The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 542 Lunirich Edict

Chapter 542 Lunirich Edict

Running like a rabbit, giving threats, and fawning, or many prefer to say bootlicking is commonly used for survival but are in fact powerful tools, they cover the three main emotions in dealing with a leader or a powerful figure.

Each of these methods is effective in its own way and has a similar outcome to another.

Anger, caution, and pride are the emotions that are mainly possessed by powerful figures, Ian knows of these methods that saved him from the wrath of King Baralt and other powerful figures that he encountered in his life.

But in the face of Rex, he had to resort to using all of them but nevertheless still failed.

Rex has all of those personalities but he also embodies the all-powerful emotion of hatred, and in the face of absolute power Ian doesn't have a chance to do anything. What Ian lacks the most is information regarding Rex.

If he has some information then he could've polished the methods he used earlier.

Escaping is the best answer but Rex has already reached power way beyond him. Bootlicking might be more effective if he added a touch of humanity into his wording. The threat may become more powerful if he knows that Rex already wanted to obliterate the Werewolf race first beforehand.

Without knowing much about Rex besides being the Royal Black Prince, Ian doesn't stand a chance.

Bringing King Baralt into the mix doesn't scare Rex at all as if he wanted to obliterate the Werewolf race then he also needs to kill King Baralt, his expression is stone cold as Ian's severed head falls to the ground with a thud.

Despite in death, his expression still shows a sign of surprise.

If he were any other humans then Rex would have the decency to fix Ian's surprise expression as he's already dead, but he didn't do it and just stare at the dead Ian with a cold and indifferent look.

Rex splattered Ian's blood onto the ground with a wave of his claws.

'With this, the Werewolf race has been weakened greatly. 3 Alphas are basically dead and 1 Prince has also been killed. But it seems the core power of the Werewolf race is still attached to King Baralt, that energy from before should've come from him...'

Just a moment after he got his King Mark, he senses resisting energy clashing against his.

The feeling he felt from that energy shows that it's also another kingly aura similar to his and that basically means that King Baralt was attracted to the phenomenon Rex created in the sky, everything will definitely end with a fight between the two of them.

In order to completely genocide the Werewolf race, he will definitely need to kill the King.

But he shouldn't rush in fighting King Baralt that should be way stronger than Arnulf and the others, he has a King Mark too directed from an unknown full moon. On top of that, King Baralt has used his King Mark longer so he has a win on the experience part.

Completely going to him right now blindly will just be a foolish move.

As Rex thought of that, the corner of his lips suddenly quirked up into a smile realizing something, 'I got an idea... even if I can't fight King Baralt alone, I still can do something that can really annoy him'

Rex nodded his head before he looks in the faraway distance with a fierce expression.

'Before I do that, there are still moles that I need to deal with first. You barge into the human territory brazenly, and expect to be able to leave too? Everything has a prince...'

Without wasting any more seconds, Rex puts Ian's corpse into the inventory.

After preserving Ian's corpse which he will have a use later on, he jabbed his claws into the void in front of him. Ripping the fabric of dimension with his dark-energy cloaked claws rather easily, Rex then went inside the portal he created and disappear from the place.

It was already nearing the end of the night, the eventful night has coming to an end.

But the event has not stopped as Rex walks into the portal and his vision is clouded with blackness, there is absolutely nothing inside the portal except the blackness and his thoughts. Even the sense of feeling that his entire body gives vanished inside this blackness.

Rex doesn't know what this place is, but he felt a sense of familiarity with the dark place.

Something like an innate ability that has been bestowed by the Dark King Mark, it's not learned just like learning a spell through the system but his body just knows how to do it instantly. Creating a portal is not magic that he possesses.

Even at this moment, the space element is possibly non-existent.

Yet he now can create a portal through dimension.

Although for the others in the material dimension only a second passed for Rex to go from place to place through this portal, it feels like a considerable amount of time inside the blackness as his body floats like in water.

But this time something unnatural happen as a voice seeped onto his ears,

"You free me..."

Upon hearing the astral yet familiar voice talking to him, Rex opens his eyes. At least he tried to open his eyes as he can't see or feel a thing, but as he gazes to the side there's a system notification in the blackness.

<Countess of the Dark Lunirich>

"Are you grateful that I managed to set you free?", Rex asks while looking at the blackness.

It was as if he was talking to himself but his eyes are directed in the direction where the system's notification is floating, "You piqued my interest, my child... you managed to break the Black Shackle and were even able to see me through this darkness"

"From the way you're talking, have others tries to do this before?"

Although it's a very subtle impression, the way the Countess talk hint that he's not the first one that tries to help her break the Black Shackle. It should be a hard task but Rex managed to break it at a cost of 1 Invincible Item.

Silence covers the entire place as Rex waited for an answer but doesn't get one.

"You've broken the Lunirich Edict of the Banished Imprisonment as Arnulf said earlier, but you ignored it and break me free either way. They will aim at you now, but I see that you're not surprised..."

"Power doesn't come from thin air, I believe there will always be consequences"

Besides being cornered against the wall from fighting with Arnulf and the others to save Giana, Rex also wanted to seek more power so that he can reach his closing ultimate goal. Getting stronger faster than anyone ever, he has experienced his fair share of trouble.

It's the natural order that those with power will always be tested for being worthy of that power.

From fighting lower-ranked Supernaturals that he did way when he was just starting his journey to fighting humans and Supernaturals from high-rank Families, those events led Rex to believe that power is never free.

Something must be sacrificed, and at the same time, he feels uneasy.

'Immediate problem comes the moment I gain the King Mark the same as other problems that I needed to face, but the system hasn't given any repercussions yet... or am I just not seeing it?'

Rex shakes his head as the blackness of the place started to get to him.

"But I do have one question, do my deeds in helping you break the Black Shackle enough for you to stick with me and let me use this power to face the others that you spoke of? Or are you just going to do your own agenda?"

It was a crucial question that he needed to ask, this is a blessing after all.

,m Unlike the spirits he assimilated with that can be controlled directly, Rex has no control whatsoever of the Countess of the Dark Lunirich. If he knows that she might leave abruptly, then he will need to devise a plan adapted to that situation.

So he needs to know the answer before moving on with his life.

"We are different, I am an entity that doesn't get affected by emotions. I've seen your heart, and our fate has intertwined. I will stay with you for as long as you want. 1000 years, 10,000 years, time is meaningless to me"

After a brief pause, the Countess finally added.

"You seek Supernaturals genocide, I seek Lunirich genocide. Eternal greatness will soon follow if you accept the transactional contract, all you need is to vow to me..."

Rex was put into thought but the Countess's voice echoed further away.

"I will wait for your answer, Rex Silverstar"

With the last echo of her voice fading away, there's light glowing from the back showing the place that he intended to go. For some reason, his mind feels very weak from staying for too long in the blackness.

He began to swim to the light desperate for air.

Upon reaching the light his body got sucked into it and he comes out of the darkness once more, he clawed the dimension again before finally getting out of the darkness. Rex's breathing is slightly heavy as he falls to one knee.

Grabbing his throbbing head, Rex looks down to the ground in thought.josei

'I need to know more of these Lunirich that she spoke of to be able to consider her offer, platonic relationship is okay but I still going to rely on her power. She's different from the system...'

Just as he thought of that, his ears perked up hearing the sound of splashing water.

Although he knows who he is aiming for, he doesn't know the place where he will come out to. The terrain is certainly different, now he's in somekind of place that doesn't even remotely resemble the place where the others are before.

Rex stands back up still in his Werewolf form, there's a streak of dawn in the sky.

With his purple eyes gazing left and right, Rex disappears from his spot after finding the people that he searched for. It only takes him two steps before he reaches two running figures, one of them is limping while being supported by the other one.

Even with Rex so close to them, they didn't sense his arrival at all.

'I know that one from Delarosa Family's territory and the other one smells familiar too. I should've met with him before, but where...?', Rex thought while eyeing these two Supernaturals that are clearly hurt.

But shaking his head, he didn't ponder for long and went in to strike.

Not even having the slightest bit of clue, both Supernaturals kept running but suddenly stopped.

The Supernatural on the left that should be a Vampire realizes that his feet are not touching the ground, the same goes for the other one that has pointy ears with golden eyes which indicates that she's an elf.

A powerful one at that too that gives off an aura of royalty.


Both of them widened their eyes finding Rex grabbing them by the throat and lifting them up.

Despite these two Supernaturals being very far from the location where the fight between him and Arnulf's side happen, the black shockwave that Rex sent earlier managed to mark the both of them too.

It spans in a ridiculous area that even these two got marked by it.

Rex looks at the two of them before he realized that they should've been a part of the army of Vampires led by Calidora, they are Queen Shanaela and Seth that are able to flee the fight thanks to Arnulf's distraction.

"Do you remember me...?"

Upon hearing this, both of them raise their eyebrows while struggling to break free.

Although they know everything about the Supernatural race including the Werewolf race, the King Mark on Rex's forehead makes them confused as he doesn't know who he is. Only King Baralt has the King Mark, there are no other Werewolves except for him.

But squinting her eyes, Queen Shanaela recognized Rex as her eyes widened.

"Oh...? I think you remember now. Yes, I am the one the Werewolf that met with you back then. Did I change that much?", Rex said with a mocking grin turning Queen Shanaela and Seth's expressions white.

Clenching their necks tighter, Rex then continued.

"I got a few questions, I hope you answer them truthfully or it's going to end very badly..."

A moment later,

Evelyn and the others that are resting snap their heads towards a direction and saw Rex's claws penetrating the void and opening a portal, he walks out of the portal before throwing two Supernaturals out like a bag of trash.

Upon seeing this, Giana instantly recognized the two of them.

Queen Shanaela was the one she recognized the most as she was the one protecting Calidora.

But soon her attention was pulled back to the arrival of Rex in his Werewolf form, if he came back then there's only one explanation. The others ran to him before Evelyn asks, "Rex, did you manage to get the escaping Alphas?"

"I took care of them, they are more or less dead", Rex replied shortly.

After a brief pause, he looks at Queen Shanaela and Seth whom he had already crippled by forcing his energy into them, and said, "Keep an eye on them, but don't kill them yet. I need them for interrogation"

Nodding their heads in understanding, Rex turns his body towards Giana.

From the look of her legs that already looks normal, it seems she's already fine. Rex looks at her with calm eyes before he said, "Giana, I now know what I must do to convince you of keeping this a secret"

"Actually I'm not s-"

Before Giana can finish, Rex already signals for her to stop.

"I don't want you blindly trusting me, so I'm going to convince you through action"

Giana tilted her head a little in confusion as he has already done enough for today, the Supernaturals have suffered so much from the death of the three Alphas and one Prince. Coupled with Queen Shanaela and Seth captured, it should be enough.

"What are you going to do...?"

Upon hearing this, Rex gives her a nasty grin as he turned his body around.

"I'm going to take care of one of humanity's immediate threats"

"And what is that?"

Looking over his shoulder, Rex then added with his purple eyes flashing murderously, "I'm going to convince you by destroying the Vampire Stronghold, just watch me..."

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