The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 563 Treacherous Werewolves And Stolen

Chapter 563 Treacherous Werewolves And Stolen

"Human! You dare venture this deep?!", a bulky Werewolf with blue eyes and black furs shouted.

From the way this bulky Werewolf leads the pack and the domineering aura he possesses, this bulky Werewolf is without a doubt the Alpha of the pack. Its appearance even brings a feeling of fierceness hardened through countless battles.

On his back lies eight other Werewolf Betas looking at Flunra with extreme malice.

Some of the Werewolves' lethal claws are soaked with blood showing that they have been hunting before, they surprisingly meet a human that is squatting beside a tree in front of an Unscented Violet Bilimbi.

Glancing over his shoulder, Flunra stood up with the fruit in his hand.

Just from a glance he recognized the Werewolf that is baring his fangs at him right now, and he can't help but shakes his head as the situation he was in right now feels very surreal for him.

'Human huh...', Flunra mutters to himself mockingly.

Since he joined the Silverstar Pack, at least forced to, his Werewolf form has been taken away.

Despite his human form current appearance now having some traits of his previous Werewolf form, he's without a doubt inside a human body. Flunra is a bit troubled before with this, but being exposed to this kind of situation makes him realize even more that he's not what he used to be.

"Did you not hear me, human?!", the bulky Werewolf growls once again.

But finding that there's no reaction from Flunra makes the bulky Werewolf grinds his teeth in anger as he continued, "Even if the Vampire Stronghold is no more, don't be arrogant enough to come this deep. It's our territory, and you just made a huge mistake!"

The bulky Werewolf contract his claws intending to attack this human in front of him.

Flunra didn't seem troubled feeling the malicious intent coming straight at him, and with calmness, he slowly turns his body around exposing his bright yellow eyes that are very sharp with no hint of fear.

Upon seeing this, the bulky Werewolf takes a step back unconsciously.

"What's wrong...?", a Werewolf beside the bulky Werewolf asks in puzzlement, it's not usual for the bulky Werewolf to take a step back like this in front of a human. Even stronger Awakened is not able to make the bulky Werewolf like this.

Out of nowhere, Flunra opens his mouth, "Walk away... Bahram"

"A-Arnulf...?!", the bulky Werewolf, Bahram exclaimed when he realized the human in front of him.

Since he's quite hostile with any human that he meets he didn't realize it at first, but now that he paid closer inspection the human in front of him looks very similar and smells very familiar. Not only that, this human even knows his name.

Because of that Bahram is convinced that the human in front of him is Arnulf.

Even the other Werewolves on the back were surprised to find that the human in front of them turns out to be Arnulf, the oldest and most experienced Werewolf that is currently awake in this era.

Recovering from the surprise, Bahram then frowns, "How did you become like this...?"

Despite having been living and interacting with other Supernatural races, Bahram never knew that a Supernatural like Arnulf can turn into a human like this. It must be a mask to infiltrate the human territory, but it still comes as a surprise.

But knowing Arnulf's background, Bahram didn't find it that surprising.

Shaking his head, Bahram then said with clear concern on his face, "We need to get back..."

"The loyalist has started to sniff around the other Alphas and it won't take long before they realized that we're onto something, we need to start finding places to hide from King Baralt until the Dark Prince becomes strong enough to revolt against him. But speaking of that, how did the campaign goes?"

Upon hearing this Flunra kept silent, he stares at Bahram for a couple of seconds.

"It's Flunra now"


"My name is Flunra now"

Bahram was confused as to why Arnulf changed his name like this, but what matters most is that he completely disregards everything that he has just said earlier, "Alright, Flunra. But how tell how th-"

"There's no we anymore..."

Flunra mutters whisperingly forcing Bahram to frown even harder.josei

Even though he has been in numerous kinds of situations, he has never been in a situation like this. Not only does this situation is very bizarre, but Bahram can feel that there's something wrong with this. Werewolf's senses are keen, and now those senses are telling him that something is wrong.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The Dark Prince is dead, killed by the Royal Black Prince"

Just like a bomb exploding inside their minds, Bahram and his pack members widened their eyes.

"I- It's not possible!"

"Royal Black Prince?! Is he also the New King?!"

"This is very bad... not only have we picked the wrong side but the New King is on the Human side?!"

Each one of the Werewolves behind Bahram exposes their concern which he very well knows, this is definitely grave news for them. King Baralt is on their backs and it won't take long before he realized their treachery, their Dark Prince is dead, and now they need to deal with the New King.

It's the worst situation they can be exposed to, layers of problems hit them like a truck.

But as they chatter amongst themselves in panic, Bahram looks at Flunra before his eyes widened in realization. And upon seeing Bahram's face, Flunra can't help but exhale roughly.

"Yes, the Royal Black Prince is now my Alpha..."

Upon hearing this Bahram gritted his teeth, "Everybody scatters! Head back to our turf!"

"Oh, leaving already...?"

Knowing that it's already too late Bahram slowly raises his gaze to see a figure sitting on a tree branch while dangling his legs playfully, Rex with his devious purple eyes filled with King Mark's power gazes at them from above.

Even though Bahram and his pack thought that they have hope to escape, they don't.

From the shadow of the night and the cover of the forest, Rex has already watched them and listened to their conversation from start to finish, and because of that their chance of escaping has already gone before they even realized it.

Hopping down from the tree branch, Rex landed silently on the ground.

Without even needing as much as exposing his aura, Bahram and his pack members can already feel the invisible suppression that made their bodies unable to move even a muscle.

It's the purple eyes that made them like this, Rex's eyes can instill fear in them.

Looking over to Flunra that kept his eyes still and his mouth silent, Rex can't help but feel quite surprised from the conversation he heard earlier, "So the reason you aim for Lady Giana is to make Zegrath stronger, huh... turns out you're planning a coup to take down King Baralt from his throne"

Upon hearing this, Flunra averted his gaze elsewhere with a sigh.

Rex cracks a smile seeing the reaction from Flunra that shows that he's right, he then gazes back at Bahram and his pack members before he said, "You... you're an Alpha right?"

"I- I...", finding that he was stuttering so much, Bahram gritted his teeth.

With a couple of deep breaths, he collects himself before his eyes then turn fierce and firm.

"I'm no traitor to my kind, I will not give you any answer. Over my dead body, Royal Black Prince..."

Although the display of resoluteness shows the will Bahram has in defending his race, Rex can't help but expose a smirk, 'Really now... why did it get easier than it already has?', he thought while chuckling inwardly.

Since he has been through much, he now can effectively read everyone on the opposing side.

One of the things he finds from someone like Bahram that said something similar to what he just said is that they have the same advantage and disadvantages. Rex knows that whatever he does Bahram wouldn't say anything, he has the resoluteness to even face death if necessary.

But there's one tiny bit problem...

Rex glances at the Werewolves behind Bahram that don't have the resoluteness even nearing him, each one of them is fearful just from feeling the invisible suppression leaking out of Rex's presence.

Exposing a grin, Rex then looks back at Bahram, "I believe you..."



Just like a shadow that is moving way faster than Bahram can even perceive, Rex made his move.

Activating his new upgraded skill, Executor Slash, his claws are now blazing with dark energy but the dark energy now looks like it burns with extreme heat from the rapid blinking it does. It was the phasing property that the skill possess.

With this new Executor Slash skill, Rex's claws can penetrate armor in a different way.

Not through tearing the armor with brute force or anything, but his claws will phase through the armor negating the armor's defensive ability and even going through skin and bones. Rex can control this phasing depending on what he's aiming for.

At this current moment, he aims to cuts the Werewolves' bones and hearts.

Seven notifications from the system popped into his vision before finally disappearing once again.

Bahram blinks his eyes one time and saw Rex still standing in front of him, but now there was a Werewolf being held by the neck by him. It's a female Werewolf judging from the womanly curve it has.

Ignoring the whimpering Werewolf under Rex's claws, Bahram slowly turns to his back.

Upon seeing the scene on his back, Bahram widened his eyes in absolute terror finding that his pack members are all dead with blood gushing out of their half-torn waists.

It happened so fast that Bahram didn't even realize that his pack members were attacked.

Out of nowhere, a cheeky voice penetrated his ears, "Guess I need some work in order to master my new skill, I intend to cut their bones and hearts but the phasing is very fast and hard to control so I needed up tearing their waist like that..."

Even Flunra was quite surprised by this, it was nothing like he has ever seen before.

Although it was very fast he can see that Rex's claws didn't even touch the Werewolves' skins, it just goes through it and slashed the inside. A very powerful skill that renders armor completely useless.

With this new skill, it doesn't matter what kind of armor the opponent wears.

Rex can just phase through it without much difficulty.

Looking back at Rex that is holding the female Werewolf, Bahram finally snapped out of his daze as his aura started to rile up chaotically responding to the anger he's feeling right now, "Bastard!! Why implicate them in this, I'm the Alpha!!"

"Your problem is with me!!", he roared angrily.


But upon seeing the chaotic aura coming from Bahram, Rex only responds by tightening his claws' grip on the female Werewolf's neck. She can't really do anything under Rex's might.


Bahram grinds his teeth so hard seeing this, it's clear that Rex is already on top of the situation.

If anyone has the resoluteness to face even death, then don't bring death to them. Bring it to someone that he cares about that doesn't have the same resoluteness, that is the weakness of people like Bahram.

Probably the same with Rex though, he can't really judge.

"Now that you know the situation, tell me everything regarding the Feral Phantomclaw Pack and the Teinar Family. I want to know their composition, territory, power, reputation, everything..."


Meanwhile, somewhere in Ratmawati City.

There are four men holding a baton standing in front of an entrance of a place, from their outfits it seems they are the security guard of the place. Most of them are yawning except for once as it's already night.

"Man, I feel a lot safer these days for some reason. Usually, it's very hard for me to be sleepy"

"Well, I agree that it suddenly feels safer. Probably because the Vampire Stronghold has been taken care of by President Sebrof and Sir Rex Silverstar..."

Two of the security guards on the left converse to kill the silence of the night.

But out of nowhere, another security guard approaches them from the side and said, "I know right, it does feel safer. He's such a talented young man, I'm envious of him. Please God, let me be him!"

Finding this man joining in the conversation, the two others chuckled.

"Nope you're not, you wouldn't last living as Sir Rex Silverstar"

"Why do you say that?"

Upon hearing this, the security guard takes out his phone before scrolling through it for a bit. It didn't take long before he turns the phone screen to the two others that are waiting expectantly, "Look, there's a biography and a brief history of Sir Rex Silverstar on the UWO official website. I've read it a couple of times already"

Taking the phone away, the two oblivious security guards started to read with wide eyes.

"His parents were killed by a Supernatural, joining the Military from a tender age, being recruited into a special unit of the military in his teenage years, and almost died in a secret mission to destroy a Ghoul's den being surrounded by all sides before getting bombarded..."

"Can you imagine being surrounded by Ghouls? Nope, I certainly wouldn't survive being him"

After checking the biography of Rex Silverstar on the UWO official webpage, the security guard that prayed to God to become Rex Silverstar undo his intention. But then suddenly,


"Fuck!", one of the security guards yelped in surprise.

Touching his chest, the security guard looks back at the entrance with a wry smile, "I'll never get used to that Demon Cropse's lightning, it's been five years since I worked here but I still can't..."

But then out of nowhere, the other security guard on the other side shouted.

"Hey! Hey!! Check the third temple!"

"What's wrong?", the others approached him hurriedly in confusion.

Looking down at the hologram screen that shows an alert signal, the three security guards immediately rush into the front entrance in a hurry while taking out the gun from their sides knowing that it might be trouble.

Running through many items and Supernatural corpses, they finally reach the last temple.

While still looking around warily expecting an intruder to the place, the three of them made their way and open the door exposing a spacious circular hall which is the inside of the third temple.

Upon seeing the glass box in the middle of the hall, the three security guards lower their guns.

"It's- It's stolen!"

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