The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 545 Secret Of The Rising Star Of Humanity

Chapter 545 Secret Of The Rising Star Of Humanity

Ever since the Night of Parturition that marked the sky with the Dark Full Moon, many eyes are attracted to such a heavy phenomenon that the Cessation Knight based around the Vampire Stronghold started to become wary.

Amongst them, platoons of Cessation Knights are tasked to investigate this phenomenon.

It's only because the source of the thing that sparks the changes in the sky is in the middle of nowhere that the Cessation Knights arrived late, hesitation, and also the distance plays their part.

But despite their late arrival, they know that this energy belongs to a Supernatural.

Only the Werewolf race has a strong association with the moon hence they are called the Children of the Moon, many already believed that this phenomenon is sparked by a Werewolf that managed to slip past their tight guard.

Communication through various methods and channels is now buzzing with this phenomenon.

Media companies that have the prime objective of regulating the state of the war for the mass citizens are cooking up a story right this moment, the amount of fear this phenomenon brought brings chaos in several places.

It's a greatly worrying phenomenon as even high-rank Awakened can feel the dense energy.

As if their bodies are forced to regulate by instincts that put their bodies into battle mode, the energy is very powerful that only eighth rank Awakened can have a bit of calmness in their expressions.

Below that, they feel like they're insects in front of a huge titan that is ready to kill them.

Regular citizens of Ratmawati City that for the first time feels worried that their sky-high walls are not able to protect them anymore, the sense of protection that they are very familiar with has vanished suddenly.

Chaos ensued not just on the streets, but also in the big organizations of humanity.

Although the phenomenon in the sky has only started not too long, the crisis of panic has been attacking the big organizations of humanity. FAA has been by far the busiest as they deal with the citizen directly as Awakened police.

Some citizen has started to lose control and overwhelmed with anger.

Fear of the unknown is still the most terrifying thing in existence, the fact that the FAA or even other big organizations have not said anything yet makes them very worried that something bad is happening.

But out of nowhere, all of the citizen's eyes across the entire Ratmawati City gazes in a direction.

Even the citizens from sector four where the suburbs are saw a red light coming from the middle of Ratmawati City, this red light brought an enormous aura that can even cover the entire Ratmawati City.

Despite not being as strong, it's still enough warmth to calm the citizen down.

Thundering sounds of blitzing red lightning can be heard as this red light becomes the center of attraction, and with a subtle explosion, the entire Ratmawati City got waved by warm energy that does not feel hurtful at all and instead feels comforting.

It in fact came from the top of the main UWO office building.josei

Sebrof was the source of this meticulous energy that covers every nook and corner of Ratmawati City, it calmed the chaos that ensued in many sectors showing that there are still protectors of humanity that will let down their lives for the perseverance of humanity.

Protectors can still take on the role of dependency in this time of crisis.

After bearing his entire energy to calm the masses, Sebrof went back down before landing on a helipad beside a woman holding a tablet, "I think this is enough, people should calm down for now"

"Yes, president Sebrof. The masses only need assurance of their safety", the woman replied.

But this sparks a scoff from Sebrof as he can't help to shake his head, he then turns around and started walking to the door, "Locate the coordinate of the source of this energy, I want everyone around there to be alert for a possible invasion. I'll go there myself to check..."

"Yes, president", the woman replied professionally before starting to tap the tablet.

From the screen of the tablet, it seems she's trying to pinpoint the location of the dense energy via transmission of mana or some sort, she's doing the best she can from here and also contacting other departments for help through an earpiece.

While she's doing that, Sebrof walks back into the building with a pondering look.

"I don't know why Vargas insisted to let Rex handle Giana's situation, but I can't just leave it to him all the way. Although I didn't go there myself, I've sent platoons of Cessation Knight and they should report back in a bit"

But as he just mutters to himself, the tapping sound from the woman ceased.

Sebrof glances at the woman intending to ask about the location but saw a surprised expression on her face, he grabbed the tablet from her hand before looking at the coordinate on the screen, "Hmm... isn't this near Giana's last location?"

"We've got a report back from the Cessation Knight, they didn't find Giana's body so she must've managed to escape. A battle occurs there but weirdly enough there are no corpses there, not even one"

Upon hearing this Sebrof rubs his chin in thought.

Giving back the tablet to the woman, he takes out a cigarette for himself and put it in between his lips, "Tell them to investigate further, I want to know exactly if there's another King Baralt roaming freely in my territory"

The woman nodded her head before she immediately gets to work.

Meanwhile, Sebrof went back to his room before looking out of the window. He lights up the cigarette before looking at the Dark Full Moon in the sky, "Werewolves huh... I still don't get what forces Rex has that can help Giana to escape the Werewolves. SCO has just finished preparing, so it mustn't be them"

Exhaling a cloud of smoke, Sebrof takes his phone from his desk and dials a number.

It rang for a moment before the other side picks up, "Is Rex still in the stadium? If yes, then tell him to get ready to accompany me somewhere. Tell him that I've specifically asked him to, and it's not an option..."

But then Sebrof's eyebrows creased together into a frown.

"He's not there...? Where did he go?", Sebrof mutters in puzzlement, Rex should spend the night in the stadium training with his family members but now he finds out that he already left hurriedly without even saying a thing.

Finding this news, Sebrof ended the call before sitting on his desk in thought.

Abruptly leaning forward he then taps on his desk before a hologram screen appears in front of him, he scours through his high-tech computer before finding a single folder that is named Rex Silverstar.

Opening the folder, a couple of files popped out on the screen.

Sebrof opened a document in the folder before a report appeared with Rex's face at the top, it should be a classified report that is not for the public from the confidential watermark on the report paper.

In just a moment, he managed to read the content that he has already read and memorized.

Ever since the entire conflict from the rise of Rex Silverstar, digging into his past is basic for someone like him that has access to all information available in Ratmawati City and even beyond. Being a high-rank Awakened himself, remembering information is nothing but ease.

Reading the report for another time quickly, he stopped scrolling at the end and leans back.

Glancing his eyes to the side he also finds a couple of papers there.

Sebrof takes the paper before reading it once more, it's about the current attack from the Demon Stronghold that is happening right now. It made the frown on his face even worst, he also just got this report and also a call from Denzel.

It's a bit weird but many people on the front lines are talking about an interesting incident.

Having the need for Awakenedpower on the front lines, Sebrof decided to split the Silverstar Family's Awakened. One part will help Giana checks the army of Vampires led by Caldiora, while another part was teleported to reinforce the defense line on the Demon Stronghold.

Denzel is a commanding figure there as a ninth-rank Awakened.

Today's clash against the Demons, Succubuses, and Shapeshifters is not as hard as before. A huge part was because the ninth-rank blue demon didn't take part in the clash, but there's an interesting thing that happened there.

While the clash is still bloodied and fierce, the Silverstar Family's Awakened didn't suffer any loss.

Denzel told Sebrof that at first, he thought that was because of the powerful armor that they're wearing, but a trusted Awakened told about a rumor spreading that one Awakened saw the Supernaturals are avoiding the Silverstar Family's Awakened.

It's not that they're afraid, but more like they didn't want to hurt them.

Knowing that countless rumors have been going around with no clear basic, Sebrof just shrugged it off but now that he finds that Rex is missing piqued his interest. Sebrof finds this a bit strange and too much of a coincidence.

Spreading rumors, the missing of Rex and his family members, and also the strange phenomenon.

Putting the paper down he then clasps his hands in front of him while looking at the hologram screen showing the report from before, "Found in an impossibly critical condition from the explosion but managed to survive miraculously that even in a recent interview of the doctor, he clearly stated that for a person to not be an Awakened it's a miracle that he's alive"

With the rise of the name Rex Silverstar, there are many outlets that summarize his entire story.

Even the UWO official web page has a summary of Rex's life ever since he joined the military until now, and this sparks many to create books and even interview those associated with Rex's life. One interesting one was the doctor that is featured in an interview.

More and more people started to make Rex their role model for patriotism for humanity.

Although Sebrof didn't actually follow the development as he has things to do, he assigned people to make this kind of folder filled with reports about a certain person that piqued his interest. It's his job to be thorough and meticulous.

"It's not the first time the news about him and the Supernaturals has wandered around.  Attacked by a Supernatural at Faraday University, Demonic Cities, and now this. Just what are you hiding...?"

Sebrof looks at the holographic screen blankly.

Only the sound of the air conditioner and also clicking sound from the clock filled the entire room, he's pondering for a solid moment before exiting the report and heading back to the folder again.

Looking at the files seriously, he finds his cursor on the only video inside the folder.

Clicking the video file, Sebrof finds a video playing in front of him which makes him frown.

It should be CCTV footage from the angle of the video.

"Where is this, a museum...?"

Although he finds it skeptical that he will gain anything from this video, Sebrof decided to just watch the entire video as it's only a couple of minutes long as the footage speedup up until Rex, Adhara, Rosie, and hear arrives.

Watching the video attentively, he finds Rex and the others arriving at the third temple.

Since the third temple is not quite open to the public the CCTV footage only covers the front of the temple which is guarded by two guards, they talked for a bit with Rex before letting him and the others inside.

Only a couple of minutes passed before Rex and the others left the third temple hurriedly.

Upon seeing this Sebrof leans forward a bit before he saw the guards are giving Rex a weird look, he paid attention to Rex and the others since the guards are clearly looking at him weirdly. The footage is very vivid so it's not hard to spot the guards' frown.

Pausing right when Rex and the others got out, Sebrof narrowed his eyes seriously.

"Is that blood...?"

Zooming into Rex's shirt, he finds that there's bloodstain and there are also marks of wiped blood on his face. Sebrof immediately taps something on his desk before hurried footsteps can be heard from outside.

It was the same woman as before holding the same tablet.

With his authoritative tone, Sebrof then said, "Tell me about the thing inside the last temple in the museum near Faraday University, I want to know about it right now"

Although the woman was confused, she obliged Sebrof's request without a thought.

Tapping on the tablet once again the woman finds the museum Sebrof is talking about before she opens her mouth, "Only one well-known museum near Faraday University that matches your description, and inside the third temple should be a Stone Tablet"

"Stone Tablet...?"

"Yes, it's the Stone Tablet that we received from the battle in Strerf Plain against Vampires. Our translators can only decipher a fraction of the writings on the Stone Tablet, and find a correlation of it with the Werewolf race. The last report of it stated that it should be somekind of weapon used by the Vampire race ag-"

Before the woman can finish, she saw Sebrof's signals for her to stop.

Sebrof has a stiff expression on his face as if he's hiding the shock he's feeling right now.

"Leave me..."

Upon hearing this the woman bowed politely before leaving Sebrof inside the room, he then leans back on his chair before covering his face with his hand. A slight chuckle escape his mouth, it sounded like he was ridiculing himself.

Looking back at the holographic screen with Rex's face on it, he looks down blankly.

"Well, I'll be damned. Turns out you're right about this one, Wesley..."

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