The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 560 UWO Main Office Infiltration

Chapter 560 UWO Main Office Infiltration

Rex appeared on the second floor looking down on the others.

Despite being caged inside the throne room for so long he heard the commotion on the outside, he didn't quite get what they were talking about since his focus is on the illusion. The others look up and saw another person walking beside him.

It was identical to Rex, they were quite surprised by it.

What makes them very surprised was the very identical person just like the copycat of Rex, but it's not only in appearance but also in the smell, expression, and even the way it walks. Like a reflection.

"There are two of them..."

"I know what you're thinking, shut up"

Adhara nudges Evelyn on her arm knowing what she was thinking, she can only roll her eyes.

Upon reaching the first floor Rex and the illusion walk side by side before standing right in front of Flunra that is already standing up from his seat, "We're the Silverstar Pack, don't compare us to your regular pack. Soon you might also evolve your bloodline too"

"Well, that is if I let you...", he added exposing a small smirk.

Rex stares directly at Flunra's dazzling yellow eyes intensely.

Only when Flunra averted his gaze away that Rex finally move on to look at the others, but his eyes catches a dent in the wall which wasn't there before. Although he's not quite perceptive if it's not major enough, it's hard to not notice that.

"Who made that dent?", Rex asks searching for an answer.

But again he glances at Gistella and notices a different scent coming out of her, he squinted his eyes upon smelling this scent, "And why do I smell Flunra's lingering scent on you?"


Rex looks at Gistella with a frown hearing what she just said.

Upon realizing what she just said in front of the others, Gistella stammers but she tries to force out the words inside her throat, "I-I mean R-Rex... it's just a misunderstanding. F-Flunra is not a-accustomed to being in his human form"

Looking over to Evelyn and Adhara for confirmation, both of them nodded their heads.

"I'm an old Werewolf, this kind of thing is bound to happen. It's good that this happen early", Flunra added from the side seeing Gistella is really nervous in front of Rex, he deduced that she has just done something wrong recentlyjosei

It's clear in his eyes that there's a lingering tension between them.

Although her punishment has ended with Gistella being beaten by Adhara, there's still an odd feeling between them since they haven't got the chance to really straighten things out.

Mainly due to the Lady Giana needing their help from being chased down by the Werewolves.

But Rex finally shakes his head knowing that this is not the time for something like this, they got more important matters to attend to, "Despite the uncertainty that is testing us regarding Sebrof and Lady Giana, we can't be crushed by it, and needs to keep on moving"

Hearing this the others nodded their heads knowing that the suspense is killing them.

Not so much for Gistella and Flunra as they both don't consider human territory their home, but for Rex, Adhara, and Evelyn that has their families here this is a very big deal that is pressuring their mentality.

"Three problems are needed to be addressed aside from the problem I mentioned before"


Evelyn can't help but asks with a frown, she was not expecting them to have that many problems. One of them is a personal problem but nevertheless, Rex decided that they need to know.

"Yes, three. The first one is my personal vendetta, I'm going to the Werewolf territory with Flunra in search of targets that I wanted to kill. No need to persuade me out of this, my decision is already round.", Rex said while looking at Adhara that wanted to say something.

With the conversation they had before, Adhara knew that Rex chose the hard path again.

Continuing with his explanation, "Secondly, there's a Shapeshifter on the loose inside the human territory. But unlike the one that attacked me in Faraday University, which already got killed by the SCO this one is an eighth-rank one. Your job is to pursue it alongside my illusion which also has eighth-rank power"

"If we managed to capture it, should we bring it to the SCO directly? It's for the Supernatural Radar, right?", Evelyn asks again, she overheard this information. It's going to be a big breakthrough for Humanity.

Rex nodded his head firmly, "But there's something to look out for..."

"I've made a deal with Lady Lauren from the Hester Family to take out a Shapeshifter belonging to the Five Conversions, I don't have any lead where this Shapeshifter is but that target Shapeshifter might know something"

Pointing at Flunra, Rex then continued, "Flunra has methods to identify if the target is a part of the Five Conversions or not, he will tell you guys later. If it's one of the Five Conversions then killing it is not an option, but if it wasn't then an accidental kill is okay. I'm not dense enough to say that it will not be hard, so if it's not one of the Five Conversions just do what the situation forces you to do"

Since they're facing a powerful Shapeshifter, it's definitely going to be extremely difficult to capture.

Not only does Shapeshifters can shapeshift into anything, but this Shapeshifter should be an Alpha and they can mimic a target perfectly without any flaw. That alone can make it very hard to kill, not to mention capture it alive.

"You're going to meet up with the green team from the SCO, don't turn into your Werewolf form. Play it safe and leave the hard fighting to my illusion...", Rex added warningly.

It's already dire enough that Sebrof and Lady Giana knows, more people knowing will just be worse.

After saying that, Rex then briefly scans his eyes to them and finds no questions. He then continued to the last one.

"As for the last one, the Demons are aiming for me. You guys have a huge target on your backs for being one of my pack members, so I want you all to be very careful. The Vampire Stronghold might not be there anymore, but the Demon Stronghold is still there. I can't say for sure if they already have a couple of demons in the human territory to aim at you"

Upon hearing this Adhara and Evelyn can't help but gulps harshly, it's huge pressure on them.

Everyone knows that the Demons are very much the most threatening race of Supernatural, especially since they're the ones that successfully won over humanity a couple of times around this time.

Most frighteningly, just like the legends, they are a very powerful combat race.

With the three main problems handed over to the others, Rex nodded his head before looking out at the window, "We're going to move out right now, go prepare. I'll need to talk to a few people..."

A moment later,

Rex just got out of the mansion searching for Tandu as he needs to speak with him.

Just a moment ago he already make a few phone calls with Liliya regarding their whereabouts and also Edward regarding the tasks he gave, and after talking to them he made his way to the back to check on Ryze before he goes.

Based on the system, Ryze is recovering very well with the souls he brought for him.

It's been said that Ryze's soul had already overpowered Zaddrass's soul by 80%, and only a little bit more before he can finally revert back to normal and even become even more powerful with Zaddrass's ability in the grasp of his hands.

Truthfully, Rex can't wait for that to happen. It's painful to see Ryze in this state for so long.

Since Ryze has told him that he wanted to stay here, Rex doesn't have any real reason for keeping him here but now with Ryze being a Dragonman the reason finally appeals. No place other than her is safe for him and the people around him.

Upon finding Tandu, Rex pulls him to the side where no people are around.

"I'm going to be gone for a couple of days, and so does the others. The mansion is going to be empty, I want you to be very cautious when we're gone. Edward will be here soon, but in the meantime, you keep our families safe. Can you do that soldier?"

"Yes, Sir! I'll keep on full alert while you're gone", Tandu replied with a salute.

Nodding his head Rex was about to depart for the Supernatural territory, but then he remembered something and stopped, "Oh, I almost forgot. Have you seen Delta? The big white wolf beast?"

"She's outside, Sir. She's refusing to get inside the mansion so we chained her outside"

"Outside? Bring me to her"

After walking outside following the street, Rex's eyes widen seeing Delta being chained beside the post guard of FAA Awakened which is tasked to keep the order in sector 2. It confuses him as to why Delta is acting this way.

But upon seeing Rex, Delta's eyes lit up as she straightens her back.

"Delta! Why are you here? Ryze is hurt, you should be keeping him company", Rex said while tapping Delta's big body, it's been quite a while since he last saw Delta because of the things happening around him.


As if she was pouting, Delta growls before turning her muzzle away.

Rex chuckled lightly seeing her behaving like this, "Fine, I'm sorry for neglecting you. Let's go back, I'll give you fresh corpses that will definitely make you stronger!", he said trying to bring Delta away.

Inside his inventory still has a couple of Werewolf corpses, Delta would benefit from them.

Instead of following Rex back to the mansion, Delta refuses to go back yanking the chains back which makes Rex stumbled back. He looks back at Delta in confusion, "What's wrong? Let's go back and I'll give you the treat!"


"Hmm...? You're scared?", Rex mutters in confusion, he has a sense of understanding with Delta.

Upon hearing this, Rex can't help but rubs his chin in thought, 'Is she scared of Flunra? Well, he's quite a menacing creature but he's not in his Werewolf form right now so it should be fine'

Refocusing back at Delta, Rex gives her an assuring smile.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. Just trust me on this, nobody will hurt you there", Rex said.

A moment later,

After going through rigorous persuasion he finally managed to bring Delta back to the mansion, he decided that he will tell Flunra to stay away from Delta if she was scared this much to not want to go back to the mansion like this.

Walking side by side, Rex and Delta got back to the mansion.

Since Delta is quite hurt from the last time Rex decided that she will be skipping this one out, it's better to have her here accompanying Ryze if he really did wake up at a later time.

On top of that, others might find playing with Delta a stress reliever.

But upon stepping inside the mansion, Adhara and the others that have just finished preparing themselves to depart walk out of the mansion. Instantly after that, Delta suddenly struggled to break free surprising Rex.


"Whoaa... calm down there girl, I'm here", Rex said seeing Delta struggle and hides behind him.

Rex looks to his front and saw that Flunra is not there, this makes him look back at Delta before tracing where her eyes went. Surprisingly, he realized that it was not Flunra that scared her.

"Wait, what...? You're scared of Adhara?"


Meanwhile, UWO Main Office.

Inside an office is a woman preparing a sum of papers on her desk, the office is still hectic with the request coming from the cities near the Demon Stronghold that wanted supplies to recuperate the cities.

Not to mention the escaped Supernatural is still being tracked down by the FAA and UWO.

Despite winning the war against the Demon Stronghold, the numbers of Supernaturals inside their armies are massive and many of them managed to escape scattering inside the human territory.

It's going to be a tedious job but not handling it will become an even bigger problem.

"Why don't they just stop... what did we do back then to make them this brutal anyway", the woman can't help but sigh while preparing the documents, she was President Sebrof's secretary for the current moment.

Needing authorization from President Sebrof, she stands up before heading out of her office.

But when she was about to enter the elevator out of nowhere someone pulled her into the emergency exit, she was too tired from the work so this sudden person pulling her into the emergency exit caught her off guard.

Although she's working in an office, she's also a respectable fifth-rank Awakened.

"Liam if it's about the freaking coffee machine again, I'm going to lo-", before the woman can finish, she suddenly stopped mid-sentence upon seeing the person that pulled her here is not the person she thought.

This person is covered with a black robe from top to bottom and should be very powerful.

Hiding her phone on the back, she started dialing a number but the figure noticed it and with a wave of his hand the woman yelped when her phone exploded just like that.

Looking over to the door, the figure suddenly said, "Don't... I'm not here to hurt you"

"Who are you? and What do you want from me?", the woman asks while activating her elemental aura, she was ready to defend herself but at the same time surprised that this figure actually infiltrate the UWO main office.

Upon seeing the woman activating her aura,



"Huaakh!!", the woman widened her eyes as her pressure point got hit and dispersed her aura.

Grabbing her neck the figure slammed her onto the wall before looking at her with sternly, "Y-You one-eyed b-bastard, do you really just attack me in the UWO main office? You're dea- Hahhkk!"

Feeling the hand gripping her neck tighten, the woman groaned in pain.

"I'm going to tell you again, I'm not here to hurt you. I just need you to give me some files"

"G-Go to hell!"

"Just give me what I want and we're going to be done, you'll never have to see me again. You're Sebrof's secretary, right? Then you must have access to his documents, nod if you have access. If you lie... I will know", the figure said with his eyes glowing white brightly.

The woman hesitated for a moment but finally nodded her head, "What do you want?"

"I only want one file, give me the files that Sebrof had regarding Rex Silverstar. Everything he has about Rex Silverstar, I want you to copy it to my watch", the figure demanded forcefully.

Upon hearing this, the woman gritted her teeth, "T-That's highly classifie-Rrrghh!"

"Fine! Let me go and I'll copy the files to you", the woman finally gives up feeling that her neck was about to snap, the figure in front of her is way stronger than she is. Nothing she can do would suffice, and somehow she can't use any spell.

Pulling his hand away, the woman falls down to the ground coughing a couple of times.

While still rubbing her neck, the woman looks up glaringly.

"If you want the files then I need to go back to my office, I can only access them from there. Just give me your watch and I'll copy the file you wanted"

"Don't mistake me for a fool, you can do it through that tablet right?"

The figure pointed at the tablet she dropped before turning the woman's expression ugly.

Knowing that the woman is extremely hostile towards him for attacking her and jeoparding her career, the figure squats down to be the same eye level as her, "Believe me, you're gonna want to help me with this. I'll even give you all the credit when it's done"

"What is going to be done?"

"I'm going to take down a human impostor, and I'm telling you that it's going to make it into the headline..."

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