The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 574 Perfect World

Chapter 574 Perfect World

While walking toward the origin that started this odyssey of his in a world full of Supernaturals, the rain seems to get heavier and heavier with each step he takes. Droplets of moisture kept wetting his already-drenched clothes.

So much rain is pouring creating long drumming noises from the sheer intensity of it.

Each of the droplets of water that falls from the sky massage the spot of Rex's body that it landed on, one particular big droplet landed right on his forehead before slowly making its way down to his nose temple passing the two glowing iridescent purple eyes.

Purple lines were left on the void that Rex passes, his mind and body are only fixated on Ruston.

Throughout his way back here the rain has followed him constantly without fail, Rex can sense the air blowing his way and pushing the large clouds in the sky toward wherever he goes. It was just like the saying of the old.

The good rain knows the best time to fall.

Following along with the beat of the rain that keeps on getting more intense, Rex's heart is also doing the same as it beat faster and faster the closer he got to Ruston. His eyes are showing resoluteness but his body is doing the complete opposite.

It's almost the same bodily reaction of someone that is feeling fearful.

Both of Rex's feet stopped a couple of steps away from Ruston that is eyeing him with unreadable eyes whilst still being chained, blood is flowing down his abdomen to his legs before finally dropping down to the ground.

With his power restricted by the chains, the mutated wolves earlier damages him a great deal.

Ruston felt humiliated but he exhales lightly amidst the somber of the bleak atmosphere created by the rain, it was more like a sigh of relief upon seeing that Rex has come back alone without anyone with him.

After gazing at him for a couple of seconds, Rex averted his eyes to look at his parents' tombs.

Squatting in front of the tombs that are a day away from breaking apart due to negligence with Ruston on his back, Rex takes out the necklace, the only memento he had regarding his actual parents.

It was his father's necklace that he inherited with a silver pendant shaped like a star inside a circle.

Back then his mother always told him that this necklace has a magical power to repel any evil, a necklace that will keep him safe. Remembering the night when it all went down, Rex really believed that the necklace has magical powers.

Clenching the necklace tightly in his hand, Rex closes his eyes and prayed for the two of them.

Everything he has ever done back in the military and even after he got the system, it all came down to this moment that he's been wanting for so long. It is supposed to feel great but that kind of feeling is not inside him right now.

Ruston watches him from the back in silence, his droopy eyes are uncertain about the situation.

Not long after that as if the entire world knows the trajectory of the events that were about to occur, the heavy rain suddenly lessened into small drops of moisture in nothing but a heartbeat.

The once-drumming noises turn into a long humming sound.

"I have a loving mother and a strong father, we were a small happy family. We lived life modestly, but the breakfast that day is especially better than the usual days. It was the first day of my school, and both of them are very excited for me", Rex suddenly open his mouth with a sense of nostalgia.

Smiling is not something he wears often, but this time a genuine smile blooms on his face.

While looking at the two tombs in front of him with eyes filled with hollowness, he continued, "When my father dropped me off, I recognize the look he was making. It's the look that he wears when he's hiding something that he's eager to tell. Knowing he was planning a surprise back home, I bravely go to school alone just like he wanted. My mind never stopped wandering the surprise he prepared"

Rex gently touched the cracked tombstone of his deceased father filled with love.

After saying that he then stands up and looks up to the sky, he took a deep breath to calm the increasing weight of his breaths before finally turning around to look at Ruston's confused eyes.

"But he never got a chance to show me. It was all because of you..."

In a split second, Rex's expression contorted into a brutal expression remembering the nightmare that keep repeating inside his head for god knows how many years. Something that was caused by the two-legged wolf in front of him right now.

When Ruston was about to say something, Rex vanished before grabbing him by the muzzle.

"Do you know what I need to go through to reach this state?! How I turned into this?! How much sacrifice I needed to make?! How many Supernaturals... How many people have I killed?! DO YOU?!"


Rex's aura blasted to the surrounding like a forceful wind that crumbles the buildings around him.

Even his parents' tombstones on the back crumbled from that energy explosion of Rex activating his King Mark that is now clearly seen and glowing on his forehead, his purple eyes glow even brighter filled with pain and killing intent.

Not only that but Rex instantly turned into his Werewolf form which is outright terrifying.

With his other hand that is now turned into black-steel claws sharp enough to kill a ninth-rank entity, Rex lightly caresses Ruston's face without touching it using his trembling hand. It's trembling because of the self-restraint that he developed throughout the years.

Sparking a madness through his eyes, Rex then asks, "Do you know the feeling...?"

"The feeling of wanting to rip something to shreds, the feeling of letting out all the piling anger inside of you that has always been on the verge of erupting, but then you realized that you can't do that?!"

Rex's tone keeps increasing like the madness is increasingly affecting him.

It was everything that he had inside of him, the pent-up frustration, hatred, anger, and everything that he has been keeping to himself and locked away that is now pouring out like a red tide that wanted to drown the entity that caused all of this.

Although he has always believed that this day will come, the pain is crippling him from the inside.

"You have no idea how bad I wanted to do what I want... to do to you..."

Throwing Ruston's face to the side Rex turns around before walking left and right with the dilly rain falling from the sky, he was contemplating very hard or maybe even trying to press down the anger that is too much for him to handle in the current moment.

Even though he has perfect control of his anger usually, Ruston's presence is affecting it.

Anything that he was capable of doing was stolen away in front of the Werewolf that killed his parents, even the Sanity stat slowly going down further and further just from standing in front of Ruston.

"We're slaves to our anger, we're Werewolves. It's our curse..."

Ruston finally open his mouth while slowly glancing back at Rex that is rubbing his face roughly with his chest heaving up and down violently, this saying made Rex stop on his track before Ruston added with a sigh.

Nothing he does right now will change the outcome, and this feeling erases his animalistic side.


"I've never seen a level of control you had in other Werewolves, most would've tortured and killed me by now if I killed their parents. Teinar Family is just like you said, peaceful, modest, and never wanted any problem but the damned Ancient Humans killed half of us for fun"

'Them again... it's all because of them', Rex thought amidst his anger.

For once Ruston shows a similar face that Rex wore earlier, it's a face of remembering the past, "It was all I could think of when the seal finally break and finds humans has regressed tremendously. Killing humans is the only thing on my mind, I was lost in bloodlust. Even I can say this now because I know the outcome of our last talk"

Looking at Rex that is the one silent right now, Ruston shows a hint of a smile.

"You really are different than us..."

Upon hearing this, Rex was confused about what he meant by that but he then continued, "No matter what I've experienced in the past, it doesn't justify what I did to your family just because they were also humans. But I think you know that now since you're alone here..."

Rex's eyes enlarged for a second realizing what Ruston meant by that.

Not long before when he chained Ruston in front of his parents' tombstones, he promised Ruston that he would bring every single member of the Teinar Family and also the Feral Phantomclaw Pack and kill them in front of his eyes.

It was so that Ruston can feel the pain Rex experienced throughout those sleepless nights.

But now instead of bringing the Werewolves that are a part of the Teinar Family and the Feral Phantomclaw Pack, Rex comes back with no one aside from the wrath and intention to kill Ruston.

From this alone, Ruston can assume that Rex has decided to kill him and him alone.

Although it's very hard to hear it from the creature that killed his parents, Rex agreed in his heart that the perpetrator is the one that needs to be faulted not the others just because they came from the same race.

Out of everything, he at least slowly accepted that fact even though it was very hard.



"I met with Agatha alongside your pack"

Upon hearing this Ruston can't help but let out a light chuckle before coughing blood a couple of times, he then looked back at Rex, "Agatha, huh... she must've told you about the dream of her, that this era can be peaceful if both sides compromise. A world without war. Pretty naive I must say, but maybe that is possible and exactly what the world needed"

"She's one of the good ones, and I'm glad you didn't kill her", he added with a somewhat of tone.

Moving slightly making the chains clashes against each other, Ruston straightens his body before looking at Rex with a surprisingly vibrant smile, "Now then, give me what I deserve. Don't be stuck up on me, Royal Black Prince. Anyone with the bloodline of a Royal Black Prince is destined for more than just an old writhing Werewolf like me..."

Rex's body tensed up upon hearing this, his expression turns grim as he looks down at the ground.

'I'm ready...'

After convincing himself with absolute conviction the Amuerus Katana slowly appears in his hand exposing its majestic appearance, a pearl of the rain falls down right at his furry hand that is holding the Amuerus Katana tightly.

Slowly the water traveled through the sharpness gracing the runes that gleamed with energy.

Lifting his head to see Ruston that is already accepting the fate that lies in front of him, Rex took the first step forward and everything in his eyes started to become in slow motion as if he was the one that is about to die.

Now his senses are put to the max, he can feel everything around him more clearly.

Droplets of water are now slowly falling down to the ground, the steady breathing that came out of his mouth, Ruston's heart that is pounding steady and calm despite the shortening distance between him and the Amuerus Katana.

It was a scenery of a trundling calm and sorrow which somewhat depicted the world beautiful.

Rex lifted the Amuerus Katana slowly as his strides are getting closer to the chained Ruston, his heart is beating fast and hot anticipating what was about to come contrary to Ruston's heartbeat. When he reaches close enough, he stopped and looks at Ruston's unwavering eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Those are the last words that came out of Ruston's mouth knowing that this was it.

Even though it was hard to do what he always thought was easy before, Rex gripped the handle of the Amuerus Katana tightly knowing that he needs to see this through to the end. While staring clear at Ruston, his arm makes a swift and sudden movement.

Because of his heightened senses in the current moment, Rex can feel everything.

The hot blade gleaming with energy sliced into the side and up toward his heart. The feeling of flesh being cut open and even the heart penetrated, Rex can feel them all including the strength that is slowly being zapped away from Ruston's body.

Rex takes one step forward as Ruston's head falls to his shoulder.

Blood started to ooze on the corner of his lips and the katana penetrated his heart, but instead of pain there was a smile on his face, "I'll also apologize to your parents when I met them. In the spirit world, races shouldn't matter I hope. I always wondered about the place after death, maybe the perfect world Agatha described is there... a peaceful world..."

With the last word that Ruston said weakly, Rex clenched his jaw before twisting the katana.

Feeling the weight that suddenly increased on his shoulder, his expression threatens to break out into sorrow but Rex holds it in. But despite his effort, a quiet sob followed by a tear falling down escaped his numbing emotion.

Looking at the lonely clouded sky, Rex drowned himself alone in the abandoned city.

'I've finally done it, I've finally avenged you. Mom... Dad...'

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