the pierced chest before throwing him away.

While flying in the sky from the throw, Rex looks down at his chest with blood blurted out of his mouth. In terms of strength, Ruston is still stronger than him despite the weakening effect brought by Adhara's presence.

It irritates him but killing Ruston is possible but needs gruesome work put down.

Having other strong Werewolves waiting for him such as Arnulf, Ian, and Zegrath, being too hurt from fighting Ruston will not be a good decision. The others are occupying them right now, but they won't really win.

Adhara fighting Ian or Zegrath, she will win but she's fighting the strongest of them all.


Even many others are scared of Arnulf and she's capable of holding out against such a Werewolf thanks to her bloodline as an Anti-Werewolf, no matter what Arnulf does he will always put himself at risk if he went against Adhara.

Fighting such an opponent, Rex needs to plan their matchup to their advantage.


Rex crashes onto a mile away from his previous battlefield before slowly standing up with a hole in his chest, he was about to get up alongside Ruston landing a couple of steps from his wearing his usual smirks.

In just a moment's pause, both of them clash once again.

Meanwhile, Adhara is fighting desperately against Arnulf that is way stronger than she was.

It wouldn't even be an understatement if she will die almost instantly if she doesn't have an Anti-Werewolf bloodline, that bloodline alone puts heavy pressure on Arnulf who is brawling with her.

Ruston, a couple of miles away can still even feel Adhara's presence and get weakened by it.

Now imagine standing right beside the source of the weakening presence that instills fears into every sense of a Werewolf. On top of that, every time he tries to attack Adhara some of the attacks are reflected back at him.

Adhara's fur alone is harmful, and her blood is even more toxic than the furs.


Growling in pain for clashing against Adhara's claws, Arnulf glares at her with his animalistic eyes, "Do you know what we did to your kind, Anti-Werewolf back during my era...?"


"We chopped you into pieces and seal your body in a repeated hellish dimension for eternity!"

"It's not your era anymore, that won't happen to me!"


With swift steps, Adhara dashes at Arnulf with full might intending to slice his throat. Arnulf reacted by swiping Adhara with his claws but just like before, his claws went through her body before Adhara's claws suddenly shifted and slash his face again.

Unlike the other that has their wounds healed, again and again, Arnulf doesn't have that luxury.

Arnulf's entire body is drenched in his blood that is refusing to regenerate from having been slashed by Adhara, it's starting to take a toll on him despite his ridiculous amount of strength. When Arnulf was about to do something, his eyes suddenly caught something.

It was a shadow of Rex dashing away followed by Ruston that tries to catch after him.

A moment before,

Rex separated again from Ruston with heavy injuries all over his body, he's starting to lose strength, and using some of his backup moves will just result in him being weaker. He still has Arnulf to think about.

But then suddenly, his eyes widened remembering something.

Unconsciously Rex turns his head to the side where Zegrath is still being held back by Devo and his relentless amount of black lightning tentacles, 'Wait... I need to kill Zegrath first!', with his eyes lit up, Rex prepares to catch Zegrath off guard.

Fortunately for Zegrath, Ruston saw through his intention and immediately attacked.

Lunging forward like a ghastly shadow of the night, Ruston slashed Rex across his face forcing a painful growl out of his mouth before slashing across his body with his other claws. It was sudden, and Rex's attention was still on Zegrath.

Despite his superior regenerating ability, Rex finds these wounds very hard to heal.

Out of his time being a Werewolf he has never reached this kind of state, now he knows that his regenerating ability will get weaker and weaker the more wounds he got inflicted with.

It's not the endless amount of regeneration that he initially thought.

With how many wounds he suffered without reaching this exhausted state of his regenerating ability, it's natural for Rex to think that his regenerating ability has no limits. But everything turns out to not be that simple.

Rex growls in pain when Ruston tore his shoulder with his razor-sharp teeth.

Blood started leaking out of his mouth profusely finding that he was very hurt from that consecutive attack. Instead of backing down from the fight, Rex opens his mouth exposing his fangs cloaked with dark energy.

Activating his Absolute Predominance Fangs, he then bites Ruston back on his shoulder.


Unlike the bite that Ruston did which produce a stinging pain, the bite coming from Rex also produce a stinging pain but it kept on increasing by the second. It forces Ruston to kick Rex back in retaliation.

Looking at his shoulder, Ruston finds dark energy infiltrating his insides.

"Dark Moonlight... Isn't he birthed during the Blood Moon? How can he already use Dark Moonlight energy?!"

Ruston raises his gaze to see Rex again but finds him already dashing away at full speed, and with the direction of the sprint, it seems he's heading to Zegrath that is having difficulty fighting Devo. Without wasting time, Ruston lets out a howl to alert the others.

As planned, the howl reaches the other Werewolves as they glanced in his direction.

Kyran who has his right arm broken beyond measure alongside his regenerating ability being slow saw Ian suddenly stop, he then glances in the direction of the howl that comes from Ruston.

Squinting his eyes, Ian who is only slightly wounded saw Rex heading straight to Zegrath.

"Protect the Prince!!"

But with the distance between Ian, Arnulf, and even Ruston, they don't have a chance to intercept Rex when they also have an opponent of their own. It made them go crazy as they activated all of their strength to dash at the unsuspecting Zegrath.

Rex moved very fast as he puts everything he has to dash at Zegrath.

In a split second, Rex's power and senses got spiked in a blink of an eye when he activated both the Berserker's Curse skill and Extreme State that pushes his senses to the utmost limit. Additionally, the Extreme State allows Rex to see the opponent's weakness.

With his red eyes, Rex saw the beating heart of Zegrath through his fur and skin.

Cloaking his claws with Claw of the Tormentor skill, Rex activated his Flash spell to increase his sudden burst of speed heading to Zegrath that has just gotten out of the black lightning tentacles entanglement.

Zegrath was about to attack Devo but his eyes dilated seeing the approaching figure.

It was so fast that he can't even register what he was seeing until Rex already arrived right in front of his face, he was absolutely petrified seeing the mounting aura coming from Rex, "Grr...?!"

"I'll be taking your life first, fake Dark Prince!"

Rex said with a devious smile with wounds covering his entire body before jabbing his claws.


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