The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 571 Herald Mark And Early Realization

Chapter 571 Herald Mark And Early Realization

'It's not a joke, this Herald Mark makes him way more powerful than before...'

Rex can't help but commented inside his head when his eyes glisten to check on Dabigor's stats, he already checked it before but now it's completely different. It's way different compared to before as if Dabigor has undergone an evolution in strength.

<Dabigor Elliot Barretto>

Race: Ancient High Werewolf

Power: Ninth Rank (Early) - Herald Mark

Mental: 6,101

Strength: 170,400

Agility: 102,500

Endurance: 131,000

Intelligence: 3,300

'How could he be this strong...? King Baralt is much more formidable than I thought', Rex thought with a frown, Dabigor's stats are comparable to his and might even be higher. There's only one thing that he considers a powerful source of power.

Only the Eternal Curse finds secret genuine praise from Rex, it's a very powerful curse.

Calidora always matches him in terms of strength through the Eternal Curse link and even prevents him from killing her despite severing her head alongside the Witch of Chaos saying that it's a very strong curse, it's clear that the Eternal Curse is a powerful thing.

But now another appeared out of nowhere, the Herald Mark.

King Baralt basically created a ninth-rank Werewolf by just bestowing the Herald Mark to Dabigor.

Since he just reached the ninth-rank realm, he doesn't know anything regarding the realm.

But seeing this first-hand makes Rex praise himself for not being reckless, he thankfully managed to subdue his ego and still act carefully despite being a ninth-rank being. If he met King Baralt, he's convinced that he won't come out unscathed.

Rex now knows for a fact that King Baralt is way more efficient in using his King Mark.

Not only that a Werewolf with King Mark is strong already, but their proficiency will also allow them to gain the ability to bestow this Herald Mark. Even though Rex is quite interested in this advancement, King Baralt reaches that realm first.

With the Herald Mark, Dabigor is now comparable to the current him which is very terrifying.

Imagine fighting on the battlefield against an army of Werewolves, the fight comes down to the last Werewolf which should already seal the victory as there should be nothing it can do. But then, the Herald Mark comes to play as the last Werewolf suddenly becomes a ninth-rank Werewolf and slaughters its enemies.

Even that alone shows the power of the Herald Mark, and many would find it sheer terrifying.

'I know that the Feral Phantomclaw Pack is a prominent pack, but for King Baralt to actually bestow the Herald Mark to Dabigor is something else. But isn't Ruston the Alpha? Why would King Baralt give it to Dabigor?'

Many questions popped into his head but were left unanswered.

But despite the questions swimming inside his mind the fact that Dabigor has the Herald Mark is undisputable, Rex needs to deal with this first before worrying about other things. In addition to that, he's also not in peak performance.

Only 10% of his soul is left inside his body, and his mind is not in the right place because of that.josei

Rex is not the only one that is worried, Flunra is also frowning when he senses that Dabigor suddenly becomes stronger than himself and even Rex. Despite knowing the path of the ascension of King Mark, Flunra was caught off guard by this.

But he can't be blamed as the world shouldn't be prepared for the ascension yet.

Even though he has the power of the Ancient Rune that was exclusive only to him and a couple of Enchanters, Flunra can't cover the gap between him and a ninth-rank realm Werewolf. It's simply impossible to reach.

But nevertheless, he still has a couple of tricks up his sleeves that he could use to help Rex.

In response to the rampaging aura that oozes out of Dabigor's body, Rex activates his enhancements skill covering his body with moonlight and red energy. With this enhancement, he becomes even stronger.

But out of nowhere, a smirk appeared on Dabigor's face.

Rex readies himself expecting an unavoidable fight between him and Dabigor, from the looks of the situation it seems Agatha's plead to Dabigor falls on deaf ears. But this was not a surprise though, he's more used to Werewolves being this brutal compared to Agatha.

A moment after that, Dabigor's eyes flash with dark blue light.

It's not blinding Rex or anything, his eyes just flickered for a split second before Rex suddenly feels a burning sensation on his chest. Notifications from the system also appeared showing him the effect caused by Dabigor.

<The user has been instilled with Prey Mark>

<All of the Hunter's stats will be increased so long the Prey Mark is engraved on the user>

Upon reading the notifications from the system Rex can't help but frown, he looks down at his chest only to find a sheep symbol but it's glowing dark blue. During the Wolf Moon, he also gains access to this ability from the system.

Compared to his Prey Mark, this one is dark blue colored instead of black and provides an effect.

Without a doubt, the Hunter that the system referred to should be Dabigor. Just like the Red Force and the Pure Brace of Moonlight skill, Dabigor's stats got enhanced by this Prey Mark he just induced.

Glancing to the side, Flunra noticed the Prey Mark appearing on Rex's chest.

Recognizing the Prey Mark he then whispered to Rex who is still in a standoff against Dabigor, "Super Moon is the highest amplifying effect which allows Dabigor to reach this strength, and it seems he's birthed in the Hunter's Moon. Normally, he wouldn't be able to inflict the Prey Mark on you but with the Super Moon energy from the Herald Mark that becomes possible"

Just as he said that a couple more Werewolves arrived at the place baring their fangs at Rex.

Their animalistic steps coupled with the beastly red eyes are glowing from the darkness behind Dabigor, stalking and watching the supposed prey that they're going to take down this night.

In this case, the prey is Rex.

Agatha didn't sit idle and approaches Dabigor that is glaring at Rex filled with a hint of confusion and uncertainty, "Uncle, please don't kill him! Look, he didn't hurt me so he's not a bad human!"

"What are you saying, Agatha? Every human is bad, no exception", Dabigor replied sharply.

But then his eyes shifted back to Rex before he added, "Especially this one, he's the evilest of them all. Despite being a Werewolf just like us, he decided to side with the humans and that alone should be punishable by death! Origin's judgment is absolute!"

Upon hearing this, Agatha was instantly confused.

Rex looks human from every angle so it doesn't make sense for her about what Dabigor just said, he shouldn't be a Werewolf since there's no scent or anything that shows him to be a Werewolf underneath.

Signaling to the other Werewolves on the back, Agatha was taken away forcefully.

Rex's eyes are fixated on the struggling Agatha that is being pulled to the back, his hand is already holding the Amuerus Katana as he intends to brawl with Dabigor. It's going to be good for humanity if he killed Dabigor right now.

'No matter what I think, this one is beyond saving. I need to kill him...', Rex thought determinedly.

With the determination to kill Dabigor right here and right now, he gets into his battle stance before bending his knees to gain a better foothold. If he can't bring Agatha then Dabigor should suffice.

It's going to give him the comfort in killing Ruston later, at least that is what he had hoped.

But his eyes suddenly caught the struggling Agatha when he was about to move, she wanted to stop the fight desperately but she was nothing but a fourth-rank Werewolf. She can break free from the other Werewolves that are at least in the sixth-rank realm.

"Leave!! Just go!!"

Rex's body freezes upon hearing the shout coming from Agatha.

For a brief moment, he remembered that he promised to leave after Agatha answered his question, and this put him in a dilemma. Rex has given his words to her, and he must fulfill his words.

"What are we going to do? Are we going to fight?", Flunra asks from the side.

After resolving the dilemma inside his head, Rex raises his gaze to take one last look at Dabigor that managed to pierce his chest earlier that is still bleeding. Only this time he would let him go, if Dabigor attacked humans then Rex will not show mercy.

With that out of the way, Rex then instructed, "We're going for a retreat..."

"Huh...?! We've come this far, I thought you wanted to bring back at least Dabigor"

"I said we're going to retreat"

Under Rex's sharp glance Flunra can only stop his bickering before both of them dash away, Rex didn't forget to give Agatha one last look before dashing away. It seems he had already made up his mind about this.

"Dabigor, aren't we going to pursue them? You have the Herald Mark!"

"No, let them go. Even though I have the Herald Mark, that Werewolf is the Prince in the human territory which should also possess King Mark. I wouldn't stand a chance if I pushed him further"

Dabigor can only look in the direction where Rex and Flunra have gone to.

After a moment his eyes then shifted to Agatha on the side, he saw her slapping the hand of a Werewolf that held her before angrily. Dabigor then approaches her with steady steps before he gazes down at her with a cold look, "Do you have any idea what kind of danger you put yourself into...?"

"Danger? You're wrong, those humans are not like the other humans!", Agatha rebutted.

Without even waiting for Dabigor to answer, she throws her face away before leaving the place. Other Werewolves that have gathered make way for her, they never saw Agatha this angry before.

Upon seeing this Dabigor can only sigh helplessly, "Go back to the valley, we shouldn't be out"

Since he was the substitute for the Alpha of the Feral Phantomclaw Pack, the other Werewolves nodded their heads obediently before they started heading back. Dabigor looks at their backs before he noticed the wooden plate alongside the Black Dewberries on the ground.

"My goodness, I forgot how young ones can be stubborn sometimes..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Dabigor collects the Black Dewberries before he too heads back.

A moment later,

Rex stopped not far from the place he met with Agatha and Dabigor, he paused for a second while Flunra is waiting for him to say something from the back. It's a waste of journey in Flunra's opinion, but he knows where Rex came from.

Finding the need to say something, Flunra sighs helplessly.

But before he can even say anything, Rex suddenly clenched his fists and slammed them to the ground angrily. It was not a surprise to find that the entire place tremble because of that, he has a ninth-rank realm power after all.

The strongest realm in the current world.

Even though Rex's the one that instructed to retreat, he seems to be holding in his bloodlust too. It's clear from his heavy breaths and clenched jaw that he's holding something back throughout the encounter.

After slamming the ground, Rex looks around trying to find something to hit.

Upon realizing this Flunra immediately opens his mouth in the hope, Rex, his new Alpha can calm down from the frustration that is overflowing his emotions right now.

"Most of what she was saying is true, the Ancient Humans are not like the humans now. Under the rule of the Great Emperor of Humanity, the Ancient Humans dominated the Supernatural races even the Demon race which is the strongest race alongside the Angel race. Unlike the Demon Race that surrendered to the Ancient Humans' domination, the Angel race kept resisting and the Ancient Humans almost commit an entire genocide of the Angel race"

Remembering ancient times, the dark era of the Supernatural. Flunra feels a shiver on his spine.

"Other Supernatural races are given the same choice, become slaves like the Demon race or face extinction like the Angel race. Most of the race decided to surrender, and they then become enslaved for more than a millennia. When you see the bigger picture, it's not hard to see why the Supernaturals now act like this, right?", Flunra smiled, he also realized for humans now it might seem unfair.

But then he realized something, he then can't help but let out a chuckle, "If it weren't for being your pack member and under your influence, even I wouldn't be able to say this easily. Mentioning the past would just make me bloodthirsty"

Upon hearing what Flunra said, Rex kept silent with a pondering look on his face.

In just a moment he controlled his stirred emotions before he takes a huge deep breath, he then suddenly commanded without even facing Flunra, "Go help the others, help them catch the Shapeshifter. I'm going to kill Ruston alone..."

Without saying anything back, Flunra nodded his head before leaving the place.

After Flunra left the place heading to the others, Rex looks up at the night sky, 'It's not fair... why would the world make me understand this now? Why not later? Why not after I take my revenge on Ruston?'

Rex cursed inside his head, it would be better for him to get the satisfaction of revenge first.

But now knowing the past and for the first time trying to be in the Supernatural's shoes, Rex knows that if he were them then he would seek salvation and revenge too. But then a flash of his parents appeared in his mind.

Even though he tries hard not to, his eyes suddenly swam in the tears.

Unconsciously a single luminous tear due to the moonlight gleaming down from the sky flows down his cheek, Rex's lips quirked up into a helpless smile. Everything is tranquil, the night only rings with the sound of insects which amplifies the loneliness of the night.

Soon enough the sound of insects was drowned by the sudden rain.

Ignoring the pain from the wound on his chest, the droplets of water running around his face is all Rex can feel right now.  Leaves of the trees around him are also wet from the rain, beads of water landed on the leaves before flowing aimlessly without a destination or purpose.

Exactly like how Rex is feeling right now.

"Mom... Dad... What am I supposed to do now? I'm still not willing..."

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